Endless objects

Chapter 66 Practice Magic

Beyond the secret place of Yuxiao.

"Blood, you boy, you delayed my big deal!" This peerless strongman spoke coldly!

At this time, several lights of the sky flew in and fell into the hands of several big old antiques.

"What, there is such a thing!" They changed their colors, frowned one by one, and looked at the scattered giant with an unkind face.

"Look at it yourself!" The old antique threw the sealed letter in his hand on his face and said coldly.

"How can it be him..." Bloody took the secret letter, swept it faintly, and was stunned.

"Many characters obeyed the order. After entering the secret place of Yuxiao, they met Shen Aotian, captured them on the spot, and escorted them back to the sect, with the gift of secret treasures!" The peerless strong man looked pale, but two terrible rays of light came out of his eyes and said lightly.

"Yes!" The practitioners answered in unison, and then walked up and shot at the gate of the secret place one by one.

"The disciples listened to the order, met the Sanxiu named Shen Aotian, and captured and escorted them back..."

"Disciples listen to the order..."

At the top of the mountain, the major factions issued orders to capture Shen Aotian. This change made their disciples and practitioners depressed. However, since it was an order, it was to be implemented, not to mention a large number of rewards that made them moved, and then they rushed to the door of the secret place.

"How can Shen Aotian be arrested? What happened?" In the rear of the practitioners of Yuxiaomen, Elder Li muttered to himself, very puzzled!

"What's going on? Who is Shen Aotian? How can you offend so many powerful people? On the top of the mountain, some small sect practitioners were puzzled. They didn't know what had happened at all. However, this did not hinder their orders. They left their minds one by one and let the practitioners also capture Shen Aotian.

"Shen Aotian, suspected of sneaking into the Xia Kang God Palace in the Yudi area, but finally disappeared and reappeared in our ancient emperor area..." The peerless strong man stood in the void and muttered to himself.

"We are blocking you here, and you can't escape!" The old strongmen of all sects said to themselves in their hearts.

In the secret territory of Yuxiao, a huge mountain and mountain, the void trembled, showing Shen Aotian's figure.

"These people dare to besiege me like this. Fortunately, I ran in time!" Shen Aotian looked up to the sky and scolded. He had already known from Chu Tianshu that every time the secret place of Yuxiao was opened, he would send the practitioners to different places, and sometimes he would also pass on to the practitioners who entered a group of gods. However, this probability is extremely low. Nowadays, unfortunately, they did not touch it!

"In the end, why did that peerless strong man prevent Sanxiu from entering? Did they find out about Xia Kang's spirit in the Yudi area? Shen Aotian frowned secretly.

"If that's the case, it seems that we should be more vigilant in this secret place!"

Shen Aotian thought for a while, recognized the direction and ran to the distance.

"Sure enough..."

On the crown of a big tree, Shen Aotian muttered to himself.

Below, several practitioners are talking while walking!

"Why did the old antiques of all parties say something to capture Shen Aotian? What kind of god he is, which actually attracted the power of ownership!"

"This time, in addition to Sanxiu, which has entered, other god practitioners have received the order of the sect to capture Shen Aotian and return it!"

"With a large number of gifts this time, I don't know how many practitioners will go crazy!"

"Yes, I really don't know how Shen Aotian offended them. Is it possible to dig the ancestral graves of the major factions?"

Several practitioners walked and chatted, gradually walking towards the depths of the dense forest.

"How can you look at me like this and start to capture all the practitioners. In that case, I will kill all the practitioners who are ready to catch me!" Shen Aotian's eyes were cold, shooting a cold light, and muttering to himself.


At this moment, a sound of sword sound suddenly came from the distance, and then, the sky was shining, and the shocking sword spirit burst out in a region. The terrible fluctuations searched the eight wilderness, making Shen Aotian feel a burst of heart palpitations!

"What is that? Was it the birth of the artifact?" Shen Ao's divine color moved, his eyes looked hot at the distance, and his body moved towards that place.

Ten miles away, the sword light is fierce, pened straight into the sky, smashing all the white clouds in the sky, and the whole area has become the land of sword light.

For a long time, the sword light convered and slowly fell down, and finally all disappeared.

In a valley, all the practitioners who came to hear the news gathered here, and Shen Aotian was also in it. These practitioners did not know Shen Aotian's appearance, but only knew to capture him, so that no practitioners could recognize him.

"That's... a swordsmanship!" Shen Aotian was astonished. On a cliff behind him, he waved freely, vigorously and keenly engraved lines of words like traces. The words were like heavenly swords. The courage forced the practitioners to send out a terrible murder, making the sweats of the gods upside down and cold all over their bodies, like falling into the ice cellar.

"God Sword Killing!"

