Endless objects

Chapter 80 Return to the Lower Boundary

At this moment, the old monk and Shen Aotian are so strong in the void!

A shocking explosion kept coming, and bursts of light swallowed each other in the air!

The wind roared, and the power of the old monk and Shen Aotian were so powerful that everyone was shocked.

"Buddhist relith!"

At this time, when I saw a golden light exerted by the old monk of Fahua, it turned out to be a Buddhist reli!

The powerful power of the five-vein reincarnation is so powerful with the Buddhist reliths exerted by the old monks of Fahua!

At this moment, a trace of resentment fell on Shen Aotian's body like this. The old monk of Fahua sneered: "Ha ha! Shen Aotian, do you think that such an attack as the five-veincarnation can really hurt you? With a little ability, you began to run rampant in the realm of Shengyuan. You are still the first person! This doesn't pay attention to the leader of our first-class planet!"

The master of Buddhism actually has such words. Today's Buddhism is obviously not a real Buddhism! The purpose of Buddhism handed down by the Buddha's saints has obviously changed when it comes to the holy heaven!

At this moment, Shen Aotian felt a fierce murderous spirit from the resh of the old monk of Fahua, which suppressed Shen Aotian's heart. Shen Aotian's body surged with qi and blood!

Between Shen Aotian's hesitation, the old monk's eyes flashed coldly, and the holy power of the whole person suddenly broke out!

The next moment, the figure of the old French monk suddenly appeared in front of Shen Aotian. At this time, he saw an extremely powerful and substantial pressure that imprisoned Shen Aotian.

The power of the five veins reincarnation and the power of the Buddha's relith are really in confrontation at this time!

Two huge forces are crisscrossed in the void! It's so awesome!

However, the afterglow generated by the explosion of these two forces actually destroyed several nine-stream planets around the black star in an instant, and countless monks fell into it!

Since this blow, the old monk of Fahua suddenly imprinted his palm on Shen Aotian's chest. Shen Aotian was locked by the power of the old monk of Fahua and could only watch a slap on his chest.


Shen Aotian couldn't help screaming and found that the holy power in his body was passing crazily.

This palm of the Fahua monk not only absorbs Shen Aotian's holy power, but also crosses Shen Aotian's wish power!

"Fahua old monk, how dare you absorb my sacred power and transform my willpower at this time?" Shen Aotian squeezed out a sentence fiercely from between his teeth.

Shame! For a saint, the holy power is regarded as life, and the holy power cultivated through all kinds of hardships is actually sucked away by the old monk of Fahua! This is worse than killing yourself!

"Fahua old monk! You will either kill me today. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it if I achieve the road in the future. The voice of resentment came from Shen Aotian's mouth, like a wail from Jiuyou's resentment.

When Dong Linger saw this scene, she was even more anxious. She rushed over and helped Shen Aotian in the void.

She looked at each other angrily and looked at the old monk, which was also full of resentment.

"Huh! The old monk is waiting for you. Although you now have the realm of the Xuantong period, you only have the strength of the Tianman period! It's still impossible to defeat me!" The old monk of Fahua said suddenly.

From this point of view, the old monk of Fahua is actually much stronger than the leader of the devil!

With the support of Dong Linger, Shen Aotian reluctantly stood up without any emotion and said, "I, Shen Aotian, swear to heaven that if I can survive the great disaster, I will destroy the old monk of Fahua, even the whole Buddha."

Shen Aotian's horrible voice floated in the void of the whole holy heaven. Every saint felt that the temperature in the air seemed to drop a few degrees, and a stream of silence kept surging in his heart.

"Shen Aotian, my Buddha's lineage has not offended you, but just an old monk of Fahua has offended you! Don't forget the three drops of holy water I gave you!" The Buddha saint obviously expected this disaster for a long time, and said suddenly!

At this moment, the old monk's eyes changed, and then the old monk's face softened again!

In just a moment, the Buddha saint told the old monk of Fahua that if Shen Aotian was useless after the disaster, the Buddha saint would work with Saint Luohou to kill Shen Aotian!

Dead silence! The boundless silence fills the star field near the whole black shining star!

All the practitioners on the side of Hei Yaoxing were shocked. Unexpectedly, Shen Aotian, his leader, is so powerful that he can compete with the leaders on the first-class planet and attract Buddha saints.

And after the Buddha saint finished speaking, the Pangu saint also spoke.

"Shen Aotian, you can't escape the disaster. You will definitely survive or fall in the disaster. There is no way to avoid it. Go to the lower world quickly, and then pick up your relatives. If this disaster is launched, the lower world will be easier to be destroyed in the disaster!" The voice of the ancient saint actually sounded in the air!

At this time, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger respectfully saluted the void and said, "Thank you, Saint Pangu!"

