Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 66 Remation

Di Changli said that he would be busy for a period of time, which is not a lie. He is going to carry out a secret mission to the Caribbean Galaxy. It will take several months to turn around.

Before leaving, Di Chang left to meet Robert and Sheila and specifically told them face to face, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

Robert said something to Di Changli at this meeting, which made him feel very surprised and surprised.

Robert said: "Xiao Di, I'm sorry for forcing you to walk on a road that you don't want to go over the years, but this mistake is irreparable. I hope you can forgive... Well, Sheila is tired of this black career that can't see the light and wants to live an ordinary but stable life. So I decided to stop doing another big job and accompany Sheila to live in seclusion in a beautiful and calm place.

"Mr. Robert, you mean..." Di Changli's heart suddenly beat violently, and he didn't believe his ears.

"Xiao Di." Sheila smiled and said, "What he means is that he will not interfere with anything about you in the future. From today on, you are free to choose the life you want. First of all, I wish you can find a truly happy life."

Freedom suddenly came under an unprepared accident. Di Changli's brain was blank for a moment. He took a deep breath, full of gratitude, and slowly said, "Thank you very much... Ms. Sheila, Mr. Robert, can I do anything else for you?"

Di Changli does not doubt the authenticity of what Robert and Sheila said. Over the years, he knows that they are actually very emotional people. Although the purpose is to use themselves, they have never really wanted to hurt themselves. If not, he would have found a way to get rid of them or even completely solve them.

"I'm very satisfied that you have this intention." Robert looked complicated and said with obvious relief, "I have started to arrange it. If I need your help then, I will tell you."

He stopped and stared at Di Changli, with vague pride and pride in his eyes, and said, "I can be said to be more wonderful than most people in my life, but when I get old, I think there will be only two things that are the greatest achievement in my life. The first thing is that Xiao Di, one day, you will become a great existence that attracts the attention of the world, and at the beginning of your growth, you will have my credit.

"Thank you, Mr. Robert." Di Changli didn't think he would be so outstanding, and he didn't know how to respond to Robert's praise and expectations. He had to change the topic: "What about the second achievement?"

"The second achievement, of course, is Sheila." Robert turned his head and looked at Sheila affectionately. It is God's extremely lucky to get Sheila's love. Even if I exchange the whole universe for one of her hair, I won't agree.

Shee's cheeks were slightly red, and she glanced at him sweetly. She gently pulled out a hair and said with a smile, "I agree. I don't want the whole universe. You can exchange it for a planet."

Di Changli felt a burst of warmth, and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind. If Robert and Sheila were his relatives, would he still resist their arrangement so strongly?

Looking at Robert and Sheila leaving hand in hand, Di Changli suddenly found that he should be ecstatic about it, but it was not so strong. On the contrary, I still vaguely feel sad.

What is the reason for this strange feeling? Di Changli couldn't find a reasonable explanation and answer.


Di Changli was not alone to carry out a mission in the Caribbean Galaxy. The Social Order Bureau also arranged a law enforcement guard. Because of the confidentiality system, when he set out to meet, he knew that the companion was Susan.

When Susan saw Di Changli, she was obviously very surprised and said angrily, "How can it be you?"

Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said, "I hope it's not me either." I have a headache, and I think that the journey of this mission will not be too stable.

"What's wrong with you?" An internal service official of the Social Order Bureau, who was responsible for conveying the specific tasks, came over and looked at them doubtfully. If so, you can apply so that the Ministry of Internal Affairs can adjust the task candidates in time.

"No." The two answered with one voice, and then Susan quietly stared at Di Changli.

"That's good." The internal service officials gave them the mission information and the required documents, and then routinely gave them a few words and left.

After opening the certificate for a while, Susan almost jumped up and shouted, "What? Are we going to pretend to be a couple? No, I don't agree. I absolutely disagree."

Di Changli took it over and couldn't help laughing: "Well, go and ask for it to be changed."

