Endless objects

Chapter 199 The Suffering of Parting

The strong man in the imperial realm can destroy thousands of planets by stepping on the change of heaven and earth and punching them. In addition to not being able to open the passage between the cosmic star domain and the Holy Yuantian realm, even if all the cosmic star domain is destroyed, it is just a matter between waving hands!

In the universe, there is no power that can stop the thoughts of the strong in the imperial realm!

Now over the Western Regions, all the strong men have been stunned, and Shen Aotian has reached the imperial realm. This shocking thing has stunned all these mythical beasts and the strong men in the starry sky.

"Imperial realm, it turns out to be this feeling, taking control of the universe, planning strategies, taking a breath, breaking the vastness, taking a breath, devouring all power! The strong people in the realm of the emperor can have endless years in the universe, and the stars in the universe all listen to my orders!" Shen Aotian felt the powerful power in his body and said happily.

"Shen Aotian, the strong man in the imperial realm is not as good as you think. The world is long and endless. If you stay alone in this space for a long time, no matter how strong he is, he will go crazy. All the practitioners in the universe are like ants in front of the strong in the emperor's realm. No one can stay with the emperor's realm. You won't think of this kind of hardship when a strong man is a friend!"

"In the past, I passed on the purple gold gas in the purple micro star to you, hoping that you would hold the god axe and then break through the universe with me! Because the strong man who once arrived in the universe before me said that only human beings appear in the Hailan continent, and in 36,000 years, 36,000 years later, the Shen family, the talented people of the Shen family, can hold the god axe and break through this starry sky with me!"

"In Hailan Continent, human civilization has lasted for 36,000 years. I also waited for a long time from the universe. Finally, when human beings appeared in Hailan Continent, I waited for 36,000 years from the beginning of human history. Finally, when you were born, you are what the strong man said can cut open the space. People!"

Ziwei Emperor finally told the secrets and suffering that he buried himself in the endless years in his heart. At this time, the soul of Ziwei Emperor seemed to have sublimated, and he could finally escape from the shackles of the star domain. For Ziwei Emperor, this is a blessing!

At this time, Shen Aotian felt the loneliness and lonely suffering that the Purple Emperor had. For thousands of years, in the universe and star domain, it was like being trapped in a cage. Shen Aotian deeply knew that if he did not break through the boundary between the universe and the Holy Yuantian realm in the future, I'm afraid he would also have this kind of loneliness and suffering. !

Hailan mainland now has four starry world practitioners, including Shen Jingyu, Yang Jian, Meng Qian and Dong Linger, as well as four mythical beasts, Golden Dragon, White Tiger, Tianfeng, Xuanwu, as well as Ziwei Emperor and Shen Aotian, who have reached the conditions to go to the Holy Yuan Continent!

"Ziwei Emperor, all mythical beasts, there are still some things to deal with in the Star Empire. Maybe you will go later." Shen Aotian said with a flat face.

"Aotian Xiaoyou, there are still three days left, and the universe will collapse because of so many stars and two strong emperors. At that time, many practitioners will die! You have to deal with it as soon as possible!" Emperor Ziwei said solemnly.

"Don't worry, three days is enough!" After saying that, Shen Aotian took Dong Linger, Yang Jian and Meng Qian back to the Star Empire, and the four mythical beasts and Ziwei Emperor went to Ziwei Star together!

Star Empire Palace!

"Sun'er, do you really want to go to Shengyuan Heaven?" An unspeakable family affection flowed in Shen Lie's eyes. He knew that if Shen Aotian went to Shengyuan Heaven, he would never see his grandchildren.

"Grandpa, I have to rush to the Holy Yuantian Realm within three days, otherwise, the universe will collapse because of so many strong people in the starry sky. At that time, I'm afraid all the creatures will die!" Shen Aotian said with a serious face.

"Grandpa, I now pass on my feelings to all the Shen family and the strongmen in the Star Empire. If you can gather two more emperors and eight strong men in the starry sky, you can also go to the Holy Yuantian Empire!" Shen Ao Tiandao.

At this moment, Shen Aotian used his feelings with his palms, and then passed them on to all his Shen family and the big figures of the Star Empire in turn!

In turn, Shen Guangcheng, Shen Guanghao, Gu She, Yuan Tianguang, Yinfeng, Wu Xiong, Wu Guan, Tianhui dwarf elders, the elder Shen Yan, Shen Hong, Tu Chen, Li Chunfeng, white scholar Kong Yingda, Tan Zhengju, Dong Mo, Dong Qianxuan, Feng Zhuo, Yindang, Kou Wei... and all the Tianxing Empire Shen Aotian, the powerful practitioners, have all transmitted their own feelings, intending that they can also break through this world in the future!

Then, Shen Aotian looked at his master Yuan Jiang.

