Endless objects

Chapter 46 Dementor Beads

The power of the soul flag is so powerful that it can really trap the demon!


Just once, the demon was detained!

"I, Shen Aotian, am not a stingy practitioner. This demon can be destroyed by the credit of many brothers, so I only need this demon's arm!" Shen Aotian's eyes were sharp and he stared at the demon and said.

"I, Chu Tianshu, am not a greedy god-cultivator, so I only have one arm!" Chu Tian's white clothes floated, like a god-cultivator among the immortals, facing Shen Aotian.

"This... I want a thigh of this devil!" Fu Duantian said slowly.

"Aotian Xiaoyou, give me the other leg of this big demon. As for the rest, let many practitioners divide it equally!" Elder Li interrupted at this time!

Shen Aotian's eyes were gorgeous and bright. After a moment, he hugged several god practitioners and said, "Taoist friends, can you?"

In an instant, all the gods nodded one after another, and many gods urged the soul flag, burst into gorgeous light, and cut into the body of the demon!

After hearing a soft sound, his arms flew out and were put away by Chu Tian and Shen Aotian.

Fu Duantian is a magic weapon that also put away one of the thighs of the demon, and then Elder Li took another big retreat!

Many practitioners have discussed it again at this moment. Except for the divine array, there is nothing else here.

"Let's go!" Many practitioners looked here and then turned around and flew to the mouth of the cave.

"There must be some secrets here!" Looking at the approaching hole, Shen Aotian couldn't help thinking about it!

"When I am cultivated as a Mahayana in the future, I will definitely come to visit again!" At this time, Shen Aotian suddenly flew out of the magic hole and left here in an instant!

Many god practitioners were greatly relieved at this time. This time, it was so fierce that many of their god practitioners were on the edge of life and death. Looking back on the scenes, Shen Aotian stared at the magic hole for a long time, as if it was a dream.

"Let's go! I don't know what's going on in the ancient emperor area now? Several god practitioners stepped on the void, walked slowly, and ran quickly in the direction they came before.


I saw these practitioners galloping all the way away from here.

The strange voice sounded in this silent magic cave, making the hearts of the people pound.

"What's going on? What is it!" Several god practitioners were shocked, and then looked at the central area. Around the soul-eating grass, several demon corpses jumped up. On their bodies, a terrible yin gas overflowed, making several god practitioners like falling into the ice cellar.

"I remember it! This soul-eating grass is taken by the god practitioners. Although it prolongs its life, it will become a walking corpse-like practicer! But assuming that the demon corpse with intelligence is taken, it will reverse the yin and yang, and it will be like a strange regeneration and a new life!" Elder Li looked pale and said loudly!

Such a moment, Elder Li prompted Shen Aotian to leave quickly, otherwise, these many demons defending here will all recover. Even if they have many artifacts, it will be difficult for them to escape.

"So terrible!" Several practitioners said with trembling and chills all over their bodies!

On the front line, Shen Aotian, who was on the verge of eating the soul grass, was stunned and said, "Is there any such a miraculous effect!"

But then, his face was red, and his eyes showed a look of excitement. He seemed to think of something and ran away. In an eye, he left the soul-eating grass. At this time, Shen Aotian pinched the seal and put it away with a black jade bottle.

At this moment, countless magical corpses are constantly beating, becoming more and more violent. A terrible breath overflows, making the front line break the sky with the charm of the nine palace map, like being struck by lightning, spitting blood first and flying backwards.


The terrible pressure is like a sea, raging in the whole magic hole, making the magic hole rumble and shaking inexhaustiblely.

"The situation is terrible. Run away quickly! The infinite magic corpse is about to catch up!" Shen Aotian's body was gorgeous and bright, and he accelerated and left Shen Aotian and other practitioners behind.

"The unrighteous guy!" Chu Tianshu's two god practitioners scolded so much that he hurriedly accelerated and flew out of the magic cave again.


After a moment, many practitioners left the place of the Jedi and looked at the cold magic cave. Their eyes were full of strange gorgeousness.

Shen Aotian couldn't help taking the lead, but looking at the increasingly sparse magic behind them, they shook their heads together.

In an instant, the practitioners protected their bodies with artifacts, jointly urged the soul flag, burst out a wisp of divine power, and turned into a big hand to fish away the demon corpse.

"What are those demon corpses protecting?" Fu Duantian asked at this time.

At this time, among many demon corpses, there was a jade bead, which was as white as jade, surrounded by a faint fog, which was extremely beautiful, so that the practitioners couldn't help playing with the joy of holding it in their hands.

However, with the rise of this jade bead, the cold air in the whole cave suddenly increased several times.


At this moment, many god practitioners are majestic, blocking the sudden cold air, but this is very depleted on them.

