Endless objects

Chapter 61 Improve Strength

In the Yuxiaomen station, Shen Aotian did not know anything about these. After assisting the head of Yuxiaomen to kill the remnants of Xuanyinzong, he found a pavilion, entered it and practiced.

The body is weak, sore and weak, as if hungry for days and nights, and can't lift any energy.

This is Shen Aotian's feeling at this moment, but his energy is extremely luxuriant and full of excitement.

Sitting in a guest room**, Shen Aotian paid no attention to what happened outside. The strong god practitioners had been dismissed, and he didn't want to interfere with the rest of the things in the Yuxiaomen.

After swallowing an elixir, Shen Aotian began to run the "Chaotic Spirit Secret" to refine it. At this moment, his body is extremely weak after a great consumption. Now the essence replenishes the vitality, which can strengthen the body and make the body more arrogant.


The medicinal power of the elixir is melted, and the endless power flows out, slowly integrating into the body, continuously strengthening the energy of the body, making the body more arrogant. At the same time, he has a mouth, runs the method of spitting, cooperates with the original force, accelerates the refining of the elixir, and makes the power perfectly integrated into the body.

In Dantian, the whirlpool of Yuanli keeps modifying, and the liquefied Yuanli has begun to fill the whole Dantian, which is about to become a liquid Yuanli, making Yuanli endless.

"The method of vomiting, vomiting the chaotic power of heaven and earth, blending into oneself, strengthening the internal organs, muscles and bones, making the body merge with heaven and earth, blending into heaven and earth, crossing the road, and becoming a powerful god monk..." Striving to run the method of vomiting, suddenly, Shen Aotian seemed to have some understanding and fell into the middle.


At this moment, the chaotic power around Shen Aotian kept rushing to his body and integrate into it. At the same time, a red column of more than ten feet long in his mouth kept integrating into his body with his breathing, strengthening his body and making his body move towards higher strength.

In his Dantian, the Yuanli whirlpool also began to slow down. At the same time, a chaotic Yuan force was refined into it, making the chaotic Yuanli full and gradually slowly come to the edge of Danbi.

Since Shen Aotian has been strong and fighting repeatedly, he has been feeling a lot and constantly.

Now, after a life-and-death war, he has a deeper understanding of martial arts. The essence of some martial arts is constantly understood by him, which not only makes him refined, but also makes him more profound in the skills he has learned, and probably more unruly.

More importantly, this perception made him grasp the essence of the method of vomiting. He was clearer and deeper about the essence of this method, and even vaguely felt that he would practice the method of vomitting to the field of Mahayana.

To know the chaotic spiritual formula, Shen Aotian has only practiced for more than a few months, and he will have to take the Mahayana. Such a big difference is also the reason why Shen Aotian struggled. He wandered on the edge of death several times and was almost erased by powerful monsters several times. If it hadn't been for sacrificing all his strength at the critical time, I'm afraid he would have died long ago. Noodles. But such an encounter also gradually sublimated his energy and slowly explored the essence.

The perception between life and death is the fastest practice method, but it is also the most dangerous practice method.


The chaotic power in Shen Aotian's body kept flowing in the meridians like a river. At the same time, countless chaotic powers were immersed in his body, absorbed by the internal organs, muscles and muscles, and were refined by the chaotic spiritual formula. It became a chaotic element force integrated into the Dantian, making the liquid whirlpool constantly overflow and gradually overflowing into the Dantian.

Time faded. I don't know how long it took. At a certain moment, Shen Aotian suddenly shook his whole body, and countless chaotic forces around him were driven to his body.

In his Dantian, the chaotic power whirlpool was rapidly altered, and the skill was also running to the maximum. It was constantly transformed into chaotic power and integrate into it. Suddenly, the whirlpool trembled. The next moment, it suddenly broke and turned into a chaotic power, full of Dantian.

"Mid-term handsome!"

Shen Aotian opened his eyes, and two lights flashed by, full of fierceness.

"The body is also higher, more tough than before!" Shen Aotian felt the environment of his body happily. He raised his arm and punched the air. Immediately, the airflow was surging, and a burst sounded. The arrogant fist came out through the fist, breaking the table and chair in front of him.

"It's a step closer to the divine practitioners in the spiritual period!" Shen Aotian muttered to himself. Those who did not enter the divine period did not know the horror of the divine practitioners. This time, with the help of the energy of perception, he finally showed the strength of the secret place of the divine practitioners in the divine period. It was a feeling of control, driving the chaotic power of heaven and earth, as high above, like a divine mansion, which made him look forward to. At the same time, It also increased his determination!

At this time, deep in his mind, the scriptures transformed by the chaotic spiritual formula actually changed again, and then two printing formulas appeared, imprinted in Shen Aotian's mind.

