Endless objects

Chapter 187 phagocy

Shen Aotian's evolution actually evolved his space ring. All the materials, items and everything in the space ring turned into the refreshing atmosphere after Shen Aotian broke and stood up. Only a god axe is still in the palace of the Star Empire!

After breaking and standing, everything turned into illusion, and even the clothes were transformed by this group of pure energy. Today, Shen Aotian is far away from the shackles of human beings!

Shen Aotian touched his seal hall, where there is still a cave, this cave, but Shen Aotian's only space now seems to be able to put the god axe into it!

After all the shackles were removed, Shen Aotian's body was much easier. After giving a big gift to the Ziwei Emperor, he stayed away from Ziweixing, and then quickly escaped above the palace of the Star Empire!

The god axe has a sense and flies straight in the direction of Shen Aotian!

"The god axe has disappeared! Has the star owner come back to life?

"No, haven't you seen the star owner? Is it possible to run away from the sky?

All the practitioners around the Palace of the Star Empire said in surprise that if Shen Aotian, the head of the dragons, disappeared, the vast land of China would really fall into crisis!

"The third formula against the sky!"

At this moment, after Shen Aotian just broke and stood up, he suddenly used the third formula of the sword against the sky!

I saw that on the sky of the universe, I was actually split a crack by this sword move! Use the god axe to use this sword move, although it is not as good as using the sword, but the power is not reduced at all!

At this moment, a purple glow flowed out of the crack! Attacking the Hailan mainland, there is an extremely strong light in this crack, which is touching! The infinite airflow similar to the aura of heaven and earth floated down from the sky, increasing the cultivation of all the practitioners of Hailan Continent by one level!

Even in the depths of the endless sea, a remote corner of the Arctic ice field is filled with this aura of heaven and earth!

Not bad, it's the first order! Whether it is the sun realm, the demon moon realm, the evil realm, or the strong men of the heavenly realm, they have all increased their cultivation. A four-fold strong man in the demon moon realm, who was originally breaking through the bottleneck, suddenly found that his strength had reached the fivefold of the demon moon realm!

This sudden change has made all practitioners crazy!

And Shen Aotian's move alone can make the aura roll down! A quarter of an hour later, the crack slowly healed! And in Hailan Continent, all the practitioners have also absorbed all the aura ejected from that crack!

In only a quarter of an hour, Hailan mainland has had several more starry power!

Yang Jian, Meng Qian, Ice King, Sea Emperor!

Today's Hailan mainland actually has seven starry power!

Shen Jingyu's strength is the strongest, followed by God! Shen Aotian! Yang Jian! Meng Qian! Ice King! Sea Emperor!

The birth of these strong people in the starry sky has made Hailan Continent emerge a vision of the nature of heaven and earth!

Thunder rolling! The river flows backwards! The sun and the moon are upside down! Time is still!

All the visions made the origin of Hailan mainland fall into a discordant state at this time. Hailan mainland did not seem to be able to withstand the power of these seven strong men in the starry sky, and actually began to collapse one after another!

"Obey the way of heaven and transport nature!"

Shen Aotian exhaled a clear breath, which actually made Hailan mainland recover again. I don't know what this breath is, and it can actually restore Hailan mainland again!

"Whh which world is it? The star owner actually succeeded!" Yang Jian said that at this time, Yang Jian also called Shen Aotian the star owner. It seems that Shen Aotian has risen to another level in the minds of the public!

Today's Shen Aotian is enough to be admired by everyone. In terms of real combat effectiveness, Shen Aotian, coupled with the god axe, is enough to be more powerful than others in the star world!

"Aotian, you really didn't disappoint me! The three types of anti-sky actually understood the last type of anti-sky feeling. Although it is only a trace of perception, it is enough to be against the sky!" Shen Jingyu said.

"Ha ha, ancestor, this type of power actually consumed all my strength. In less than a year and a half, it is impossible to issue the second type!" Shen Ao Tiandao.

"Aotian, do you know what to do if the three types of anti-sky grow further?" Shen Jingyu said slowly.

"Ancestors, I don't know." Shen Ao Tiandao.

"The three types against the sky, claiming to be able to break through the existence of the cosmic star domain! In the end, it is against the sky and can devour all the power! If you integrate all the skills you have learned before into the three swords against the sky, then this set of sword formulas will increase the power by a few points! If you swallow up your previous magical skills, your strength and realm will improve!" Shen Jingyu said.

At this time, Shen Aotian heard Shen Jingyu's words and immediately began to use the anti-sky sword formula to devour the skills he had once mastered one by one!

After the martial arts-level skills "Chancing", the martial arts-level skills "Lion Power" and the martial arts-level skills "Tiger BUNCH", these martial arts-level skills were all swallowed up by the three swords against the sky, which actually made the power of the three swords against the sky have a little domineering luck, like a lion and tiger! Unexpectedly, there is the power of a lion and tiger in it!

Then, Shen Aotian began to devour the "Spirit Condensation Technique", the Tian gang-level skill "The Method of Sealing the Acupoint and Breaking the Vein Technique", the ground-level skill "Floating Cloud Art", the Xuanxing skill "Xuanxing Royal Sword Secret", the demon moon-level skill "Wanling Fire Secret", and the demon monthly-level skill "The Haoyue Qianli"!

After these skills are swallowed up, the three swords against the sky are more powerful and have a light and elegant spirit! And it's not as soft as an ordinary sword!

"Haha, ancestor, I now find that this anti-sky sword formula is in my hands, and there is no such sword spirit. How about calling it to cut against the sky?" Shen Aotian laughed wildly.

Shen Jingyu nodded at this time! He also found that since Shen Aotian practiced this anti-sky sword formula, it was not like a sword formula, but seemed to be cutting something! At this time, Shen Aotian completely created his own martial arts and skills! After swallowing all the magic skills, Shen Aotian's strength has increased again!

Cut against the sky!

This is the most powerful skill created by Shen Aotian. Although it is also borrowed from the secret of the sword against the sky, it also has many magical power!

Only at this time, Shen Aotian suddenly found that "Haoran Long Song", "The Book of Five elements of Heaven", "The Record of Celestial Treasures" and "The Curse of All sentient beings" could not be swallowed up!

At this time, there is still the book "Heavenly Demon Inextreme" in the sky! At this time, Shen Aotian found so many skills from another world. How unfathomable it is! That day, Mo Wuji is also very likely to be a skill in another world!

At this time, Shen Aotian also put the star tripod into his cave. He suddenly found that the star tripod also had the breath of another world. This was discovered after Shen Aotian advanced to the realm of the sun. It seemed that the star tripod also had a different mystery!

The most important thing is that today's Peiyuandan is not so helpful to many strong people. In addition, the essence of the vegetation of Hailan mainland in recent years has been absorbed too much by the Star Tripod. Hailan mainland needs to restore its original state. Naturally, Shen Aotian will not destroy all the vegetation of this Hailan continent!

At this time, Shen Aotian found that after devouring these magical skills, his strength was more than doubled, and he could release the power of any skills anytime and anywhere, such as the unknown industry fire. Now that Shen Aotian's all-spirit royal fire formula has been swallowed up against the sky, he can still display the unknown industry fire at any time. This situation made Shen Aotian ecstatic!