Endless objects

Chapter 93 Rebirth in Fire

When all the martial arts practitioners entered the Flying God Boat, the strong army of the royal family of Shuling Kingdom outside the gate rushed in! The number of strong people below the triple in Tianangjing is about 3,000! There are more than 300 high-level strong men in Tian Gangjing, and there are three strong men in Tian Gangjing, and the first one is actually Prince Yong!

" Shen Aotian! There is another universe in your body. One of my guards saw that you swallowed people into your body. Presumably, as long as you escape now, everyone will escape! Humph! Can that great scholar save you once and save you the second time? Prince Yong shouted angrily!

"Go!" Shen Aotian did not answer Prince Yong's words, but shouted eagerly to the dwarf elders! At this time, the speed of the flying god boat is extremely fast! It has flown out of the Shen family and into the air of the Shen family's forbidden land!

Shen Aotian let the dwarf elders fly over the forbidden land of the Shen family, and then arrive at Muxi City and meet in Muxi City! Seeing the flying god boat going away, Shen Aotian's mood eased a little, and then slowly turned his head to Prince Yong, revealing his ferocious face!

"Prince Yong! You imprisoned my mother and trapped her in a cage for more than ten years! I will definitely avenge this bloody vengeance! I want you to frustrate your bones and ashes, and your soul will enter Jiuyou, and you will be tempered by the prison fire forever!" Shen Aotian laughed crazily, and he sacrificed thousands of demons again! At this time, Shen Aotian didn't have much blood!

But Shen Aotian still resolutely sacrificed the Tianang demon array. Although the blood was gone, Shen Aotian still had a soul and bones! There is also the Golden Dan Star Domain! All this can still supplement the energy of Tianang's demon array. Prince Yong is a seven-fold strong man in the evil world, dozens of times stronger than Xia Luan, but Shen Aotian also knows that the power of Tianang's demon array obviously has spare power against Xia Luan, so Tianang's demon array and Prince Yong still has the power to fight!

The elders of the dwarf clan have flown out of the Shen family, and Shen Aotian's golden elixir star domain also have been replaced by extremely powerful dwarf leaders. As for the monsters that were depressed when they just displayed the Tian Gang demon array, Shen Aotian has replaced them, allowing energetic monsters to enter the Tian Gang demon array, and there is only Tianqiao purple lion in the Tianqiao star. Beast, Shen Aotian can only feed it a few Peiyuan Dan, hoping that Tianqiao Purple Lion Beast can support it!

At this time, Prince Yong felt a little bad after seeing Shen Aotian release the 18-headed Tianang star monsters, so he hid in the army of more than 3,000 royal families!

Shen Aotian was so angry that he instantly surrounded the 18 Tian Gang star monsters around more than 3,000 masters sent by the royal family of Shuling, and then began to use their arrays!

"Boom! Boom!"

I don't know why, as soon as the formation came out, it rained in the sky, accompanied by thunder. At this moment, Shen Aotian seemed to have made some determination and made a sad roar!

"Ten thousand demon arrays! Accept my essence! Eat my flesh and blood! Swallow my soul! Break my bones! Integrate into the array of demons! I, Shen Aotian, summon the power of the stars to Tianang Star with my whole body and blood!" Shen Aotian looked up at the sky proudly with sharp eyes! The eyes are solemn! It seems that the original stars in the sky have been infected by Shen Aotian! It shines brightly!

"Prince Yong! You have bullied my mother for more than ten years! This hatred is sistful! I will definitely let you die! Can you escape this disaster by hiding among the practitioners of more than 3,000 days? Shen Aotian roared fiercely. He didn't know where Shen Aotian's confidence came from. He seemed to feel that the original power of the Thirty-Six Stars was showing his goodwill to him! It seems that Thirty-Six Tian Gangxing also knows what the Shuling royal family has done!

18 huge pillars of stars 100 meters wide, like a galloping river, poured into the array of demons in the sky! At this time, the Tianang demon array seems to be a little different from the last time. These Tianang star monsters have a strong resentment! This resentment came from the vast rush of the eighteen heavenly planets!

"What is that? A cloud of gray fog? Is it a resentment? It seems to be the resentment of the Tianang star monsters we have killed!" Prince Yong suddenly looked at the sky. When he looked at the sky from afar, he suddenly found that countless gray fogs rushing from the sky had rolled in! He actually recognized these monsters and resentment that he had killed. It seemed that there were not many murders he had created!

