Endless objects

Chapter 196 Mythical Beast White Tiger

The Arctic ice sheet in the north of Hailan continent.

The huge and cold face of the ice king showed a strange and proud smile, and his huge body slowly walked in the ice.

"Shen Aotian, how dare you enter the hinterland of the Arctic ice field? You really don't pay attention to my ice king!" The Ice King said at this time.

At this time, the Ice King did not know that the Sea Emperor had been killed by Shen Aotian. Otherwise, he would certainly not be so reckless at this moment. He would definitely hide in the depths of the Arctic ice field and dare not fight against Shen Aotian.

"Humans, these ice giants, it's up to you. I'm going to find Xuanwu, and they don't deserve me to take action!" Tianfeng said.

After saying this, Tianfeng walked further north of the Arctic ice sheet! It felt the breath of Xuanwu there.

When Feng passed by the Ice King that day, the Ice King did not dare to attack, because the Ice King felt the flame smell on Tianfeng's body. Although he was in the Arctic ice field, the Ice King felt that Tianfeng's combat effectiveness was still much stronger than him!

When Shen Aotian saw the arrival of the ice king and others, he felt a cold breath coming to his face. Then, a sharp cool breeze like a knife cut. Unexpectedly, Shen Aotian shivered, and his face blown by the wind actually felt a faint pain!

At this point, Shen Aotian suddenly raised his whole body's vigilance to a very high level!


At this moment, an unknown thunderbolt sounded out of thin air. Without any warning, the thunder and lightning appeared in front of Shen Aotian's eyes, as if ringing in Shen Aotian's ear, shaking his eardrums hurt!

"Hum, Shen Aotian, in the Arctic icefield, all forces are under my control. Even if it is the thunder in the sky, they must listen to the command of my ice king!" The Ice King laughed wildly!

At this moment, he saw Shen Aotian, Yang Jian and Meng Qian, the three strong men in the starry sky, but he did not feel too scared!

The Ice King felt that Shen Aotian's power had been reduced a lot in the Arctic ice field, and the strength of the other two was at most equivalent to four or five ten strong men in the hot sun!

Since Shen Aotian split the sky and sprinkled a trace of breath falling from the Holy Yuantian, there have been more than a dozen masters in the hot sun realm of the Arctic ice field. It should be enough to kill Shen Aotian!

Shen Aotian was thinking about how to deal with the ice king at this moment, and saw a rainstorm pouring down! The rainstorm soon became a piece of rain. Looking around, it was all white!

Suddenly, Shen Ao's eyes moved, and when he looked at the rain again, his eyes were full of horror! This rain can actually hurt his body! The raindrops fell on Shen Aotian's face, first a cold feeling, and then a hot feeling.

Shen Aotian reached out and touched his face, spread out his palm, and found that there was a trace of blood on his palm!

What kind of power is this? Unexpectedly, it can beat the blood of Shen Aotian, a strong man in the starry world!

The natural power of heaven and earth was mobilized by the Ice King, which is really powerful!

Shen Aotian's mind moved, and the power of the celestial body was continuously injected into his body, isolating the terrible raindrops. At this time, the raindrops kept sliding down both sides of Shen Aotian's body, but the surprise in Shen Aotian's heart was also beyond bound to be added!

And Dong Linger and others next to them all carried their strength and began to defend themselves. Dong Linger and others were not as powerful as Shen Aotian. Naturally, they were extremely careful. The power of their whole body gushed out without a bloody end.

"Arctic icefield, everything belongs to the world of my ice king!"

At this moment, the ice king mobilized countless raindrops over the Arctic ice field, and then turned all the rainwater into hail!

The hail is getting bigger and bigger now! And accompanied by a powerful hurricane that suddenly swept over! Then, a fierce lightning flash appeared and hit Shen Aotian fiercely!

Thousands of hail turn into thousands of sharp and sharp forces! With the help of the hurricane, it hit Shen Aotian overwhelmingly!

"Cut the second type of thunder against the sky!"

At this time, the open god axe in Shen Aotian's hand suddenly burst into a purple light, a powerful force burst out, and an axe light fiercely cut the hail exerted by the ice king!

These hails were completely eliminated by the god axe! Such a magical power can only be achieved by opening the divine axe!


When the Ice King saw that his changed hail had been cut off, he was naturally extremely angry. At this moment, he was really angry and made a loud noise. The Ice King pulled up a glacier in the Arctic ice field and threw it at Shen Aotian!

Shen Aotian obviously felt his feet tremble fiercely, and then looked far ahead, and a strong chill rose up!

"That's terrible!" Yang Jian and Meng Qian were surprised.

"Yang Jian, Meng Qian, you help me resist for a moment. I'll communicate the original power of Hailan Continent. The Ice King can actually mobilize the power of nature. The origin of Hailan Continent may be able to stop it!"

After shouting angrily, Shen Aotian suddenly withdrew from the battle with the Ice King, blocked the glacier with the god axe, and then began to summon the original power of Hailan Continent!

At this time, the original power of Hailan Continent also responded to Shen Aotian.

At this time, after Shen Aotian carefully sensed the original power of Hailan Continent, whether it was wind, rain, glaciers, thunder and lightning... all disappeared at this time!

"You can't even deal with it. How can you rush to Shengyuan Heaven?"

At this moment, after the attacks launched by the ice king disappeared, he was frightened.

