Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 40 Negotiation

As early as Dacilina's expectation, she raised her wrist and lifted a wisp of hair hanging on her forehead behind her ears. She smiled and said, "How can I make a decision for everyone's specific amount without permission... Well, you have a book in mind about the income of Gold Rush, and you shouldn't pay attention to a little effort, right? Of course, no matter how much you earn or how little you earn, it is everyone's hard work. It is impossible to give it to others in vain. Therefore, how much you have to pay depends on your own wishes.

The movement of gently pulling her hair was very beautiful. With the movement of her arms, the perfect curve of her chest fluctuated slightly, like a turbulent wave. It rolled over the heart of the man present. Several people only felt that their throats were very dry and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

This unparalleled beauty's sexy**, almost all normal men who have seen it, are turned upside down, but the most greedy villain in the gold beach now dare not hit her idea. Several guys have done this. Invariably, their bones have been permanently annihilated in the gravel of the Urburg Desert, and their painful and desperate wailing before their death still seems to be drifting in the wind.

This woman's beauty is directly proportional to horror, which is thousands of times more dangerous than the sting of the scorpion's tail. This is the consensus of all men in the Gold Rush. Everyone wisely stuffed the highly swollen desire back into their crotch.

"Give some benefits is just a small matter. The problem is that they obviously have other purposes this time. If we give benefits, it is equivalent to clearly acknowledging the jurisdiction of Monet's mine over the gold rush."

Hauge, the captain of the mining team of "I love big buttocks", is a rare fat man, and the fat on his face trembles and said, "If they have to take an inch and take the opportunity to enter the gold beach, will we also agree?"

"Of course, I won't agree. I don't fucking want to give any of them. Tell those bastards to go back and eat shit." A short fat man shouted angrily.

"Yes, let those bastards die." Several people immediately echoed loudly and sounded in a mess.

After all, the mineral deposits of the gold rush is limited. At the beginning, I don't know how many cruel and bloody battles have been made. After the strong victory over the weak, the remaining ten mining teams have been basically demarcated. Now if another team is killed, the already calm gold beach is bound to set off another bloody storm. No one wants to risk their lives to fight anymore. Of course, such an idea is not absolute. People's greed is endless. No one will dislike that they have more wealth, otherwise there will be no friction between the mining teams in the Gold Rush, which will often lead to some bloodshed.

"Gentlemen, please be quiet."

Under the seemingly gentle glance of Da Clina's seemingly gentle eyes, the noise gradually stopped.

"Mr. Haug, in fact, we can put aside your concerns first." Daxarina smiled with satisfaction, turned her eyes to the face of the big fat Hogge, and said, "What we need to do now is to talk to them first to see what they want and how big their appetite is, so I asked everyone to give a bottom line to master when negotiating. When the negotiation is settled, give them directly. If we get it, it's not too late for us to discuss it again.

Many people felt that her words sounded reasonable, and they all nodded and agreed. After a while of discussion, they finally set the bottom line at 20 million federal dollars per year. Of course, it is not to pay cash, but to offset it with gems. If the other party disagrees, it will simply break up.

A bunch of idiots. The fat on Hogge's face trembled slightly, raised his eyelids and looked at Dasarina, and quickly dodged away. His mind was also spinning quickly, thinking that he didn't know what the snake and scorpion beauty was thinking. It was very obvious that the people at Monet's mine could not be sent away at a small price this time, and it was impossible to make these idiots around him to bleed. No matter how they talked about it, they were blown away by the wind without a trace when they came out. After talking, the two sides inevitably have to talk with their fists.

In fact, there are other people who are as suspicious of Dasarina like Hauge, but they are also stuffy in their stomachs. Anyway, they won't let themselves lose a hair. Let's just see what she is going to do.

"Well, gentlemen." Dasarina gently asked for everyone's opinion. It may not be convenient for me to talk alone. Who else is willing to talk on behalf of everyone?

In silence, everyone is not afraid that the people at Monet Mine will set up any traps, but that unprofitable things are not worth wasting their time.

It was quiet for a while. Elijah pulled the eagle's nose and said lazily, "If no one continues to volunteer, then I will come. Anyway, I'm idle, and it's good to spread my muscles and bones."

Fat Hauge's heart suddenly moved, raised a big fleshy hand, and said with a smile, "Take me as a fat man. It's a rare honor to be alone with Miss Dasarina. How can the fat man miss it?"