"Prince Yong, if you royal family of Shuling wantonly kill monsters, one day you will be punished by God!" Shen Aotian shouted angrily! Eighteen Tianang star monsters rise in the wind! One head is like an ancient demon god! The demons rose to the sky and made a roar! These monsters seemed to have completely lost their true colors and were shrouded in anger and resentment!

The boundless flame turned into a hell dragon, and the demonic spirit surrounded more than 3,000 practitioners in Shuling!


All the monsters made an angry voice, and then attacked more than 3,000 royal practitioners in Shuling Kingdom! These sad and angry roars rippled the souls of these practitioners, and their strength weakened by one point!

The royal family of Shuling has been passed down for thousands of years, which is longer than all the big families in Shuling Kingdom. It is extremely powerful and also has an extremely powerful formation! It is to use the luck of the royal family and resist the extremely strong resentment!

At this time, a long rainbow of air surged above the heads of all the royal practitioners of Shuling, which was extremely gorgeous! Resisting the boundless resentment that just rolled down from the sky!

For some reason, the golden elixir in Shen Ao's celestial body was extremely interested in these fortune Changhongs and actually ran out of Shen Aotian's big mouth! Shen Aotian unconsciously opened his mouth, and then the golden golden elixir suddenly rushed to Yunxiao, and then stayed in the middle of the Tianang demon array, covering this round array!

In an instant, a spectacle appeared in front of Shen Aotian. All the luck was swallowed up by Shen Aotian's golden elixir, and outside Shen Aotian's golden elixir, there were also textures, which seemed to be a pattern! It depicts all kinds of stars between heaven and earth!

At this time, those practitioners of the royal family of Shuling had no luck to resist, and they were instantly entangled in resentment. Although their strength was greatly reduced, they were still more powerful than the power exerted by Tian Gang and Wan demon array!

The last time I defeated Xia Luan, it was just a person. This time, there are more than 3,000 strong people in Tianangjing, and there are also powerful people in the evil realm of heaven and earth. It is simply a dragonfly shaking trees! Although Shen Aotian has confidence in himself, he still feels that he has more than enough strength!

"Treasure of Celestial Bodies?" Shen Aotian muttered to himself that he felt the breath of the celestial treasure record from the golden elixir, which was extremely mysterious, and it was difficult for Shen Aotian not to notice it!

At this time, Shen Aotian's whole body, flesh and soul power were all dedicated to the Tiangan demon array. His body was slowly shrinking, and his blood and blood were lost little by little! The bones are broken! It seems that it will be annihilated in the wind at any time!

And the glory in the golden elixir was even more prosperous. Countless grievances in the sky hit the royal family of Shuling, and these long rainbows were all absorbed by Shen Aotian's golden elixir. Although the strength of these 3,000 royal masters were still there, they were absorbed by Shen Aotian's golden elixir, and their faces showed panic!

And the most feared one is Prince Yong! He is the person who is most familiar with Shen Aotian. I don't know why Shen Aotian has such a way to deal with so many masters of Tianangjing, and even the masters of the earth!

It's God! God is sinling against the royal family of Shuling!

"Aotian, you can't use this array anymore! Hurry up and escape! If it goes on like this, you will die. If you keep your hand at this time, there will be a glimmer of life!" Yuan Jiang said angrily!

At this time, Yuan Jiang is in Shen Aotian's Jindan Star Domain. Although he is many distance away from Shen Aotian, he can still communicate with each other!

"Master, I want to avenge my mother's deep blood!" Shen Aotian said angrily, at this time, Shen Aotian's bones had shrunk to one-tenth of his original body shape, and there was no blood on his face. This horrible and ferocious face made Yuan Jiang in the golden elixir extremely worried!

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! What's more, you are still young and have great potential! If you use this array of demons again at this time, you will lose too much blood, your soul will fail, and martial arts will stop from now on! You can no longer explore this vast universe! Even so, you may not be able to kill Prince Yong from these more than 3,000 strong people!" Yuan Jiang roared!

Shen Aotian listened to all this and couldn't help sweating coldly! Shen Aotian's face is now full of blood. This cold sweat is even more water and blood, which looks gloomy and horrible!