"Why don't you go?" Susan stared at him.

"Because I don't care." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders again and smiled, "One more thing to remind you that our space flight will depart in a few hours. You have to speed up."

Susan was hoarse, thought about it carefully, and hummed, "Forget it, let's go." The preliminary preparations for this mission have been coordinated. If she applies to change her cover identity, there is no doubt that many of the previous preparatory plans will have to be overturned and will not be approved.

When they arrived at the airport, it was only two hours before the departure of the space flight. The two seized the time to board the ship.

Because of the Xinghai storm, countless spacecraft locusts came from the space dock outside, and the number of people traveling in the passenger airport was greatly reduced. It didn't take long for the two to complete the formalities to board the space cruise ship.

Interstellar flights have a range of at least a few days. In order to ensure comfort, space cruise ships are usually extremely huge. The same is true of this flight. It has a complete range of facilities, including artificial beaches, mountain and lake parks, banks, shops, theaters, nightclubs, casinos and various stadiums, and so on, and even a small racing track. Each flight can take 50,000 passengers, and there are more than 20,000 crew and fixed service personnel on the space cruise ship alone, which is not too much to be called an active tourist city.

The treatment of law enforcement guards has always been very high in all aspects, but this is a secret task. In order to avoid attracting attention, only a VIP cabin has been arranged for Di Changli and Susan. A tall and slim flight attendant stood at the entrance of the VIP passage and enthusiastically welcomed them into the cabin.

Following the flight attendant, Susan suddenly found the focus of Di Changli's eyes. Her pretty face suddenly sank and whispered, "Bastard, what are you looking at?"

"What do you think?" Di Changli's eyes still stayed on the flight attendant's twisted slender waist and round buttocks, as well as the snow-white and seductive calves under the skirt, all of which did not care about Susan's contempt.

"Shameless." Susan said hatefully, "I really don't know what An Beier fell in love with you as a scum."

"Maybe it's my shamelessness." Di Changli said as if nothing had happened.

Susan was so angry that she was speechless. She knew that she was just holding her breath in vain with this extremely shameless guy and simply closed her mouth.

"Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith." The flight attendants led them to a separate cabin at the upper level of the space cruise ship, with a charming smile on her beautiful face: "This flight will take 18 standard days. During this period, the first flight attendant will be responsible for your daily services. If you have any special needs, please let me know and I will try my best. Meet your requirements. Now please take a look at the accommodation. If you feel that there is anything that does not meet the requirements or needs to be added, I will ask someone to arrange it immediately.

"No, it's all good."

Di Chang left the first to look around. Although it is an ordinary VIP cabin, the cabin is still quite spacious and luxurious. In addition to the bedroom, the living room, lounge, study and bathroom are all available, as well as a private gym. This is the second time that Di Changli left the Roman colonial star for a space voyage. Compared with the living environment of the hunting spacecraft June Flower during that trip, it was simply a heaven and earth. He glanced at the flight attendant's beautiful chest, saw the name on the badge, and smiled, "Beauty and lovely Miss Domino, the cabin where you rested should not be far away, right? When I need it, I hope to find you at any time. With your company, I think this boring journey will become very, very pleasant.

The charming smile of the flight attendant couldn't help but stiffen. She glanced at Susan, who had begun to be cloudy, and then returned to normal. She smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Smith, someone will serve you when you ring the ring bell, but it's not necessarily me." She secretly despised herself and thought that Mr. Smith seemed to be a romantic bad person. His wife was so beautiful and paid attention to the opposite sex in front of her, and it was really strange that Mrs. Smith could not resist being furious.

In the past, Susan had indeed been furious and angry for An Beier's impotence, but now she knows that it's useless to say anything to this shameless plus third-level guy, so she simply turned a deaf ear to it. After the flight attendant left, Susan said coldly, "I sleep in the bedroom and you sleep on the sofa in the living room."

