Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 34 Anne

The change at the Monet mine this time is not big, but it is not small. It is caused by more than a dozen older exiles. They gathered outside Tiemule's residence and strongly protested against Tiemule's discrimination against the indigenous people, using the public property of the mine to purchase weapons and equip their cronies. They were suspected of using the president's privilege to seek personal gain, and asked him to disclose the accounts of income and expenditure and accept everyone's review. If their request cannot be met, they will refuse to participate in the mining of the Great Elb Desert Gem Mine.

Tie Muller's first reaction was to laugh. Damn, the president of the bird* that I fought with my head was not trying to make a profit for himself, but to serve you guys with painscum painstaking efforts? This noble quality can only exist in the mouths of fat politicians in the Federation.

After laughing, Tie Mule was annoyed again. It's okay if I don't go and pinch you, but you still challenge my authority. You really don't know whether you are dead or alive. You really piss me off and hang up one by one to show it to the public.

As he was about to go out to show the prestige and evil spirit of the president, Romeo stopped Temule and asked, "What are you going to do with this?"

"Do you still need to say this?" Now that someone wants a gun, Tiemule is full of aura and turned his eyes and said, "Just tell them to get out of here. Next time, they will directly throw out the mine and destroy themselves. If you want to treat these scum obediently, you have to use the tyrant way. Besides, it is in everyone's vital interest to mine the gem mine in the Urb Desert. No matter how many of these bastards are tossed around, many people will make trouble with them. I don't believe that a few small loaches can make any waves.

"It's easy to get rid of them, but it may cause a lot of trouble." Romeo shook his head and said, "After all, these people have lived and operated in the mine for many years and have certain interpersonal relationships. If they are dealt with by too rude means, it is bound to make the old residents feel disgusted and resistant to the enemy. The estrangement from the newly exiles will become bigger and bigger, and the two sides will naturally form a sense of hostility. , which is extremely unfavorable to the overall development of the mining site in the future.

Reminded by him, Tie Mule also realized that he was a little bold and said, "Well, what you said makes sense. People's hearts are dispersed, and it's not easy to take care of the team. It's really not feasible to do it. So how to deal with those bastards outside?"

"These people dare to jump out and do this. Someone must be instigating behind their backs. I don't need to say more about who this behind-the-scenes pusher is." Romeo said firmly, "What we need to do now is to stabilize the people outside first, and then get rid of that guy. Without anyone inside, this matter will naturally fade away. As long as the mining of the gem mine is on track in the future, so that the old residents in the mine can taste the sweetness, and some people want to engage in conspiracy activities to pull you down, I'm afraid it's these people who won't agree first.

"Grandma, that old bastard Kronzov, I originally wanted to let him be free for a few days. If I were honest with my tail, I might let him go. Now that I'm impatient to live and want to die by myself, I'm not surprised." Tie Mule's eyes shot a cold light, which made the timid avoid a little murderous. After a few scolding, he humbly asked Romeo for advice: "Now if you stay that bastard for one more day, you won't be safe in the mine. What good way to kill him as soon as possible?"

"Do you remember the plan I said before to eradicate Kronzov? It's the best time to implement it. Romeo's handsome face showed a charming smile enough to make the ignorant girl scream, and said, "Didn't the people outside ask for public accounts to be reviewed? You can promise them, but it is not only the accounts in the name of the president that should be made public, but all the accounts of the mine must be made public, and of course there is no exception in the name of Kronzov.

"Yes, yes, it's the best opportunity right now. The old bastard's buttocks will never be clean. This time, he lifted a stone and smashed his own foot." Tiemule patted his thigh and laughed, "It's okay, Jeba's damn bastard is so greedy that he has made Monet's mine poor and white, so that I have nothing to do if I want to fish for something, which is more innocent than when he came out of my mother's belly, hahahaha."

At this moment, Qingsha and Dominico came in. As soon as the latter saw Tiemule, he pleaded guilty with shame: "Mr. President, I'm sorry, those guys outside..."

Tiemule waved his hand and interrupted him, "You want to tell me that those guys are under the orders of old bastard Krontsov, right? I know all this."

Dominico looked even more ashamed. These days when Tiemler went to Karas City, he gave him the task of staying at the mine to keep an eye on Kronsov. Yesterday, he found that Krondov's behavior was sneaky and talked to many people in private. He wanted to find out the inside story before reporting it to Tiemule, but he didn't think that this would happen the next day. I really feel that I have a negative trust.

Timule walked out of the door and saw a group of new prisoners guarding on the steps with guns. Their guns were exactly the weapons purchased from Karas City this time. They were new and bright, and their shells were glowing with faint cold light. They were energetic in their hands and stared at the group of people below.

That group of people were all robbers and villains. It is more clear that Tiemule absolutely did not dare to shoot and kill people in public. Of course, he did not take this formation seriously and kept shouting for Tiemule to come out and give them an explain. The people behind them were basically old prisoners, and many people shouted for support from time to time, and the scene was extremely lively.

Shaft led his peacekeeping team to stand aside, neither to maintain order nor to drive away the group of people, but quite unaffable.