Shen Aotian, who woke up, rushed into his golden elixir star domain! At this time, he quickly put away the eighteen Tianang star monsters, and then commanded Jin Dan from the Jindan Star Domain to leave the Shen family!

When Jin Dan left the top of Prince Yong and others, and the Tianang demon array was no longer shrouded, Prince Yong's face finally showed an expression for the rest of his life after the disaster!

Jin Dan obeyed Shen Aotian's command, passed through the forbidden land of the Shen family, and then arrived at the evening city of Cangyun Kingdom!

However, black appeared on the printing hall of more than 3,000 people at this time! On the originally radiant face, some purple and black atmosphere can be faintly seen!

"Fal luck! The golden elixir can absorb the luck of the practitioner and then turn to Shen Aotian. No wonder Shen Aotian's cultivation is so high now! This kind of magical golden elixir is really a treasure!" Prince Yong showed an extremely shocked expression at this moment, and also had a peep at Shen Aotian's golden elixir!

In the star domain, Shen Lie, Shen Guangrui and Feng Yuqin all surrounded Shen Aotian, with an extremely painful look on their faces. Feng Yuqin cried even more.

"Mother, don't be sad. As long as I meditate for 100 days, I will definitely recover as before!" Shen Aotian said indifferently.

I don't know why Shen Aotian felt a bright and smooth future in his body at this time. He was extremely confident. Even if his soul was gone, he no longer felt afraid. There was a fortune that was affecting Shen Aotian's state of mind!

The practitioners have reached the middle level of Tian Gangjing. Even if they don't eat or drink for months, they are still fine. Shen Aotian is ready to find a planet and then shut down!

"Aotian, go to the Star Tripod! It can gather the power of Tianang stars, and can also absorb the refinement of vegetation and enhance the power of life. The Peiyuan Dan in it can also be eaten. With the power of these stars, the power of life, the power of elixir, and the blessing of three forces, I believe it is difficult for your injury!" Yuan Jiang said!

Hearing Yuan Jiang's words, Shen Aotian sneaked into the Star Tripod. Indeed, this star tripod is indeed a rare treasure in the world. At this time, Shen Aotian felt that a continuous force was pouring into his body in the Star Tripod!

I don't know why, Shen Aotian always has a strange feeling at this moment. Shen Aotian feels that a great change is taking place in his life, and at this moment, Shen Aotian's body is also undergoing a transformation!

Shen Aotian's flesh and blood turned into a ball, which is no longer so angular, and Shen Aotian's whole body bones have also changed into a ball of sticky things. To be precise, Shen Aotian seems to be recondensing his body and reborn in the fire!

Everything turned into nothingness, and then reshaped a body from the underworld!

At this time, Shen Aotian didn't know what happened to him and what changed all this! At this time, Shen Aotian is experiencing the feeling of rebirth!

And in Shen Aotian's Dantian, he seems to want to grow Jin Dan again!

Shen Aotian's golden elixir at this time seems to have become an independent space, and Shen Aotian's rebirth seems to have to reshape the body, and there is no golden elixir in Shen Aotian's reshaped body. It is not surprising if a golden elixir is reshaped at this time!

No matter what the situation is, no one can explain what happened to Shen Aotian at this time? And only Yuan Jiang seems to know something about the celestial treasure book! That magical thing falls on Shen Aotian, and something wonderful will always happen!

At this time, Jindan seemed to have stopped, and Shen Lie and others also ran out of the Jindan. Without Shen Aotian's special do, this Jindan can go back and forth as they like!

Shen Lie came out first. He looked at the plain of Yima Pingchuan and had a feeling of leaving home in his heart! The former Shen family will definitely not be able to go back, unless the Shen family really has the ability to defeat the royal family of Shuling.

Shen Lie looked at the scenery of Cangyun, felt it carefully, and suddenly showed a happy expression. He sensed the breath of the third generation of the Shen family, that is, he knew the location of the flying god boat! So, Shen Lie grabbed the golden elixir in his hand and ran to the location of the flying god boat! And the rest of the people followed closely!

At the moment when the Shen family fled to Cangyun, in the ice city of Shuling, the three families and the royal family of Shuling are deadlocked, but the royal family of Shuling does not dare to oppress the three families wantonly. After all, the three families are also big families that have been inherited for hundreds of years. If they resist, they must not be the royal family of Shuling. I can bear it!