Endless objects

Chapter 61 Receiving the Python

The secret room of the Shen family in Qingyuan City.

Shen Aotian sat cross-legged, and his soul floated out of his body. At this time, Shen Aotian felt that his soul was a little stronger than before. I don't know if it was because he had just promised the violent python to save its kind that made his soul promoted.

"Master, please accompany me into the Skystorm Star and the Sky Star. According to the violent python, maybe I will be in danger there!" Shen Aotian asked.

"Okay, I will go with you as a teacher. Who will protect your body here?" Yuan Jiangdao.

"Cough, human beings, let me protect your body. Ordinary Tianganjing practitioners are not my opponent. If you are not sure, I can also sign a contract with you, because I also have my peers in Tianqiao Star, but the current power of Tianqiao Star is enough to last for nearly a thousand years, and I'm not in a hurry! Ha ha, after I saw that the Crying Fire Rat signed a contract with you, it obviously absorbed more power of stars than me. I can't help but take up this benefit!" Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast rushed out of Shen Aotian's golden elixir and showed a cunning smile.

Then the gray soul body also floated out of its body, and the Tianqiao purple lion beast immediately signed a contract with Shen Aotian!

Shen Aotian couldn't help laughing bitterly. As a practitioners, Shen Aotian knew the relationship between monsters and humans. Other practitioners were struggling to find, and no monsters were willing to sign contracts with them, but the monsters Shen Aotian met were scrambling to sign contracts.

"Okay, thank you, Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast!" Shen Aotian said politely.

Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast just nodded slightly, and then lay in the secret room and no longer moved. After all, although Shen Aotian is now its owner, Shen Aotian's strength does not make Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast lower its noble head. Presumably, after Shen Aotian's strength grows in the future, it can convince Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast. .

With today's feeling of Shen Aotian, the Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast is much stronger than that of the Fire Rat King. It is very likely to be a high-level monster in Tian Gangjing, which is just speculation.

Shen Aotian and Yuan Lao's soul floated to the storm star at the same time. The distance between them was extremely long, but with the ability of the two, they also reached the storm star a few minutes later.

Endless flames filled the whole planet. Yuan Jiang couldn't help sighing when he saw it. He didn't expect that the sea of fire at this time was more hotter than hundreds of years ago.

"Hss! " hiss!"

As soon as he reached the bao xing, Shen Aotian immediately released the python beast. The python beast first sent out a very harsh sound, and then he heard the same voice as the python beast everywhere.

Then, the violent python made another strange sound. Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang both felt in all directions, and countless violent pythons surged in.

"Master, what is this sound?" Shen Aotian asked.

"This is the raging python beast in an extremely dangerous situation, which is used to gather all the raging python beasts on the whole planet to deal with the enemy!" Yuan Jiang said indifferently.

Of course, Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang know that the violent python summons its companions with this sound, not to deal with them.

"Human! There are human beings there. They must be in danger!"

"Devour the soul of human beings! Come and wash away the anger in our hearts!"

"Swallow it! Swallow it!"

In the countless surge of flames on the whole planet, giants are moving rapidly towards the direction of Shen Aotian.

"Master, you and your predecessors leave hundreds of meters away from the Storm Star first. After I negotiate with my companions, can you come closer, okay?" The violent python beast said to Shen Aotian.

"Yes!" Shen Aotian doesn't want to be besieged by these violent pythons.

With the distance between Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang, the group of violent pythons coincidentally looked at the violent python that sent a signal.

"Why did you let those two humans go?" In the endless sea of fire, a python beast that is several times thicker than other pythons questioned.

"Lead, that human can save us from the celestial storm and return our bodies to what it used to be. We no longer have to endure the pain and torture brought by the flames!" The violent python beast subdued by Shen Aotian suddenly said.


I only heard the python leader make a tearing sound, and then looked angrily at the soul of Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang.

"Damn! How can you believe in human beings! You must have been subdued by him! How can he save all our people! The endless flames in this storm are caused by that group of cunning and despicable human beings! Hiss! You don't deserve to be a member of our python family! I will burn your flesh and blood to ashes to pay tribute to the blood-dead people!" The python leader suddenly became extremely angry, as if he did not trust the violent python beast that Shen Aotian subdued.

"I'm stubborn!" At this moment, Yuan Jiang scolded angrily and exuded exquisite heavenly spirit in his hands, and then he saw that the python leader was wrapped into rice dumplings by Yuan Jiang.

The python leader is only two levels higher than the ordinary violent python beast. It is a triple monster of Tiangang level, and Yuan Jiang himself is the soul body and has already reached the high level of Tiangang level. He wants to kill this violent leader like a children's play.

"Aotian, open your mouth and bring this python leader into your golden elixir. We still have to go to Tianhui, but we don't have time to fight with these ignorant monsters!" As soon as Yuan Jiang's words fell, Shen Aotian brought the leader of the python into his golden elixir.

When the python leader entered Shen Aotian's golden elixir, at first, it was extremely angry and seemed to want to destroy Shen Aotian's golden elixir, but then found that it was completely unable to perform any powerful attacks within Shen Aotian's golden elixir.

Then, the leader of the python saw the storm star in Shen Aotian's golden elixir, and there was a terrible look in the snake's pupil.

"How is this possible? It's actually a celestial storm star that has not been burned by flames!?" After seeing all this, the python leader found that it was dark in front of him and was brought out by Shen Aotian.

"Branfly leader, I don't have much time. If I want to save your clan, I will enter my Dantian star domain. If I want to die, I don't care! I just want to fulfill my promise with this violent python. Now you choose!" Shen Aotian pointed to the violent python he subdued, and then said to the python leader.

At this moment, the python leader finally calmed down his excitement when he saw the intact celestial star.


Then, I heard the communication between the python leader and all the pythons.

"I'm sorry, human beings, I didn't expect that there were kind practitioners like you among the practitioners. Please forgive my ignorance! I want the thirty-headed python beast that has reached the level of Tiangan to enter your golden elixir! I am willing to help you fight at any time as a reward!" The leader of the python suddenly said solemnly.

After listening to the words of the python leader, Shen Aotian was ecstatic, but did not show it on his face, but opened his mouth to let this group of violent pythons enter the Jindan star domain. At this time, in the golden Dan star domain, the python beast that originally signed a contract with Shen Aotian showed a gratified look in the snake's pupil.

At this time, Shen Aotian was also worried about the food of these violent python beasts. Some time ago, the crying fire rat beast devoured the body of the practitioners of the Yan family, and it was no problem not to eat food for about a month. The violent python beast and the Tianqiao purple lion beast both ate Shen Aotian's several grain pills and added so many days. Bira, it seems that Shen Aotian will refine more elixir in the future. Not only Pigu elixir, but also some energy elixir and tonic elixir for them to swallow. After all, Pigu elixir is not nutritious...

Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang left the Skystorm Star under the painful and helpless eyes of the group of monsters that did not reach the level of Tiangang level in the endless sea of fire.

When he left, Shen Aotian looked at the poor variety of flame-burned mutant monsters in the celestial storm star, and his heart surged with an inexplicable feeling. He always felt that he would come back in his future cultivation career and rescue all the monsters and help them escape from the sea of fire.