"What kind of skill is this? How can there be so many imprints? Will there be strong moves every time I advance?" Feeling these two mysteries, Shen Aotian was puzzled for a while, but he couldn't practice these. He simply closed his eyes and inferred for a while. After a while, he opened his eyes, sorted them out, and walked out.

"The leader!"

As soon as he went out, Shen Aotian was shocked by the two god practitioners at the door. He thought that the head of Yuxiaomen had come and looked left and right, but did not see his figure.

"Where is the head of Yuxiaomen?" Shen Aotian puzzled to ask a god-cultivator at the peak of the later period.

"You are the head. Yesterday, the head held a whole door meeting, and the position of the head has been handed over to you!" The god practitioners looked at Shen Aotian with a respectful face, and they threw themselves to the ground with the five bodies that Shen Aotian had admired.

Another god cultivation man had already run to see the head of Yuxiaomen at this time. After a while, the head of Yuxiaomen came to Shen Aotian with many elders of Yuxiaomen.

"Brother Shen, shut up for a day and two nights, and make great progress in cultivation! I'm afraid that it won't be long before we will reach the secret place of those who cultivate the gods in the divine period!" The head of Yuxiaomen's eyes lit up and walked slowly to Shen Aotian.

These are all hot-blooded men, and there are also goddesses, all of whom look at Shen Aotian with a smile.

Next to Shen Aotian, there were constantly practitioners coming to toast. He took it all. A bowl of white wine into his stomach kept heating up and made him happy. However, with his physical strength, it is really unlikely to get him drunk.

"Shen Zhangmen, thank you for your forgiveness today, and thank you for your skills and artifacts. There is no reward, only a bowl of wine for you!" Chu Linger came to Shen Aotian and said something to Shen Aotian. She held a bowl of wine with her jade-like fingers and swallowed it into her stomach with a bang. At the same time, her beautiful eyes stared at Shen Aotian, all confused!

The frank personality made Shen Aotian look at it differently. Then, he was not watching. He picked up a bowl of wine and drank it all at once!

At this time, Dong Linger looked at Shen Aotian and fell into obsession. She knew that no matter where Shen Aotian went, he would be the kind of high-profile existence.

The jade wheel is shining, the stars are dotted, late at night, and after the feast, the practitioners bid farewell one after another. In Shen Aotian's room, the head of Yuxiaomen, Chu Linger, Elder Li, Chu Tianshu, Fu Duantian, Dong Linger, and several senior elders in the door gathered together to discuss the future development direction in the door.

"The head of Yuxiaomen, it's getting late, so I won't stay any longer. Tomorrow afternoon, I will come here to Yuxiaozong and enter the secret land of Yuxiao! Admittedly, I will hand over some matters to you before I leave!" At this moment, Shen Aotian's slightly drunken look was outside the sky, and all the practitioners looked bright and their eyes were bright.

"Hm, don't you leave so soon? Don't you stay for two days?" The head of Yuxiaomen is a little puzzled. I don't know why Shen Aotian is so busy.

"I think it will be very difficult for the practitioners to listen to my plan, but I didn't expect your words from the head of Yuxiaomen to make them agree, so that I also want to say goodbye early so that I can explore the scene and familiarize myself with the environment in the secret place of Yuxiao!" Shen Aotian's expression was slowly majestic.

Then, the practitioners sat down, and Shen Aotian looked straight and began to unload the development environment in the door.

Now in five days, it will be time for the opening of the secret place of Yuxiao. On the street, god practitioners come and go. Most of them are ordinary god practitioners. Some hold big knives, some carry long swords, and some carry some strange door artifacts. They walk on the street and keep walking to the roadside shops.

Many of them come to try. The secret land of Yuxiao is opened, and not all practitioners can come in. In addition to the big faction, some small factions and families only need a few places, and the scattered cultivation is even more miserable. Only through military cooperation can they get places to enter.

In front of the gate of Yuxiao Gate, an ordinary old man, wearing a pair of old shoes set up a table in front of the door. There was a paper roll on the table, which was the name of the registration for the selection competition!

At this moment, the square in front of the gate is full of god practitioners, and everyone who comes to sign up is lined up in a long line.

In front of the mountain gate of Yuxiaozong, no god practitioners dare to jump in line. The god practitioners are very conscious and there is no noise.

Shen Aotian came here. After seeing this environment, he directly shook his head and walked towards Yuxiaozong. He was going to see Chu Tianshu.

"Hight, in front of Yuxiaomen Mountain Gate, don't enter privately!"

In front of the gate, two big men stopped Shen Aotian who wanted to enter.

"I'm here to visit my friends. Please give me a notice and say that Shen Ao came to see Chu Tianshu a few days ago!" Shen Aotian's sleeve robe shook, and two fast spiritual stones flew out. At this time, Shen Aotian knew that the Yuxiao Gate must be banned. When the secret realm of Yuxiao opened, there must be unknown god practitioners in the way.