Endless objects

Chapter 10 Looking for the Holy Stone

Mo Zhan stood opposite Lou Yuan. I don't know what strange power Mo Zhan's body has. Unexpectedly, his body is comparable to a lower sacred weapon. Every punch and one kick also shows great power!

Mo Zhan's offensive is strong, one move after another, as if it is endless, and its holy power is also constantly circulating, but it seems that it can't consume much! It is because his body is tough, and the holy power consumes very little. On the contrary, the power of the celestial bodies absorbed from all around is endless, constantly absorbing!

The master of the disaster period, with the energy to absorb the power of celestial bodies, is extremely strong!

At this time, Lou Yuan's holy power has been exhausted, and he still needs to escape quickly!

At this time, Lou Yuan was really scared. He rarely had the opportunity to fight against the masters of the Tongshen Sect. He had several times, but he only fought with the masters of the weeks. Naturally, he did not know what kind of power the Tongshen Sect had during the disaster period.

Unexpectedly, the Tongshenzong's skill of physical refining was as strong as a man. With just a few fights, Lou Yuan spit blood in his mouth. He was not in a hurry, and the place in Dantian in his body was already a little damaged!

Dantian is the foundation of the monks. Even Dantian has been damaged. Lou Yuan has obviously been seriously injured. Without hundreds or thousands of years, it is impossible to get better!

"Want to escape? What did you do earlier? It's too late now.

Mo Zhan snorted coldly at this moment, and his voice seemed to be a ghost screaming. With a wave of his hand, it turned into an iron fist, and Tongtian's fist swept over with an extremely powerful amount of violence!

Then, he found that Lou Yuan's whole body bulged and bombed under a sad scream!

Mo Zhan turned his eyes to some things scattered on the ground after the explosion of Lou Yuan. There were actually pieces of holy stones and hundreds of holy sources!

"There is no holy stone that transforms the purple peak holy beast. The mysterious holy stone should still be nearby!" Mo Zhan suddenly said.

If those holy beasts are transformed, the holy stone must be hidden somewhere nearby. Mo Zhan also knows that this holy stone must be extraordinary. Otherwise, he will not be found by so many masters of Longhumen to be discovered by Tongshenzong and still come to look for it!

The nine-stream planet is the lowest planet in the Holy Yuantian realm. According to common sense, these planets cannot have extremely rare sacred objects!

Only at this time, when so many people in the Dragon and Tiger Gate come, they will definitely have a treasure here, which is worthless to find! The origin of this treasure must be extraordinary!

In the Holy Yuantianjing, the holy stone also has different types and different energy. The rare treasures that can be obtained by the Dragon Tiger Gate of the Taoist sect must be related to Taoism and the five elements!

And if these treasures are in the galaxy to which the Shintoism belongs, they will naturally not attract people's peeping. After all, the Taoist treasure can't be used for physical cultivation!

" Shen Aotian, do you want to get such a thing? Here, only you know Taoist skills. What the dragon and tiger faction came to win will definitely not be used by our physical cultivation!" At this time, Mo Zhan asked Shen Aotian that this time, the holy sources obtained by everyone had seven or eight hundred, all of which were found from the dead bodies of Lou Yuan, Yaoning and Zhou's masters!

Although it is not the result of Shen Aotian and others who hunted the holy beast personally, this is the situation of Shengyuan Heaven. As long as you have a result, no one will ask you about your source!

If you have such a thing, you will naturally not hunt the holy beast and get it again. In fact, there is no difference between hunting the saint and hunting the monster to get the holy source!

"Mo Zhan, how about you and Ziwei Emperor, and my ancestors, first envote the shuttle-shaped divine boat back to the stars, and there is also a shuttle-shaped divine boat here. Linger and I found the rare holy stone and went to the star in the sky!" Shen Aotian said.

"Well, since you say so, I will input the map in Shengyuan Tianjing into your mind. As long as you follow the route, you will definitely not be lost in the vast starry sky!" Mo Zhan said.

Seeing that at this moment, Mo Zhan introduced some power of ideas to everyone, and then everyone knew the distribution of many forces in Shengyuan Heaven!

At this moment, Shen Aotian understands what kind of existence Shengyuan Tianjing is! There is such a vast world! It is ten thousand times wider and vaster than the cosmic star field!

At this time, Mo Zhan and Ziwei Emperor and Shen Jingyu flew to the direction of the stars in a shuttle-shaped safaya! Only Dong Linger and Shen Aotian were left on this ninth-rate planet.

"Linger, let's find the holy stone. You come to Shengyuan Heaven with me. I don't know if it's right or wrong? This place is not as free as the universe. There are crises everywhere!" Shen Aotian said with some guilt.

"Brother Aotian, everything is worth it for you. Lin'er and Cher are still in the lower world. They also want to come with you, but their strength is too low to come here. When we soar, they all envy me and want to come with us!" In the face of the cruel environment of Shengyuan Tianjing, Dong Linger still smiled at Shen Aotian. It seemed that even if Shengyuan Tianjing is a hell on earth, as long as Shen Aotian is there, it is heaven!

Shen Aotian looked at Dong Linger. At a glance, the two had experienced so many things for thousands of years, and Shen Aotian had never looked at her so movedly.

"Brother Aotian, no matter what happens in Shengyuan Tianjing, we must live well. Tonger is still in the lower world, waiting for us to go back to see her!" Dong Linger said with hope.

"Linger, don't worry, we will definitely survive. Maybe, without waiting for our lower world, Tong'er and others can also fly up! The holy pool in the mainland is under the control of the three Taoists and Confucian families at the same time. I believe that even if they fly up, it will be fine! If we are strong, we should pay more attention to the ascending people in the holy pool!" Shen Aotian said.

At this time, Shen Aotian also misses his grandfather, parents and eldest brother very much. He knows that Shen Liner and Wu Xueer have the strength of the starry sky. Naturally, nothing will happen, but his relatives are slightly weak, and something bad may happen in the lower world! However, Shen Aotian sent them ten thousand years of longevity and lifelong feelings. Presumably, they are safe and sound!

At this time, on this nine-rate planet, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger looked at everything around them!

In a short time, Shen Aotian sat cross-legged and carried the Five-e elements of Tianshu!

On the nine-stream planet, if you want to find the holy stone, you can only find the holy stone that Taoist Longhumen wants to capture by running Taoist skills! The sacred atmosphere of the nine-stream planet is rare, and even the volume is not large. Shen Aotian started the five elements of the book of heaven, and soon covered his thoughts on the complete nine-stream planet and slowly explored it!

And the shuttle-shaped Shenzhou was put into the cave by Shen Aotian, which is a good thing. The shuttle-shaped Shenzhou left after the death of Lou Yuan and others can bring convenience to Shen Aotian and Dong Linger!

At this time, Dong Linger is feeling the star energy that should be felt in the star core period!

The nucleus period is to sense the star nucleus. The nucleus is the core of a planet. Sensing the core of the planet, it can reach a mysterious realm!

And many weeks are the core of many planets, which can exert more powerful power! At that time, you can absorb the energy of many stars from the nearby star domain!

The cultivation realm of Shengyuan Tianjing can be more profound than the cultivation realm of Zhoutian Tiantianyu!