Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 21 Seizing Power

Is that the reason? Do you have any other opinions?"

Di Changli's expression was still very plain, but the power revealed was obvious. He glanced at a group of military, political and religious giants and said, "If you have any ideas, you can say it."

This new envoy is really too strong. As soon as he took action, he mercilessly beat the former general back to heaven to be judged. Besides, this is another internal conflict of the Protoss. Who dares to stroke the tiger's beard at such a juncture? Others showed a posture of nothing to say, just waiting for the change. Holton wiped his forehead and stopped talking. Only Pompey said angrily, "Isn't this enough reason why it's about the peace of the frontier of my Delman Empire and the lives of countless people?"

He turned his head and looked at Robacha and other generals, putting on a posture of seeing him as if he were dead. He said with righteous indignation and awe-inspiringly, what happened today is obvious to everyone. What Mr. Di Yantian did was obviously unfair. I implore the generals to report this matter to the heaven and send Gus again. Lord Tawo came to preside over the temple of Lum City. Even if Lord Gustavo can't come again, it should be more appropriate for you to be a general who is familiar with various academic affairs.

Fuck, this old bastard Gustavo has died. Do you think he can really come back to life? He also wanted to provoke me to fight with this new boy, but he had a good calculation, and Robacha and others scolded in their hearts. Of course, this can't be said in any case. Flint, one of the refiners, said coldly, "This is a decision made by the Divine Court Council, and we firmly support obedience. Another point, Marquis Pompey, please understand your identity. The affairs of the Protoss, no matter how big or small, are not what you can ask.

Robacha also said with a deep face, "Marquis Pompey, please take care of yourself. If there is similar behavior in the future, don't blame us for being rude."

Di Changli killed Gustavo with one move. In the eyes of Pompey and others, perhaps the gods in heaven specially gave him some magical means to restrain Gustavo before he came, so Gustavo had no power to fight back. However, several refiners of Robacha are very clear that Di Changli is full of strength, and his strength is frighteningly high. He easily used the original energy cluster to kill Gustavo in the early stage of the forging. In this way, it is estimated that his original energy cultivation has reached the energy control period. This is a real top master in the whole galaxy. In the state, the number of super masters with this kind of cultivation can also be counted.

Although Gustavo was a little careless and Di Changli took advantage of his unexpected benefits, you know that Gustavo had just turned the ultimate battle of the armor, and his strength was increased by about one fifth, while Di Changli did not even use the armor of the armor, which could better set off the horror of strength. And Robacha's strength is not even as good as Gustavo, otherwise it will not be his turn to sit in the position of the general leader of the Lum Temple. The bloody lesson of the front car is in front of them, and they will not be so stupid that they will jump out with Di Changli to grab the position of the position of general at this time, and he is quite hate Pompey who provokes the discord.

Generally speaking, even if the princes and nobles of various countries on the Phoenix Star are prominent, they will not fight against the people in the Protoss under the circumstances of life and death. Even if their interests are greatly violated, they are usually able to endure and let them, but at this time, Pompey However, he didn't know what medicine he took wrong and said angrily, "Since several generals are unwilling to come forward, it's up to me. I'll just write to the marshal of the generals and ask him to issue an oracle."

Di Changli didn't want to make a secret, but when he saw Pompey's bad attitude, he couldn't help frowning, glanced at him, looked at the Duke of Lucrekes and the Marquis of Pimenta, the commander of the Third Army, and said indifferently, "I don't know if the position of the Marquis Pompey also represents the position of the military?"

Luc Lekes originally looked at the bustle quietly, but was suddenly asked, stunned for a moment, and immediately affirmed, "Lord Di Yantian General, no, Lord Di Yantian, of course, we are not qualified to interfere in the affairs of the Protoss. Marquis Pompey's position only represents him personally, and absolutely does not include Norrah. All the soldiers of the provincial army... General Pimenta, what do you think?"

"Of course." The Marquis of Pimenta should be less than 50 years old, but he looks old. His head is like a hillside after snow. His hair is basically withered and clean, but his broad-hearted body is quite rich, and he looks like a kind and generous elder. He stroked his forehead and said with a smile, "Lord Di Yan, I deeply agree with the opinion of Commander Luke Case. General Pompey's personal behavior has nothing to do with us."

Pompey was so angry that his eyes were almost angry, but he only tightened his face and didn't say a word. Obviously, he did not belong to the same faction as Lucrekes and Pimenta, but also a competitor of interests, and did not expect that the two would support him in the end.

"Very good." Di Changli nodded and said, "Today, the decision makers in Norra Province of Northern Europe are all here, so let's take this opportunity to vote collectively... As for my successor as the commander of Lum Temple, whether you agree or not, let's definitely express your opinions. General Robacha, let's start with you."