In the depths of the cave, the rolling magic gas seemed to be deterred by the cold air, and the speed also slowed down and became slow.

"Three artifact dementor beads!"

Several practitioners were shocked. They were all god practitioners who knew goods. When they saw it, they were moved and surprised!

However, now is not the time to weigh these, the pressure is getting stronger and stronger, and it is about to reach here!

In real time, the demented soul beads were trapped in the soul flag, and the soul flag flew quickly and rushed towards the demented soul beads.


With their departure, the rugged yin and yang Jedi, which had been gone for many years, suddenly burst into the sky, and the terrible god practitioners, the gorgeous and magnificent, terrible power included all directions, instantly equalized the disadvantage, and immediately, confused and blocked the route.

Behind, those demon corpses were as powerful as the abyss, looking up to the sky and roaring, but out of helplessness, in the end, they forgot to take a look and turned away.

"What a keen Jedi! No wonder not many god practitioners have been able to pass through here since ancient times!" Many practitioners hurriedly looked at the front line in astony. The place was covered with gas, but they couldn't pass through the demon corpse.

Many practitioners looked at each other and were glad. When they came, they were lucky not to collect the magic weapon inside. Otherwise, the Jedi would explode and they would not have been able to spend it.

Without the corpse chase, the footsteps of the god practitioners are no longer so clever. They take out the dementor beads to watch.

The three-grade artifact dementor beads are comparable to artifacts, but some are not very useful, and some are more sensitive than artifacts.

"Many god practitioners, give me this dementor beads. If you think it's appropriate, then I will give you the divine stone on your body!" After Shen Aotian finished speaking, he suddenly handed over many of the divine stones on his body!

Since ancient times, there have been very few practitioners who have obtained this kind of thing. Today, several practitioners have looked at it carefully.

Shen Aotian and other practitioners finally walked in and looked at the dark sky on the surface. They were stunned and sighed. They entered from the dangerous area as if they were from the next world.

"Let's go, there is nothing precious in this magic mountain!" Shen Aotian watched and came to a conclusion.

The biggest magic weapon in the magic mountain is the demon. However, it has been obtained by them today. At most, there are some spiritual roots of heaven and earth on this magic mountain. As for the magic medicine, it is expected to be very little, and there is so much power here that it is not something that few of them can compete for.

"This is a powerful god of Yuxiaomen. There must be something wrong!" Although Chu Tianshu looked unhappy, he had no hostility. Finally, one more thing is better than one less thing.

However, there are some things that cannot be decided by themselves. As the saying goes, disaster falls from the sky, that is now.


In the sky, a leading old man in black suddenly sounded and stopped. Immediately, his consciousness swept down again and covered Shen Aotian.

"It's him!" The old man's expression changed and rushed to Shen Aotian and other god practitioners angrily.


Ten feet away from Shen Aotian and other god practitioners, dozens of capable god practitioners of Yuxiaomen fell one after another, staring at them with a bad expression.

Looking at these practitioners, Shen Aotian's three practitioners' expressions changed slightly, but they were not afraid.

"I don't know what the senior stopped me from!" Chu Tianshu took the lead in walking out and said to the old man.

The old man looked at him and ignored him. Instead, he looked at Shen Aotian with hatred and said with hatred, "Kid, I didn't expect that a farewell to the secret place would make me meet you again!"

Looking at the god-cultivator in front of him, Shen Aotian's heart was shocked. He remembered that this old man was one of the strong people of the older generation, a powerful sect in the Yudi area that besieged him.

"The enemy's road is narrow!" Shen Aotian was heart-wounded. When Chu Tian said that this was the scale of Yuxiaomen's power, he guessed that he would bump into them. Unexpectedly, the speed of meeting was too fast.

"Farewell to the secret place of Xia Kang's gods, I still think you are all buried in it!" Shen Aotian looked expressionless and stared at the old man and said.

The old man in black did not say anything, but looked solemnly at Elder Li behind Chu Tianli. He thought to explore the other party, but he felt as if he was facing a bottomless abyss and could not see the strength of the other party.

"I have some grudges with Shen Aotian to solve, and I hope you can leave!" The old man's face was silent and he held a fist against Elder Li.

He couldn't grasp Elder Li's strength, otherwise he would have slapped Shen Aotian long ago.

Elder Li did not say anything, but took a step forward and stood behind Chu Tianli.

This is a messy place, mixed with fish and dragons. There are all kinds of god practitioners, and the old man in black also has a lot of things to think. Looking at Elder Li's look, it is obvious that it is to defend this Shen Aotian!

"What, do you still want to care about the young master?" Chu Tianshu raised the corners of his mouth and said carelessly.

In this scene, Shen Aotian and Fu Duantian were stunned. They didn't expect Chu Tianshu to have such courage. In the face of a powerful figure, they were stunned and made them speechless.