The noise also attracted Zheng Yang's attention. He was an outsider and should not interfere in the internal contradictions of Monet's mine. He only stood in the distance with a few men and watched with interest to see how Tiemulle dealt with this seemingly small, but had a great impact.

Grandma, when I came back with the motorcade yesterday, these bastards seemed to have seen their own father. They shouted more and more happily, but today they have become this virtue. They are really all shameless scum who have two sides and three knives and milk. In the future, they must take good care of their grandmother. Tiemule cursed viciously in his heart, lined up the new prisoners and walked to the steps, swept angrily, and shouted loudly, "What's the noise of his grandmother? Pick a good-looking person to come out and talk to me.

The group of exiles discussed in a low voice for a while, chose a person to come forward and said, "Mr. President, you must know our intention. We solemnly request to review the accounts on behalf of all the indigenous people at the Monet mine. This is our right and hope to get the permission of Mr. President."

"Yes, of course." Tie Mule rubbed his bald head with a smile and said very sincerely, "As the president, my duty is to seek benefits for everyone. You want to protect your legitimate rights. I understand and support it very much. Welcome your supervision."

Seeing that he agreed so simply, these people were stunned for a moment and couldn't help looking at each other.

Tiemule waved his hand and said, "I also have a suggestion that since it needs to be reviewed, it should be reviewed more thoroughly. It is not only my accounts, but also all public accounts under the names of the members of the mutual aid association will be reviewed this time and disclosed to the owners of the mining site, so that everyone can know the content and results of the review. , what do you say?"

The exiles onlookers were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and of course they cheered one after another.

The elected representative changed slightly and objected, "Mr. President, isn't that good? It is a very complicated and cumbersome thing to review the accounts of all the members of the mutual aid association. We don't have so many people, so we can't be busy.

Tie Muller's face was dark, and he stared at him, which made the guy sweat coldly on his head, and then asked, "What's your name?"

The man dodged his eyes and whispered, "Mr. President, my name is Erhard."

"Your grandmother's Enhard." Tiemule shouted angrily, "Do you think you can represent everyone in the mine? Do you want to deprive everyone of their right to know? Can you ask first to see if everyone agrees?

Onlookers shouted loudly again: "No, I don't want to be represented... bastard Enhard, go back to your dung pit to eat poop."

Tie Mule laughed proudly and said, "Do you hear that? This is everyone's voice from the bottom of their hearts... There are not so many people, right? That's easy to do. Everyone comes to participate in the review. All the public accounts of the mine have to be checked.


Kronzov was waiting for news in his house. Suddenly, he heard a noise from outside the gate. He was very angry and ordered his men to see which bastards dared to make noise outside his home, and shout away after a hard lesson.

After a while, the leading men ran back with a panicked face and shouted angrily, "Oh, a lot of people came outside, saying that they were going to review your accounts."

Check my account? Krontsov was stunned all of a sudden. Didn't he go to check Temler? How did you find out about my head? What's wrong with that bastard?

In a stunned time, his men urged again, "Sir, if you don't go out, I'm afraid the people outside will rush in."

"Do you want me to go out? A bunch of rubbish." Krontsov was furious and roared, "Can't you fucking stop it?"

"There are too many people to stop it." His faces were bitter. He reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. He seemed to be shocked.

At this time, the noise outside the gate became louder and louder. Kronsov didn't have time to think about it any more. He hurried out and looked up. The door was full of people, at least 200 people, and the sweat on his forehead immediately came out. He secretly cursed the damn pigs in front of him and stabilized himself. Kronzov took out his usual majesty and scolded angrily, "What do you want to do? Who do you think you are and what qualifications do you have to check my account? I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to argue with you. Get out of here quickly, or we'll all drive out of the mine to feed the beasts.

If it had been put in the past, the exiles might have been deterred by his ** power, but today is different from the past. Someone in the crowd immediately shouted: "Mr. President agrees to let us check the accounts. Why don't you let us check? Is it because the blood and sweat of the brothers in the greedy mine are too guilty, so they dare not let us investigate?

These words hit Kronzov's heart disease, and he was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that the fire he lit would burn on his head, so he was not prepared at all. At this time, he quickly calculated how to transfer the account book in the house, turned his eyes and sneered, "It's pure slander. I'm busy. Very, I don't have time to talk to you." Turn around and want to go in.

Some people immediately shouted in the crowd: "Das-bye, this old bastard must want to slip away. Everyone catch him quickly and don't let him escape."

I just want to go back and burn those account books. Why should I escape? Krontov, who had not yet realized the crisis, turned back angrily to maintain his dignity, but only saw hundreds of people rushing up, which suddenly alerted him that he had made a big mistake. Krontsov shouted hoarsely for clarification, but the crowd rushed to him, drowning him and seven or eight men like a turbulent flood.

In the chaos, I don't know who knocked down the hysterically roaring Kronsov, and then countless pairs of big feet stepped on him. Kronzov howled angrily and called his men to save himself desperately, but at this time, all his men were too busy, and who could take care of others? Soon, Kronzov's cry became extremely miserable. Before long, the screams changed from high to low, gradually weak, and finally there was no sound.