Robacha was stunned. Why is it my turn to start again? Am I just a soft persimmon? Anyone can pinch it? However, looking at the seating arrangement, I am the first one under the command of the general. Who will I start from if I don't start with myself? He secretly rolled his eyes and muttered a few words, and said helplessly, "Well, I firmly support the decision of the Divine Council. Since Lord Di Yan has been appointed to preside over the Temple of Lum, I absolutely obey."

The old slippery, Frint slandered. Before Di Changli could speak, he laughed and said, "Robachatian General is very right. We have always resolutely implemented the decision of the Divine Court Council. Tannis General and Ma Jitian General, don't you think so?"

Shocked by Di Changli's superb skills, whether Tannis and Ma Ji are willing to sit in the position of leader as soon as the new boy comes, but among the federal refiners stranded on the Phoenix Star, their status depends on their own strength. This is already a recognized practice, but they can't At such a time, they jumped out to object, and they all pulled their mouths and smiled: "Of course, we all agree with Lord Di Yan to take the position of leader."

"Very good." Di Changli nodded with satisfaction, turned his eyes to the three highest clergy of the Temple of Lum and asked, "What do you mean?"

Archbishop Merlin coughed and smiled. His face was wrinkled deeper, and an imperceptible cunning light flashed in his dim old eyes. He slowly said, "As priests of the temple, we originally serve all the gods. Naturally, we have no opinion."

Saint Leff's face was hidden behind the veil, and she couldn't see her expression, but said concisely in her soft and beautiful voice, "I agree."

Grand Priest Diane smiled without saying a word, glanced at Di Changli and said with a smile, "I believe that with the arrival of Lord Di Yan, it will definitely bring a brand-new atmosphere to the Temple of Lum, lead us to open up a new situation, and let the glory of the goddess of nature shine further on the Onora continent."

This woman is good at talking. Whether it is the external charm or the inner scheming, it seems to be incomparable with the snake and scorpion beauty Dasarina on the planet of heaven. Di Changli nodded quietly and turned his eyes to several military and political giants in Lum City and said with a smile: "Luc Lekai I know the attitude of the Duke of S and the Marquis of Pimenta. Thank you for your support. As for the position of the Marquis Pompey, I am also clear, so I don't need to make any more statements. Well, but Duke Horton's attitude is not very clear. What do you think? Please tell me truthfully.

Luc Lekes and Pimenta looked at each other and nodded calmly. They couldn't see what their thoughts were. Horton blinked his eyes, looked at Pompey with a black face, laughed unnaturally, turned his mind quickly, weighed it for half a sound, and then said with a wry smile, "Since you all support Lord Di Yan, of course I agree."

His posture was made for Pompey. They belonged to the same camp. Pompey jumped out and acted as the vanguard. Holton did not say that it was impossible. He made it vaguely. At present, the attitude of the people is already very clear. No matter how strongly they oppose Di Changli as the commander, it is useless at all. Things.

How can Pompey not distinguish the current situation? I know that I must not have good fruit today, but his personality is also stubborn. Since it is clear that the carriage and horses want to fight against Di Changli, he is simply a bachelor to the end. He is not afraid of being hated by Di Changli more deeply and hummed, "No matter what your opinions are, anyway, I have reservations."

Among those present, with the lowest title of Count Minillina, the consul of Lum City, he looked calm and serious. He knew at a glance that he was a very independent and resolute person. He never spoke. He just stayed quietly and watched the development coldly until he saw everyone's eyes looking at him. He said in a hurry, "In fact, we have no right to question the decision of the Protoss. In the past, when Lord Gustavo was the commander of heaven, I supported it unconditionally. In the future, when Lord Di Yan replaced him, I still supported him unconditionally."

The consul was a little interesting. He first corrected his position and said that he was impartial and watertight. Di Changli took a look at Count Minelinna, glanced at the crowd again, and smiled, "It seems that everyone still supports me. It's good. Thank you... Well, since I have been appointed as the commander-general, please break up. I still have something to talk to with several generals. If there is anything in the future, I will come to you again. Of."

Everyone was extremely surprised. After all, Lukekes was young and the city was relatively shallow. He couldn't help asking first: "Lord Diyan, now that the war with the Montgomery Empire is about to start, the deployment of troops, general distribution, material transportation, logistical support and other matters are very urgent and I need me. We discussed and came up with the plan and charter. How can it be dispersed?

"Marring and fighting, these military operations are decided by the lieutenant generals of your army and let the local authorities cooperate." Di Changli said lightly, "It's the same for our temple. You can come up with a specific military plan, and we just need to cooperate. There is no need to discuss it together."

Everyone was even more surprised to hear the words and looked at each other in con'sinu.