At this time, the Pangu saint in the virtual world thought for a moment and said, "Shen Aotian, there are only two pilgrims who went to the lower world. There is a crisis in the lower world now. Go quickly!"

Shen Aotian and Dong Linger were both shocked and went to the lower world. Although Shen Aotian was seriously injured, he had the holy power instilled in the holy sword. It won't be over in a while. Instead, Shen Lin'er, Wu Xue'er and Shen Tong have just arrived at Shengyuan Heaven. There are some inexplicable feelings in their hearts. I didn't expect that they have just come up. , something big happened in the lower world!

Because their three masters came to the Holy Yuantianjing, the Star Empire in the lower world did not have the most powerful three people, and many forces attacked the Star Empire one after another! That's why there is a disaster!

At this moment, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger went to the Shengyuan Continent, where there is a holy pool, which is the only way out to return to the universe!

Only the strong in the Xuantong realm can return to the lower world, and Shen Aotian has the realm of the holy sword and the Xuantong period, which can still be done. However, Shen Aotian and the two can only stay in the lower world for one day. In the Shengyuan Heavenly Realm, it is a short time, and in the universe star domain, after a day, they will have to come back. Because in the lower world, they can't withstand the strong power of Shen Aotian.

After Shen Aotian and Dong Linger returned to the lower world, their cultivation became the top power in the lower world, that is, the strong man in the imperial realm, which cannot be divided according to the strength in the Shengyuan realm!

At this time, Shen Aotian suddenly used the power of his sword, and then opened the channel between the Holy Pool and the Star Domain!

"Linger, you go to the Holy Yuantian Realm first!" Shen Aotian said suddenly!

Dong Linger, who fell into the holy pool, felt very strange. It was a little like a boat sailing against the water. This resistance pushed Dong Linger into the heavenly realm of pilgrimage, as if she didn't want Dong Linger to return to the lower world!

If Shen Aotian hadn't exerted the power of the holy sword behind his back, Dong Linger would have been returned to Shengyuan Heaven long ago!

Although the distance between the holy pool and the celestial realm is very short, this short distance separates the two worlds!

The huge resistance tried to stop Dong Linger, but she couldn't help being wrapped in the light of the milky sword.

As if she had broken a layer of window paper, Dong Linger only felt a light body, and the huge resistance disappeared. A familiar scene appeared in front of her, and Dong Linger herself was already in the soaring channel full of infinite airflow.

Now that there is a holy sword light package, there is no need for Dong Linger to use holy power to resist and easily fly to the sky and star field.

At this time, Dong Linger obviously only reached this turbulence, and there was a barrier separated from the universe and the stars here! And this barrier is not unbreakable, and it is not impossible for Dong Linger to return to the lower world.

Dong Linger's heart warmed up, her body moved, and soon touched a layer of barrier like a film.

But the seemingly thin layer of barrier is extremely tough. No matter how holy Dong Linger uses, it can't be pierced.

This made Dong Linger very anxious. Dong Linger didn't want to think about it. She tried her best to use the holy power in her hand and cut off the flat barrier. Dong Linger's full power was too loud

All his strength hit the thin wall, causing a huge chain reaction of the whole ascension channel. A huge force suddenly came from the barrier and instantly flew back Dong Linger's attack on the barrier.

Dong Linger stared at the intact cave wall in front of her, and her face became extremely ugly. Without thinking about it, he summoned the damaged magic whip and hit the barrier again.

The damaged magic whip suddenly appeared, shining brightly for a moment, and suddenly hit the barrier.

It is worthy of being the top magic weapon. With such a huge impact force, there was finally a trace of fruit. A small opening on the barrier began to crack, which was this small opening, which made Dong Linger see a glimmer of hope.

This is a barrier from the turbulence to the celestial realm!

The opening before the meeting became bigger and bigger, gradually forming a one-sized cave, and Dong Linger plunged into it with excitement.

When Dong Linger disappeared into the ascension passage through the barrier, and Shen Aotian seemed to feel something next to the Shengyuan mainland. Shen Aotian's face changed slightly and said in his heart, "Dong Linger had something wrong and fell into the ascension channel.

At this time, Dong Linger knew that her deeds could not be fully known by Shen Aotian, and Shen Aotian also rushed to the lower world because he was worried about Dong Linger!

After seeing the sun, moon and stars, Dong Linger looked at her. The void in front of her was very familiar. Dong Linger knew that she had reached the lower world.

Strongly suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, Dong Linger's thoughts quickly dispersed and radiated in all directions. Dong Linger, who has now become a strong man in the imperial realm of the lower world, unfolds in the lower world, just like entering the realm of no man, instantly sweeping the whole holy heaven.