Endless objects

Chapter 189 Going to the Sea

Today, Shen Aotian has spent a long time in his long cultivation career. He is in his forties, but his face is still young and full of youthful vitality!

The strongest man in the starry sky is enough to be proud of the heroes and be the king of the world!

"I, Shen Aotian, are back!"

A long roar pierced the clouds and night, as if it were the bells of heaven and earth, shocking the heroes!

" Shen Aotian! What are you so arrogant about? My God is not afraid of you!"

"Our seamen are not afraid of you!"

"Well, count us as an ice giant!"

Three sounds followed by bursts of sound waves from the west, south and north of the Hailan mainland. This sound wave has the power to destroy the world.

The strong man in the starry world can shatter the vastness and destroy the starry sky with just a roar! Just after the voice of God, the Sea Emperor and the Ice King appeared, countless stars in the sky were destroyed!

Is that right? Hahahaha! What a waste, how dare you shout with me?!"

Shen Aotian laughed wildly, but this laughter spread from the vast land of China to the other three forces!

Furious energy circulates in Hailan Continent! The power is infinite, and the voice of Shen Aotian echoes between heaven and earth!

Then, there was a terrible cry from all three directions! Even strong people such as God, the Sea Emperor and the Ice King could not resist Shen Aotian's long roar. In the roar, it was full of Shen Aotian's will to change his life against the sky, and countless forces kept pouring out!

There are thousands of murderous intentions between heaven and earth! Endless murderous intentions gushed out from the sea clan, ice giants, and the disciples of God, because of Shen Aotian, who killed and injured countless people! It is because of Shen Aotian that their survival is in trouble!

Today, the sun is still above the Arctic ice field and the middle of the vast land of China.

"Go back, sun! Thank you for your hard work!"

Shen Aotian shouted loudly and suddenly transported the power of the celestial body, slowly sending the sun into the sky!

Today's Shen Aotian, who is very confident, dares to play with the sun in the palm of his hand. This powerful power dominates the world and dominates the world!

God, the sea emperor, and the ice king, saw Shen Aotian's strength and hid one after another, and Shen Aotian did not care about them, but looked at the deepest part of the southern sea. Shen Aotian felt the breath of the little dragon girl there, and it seemed that the little dragon girl was in danger! What exactly is it? Can the ancient golden dragon be in danger?

Shen Aotian no longer cares about anything else, holds the god axe, and is ready to turn into a streamer and rush to the sea!

At this moment, Shen Aotian found a figure waiting for him silently! This person is Dong Linger. She is looking at Shen Aotian in the palace of the Star Empire!

Seeing Dong Linger looking into the distance, Shen Aotian couldn't help but be stunned when he became so indifferent!

In the years of cultivation, Shen Aotian constantly pursued strength and lost himself from it, but isn't Shen Aotian the kind of person who ignores seven emotions and six desires? It's just that Shen Aotian has never reached the strength he wants and does not have the strength to protect his family, so he keeps working hard to practice!

Shen Aotian waved to Dong Linger, and then the two rushed to the attacking sea together!

Soon, two streams of light rushed into the depths of the sea, and the sea emperor was just shocked by Shen Aotian. Knowing that Shen Aotian's strength was unfathomable at this moment, he hid and ignored Shen Aotian.

In the vast territory, there was no horizon, only the sea, and the water was full of water. Dong Linger couldn't help but look far away. She wanted to see if there was a corner!

Shen Aotian said, "Don't look. There are almost no islands here. Meng Qian once told me that the original islands have been swept away by the sea people and turned into endless sea. If someone enters the sea, as long as they go deep into the sea, they will be killed by the seamen or become slaves of the seamen."

"The seaman is so domineering, isn't the seaman a water monster?" Dong Linger's face changed slightly!

Because in the sea, the monsters of the water system will be more powerful, and as practitioners, if there is no foothold, the power will be consumed quickly in the vast sea.

"The seaman is a water monster, but it is also a human, and it is much more powerful than the water monster in the vast land of China. You should know that the ocean has existed for tens of thousands of years, and I don't know how many powerful monsters exist, because at the bottom of the deep sea, there are few practitioners who can kill, that is, the strong man at the peak of the sun. You have to think about it, because when fighting, you have to bear the pressure of the sea, and the power of many celestial bodies in the sea will also be suppressed by the sea. The sea has always been a mysterious existence. Countless people want to conquer the ocean, but as a result, they are ruthlessly swallowed up by the ocean. Shen Aotian explained slowly.

At this moment, Shen Aotian summoned the heavenly ibis beast from the sky. If he only relied on the power of Dong Linger, he might not be able to maintain it for too long. Of course, as the peak of the starry sky, Shen Aotian did not have so many worries!