I heard an angry roar in the sky, and then a huge turtle-shaped monster appeared in the depths of the Arctic ice field, which was extremely huge! It is larger than the whole Star Empire Palace, which is not enough to describe. The big foot of the Xuanwu Turtle moved slightly and stepped down on the body of the Ice King fiercely!

And at this moment, I saw that the ice king was about to die tragically at the feet of the Xuanwu turtle!

"Xuanwu, wait, I think that human is suitable to absorb the energy of this ice king!"

Tianfeng said aside, pointing her finger at Dong Linger!

"Well, just give it to that girl. You have absorbed the power of this big man, the luck of the starry sky and all the feelings, and you can also reach the starry sky!" Xuanwu said.

At this time, Dong Linger's eyes were dull, and then nodded happily!

"Thank you, Xuanwu!" At this moment, Shen Aotian pulled Dong Linger to the Ice King and saluted Xuanwu.

And all the ice giants around were frightened. What is this huge turtle-shaped monster? Is it the rumored Xuanwu turtle?

This foot can trample the head of the ice giant clan to death. It must be the rumored Xuanwu turtle. At the thought of this, these ice giants all turned into frightened birds at this time and immediately fled into the depths of the Arctic ice field!

Xuanwu nodded to Shen Aotian. Xuanwu's turtle, with a huge body, is best at defense. Its physical hardness is more powerful than any mythical beast. Moreover, Xuanwu's strength has also stepped into the imperial realm with half a foot, but due to his qualifications, I'm afraid he can't reach the imperial realm on the Hailan continent. Only Only when you go to Shengyuan Heaven can you break through!

In a short time, Dong Linger absorbed all the power of the Ice King and really reached the starry sky! Become a strong man in the starry sky!

At this time, you already have Tianfeng and Xuanwu. As long as you find the White Tiger and then go to the Star Empire to join the Little Dragon Girl, then break through the Hailan Continent and reach the Holy Yuantianjing, this ideal can be realized as soon as possible!

And at this moment, Shen Aotian has four strong men in the starry sky! If Shen Jingyu is added, won't it have five people?

And at this moment, Huofeng, Xuanwu took Shen Aotian and others and ran to the Western Regions, the gate of God, this huge thing, Shen Aotian wanted to pull out at one time!

At this time, in the door of God, not only God is evil, but also the disciples under the door harm the world!

Only by removing them can we really calm down the Hailan continent!

If Shen Aotian, Shen Jingyu and other star masters have entered the Holy Yuantian realm, then only by eliminating all those who are threatening the Star Empire and the Shen family can naturally keep the Shen family safe!

At this time, Shen Aotian naturally knew the importance of going to the gate of God this time!

The gate of the God of the Western Regions has been steadily here at this time. All the original orcs of the Western Regions have been plundered by the disciples of God and become puppet-like things!

After Shen Aotian arrived at the Western Regions at this time, he was able to see the power of the God Gate at this time!

And at this moment, Shen Aotian knows more that if he does not destroy the God Gate, he is afraid that his future Star Empire will also become the puppet of the God Gate!

"Tianfeng, Xuanwu, how did you come here with human beings?" At this moment, there was a roaring sound from the headquarters of the God Gate!

This tiger roar is extremely harsh. Even if it is a strong man in the starry sky, he needs to use all his strength to resist it. This tiger roar is murderous. Obviously, he is a strong man in the starry sky and must be the peak in the starry sky!

"Are you the Shen Aotian mentioned by God? Humph, you are still awesome to pull Huofeng and Xuanwu into your camp!"

At this time, I saw a burly man eight feet tall next to God. He obviously turned into a human form. According to Huo Feng, the white tiger's body is more murderous!

"Senior White Tiger, we discussed with Tianfeng and Xuanwu, together with the power of the four mythical beasts, we can go to the Holy Yuantianjing!" Shen Aotian said bluntly.

"Well, when they go there, it's none of my business. I'm in the Hailan mainland, and I can also devour some practitioners provided by God as food every day. My strength has increased, and my murderous intention is stronger. If I go back to the Shengyuan Continent, I'm just an invertible mythical beast, and Why is there freedom here?" White Tiger said.

"White Tiger, don't forget that you will never be promoted here! It will die. Although our mythical beast has a ten thousand years of longevity, it will still die. Only when we reach the Holy Yuantian realm and absorb the power in it will we evolve!" Huo Feng suddenly said that there was a little desire in the white tiger's eyes at this time, but then it was replaced by a resentment!

"Tianfeng, don't forget that once we arrive at Shengyuan Heaven, we may be a mount for that group of human beings. I don't want to have this kind of insult to the dignity of mythical beasts again!" Bai Hu also said.

At this time, God showed a sinister smile, obviously with the White Tiger!

"Senior Baihu, kill that Shen Aotian, that is he, who has many masters among practitioners, but he doesn't give us the door of God and can't be swallowed by Baihu Elder!" God said sinisterly.

In the eyes of the white tiger, an extremely powerful murderous intention emerged!

At this moment, Tianfeng and Xuanwu stood in front of Shen Aotian! Tianfeng's fire power is extremely strong, and Xuanwu's defense is extremely strong, while the white tiger's combat effectiveness is the most powerful except for the golden dragon. The combined combat effectiveness of Tianfeng and Xuanwu is only one point stronger than the white tiger!