Endless objects

Chapter 77 Horror Shadow

Suddenly, the ghost in front of him moved, like a ghost, floating to Shen Aotian in obscurity.


Shen Aotian was stunned and retreated three steps in a row, looking at the shadow with vigilance and hair!

The fire flashed and lit up the front, but it could not illuminate the face of the shadow. He had no life fluctuation and came to the barbecue. One hand stretched out, and the black fog swirled around it, fearless of fire, and took down the fragrant barbecue on the bonfire.

"How many years have you died, and you can still... smell this... fragrance again..." An intermittent wave of consciousness came, which made Shen Aotian's back cold.

"It's really a dead god-cultivator, isn't that... a ghost!"

Thinking of this, Shen Aotian was excited and wanted to come here, but he felt that the ghost seemed to be staring at him.

Looking at the dim yellow face, Shen Aotian seemed to see two hot rays and shot at him.

"Is there anything wrong with the elders? If I, Shen, can do it, I will be able to rescue it!" Shen Aotian said crisply, simply breaking the jar and risking it.

"There is meat... how can it be... without wine..." The intermittent consciousness came again.

When Shen Aotian heard that his body was excited, he immediately took out the wine he drank.

Open the seal, the fragrance is overflowing, and at the same time, there is another smell of wine, so that the practitioners can smell it and the blood is refreshing!

"I haven't smelled... for a long time!" The ghost took the wine handed over by Shen Aotian, took a sip into his mouth, and sent out another wave of consciousness!

Shen Aotian is very doubtful whether this ghost is a real ghost, otherwise how did he eat wine and meat into his stomach?

It's weird and weird. It's Shen Aotian's feeling. In this way, Shen Aotian didn't dare to move and looked at the ghost eating meat and drinking.

After an hour, the wine was full, the ghosts fluttered, and after a fluctuation of consciousness, it went away in obscurity and disappeared into the vast mountains.

"Thank you..."

Shen Aotian's mind shook and looked at the strange shadow. He felt a little unreal. The bonfire was just like the past, but it was much gloomy, and a pile of bones on the ground were full of what had just happened.

At this time, if a peerless strong man sees it, he will definitely know that this ghost is the soul of the strong man that day.

For a long time, Shen Aotian shook his head, sighed, and came here. It was so terrible that he dared not stay again!

The tiger roars and apes, the strange beast roars, and the sky spirit birds rushes, covering a large area of the sky. All this makes Shen Aotian feel as if he has come to the ancient barbaric years. Risks and opportunities coexist, treasures everywhere, and dangers everywhere!

The next day, the sky suddenly brightened, and there was no sunshine, but only bright. Shen Aotian jumped out of a cave and continued to move towards the depths of the secret world.

The journey is not lonely. Shen Aotian met a lot of barbarian beasts. He did not use the fire phoenix, but fought with his own strength. He wanted to break through the field and walk a road to the god king!

After life and death, he almost collapsed and died, but he was changed by him. However, he could not get out of that predicament. It's not that he didn't understand, but he didn't dare!

It's just that these several life and death experiences have made Shen Aotian reach the peak of the supreme gods.

Shen Aotian touched the field of the strong man of the God Emperor. Now his energy is pure and extreme, and some of them have condensed into crystals. This is a rare phenomenon in the world and already has the power of the door of offensive ideas!

Shen Aotian's chaotic power has reached its peak, and the peripheral whirlpool has taken shape, which is the scene of condensing the divine emperor. At this moment, Shen Aotian practiced the magic of the god king.

Constantly practicing, constantly feeling, and constantly wandering between life and death.

At this moment, Shen Aotian also felt that there was a terrible breath on his head, like a heavenly knife suspended, which made him dare not move!

At this moment, Shen Aotian moved forward and found that in the secret place of Yuxiao, there was a place called White Wolf Valley, which was named after White Wolf! It can be imagined that in the eyes of the practitioners, White Wolf Valley is the most famous for its white wolf!

The white wolf valley is full of cold fog, and there is a risk of frostbite to the soul! However, the white wolf can live here! From this, it can be seen that the white wolf must have something special!

At this moment, Shen Aotian settled in the White Wolf Valley and was ready to kill some white wolves, and then practice diligently!

In the early morning, the sun has just risen, and there is a refreshing feeling between heaven and earth!

The White Wolf Valley is still full of cold fog, and the early morning sun is scattered in the cold fog, sometimes reflecting a colorful streamer! Unable to be beautiful!

Although it is the world of monsters, monsters are rampant!

Thousands of creatures obviously follow the method of sunrise and sunset!

In the early days of the scorching sun, this world seems to wake up from a dream. The white wolf in the White Wolf Valley is also noisy, and the plan for a day lies in the morning!

It's not just for ordinary people. Cultivators, as far as demons, immortals and demons, must be the time of hard practice in the morning! Because at the beginning of the day, it is the best time for the chaotic power of heaven and earth, and the most spiritual time. Now when you suffer, you can suffer a hundred times as much as usual!

On the periphery of the White Wolf Valley, there is a fairy cave, and there is a cold fog nearby. Under the morning light, it looks like a fairy spirit surrounded by a nine-day cloud cave!