"Mr. Hogg, thank you very much for your compliment." Daxilina looked back and smiled charmingly, and suddenly had all kinds of amorous feelings. Many people suddenly felt that their throats were dry and ready to move, and their hearts were like hundreds of cats scratching. It was really difficult. She could only squeeze a few eyes on her delicate and delicate body fiercely, and secretly thought that it was also to understand the desire in her heart.

Elijah and Hauge have a relatively good reputation in the Gold Rush. With their appearance, no one else has any objection, so they have decided.

The next morning, Elijah and Hauge came together with two of their men, but Dasarina only brought the female escort Sarah, and the group of eight drove to the camp of the Monet mine.

Shaft received a guard report and waited with Di Changli to meet them outside the camp in advance. As soon as the two sides met, Dasilina burst into an extremely charming smile: "Mr. Di, my premonition did not deceive me, and we really met again."

Di Changli also smiled and said, "Beautiful Miss Daxilina, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"Real?" Dasilina's beautiful eyes flowed and glanced at him infinitely. Ge Gejiao smiled and said, "Your lies are very beautiful. If you really look forward to our meeting, I believe this day should have come long ago."

"Okay, Miss Dasarina." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said, "I admit that I am not very resistant to beautiful women. I'm afraid that I can't get out of your charm, so I chose to escape."

This boy dares to openly flirt with the snake and scorpion beauty. Fat Hauge and Elijah secretly exchanged a look and thought that the ignorant were fearless. However, Dasarina didn't think so. Instead, she seemed to enjoy this kind of flattery and smiled more charmingly and sweetly.

Since they were old acquaintances, they naturally acted as the introducers of the two parties. Although there was a conflict of interest between the two sides, they also politely smiled and exchanged greetings before entering the camp to talk about the topic.

After listening to the reply from the mining teams, Shaft shook his head and said in a low voice, "All your 17 mining teams only pay us 10 million a year as a rent? Any of your mining team's income in Gold Rush is more than that. Isn't it a joke to want to send us like this? Absolutely impossible."

"There is nothing in this world that is not negotiable." Dasarina smiled and said, "Mr. Shaft, please don't be excited. You might as well say your conditions and let us see if we can accept it. Of course, the conditions on the ultimatum are countless, and Mr. Shaft will not have to say any more, otherwise it will be dishonious.

Shaft had this intention, but he didn't want to be gagged first. He couldn't help saying that this woman was not only charming, but also amazing. He was not very good at words in the first place. Seeing that Dasarina smiled like a flower, he could not turn his face and couldn't speak in his chest for a moment.

Seeing this, Di Changli took over the topic in due course and said, "Miss Dacilina, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Elijah, if we put forward our own conditions, can the three of you fully negotiate with us on behalf of other mining teams?"

I didn't expect that Di Changli raised this very critical question at the head. Dasarina was secretly surprised and looked at him deeply, and a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes. After thinking about it quickly, Dasarina knew that she couldn't prevaricate, so she avoided the importance and said lightly, "You also know that the situation in the gold rush is quite complicated. If I say that the three of us can fully represent all the mining teams, I think you will also have some doubts, so I can only guarantee that after the negotiation is settled, the morning glory mining team. The agreement will be strictly observed. As for what will happen to Mr. Elijah and Mr. Haug's mining team, you can ask them in person, can't you?"

Elijah made a very straightforward statement: "If it can really be settled, what else is there to say?" The old man wants to make a fortune. There are 91 men in the mining team, and they have never kept their word.

Fat Hauge laughed and said, "Many people have said that I am cunning, greedy, greedy and lustful, but there are no people who say that fat people are not trustworthy. I don't know if such a reputation of fat people can make you two feel a little relieved?"

"All three of us have made a statement." Daxarina looked at Di Changli and smiled, "What do you think?"

"Very good, in this case, we can safely talk in depth." Di Changli also nodded with a smile and glanced at the other three quietly, but he was quite confused. From the last meeting, Di Changli has a certain understanding of Da Clina's personality. This woman is extremely arrogant and moody. She only acts according to her own interests and preferences. She will never give any sympathy and pity to the vulnerable. But today, when the strength of the Monet mine is obviously unable to compete with the more than ten mining teams united by the Gold Rush, her posture is quite low, and the negotiation sincerity is full, which is really too strange.

Does this woman want to get something from this negotiation, or what do you want to do in this negotiation? Di Changli thought about this problem.