"It is impossible for the Tianji red ibis beast to fly endlessly. Without landing points, it may not fly to the depths of the sea." Dong Linger frowned, because although the Tianji crested ibis is a monster suitable for flying, it only has the power of the peak of the earth's evil world. If it hadn't been for the faster flight speed than ordinary land birds in China, Shen Aotian might not have summoned it to appear!

"It doesn't matter, I can summon monsters from the thirty-six stars at any time! It can be achieved completely." Shen Ao Tiandao.

Dong Linger answered and commanded the heavenly crested ibis beast to reach the heights of the sea.

The speed of the crested ibis was very fast, and the coast was thrown far behind them. Dong Linger suddenly had a relaxed and happy feeling, and there was a trace of peace in her heart.

Shen Aotian closed his eyes to refresh his mind. The two did not speak and flew calmly to the south.

After flying for nearly a month, the distance is almost equivalent to crossing the vast land of Shenzhou. Although the Tianji red ibis is supported by the power of Tianji Star, it has also reached its limit and needs to return to Tianji Star.

Let go of this heavenly ibis beast, Dong Linger and Shen Aotian floated in the air. Shen Aotian just wanted to summon other heavenly ibis beasts from the heavenly star, and the two suddenly sensed a trace of danger. This was the first time that Shen Aotian had a dangerous omen after becoming a master of the starry sky.

Today's Shen Aotian's strength can run through the world and tear up the starry sky. How can it be dangerous here? Shen Aotian couldn't help wondering whether he had met the legendary mythical beast!

has the same existence as Jinlong and Tianfeng. After all, Shen Aotian does not know what kind of monster there are in the unknown sea! But this possibility is very small, because in Shen Aotian's cognition, there are no other mythical beasts in Hailan Continent except the little dragon girl. This may also be a monster that is powerful and comparable to the strong man in the starry sky, right?


Then, only a loud noise was heard from the sea, and a huge column of water with a diameter of 1,000 meters rose up. The speed of the water column was extremely fast. Dong Linger even sensed the powerful water system force in it. Before the water column arrived, the huge seawater pressure had reached Dong Linger's body. Dong Linger felt that she could breathe. When some difficulties come, the pressure is like a mountain suddenly pressing on the body!

After Shen Aotian saw it, his face was also very dignified. Until he saw the water column rushing out tens of thousands of feet and reached Shen Aotian and Dong Linger in mid-air, Shen Aotian was even more shocked. The huge open god axe in his hand appeared, and a purple light was cut on it. Unexpectedly, the water column was only cut in half. The other half continued to rush.

The long sword in Dong Linger's hand also waved a colorful sword light. Although Dong Linger's power is much worse than that of Shen Aotian, she still has the strength of the sun, but Shen Aotian has never fought with Dong Linger. He is about to forget that Dong Linger was also a genius practicing in Shuling Kingdom!

Finally, Dong Linger's sword scratched on the water column, which also had some power, but the effect was not obvious, which only reduced the water column by little. Shen Aotian's god axe was another blow, barely dispersing the huge water column.

Shen Aotian is shocked at this moment! I have reached the peak strength of the starry sky! Even the king sea emperor in the sea will still not be his own enemy, so who is this enemy now? Is it the danger encountered by the little dragon girl?

At this time, before the two had time to shock, the water column began to change again. They saw a huge splash on the sea, and then a huge tentacle stretched out from the sea, full of suction cups. Each suction cup had a huge whirlpool, which sent out huge suction, as if it could absorb everything. Dong Linger saw at a glance that this tentacle was extremely huge. It seemed that the creatures in the sea was extremely powerful, but the two of them did not dare to despise this tentacle.

Shen Aotian directly pulled Dong Linger by his side and fled directly. When he saw Dong Linger and the others escape, the huge column of water appeared again, and the tentacles immediately came more fiercely. Looking from the high altitude, he saw two huge shadows on the sea, which were constantly dodging attacked by these tentacles! It can be seen how powerful the power of the erupting water column and tentacles is?

At this moment, Shen Aotian found that he did not find and explore the deeper secrets of the Hailan mainland. Among the sea clan, there are not only sea people ruled, but also powerful monsters in the water! The strong among these monsters is no worse than the Sea Emperor!

But these are not important. The important thing is that Dong Linger and Shen Aotian are powerless to resist at all, because in the sea, Shen Aotian's strength has declined. Moreover, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger are now the deliciousness of monsters in the sea. Once they are found and entangled, they will attract more sieges of monsters in the sea. At that time, you can't escape!