Endless objects

Chapter 39 Strange Fusion

Time flowed away minute by minute. Under the effect of this severe pain, Shen Aotian's body gradually became numb. In this way, I don't know how long it took. The purple and golden energy concentrated in Shen Aotian's Dan field condensed into a golden elixir, and then stopped moving. Then, it was made of purple gold, blue and milk. White, the light of several colors sprayed out of this golden elixir.

"Jindan?! How is that possible? Only when the soul travels to the level of Tianqiao Star can you initially advance to the realm of Tian Gang, and only then will you have the golden elixir. Why is there a golden elixir in your own Dantian? At this moment, there was a feeling of extreme horror in Shen Aotian's heart, which was Shen Aotian's panic about unknown forces.

Purple gold is the brilliance of the half-drop dragon's birthday, and milky white is the color of the golden elixir that is rumored to be possessed by the strong man in Tiangangjing. What is blue?

"Master, there is something strange inside my Dantian!" Shen Aotian anxiously asked the old man Yuan Jiang in the strong wind ring.

"How is that possible?" Yuan Jiang's old man ignored the possibility of being discovered by Shen Lie's ancestor and observed the strange golden elixir in Shen Ao's celestial body with the power of his soul. When Yuan Jiang's old man saw the golden elixir, he shouted madly from the wind ring!

"The spirit dragon's elixir can only strengthen your soul power at this time, and then help you advance to the realm of heaven. Theoretically speaking, after swallowing this elixir, you should have practiced for another ten days, and then reach the time when the divine soul travels through the heavenly stars, it is possible to really advance! At that time, the promotion rate was also very small. After all, this step was very difficult to reach Tian Gangjing from the martial arts level. I don't understand why you have condensed the golden elixir that Tian Gangjing practitioners have now? The old man Yuan Jiang said in horror.

And Shen Lie's ancestor, who guarded Shen Aotian, felt the strong atmosphere of Yuan Lao again, but Shen Lie now saw that Shen Aotian was still immersed in practice and did not dare to disturb him.

"No! You are not a Tianangjing practitioners yet. Tianangjing practitioners can't only have such a weak constitution as you. Yuan Jiang looked suspiciously at the strange golden elixir in Shen Ao's celestial body. He felt that the golden elixir was as strange as it was.

"Master, how can the golden elixir in my body appear in several colors?" Shen Aotian asked about the strange phenomenon that appeared on his golden elixir at this moment.

Yuan Jiang searched carefully for a color. When all the colors found the corresponding source, only the blue light could not find the source.

"Aotian, are you talking about that blue light? What do you feel like that ray of light? Yuan Jiang suddenly asked Shen Aotian. Yuan Jiang already had a possibility in his heart, but he did not dare to confirm it.

"Is this the light emitted by the stars?" Shen Aotian suddenly couldn't help saying it, and even he didn't know why he felt this way.

"Yes, I also think it is the light emitted by the stars. This may be the source of the golden elixir that you can condense now. Is it...?" Yuan Jiang instantly thought of the rare treasure, which he got from a dangerous place after nine deaths when he was a strong man in the demon moon.

"Treasure of Celestial Bodies"!

At the same time, this word appeared in the minds of Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang.

At this moment, Shen Aotian's Dantian has changed again. The golden elixir and the reduced version of the celestial treasure record were originally well water that did not violate the river, but just when Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang were talking, the celestial treasure record and the golden elixir were slowly approaching. The celestial treasure record and the golden elixir were moving little by little, very Quickly, the two will come into contact.

Shen Aotian felt the mysterious state of Dantian in his body. The pain caused by the explosion had also disappeared a lot. Under the effect of mutual attraction between Jindan and the astronomical treasure record, the spiritual power in Shen Ao's celestial body slowly changed into a wisp of Tian Gangqi. Although it is not much, it is a real Tian Gang. Qi, this wisp of heavenly gas gathered in his Dantian field, and this golden elixir gradually emitted a strange light.

At this moment, Jindan finally came into contact with the Celestial Treasure Record. Under the observation of Shen Aotian, the two gradually merged together, as if they were afraid of touching something. Quietly, the degree of the fit between Jindan and the Celestial Treasure Record is like a fish finding a water source and encountering a long drought. The dew is like life breathing the air of nature freely, which is so quiet and natural, following the way of heaven.

Under Shen Aotian's eyes, he did not dare to disturb. At this time, Yuan Jiang also found out his soul power and quietly sneaked into Shen Aotian's body to observe this strange change.

At this time, the process unconsciously took another day. Late at night, the stars in the sky were shining brightly.

In Shen Aotian's body, the golden elixir and the celestial treasure record finally successfully merged and changed into a real golden elixir. The location of this golden elixir is in the center of Shen Aotian's Dantian, shining! Incomparable dazzling.