"Is this... the secret art of the divine world!"

The practitioners were shocked, and their eyes showed hot and greedy eyes, firmly staring at those lines of words.

"That's the peak secret method!"

Some god practitioners have recognized this level of secret art, but even so, it makes the gods hot. After all, only the top schools in the world can have the peak secret art inheritance. If a god practitioners master this skill, his combat power will be doubled, and it can be overstepped and provoked!

"How can there be only names and no practice skills!" There are people who practice gods who don't understand.

"The name is the skill, and the sword spirit just now is the font emitted. Compared with the scene of birth, it will appear. Now if you want to get the secret method, you can only rely on your own will!" Some practitioners solved the puzzles, and then began to sit down, stared at the font, and began to understand.

"What, it's so mysterious!" The practitioners were shocked, but their eyes were hot one by one. They sat down, stared at the font, and fell into enlightenment.

Dozens of practitioners sat in the valley, staring at a large line of words on a rock wall, and fell into deep thinking. They continued to understand that if they wanted to have no supreme mystery, they could be invincible in the future. Even if they understood one layer, they would be infinite!

"Sword killing, this is a secret skill!" Shen Aotian stared at the font, sat down and began to understand.

The font is bent, as if it is composed of thousands of small swords, revealing a peerless sword, and more fierce murderous atmosphere, especially the killing word, bloody, endless murderous, like the murderous spirit of the war of millions of practitioners, condensed together, terrible End.

"The sword of heaven kills everything, destroys the sky, pierces the earth, everything, and everything does not kill..." Shen Aotian's heart was shocked. He saw countless sword lights flashing on those fonts. At the same time, the fonts were distorted and changed into a figure of god practitioners, with a long sword in his body, along the mysterious track. Track operation.

"That's... the operation method of the secret art!" Shen Aotian was shocked, but his heart was like a clear blue sky, clean and transparent, and the waves were not strong. He knew the trajectory of the secret method little by little and kept it firmly in his heart!

I don't know how long it took, suddenly a noise came in outside the valley, and then several shadows of the practitioners, broke the protection of the gods and came in.

"It's actually the peak secret method! No wonder so much guardian energy has been placed, but now, this secret method belongs to our Wansha Sect, and all the other god practitioners should retreat!" Behind the figure of the god-cultivist, a leader-like figure of the god-cultivist, who could not be domight for a lifetime, pointed to the gods and said lightly.

"Why does it belong to you? This is what we all saw together!" A powerful god-cultivator couldn't help standing up and saying angrily.

"Why, just because we Wanhazong is an ancient faction, what, do you still want to compete with us?" Among the practitioners who came, the leader shouted coldly.

The peak secret method, but there are few top secrets in their sects, but the secrets of the town school are inherited for a long time, and they do not have the qualifications to practice. Now when they see one, it is true that they want to try their best to grab it, discuss and understand it. When they go back and dedicate it to the sect, they can get a large number of gifts. It can make them walk flat.

However, at this time, the five big fonts on the cliff wall suddenly became brilliant, and a small sword appeared on it and kept swimming between the fonts.

"What's going on? Why can't I understand it!" The practitioners were shocked and got up one after another, looking at the change of fonts on the cliff wall without blinking.


The sword is bright, sharp and murderous. On each font, a sword spirit burst out, like a peerless sword. On the surrounding mountain walls, there are horrible cracks, making the valley tremble, and the shaking sword spirit makes the practitioners palpitate.

This scene made the practitioners of the gods stunned and retreated one by one and ran out of the valley.

At this time, Shen Aotian below sat on the ground and did not move. No one of those swords fluttered, but none of them fell on him.

"What's going on? Why is he motionless? Is he crazy!" The practitioners outside the valley were shocked and looked at Shen Aotian with their eyes wide open.

"Bow, he has already mastered the secret method, and the sword spirit is also caused by him!" A god's eyes were extinguished and whispered.

"How can it be so fast? How long has it been? I just know a little mystery!" There is a god-cultivator who is terrible.

"That's... Shen Aotian pursued by various sects!" Finally, a god learner recognized that it was an old man who had watched the quota grab competition before, and he was impressed and knew Shen Aotian's face.

"What? It turned out to be him!" The practitioners of the gods were shocked. Even the practitioners of Wanshazong were not strong, but opened their eyes wide and stared at Shen Aotian in a daze. For a long time, they came back to their senses.

The head of Wan Shuzong shouted, "Block Gukou and don't let him escape!"

Shen Aotian's heart is as comfortable as water. In his body, the chaotic power is slowly running along a set of mysterious roads. On the cliff wall, the five big characters are like being absorbed by the meridians in his body, constantly emitting a sword spirit and horizontal sword spirit.