Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 11 Group Brawl

Looking out from a narrow fist-sized window, the deep sky is full of sparkling stars, far away and clear. Although it is beautiful, it is so far away that it can never be touched, like an illusory dream.

Once upon a time, I also flew freely and happily in the beautiful and vast starry sky...

The waste cat slowly withdrew its sight, wiped away the tears from the corners of its eyes, lay on the cold and rough kang**, recalling its mother's loving voice and smile, as well as the lovely pretty face of the girl next door.

Because he failed to find the water source, the waste cat was severely whipped and punished for food all day. Pain and hunger make it difficult for waste cats to fall asleep. After a long time, it was not easy to make his consciousness fall into hazy. In the dream, two warm smiling faces appeared alternately, soothing and comforting his painful and exhausted body and soul. If you don't think about them, the waste cat may not be able to survive for a day on the planet.

Sweet and happy dreams are always short-lived, hateful and helpless, and the sky is bright again.

He hurriedly got up and washed, and got two slices of black bread and a small bowl of porridge. After swallowing three or two mouthfuls, the waste cat rushed to the square where they gathered every morning as quickly as possible. Otherwise, as long as it exceeds the prescribed time, it must be whipped twice.

Paradise is located in a separate asteroid system in the northwest of the Galactic Federation. There are rich and scarce mineral resources around the world. Originally, as an important mining star development, the government has invested a lot of materials in infrastructure. However, in the initial construction process, it was found that the geological composition of the planet was extremely complex and not suitable for large-scale mechanized overall mining, so the original huge development plan was shelved.

Although the timely investment in divestment is not too high and the federal government does not have much economic losses, it would be a pity to give up the mineral resources on the planet. Therefore, the federal government intends to lease Paradise Star to private enterprises. However, because it is necessary to recruit workers and immigrants for manual mining, it also has to spend a lot of money on security. Together with various costs, the cost of output is very high and there is little room for profit, so no private company to undertake it. This chicken rib business led to the miscarriage of the lease plan.

The abandonment of Paradise has become a failure in the federal government's governance and investment in the past 20 or 30 years, and has also become a mental illness for many people. It was not until a chance that this problem was solved.

The opportunity to solve this problem was that a subordinate official of the Federal Bureau of Mines was sentenced to death for killing his boss for jealousy. In order to save his life, the little official racked his brains and wrote a book on the idea of making the whole paradise star a place for criminals to be exiled, proposing to let the prisoners act as cheap workers. Power, send troops to supervise and develop and extract the minerals of Paradise Star. This proposal aroused the interest of senior federal officials and instructed the relevant units to conduct in-depth research and found that there was a great possibility of implementation, and immediately put into concrete action. Therefore, the little official got what he wanted and pardoned the death penalty and became one of the first prisoners to be exiled to Paradise. However, this guy was not so lucky that he couldn't hold on until the end. Unfortunately, he died on the planet when he was only a few years away from exile.

After years of repatriation, more and more prisoners on the planet of heaven have finally exceeded hundreds of millions, no less than some remote colonial planets. Driven by these cheap labor, the economic output of Paradise Star is also increasing year by year, developing into a big cake that is difficult to ignore. In the face of huge interests, several major factions of the federal government failed to capture this fruit from the sky after many open and secret battles. In the end, the parties still compromised with each other and continued to be managed by the military.

The Monet mine is located on a continent in the eastern hemisphere of Paradise, which is named after Calas, a city with the most exiles. There are more than 200 settlements in the Carras continent, and the Monet mine is one of the smaller. In addition to only thousands of people, the mineral resources are not very rich. Relatively speaking, all kinds of battles are not as fierce and cruel as other places. It is also a blessing for prisoners with low self-preservation such as waste cats. Yun.

The prisoners who gather in the square with waste cats are about the same status. They are all driven by the bottom. Usually, the work they do is hard and dangerous, but the remuneration is very low, and the pay is not proportional to the harvest. The law of the jungle is a natural law that can never be eliminated by human society. Here, it is only reflected more thoroughly.

Before the specified time, the total number of people will be about 200. But today, the prisoner foreman who was responsible for leading did not order everyone to leave for the mining area immediately as before, but still let everyone stay in place.

The waste cats are a little strange. Those strong prisoners who manipulate and exploit them have always squeezed the labor of the exploited people to the extreme, making them turn from morning to night every day, and almost no time to take a breath. How can it be abnormal today?

His questions were quickly answered.

A man who was not tall but with an extremely strong physique came to the square with several people. The man's eyes were fierce and gloomy, with a fearful atmosphere all over his body. The waste cat glanced at the man and immediately lowered its head and dared not look more.