At this moment, Shen Aotian's body was full of light, and thousands of streamer burst out. These thousands of streamer lights staggered back and forth. Soon, it seemed to be deliberately gathered by the golden elixir and turned into a golden pillar of light. The dazzling golden light rushed out of Shen Aotian's body. Shen Aotian could not withstand the huge power of this beam of light and suddenly endured it. He couldn't help opening his mouth.

A golden beam of light rose to the sky and spit out from Shen Aotian's mouth. This beam of light has not been extinguished for a long time and has been so continuous to rush to the sky.

"What is that?! How can there be such a strange scene?" Shen Lie's face suddenly changed dramatically. When he saw the golden light in the sky, the first thing he thought of was Shen Aotian.

"What's wrong? How could this happen to Aotian?" Shen Lie walked forward and walked a few meters away from Shen Aotian, condensing his mind and constantly detecting around, for fear that someone would disturb Shen Aotian's practice at this time.

Although this pillar of light is so strange, Shen Lie's ancestor saw that Shen Aotian's face was still stable, not like a sign of going crazy, so he guarded him at ease.

Qingyuan City of Shuling State.

In the Wu family, Wu Xiong, the ancestor of the Wu family in gray clothes, was practicing in the secret room. Suddenly, he felt an extremely vast force coming into the sky from the direction of the Shen family in Qingyuan City. This power was so powerful that Wu Xiong did not dare to look down on it. He walked out of the secret room, stepped on the void and rushed in the direction of the Shen family.

Wu Xiong is only half a step away from reaching the evil realm of the earth. In the meantime, he learned the empty steps that only a strong man in the evil realm of the earth has, which is enough to prove that his strength is only half a step away from reaching the realm of the earth.

In the Yan family, Yan Hong, the ancestor of the Yan family, was imparting his grandson Yan Yuxin's martial arts experience. He saw a golden beam of light rising to the sky, so he also used his method and quickly move forward to the Shen family. Yan Yuxin did not dare to neglect it and immediately sent Yan Hong away respectfully. He looked at the direction of the Shen family thoughtfully and didn't know what it was. , can actually attract Yan Hong, a strong man who steps into the ground with half a step.

Shen Lie, who guarded Shen Aotian, was closing his eyes and guarding everything around Shen Aotian.

Sud of a sudden, Shen Lie opened his eyes, smiled and opened his mouth.

"Two old friends came to the Shen family, and Shen Lie failed to welcome him. I hope the two old friends will forgive their sins!"

As soon as the words fell, two powerful figures appeared from the Shen family.

"Brother Shen Lie, I haven't seen you for several years. Your skills have really advanced to the evil world. I'm envious of you. However, I have been in isolation for many years, but I have only reached the ten peaks of the heavenly realm. I am only half a step away from stepping into the earth. Unfortunately, this half-step promotion is as difficult as ascending to heaven!" A gray figure said.

"Shen Lie, is the man next to you your grandson? What level has he reached? How can he emerge such a powerful and incredible power!" Yan Hongdao.

Shen Lie shook. He didn't know what was going on with his grandson. Shen Aotian was originally the eight-fold peak martial artist. How could he suddenly burst out of golden glory that even the strong people in the evil realm felt trembling? How would he know that this was not Shen Aotian's own power at all, but the strange power emitted by the golden elixir.

Shen Liezu looked at these two old friends he had not seen for many years and sighed with great emotion. If he hadn't reached the point of the ground, he would not have stood in the air and talked to him so politely. I'm afraid he would have desperately strangled the genius of his Shen family in the cradle.

Sure enough, Yan Hong and Wu Xiong saw Shen Lie's current cultivation, shook their heads, and then returned to their own families. As Shen Lie said, they really wanted to kill Shen Aotian, a young and powerful practitioners of the Shen family, but could emerge, but they saw Shen Liedi. When the evil realm had a heavy strength, they all felt danger, so they withdrew. Although both of them also reached the ten peaks of the heavenly realm, and they were still half a step away from being able to advance to the evil realm, but this half a step away, I'm afraid there is no hope of promotion for life. Now even if the two work together, they will not be Shen Lie's opponent. The strength of the strong man in the evil realm is really terrible.

The cold ice city, the capital of Shuling.

The royal Zhu family, which is magnificent in the imperial palace of Shuling, sat on the throne of the central emperor in the Wude Hall in the center of the palace. The seat is decorated with flying dragons, symbolizing the supremacy and power of the emperor of Shuling.

"The hidden dragon comes out of the abyss! This column of gold * is so magnificent that I'm afraid that a genius cultivation with a terrible talent will appear. Well, that position is like Qingyuan City. In a few days, it will be the day of fighting for power in the ten-year square city of that small city. I have to send someone to show the majesty of our Shuling royal family. I can take the opportunity to investigate this genius cultivation. The details of the refiner.

At this moment, countless practitioners' families are paying attention to this pillar of golden light. Dong, Feng and Tan families in the cold ice city, the capital of Shuling, all showed a trace of surprise and speculation. With the attention of so many people, Shen Aotian is really honored. Maybe in a few days Qingyuan City will compete for power once every ten years, and it will be very lively.