"Master, I'm leaving. I'll give you all my feelings and Xing Chending. I can't bear to part with Master!" Tears surged in Shen Aotian's eyes, as if they were about to come down in an instant.

"Apprentice, you are now the supreme existence in the universe. You should go to the Holy Yuantian Realm. Master won't blame you!" After Yuan Jiang finished speaking, he felt a huge idea, and then poured it into his body, which actually had the power of life. Yuan Jiang's longevity at this time had increased to more than ten thousand years!

At this moment, Shen Aotian took out everything from his cave. There was also a star tripod and other items, which were taught to Yuan Jiang. At this time, Shen Aotian could only open the god axe in the cave!

At this time, Yuan Jiang's eyes are full of relief. His disciple can still give himself such a great benefit before leaving. If he relies on his ten thousand years of longevity, he will certainly be able to break through this boundary!

The strong man in the imperial realm has tens of millions of years of longevity. Even if he gives some to his relatives, I'm afraid that Shen Aotian's remaining longevity yuan will still have hundreds of millions of years!

Then, Shen Aotian walked into the Xuanzheng Hall with his grandfather Shen Lie, father Shen Guangrui, mother Feng Yuqin and brother Shen Aore. Shen Aotian passed all his feelings through his thoughts, and then transmitted them into the bodies of his relatives. As for how much they could understand, Shen Aotian did not know.

But Shen Aotian also spread the essence of life possessed by the strong in his imperial realm! These powers are more than those just passed on to his master, and everyone has a life expectancy of tens of thousands of years!

At this time, Shen Aotian passed on his life power to his relatives. As long as they can follow the ideas they have just transmitted and then feel and reach the imperial realm in tens of thousands of years, they can also break through this interface and reach the Holy Yuantian realm.

After Shen Lie and other relatives walked out, Shen Aotian took Shen Lin'er and Wu Xueer out of the Xuanzheng Hall and entered their dormitory. After chatting for a long time, the two women released their love in their hearts, and then went to the happy thing with Shen Aotian. In the clouds and rain, Shen Aotian turned his own strength. The quantity and the essence of life, as well as those pure feelings, have also been passed on to the two women! At this time, the two women have reached the peak of the hot sun at this happy time, but in any case, they can't break through the starry sky!

"Lin'er, Xue'er, the future Star Empire will be handed over to you. You are the peak strength of the Sun. In the future, you are the strongest in the Star Domain. You have to protect the Hailan Continent. If I have the opportunity, I will come down to see you. If possible, you should also break through the limit and then rush into Shengyuan. Heaven!" Shen Aotian's eyes contained pulse friendship, and then said.

"Brother Aotian, we can't bear to part with you! We will take care of the Star Empire for you!" Shen Liner and Wu Xueer cried together and became tearful. Although they are the strongest at the peak of the sun, their desire for strength is not so strong, but their attachment to Shen Aotian is greater!

"Liner, Cher, you have my insights, and you are the purest insights. With all my insights and the essence of tens of thousands of years of life, you will definitely reach the imperial realm within tens of thousands of years. At that time, you can also break through with the stars in other empires!" Shen Aotian said.

Tens of thousands of years have changed many things. At that time, there will definitely be strong people in the starry world, and the strong people in the imperial realm will be born!

At this time, Shen Lin'er and Wu Xueer heard this and their faces slightly improved!

Then, Shen Aotian went out again and saw his daughter Shen Tong. Shen Tong's small eyes were silently flowing with tears, and his eyes were swollen with tears.

"Father, are you and your mother really going to leave Tong'er?" Shen Tong said with tears.

"Tong'er, your father and mother will come to see you, but Tong'er will also work hard and come up to see us at that time!" Shen Aotian said.

Shen Tong is Shen Aotian's only flesh and Shen Aotian is naturally reluctant to give up, but for the sake of thousands of practitioners in Hailan mainland, Shen Aotian also has to go to the Holy Yuantianjing.

At this time, Shen Tong has understood the reason and knew the location of the Holy Yuan Heavenly Realm. With Shen Tong's better qualifications than Shen Aotian and the excellent conditions of the Star Empire, he will definitely reach the starry sky, even the imperial realm, and then lead to the Holy Yuan Heavenly Realm!

If Shen Liner, Wu Xueer and Shen Tong arrive at the imperial realm together, I'm afraid it will be easier to break through the boundary between the Holy Yuantian realm and the cosmic star realm!

At this moment, Shen Aotian also passed on all his feelings and the essence of life to Shen Tong, and steadily promoted Shen Tong's realm to the level of the blazing sun. Only then did he feel at ease. At his young age, Shen Tong had the cultivation of the blazing sun realm. If he really broke through again, he would gather many practitioners together. Breaking the boundary, you can also go straight to the Holy Heaven after hundreds or thousands of years.