At the Monet mine, almost no one knows this man. His name is Woluff. Although he is not one of the bigwigs of the Mutual Aid Association, he has a very close relationship with Jieba, the mutual aid leader. He is responsible for the dispatch of people in the mining area. He has great authority, is very tyrannical and cruel, and often takes pleasure in torturing others. Although the exile of the waste cat was only a few years, he saw three prisoners beaten and disabled by him, and one of them died soon due to serious injury. This is what the waste cat has seen, and there are more examples that have not been seen but heard. The name of ferocity makes people avoid it.

Woruf arrogantly glanced at the prisoners in the square and saw that everyone timidly dodged their gaze, and there was a trace of pride in their eyes. Then he said, "A few days ago, a new batch of bastards came to the mine. They were very arrogant. They not only took up your share of water, but also injured people. You must all know something, right? Uh-huh."

The prisoners hooked their heads and answered in a few whispers. Wruff snorted dissatisfiedly and then said, "Originally, it's not my business, but after all, you usually follow my arrangement, so I have the responsibility and obligation to help you protect some interests. Those blind bastards occupy your share and insult you old people so much. It's really too bullying. I can't ignore them. I want to get this justice back for you.

The prisoners knew Woruff's people very well, but they didn't believe that this guy would be so kind enough to work out for his group of people. They were all indifferent and listened to what else he would say.

Seeing that everyone was dead and turned into a messenger of justice to give a speech with great interest, he shouted harshly, "Lift your head, straighten your chest, and cheer up."

The prisoners raised their heads feebly and straightened their chests, and their movements were stiff and dull, looking like a group of zombies.

Woruf was even more angry and roared angrily: "You are all pigs, a group of pigs who only deserve to eat shit and only deserve to stab people..." After scolding for a long time, he turned his head to the several people who followed him: "Damn it, it's better to fart to stimulate them if you want to arouse the morale of this group of pigs. Forget it, first Give it to them."

The thing divided is a glue stick, one of the 200 prisoners in the square. This kind of rubber stick is filled with metal beads and has a strong and heavy texture. It is a common tool for prisoners to fight. As long as it does not hit the fatal vulnerable parts continuously, it will not cause people. Of course, it is not a problem to cause injury and disability.

"He's fucking listening to me." Wruff said grimly, "I'm going to take you to negotiate with those new miscellaneous things and try to make them take the initiative to return the share of water. If you can't reach an agreement, follow me to over the group of dog bastards. If someone dares to slip halfway or play tricks, I will definitely tell him that life is worse than death. Let's go now.

The waste cat held the glue stick in his hand blankly and was driven away by several of Wruff's men. Among the same confused prisoners, he boarded several dilapidated mountain bikes and drove out.

The new exiles concentrated on the east of the mine, a low stone house like a fortress. At this time, Tiemule had already received the news that he had led dozens of new exiles to block in front of the residential area.

Wuluf jumped out of the car, forced up aggressively, and shouted harshly, "Who is called Tie Muller? Come out."

Tie Muller took two steps, took the steel rod in his hand, and laughed, "Mr. Tie is here. What kind of bird are you?"

The two of them smelled of gunpowder as soon as they touched it. Of course, there was no good negotiation. Wruff shouted, "What an arrogant guy. I, Wruffe came to you today to tell you to automatically give up half of the water share, or you won't blame me for being rude to you."

"You are so scared." Tiemule smiled strangely: "Wulufu, right? If you are willing to beg Uncle Tie for a few words, Uncle Tie may agree to give you some benefits, but since you want to be a good man in front of Uncle Tie, you can't blame Uncle Tie for not giving face. Let me tell you, there is nothing to say.

Wuluf was furious, and now he didn't have to say anything. He waved the glue stick and shouted angrily, "Give me, this * raise."

Several of his men behind him went through this scene for a long time. Without saying a word, they drove the prisoners forward.

The waste cat is timid and not stupid. In the past, he was forced to join the group fights between exiles several times. With experience, he knew that he would die ugly if he rushed too far forward, but there was absolutely no good fruit to eat and carefully moved to the middle position.

Tiemule roared and took the lead without hesitation, leading dozens of people behind him to rush up. In a blink of an eye, the two sides, who shouted hoarsely, bumped into each other head-on.

This kind of group fight, which has almost no organization and scheduling, takes place quickly and ends quickly. The victory or defeat basically depends on the strength of both sides and the morale. Although the old prisoners have a great advantage in terms of the number of prisoners, more than double that of the other party, their morale is far behind.