This is the cave opened by Shen Aotian. Due to the limitations of what he has learned, Shen Aotian has not been able to put on any powerful array prohibition near the cave; just based on the nearby terrain, there is a mysterious array of lost traces!

Fortunately, this is the effect of natural ecstasy in White Wolf Valley, and it is protected by cold fog. In this way, Shen Aotian has just become slightly stronger.

Now at the beginning of the sun, the cold fog is fading, and the ice fog is surging here, and a figure appears here!

It is more than seven feet long, with silver hair and waist, an extremely beautiful face, and a silver gown. In this cold fog, it is quite like a fairy and Taoist bone. It is Shen Aotian!

"Well, I finally put my first cave into place, which is a little unsatisfactory, and I don't even have a good forbidden array."

Squinting at the haze in the cold fog, the looming sun, Shen Aotian sighed in his heart!

"However, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Now I still hunt some white wolves and practice my divine magic!"

After discerning the bias, Shen Aotian flew directly to the place where the white wolves lived in the south.

In the south of the White Wolf Valley, where white wolves live, Shen Aotian doesn't quite understand how many white wolves live here, but so far, Shen Aotian has been around here for more than an hour. He has met more than a thousand white wolves, but they are all hundreds of places. No matter how bewitched Shen Aotian is, it is difficult to find. When it comes to the place where you start, the white wolf is famous for its solemnity!

After wandering around for a day, Shen Aotian did not find any opportunity!

"Alas, although the white wolf is also an ordinary monster, although I have a little wrist, I can't resist it!"

Shen Aotian felt helpless about this.

"Well, it's good to look at the moon and rhinoceros as usual. Although they also live in groups, they can be successful as soon as they are introduced. How can they be as vicious as this white wolf? But I'm still exhausted with you. Anyway, I come here to observe every day, but I still don't believe that I can't find a chance!"

At that time, Shen Aotian stared at the white wolf day and night. What just made him very decadent was that his time was in vain: he didn't find a single opportunity!

One morning half a month later, Shen Aotian routinely inspected the white wolf environment, and he was lucky enough to find a white wolf alone!

Half a month of neighboring, even with Shen Ao's cultivation at the peak of the gods in heaven, there is still some irritation. Now that there is a single white wolf at first glance, Shen Aotian has never thought of it. He directly chose to hunt the white wolf first to relieve his irritation.

This white wolf is nearly 1,000 meters away from the group. Although it is a powerful monster, Shen Aotian believes that he will be able to attack the white wolf group to react to kill it!

The careful Shen Aotian slowly lurked like a white wolf, afraid that there would be a little abnormal noise and scare the white wolf away.

100 meters, 50 meters, 10 meters Shen Aotian raised his right hand gently, full of cold, and was about to attack.

Suddenly, the white wolf looked back in the direction of Shen Aotian and looked at each other.

As soon as the god king's heavenly skills turned around, Shen Ao's sky was awe-bodied, and he only felt that the evil wind behind his back was not good and roared all over the sky.

I don't want to wave my right hand back, and a chaotic Yuanli shield blocked the back. At the same time, I touched my left hand to my waist and took out a round mirror to sacrifice it back. It was the mirror artifact that Shen Aotian got!

I only heard a click, which was the sound of the split of the chaotic yuan power shield; fortunately, Shen Aotian sacrificed the artifact mirror in time and finally blocked the attack.

Irre noting the stunned eyes of the white wolf in front of him, Shen Aotian directly drove an artifact, rushed to the front, rose to the half of the sky, and recovered. Shen Aotian couldn't help taking a breath of cold air!

I saw hundreds of white wolves all over the valley, all looking at him, full of eyes. Even with Shen Aotian's skill, his mind was dizzy and almost fell down! Fortunately, Shen Wang Tianshu lived up to expectations, and Shen Aotian survived.

Shen Ao stood on the cloud, waved back the treasure mirror, and was cool all over his body.

Although the white wolf was powerful, Shen Aotian kept suppressing him, but it took him to kill him.

At this moment, Shen Aotian's heart was stunned, and he felt that his strength had increased a little. He meditated on a few words of God's heavenly art, put away the treasure mirror, sat cross-legged, and started to run.

In the depths of the secret mirrors of Yuxiao, White Wolf Valley!

Shen Aotian has been retreating in the house for March. Since March, he has done nothing, but sitting there quietly, thoughtless, as if he was too empty!

I only vaguely remember the ice and snow falling all over the sky. Here, the cranes are staggering, and the lotus pond water bridge are not like the world!

Go up the water bridge, cross the lotus pond, enter the pavilion, and the cold fog surrounds it, which is extremely smooth.

I don't know where to return. Shen Aotian vaguely felt that this area was a little familiar and seemed to have been here. Unconsciously, Shen Aotian actually came to a square. There was no hesitation along the way, but I felt that this journey seemed to have gone through countless times and penetrated into the soul!

There are three or five people sitting on the ground in the square, all of whom are retreating in the north, and there is an old man in the north. The sky is hanging, but he is preaching. Flowers are falling all over the sky, and ice lotus is surging everywhere.