"Is this a command? I remember that you should be a second-class major. Di Changli said quietly. Therefore, this task seems to be based on me.

Susan was stunned. That's not true. Di Changli's promotion speed is ridiculous. Now he has become a third-level major, and his rank is a little higher than hers. He said angrily, "Bastard, do you know how to respect women?"

"Respect is mutual." Di Changli took a look at her and said lightly, "Others give me a little respect, and I don't hesitate to give others two points of respect, but can such an attitude be called respect for me? Also, in the past, you were rude to me and I didn't care about you, but now it's during the mission. Your words and deeds are a serious insult to your superiors. This time I can forgive you, and don't blame me next time.

"What about next time?" Susan opened her beautiful eyes and said angrily, "I know you are better than me. If you have the ability, you can teach me a lesson."

Di Changli quietly looked at Susan, who was angry and her eyes were full of provocation. After a moment, he said, "I'm very disappointed." Then he said, "For special circumstances, coupled with you as a woman, I can meet your request, and the bed in the bedroom belongs to you. However, please remember that I will not accommodate your unreasonable demands next time.

Seeing his sudden retreat, Susan was stunned and subconsciously said, "Thank you."

Di Changli waved his hand and didn't say anything. He left the bedroom to Susan, went to the living room to open the three-dimensional film and television, lay on the big and soft sofa, and found a comfortable posture to enjoy the latest martial arts life annual regular season.

Not long after, the space cruise ship flew away from the airport and smoothly slid into the vast starry sky.

"You just said, very disappointed." Perhaps too bored, Susan walked out of the bedroom and asked Di Changli, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Di Changli replied lazily, not squint, as if she was only air.

Susan was rarely angry and approached and said, "Actually, I also know that you are disappointed in me."

Hearing that her tone was very peaceful, Di Changli was a little surprised. He glanced at her and said lightly, "Oh, is that right? We are just colleagues, and we can't talk about personal friendship or disappointment.

"You're lying. We are not ordinary colleagues." Susan said, "Because I'm An Beier's best friend, and you are the person she likes."

"So what?" Di Changli said indifferently, "This does not mean that we must become friends. Besides, you are also very clear about the relationship between me and An Beier. She is just a temporary impulse. It won't be long before she will forget me, so we won't have any intersection."

"An Beier is so simple and emotional. You are the first person she likes. How could she forget?" Susan was so indignant that she couldn't help but want to lose her temper again and hummed, "Do you think she is just acting like you, a romantic guy?"

Di Changli smiled and did not argue with her. He has made up his mind to complete this task in the Caribbean galaxy. After returning to the Roman Galaxy to deal with some affairs, he will resign from the Social Order Bureau. From then on, the opportunity to meet Ambeer is very small. After a long time, Ambe will naturally forget him.

Looking at the sarcastic smile hanging on his firm lips, Susan was suddenly upset and indignantly hugged her friend: "What's wrong with An Beier? Why do you treat her like that?"

Di Changli raised his eyelids and replied with a lazy attitude: "Well, yes, she is very good. I think people like me don't deserve her at all. It's that simple."

"You know yourself. To be honest, I think so." Susan stared at him. But is this your truth?"

"What do you think?" Di Changli spread his hands.

This guy is still lying. Susan thought hatefully, knowing that there would be no result no matter what she said, she was unwilling to change the topic: "Should we discuss this secret mission?"

"There is nothing to discuss. This operation is not difficult. All we need to pay attention to is not to let the official department of the Caribbean Galaxy hold the braids and return in time. Even if it is found, there will be no big trouble." Di Changli said indifferently.

"This task is not as simple as you said. The situation is more complicated." Susan frowned slightly and looked at him and said, "Do you really don't know, or are you pretending to be confused?"

"Is the situation more complicated?" Di Changli looked at her strangely and suddenly realized something. Then his face became slightly solemn and said, "You mean... Well, I understand."