The old prisoners were all threatened by Worubf and couldn't help joining the regiment without any enthusiasm at all, while Temule's side was not. There is no need to deliberately publicize and encourage. The prisoners at the Monet mine know that this fight is related to their future position as a power in the region. If they lose, it goes without saying that it will be difficult for mermaids to turn over in the future. And if you win, the benefits you can get in the future are obvious. At least, no one dares to easily seek and bully themselves.

Therefore, under the stimulation of vital interests, the morale of the new prisoners is much higher than that of the other party. Everyone goes all out to take the lead. Not long after the melee, it completely has the upper hand, making the old prisoners cry. If it hadn't been for the pressure of Wolf and his men and their fear of their past ** power, 200 old prisoners would have fled blindly.

Woruf has not ignored the morale of both sides, but in his mind, the enthusiasm of the new prisoners is undoubtedly much higher than that of the old prisoners. However, when the new prisoners first arrive, it is equivalent to a group of scattered sand, and it is impossible to unite into a group to resist their own blow. Similar group beatings in the past have also confirmed Wruff's judgment many times, so this time he was a little careless. The preparation in advance was not very thorough. At present, looking at the situation, he couldn't help but be anxious and angry, roaring repeatedly behind him, but with little effect.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to the party, he saw that he would collapse in a while. Wruff couldn't calm down, shouted fiercely, pulled off his coat, ** out of his strong upper body, greeted several subordinates, and began to fight naked in person.

His target was naturally Tie Muller, the leader of the other party, and regardless of others, he rushed directly to Tie Mule.

Despite the fierce fight, Temule was also always paying attention to Wrouf's movements. Seeing that he came out in person, he was in his arms and laughed and rushed up brazenly.

Wuluf is also an energy refiner. His strength is about the middle stage of energy control. Compared with Tie Mule in the later stage of energy control, he is a level worse. In addition, at this time, he is already impetuous. After a few back and forth, he was seen by Tiemule and hit hard on the shoulder. Waluf opened his mouth in pain, and Tiemule was ruthless and kicked him in the chest fiercely. Wruff immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and his chest sank. It is estimated that two or three ribs were broken, and he turned over and fell to the ground.

One of the masters fell to the ground, and the situation of the two sides of the fight suddenly became more one-sided. Some of the old prisoners had abandoned their sticks, hugged their heads and squatted down to surrender, and the rest of them had no fighting spirit. At this time, the Gumitra jumped out of nowhere, spitting and pointing his hands and feet, commanding the new prisoners to subdue several of the trapped beast-fighting men of Wuluf and besieged the other old prisoners.

"Woruf, right? You lost, are you convinced? Tie Muller kicked the rubber stick, stepped on Waluf's chest with a big foot, and joked proudly.

"I'm convinced." Wuluf resisted the pain, shot the ferocious light, and spit out a mouthful of blood foam fiercely.

"Okay, there is backbone." Tie Mule also smiled ferociously, and his toes were hardened. He only heard a crisp sound and broke a rib on Waluff's chest.

Woruf howled in pain: "If you have the guts, you can torture me to death, or I will make you die without a burial place."

"Hey, you, Uncle Tie, are afraid of being secretly thinking about the cold gun." Tie Muller's eyes showed a murderous spirit and sneered, "Woruf, you asked for this. Don't blame Uncle Tie for his indifferable stomach." He stamped his leg fiercely against his right knee.

" Stop." A loud shout suddenly sounded far away.

When Tiemule heard someone drinking, his eyes flashed coldly, but the movement of his feet accelerated a little. He suddenly kicked Wruff's knee and took the opportunity to sw.

Woruf screamed sadly, but Tiemule's foot had already broken his knee bones inch by inch. No matter how good the level of treatment is, this injury cannot be recovered as before, let alone in the paradise star with a shortage of medical equipment. In other words, Wolf has undoubtedly become a disabled man. In the paradise star who speaks by strength, the future of Voluf, who has offended countless prisoners with ferocious means, is predictable.

"How dare you to blatantly hurt people in front of the peace-keeping team."

The person who shouted rushed over, but he was a burly man with muscles and a strong appearance, followed by ten tough men in standard clothes and weapons. The burly man's face was full of anger. Sensen stared at Tie Muller and snorted coldly, "It seems that you still regard Paradise Star as your own territory where you can do whatever you want. Let me tell you, you are wrong. Now, you will learn an unforgettable lesson." He turned his head and ordered sharply, "Take him down and hang him for three days."