Endless objects

Chapter 79 Great Power

These swords were cut to Shen Aotian with a shocking atmosphere.

"17 blows! I didn't expect that Master Wansha would have practiced such a secret skill!"

"This is one of the top skills of Wan Shuzong! With this move, he can compete with a strong man one or two levels higher than him!"

" Shen Aotian is in trouble, and even if there is a secret skill, he can't turn over!"

All young heroes have different expressions, surprise, depression, lucky to be happy with disaster, and have other care!

"God King Tianshu!"

At this moment, Shen Aotian suddenly pinched the seal and roared. His hands were mysterious, and the complicated lines appeared in the sky, gradually condensing into an object.

"What is that? It's so complicated!"

"It's a peerless magic!"

"What a terrible power, as if to smash the void!"

The practitioners were shocked and watched one after another, waiting for the power of this move!

At this moment, a seal is as abrupt as a mountain, upright, and the lines on it are mysterious, as if they were natural lines, difficult to solve!


Shen Aotian's seal formula changed, and with a cold hum, I saw the seal formula gently waved. Immediately, the sky and the earth changed color, the sand and stones were flying, and all the space was trembling. As soon as the seventeen swords came to Shen Aotian, it collapsed in the sky. At the same time, a mysterious fluctuation cut through the space and attacked the young master of Wan Sha.


The young master roared angrily. He didn't expect such an ending. Seeing the fluctuations cut through the space, his body flashed and a shield protected him inside, but it didn't work. The fluctuation seemed to be natural. In an instant, he smashed the light mask and attacked his body.


His body flashed continuously, blocking the artifact in front of him, but it was broken. After that, the fluctuation hit the young master Wansha like a mountain.


Wansha's young master suffered severe pain and flew backwards, coughed blood, and his sternum sank down, as if it had been hit by a hammer, making the practitioners timid.

"This is a magic skill!"

"How could he have such a grand skill! Is it obtained from the former Xiakang God Palace!"

"Does he have any other magic skills?"

The practitioners were shocked and really couldn't believe it, but at the same time, they looked at Shen Aotian with great light, looking like they were ready to move!


Master Wansha coughed blood and looked frightened. He had heard that Shen Aotian killed the strong god, but he used the spiritual energy of the artifact, not his own combat power. Now, his real combat power can be called horrible!

Shen Aotian put an elixir in his mouth and slowly restored the chaotic power!

In a breath, Shen Aotian's chaotic power was fully restored. He took a look at the young master Wansha who kept coughing blood. Shen Aotian ignored it and walked towards Jianshi 17!


Young Master Wansha was so despised by Shen Aotian. He really hated it and was crazy. Since he was a child, how could he ever be so bullied? His eyes flashed with resentment and cruelty.

Then, Wansha's young master's eyebrows were shining, and a small sword condensed and formed, attacking Shen Aotian.

"Brother Shen, be vigilant, that's an invasion of ideas!" Jianshi glanced at it and saw the light, and immediately reminded Shen Aotian.

"Look for death!"

Shen Aotian snorted coldly, twisted his head, and two lights bloomed in his eyes, as if he were shocked, and touched the thought sword.

"What, he actually met with the power of his mind. Isn't this looking for death..."

The practitioners were shocked when they saw this environment, but the next moment, they shut up.

The energy is bright and clear, like two long swords, cutting at the thought sword. In an instant, a soft sound disappeared into the sky.

"How can this happen!" Wansha's expression was white, and he really couldn't believe it.

Finally, Shen Aotian was angry. He stretched out his right hand and flicked it gently. Immediately, a glow broke through the air and shot at the young master Wansha!


Wansha Shaozhu's eyes are gray, and his whole body bones are broken, and most of his strength is consumed, which can no longer be avoided!

However, at this time, a sword spirit flew out, and at the critical moment, it deflected the brilliance, shot at the mountain stone behind, and hit the mountain stone out of a big hole!

"Hen Aotian, now that he has won, why kill him all?" Next to the young master Wansha, a man in white stood with a sword and said lightly.

How about it? Do you want to stop it?" Shen Aotian raised his eyebrows, his face was cold, and he hummed coldly.

"It's not that I want to stop him, but that if you kill him, there will be a great disaster. Wanshazong has a demon who is said to have broken into the peak of the ancient gods. Among the older generation, he can be called invincible!" The man said.

"Yes! Shen Aotian, let's avoid it. That demon is said to be friends with him. If he knows, he will definitely not give up!" Jian 17 also interrupted at this time. He wanted to make friends with Shen Aotian, but he didn't want him to be hunted down by god practitioners all over the world!

"Hey, Shen Aotian, do you dare to kill me? I am the pride of a generation. If the Taishang ancestor of my sect knew that I was killed, he would definitely smash you to pieces!" Master Wansha put an elixir in his mouth and laughed.


With his words, Shen Aotian flicked his finger again, and a brilliance flew out and shot at Master Wan Sha.

"What! How dare you..."

The people next to him were shocked. With a long sword in their hand, a sword spirit shot out and flew away the glory again.

"What an amazing chaotic power?" When the practitioners saw that Shen Aotian was so powerful, they immediately opened their eyes and were full of unthinkable thoughts.


Shen Aotian flicked his fingers, and the brilliance flew out of the air and attacked Wan Shao. At the same time, he pinched the seal formula, carried forward the magic sword killing skill, condensed into a small sword and flew in.


Everyone was shocked, but they came to block it. A sword spirit could not be shaken at all. The little sword was long, and in the blink of an eye, it sank into the head of the young master Wansha, breaking his thoughts and making him die by death.


Shen Aotian hates the threat of god practitioners most, and if he is not killed, there will be future trouble in the future!

"Brother Shen is really amazing, a peerless god-cultivator!"

"It will definitely become a generation of evil in the future!"

The practitioners came forward one after another and said that this is completely different from when he first came. They have seen Shen Aotian's combat power, and this is not his final combat power. They once said that Shen Aotian has a powerful magic weapon, but now it has not been shown. If added, his combat power is even more amazing, and Moreover, who can know whether Shen Aotian still has a card!

So, they take away their uneasy psychology one by one and be modest about Shen Aotian. As for the orders of the sect, they don't have to worry at all, and the more the big the faction is, the less they value it. Because they know the basics of their sect and the long-term inheritance, in a Xia Kang god palace Some of the treasures are just the icing on the cake for them!

Besides, it is also a sect. It has nothing to do with them. It's better to find some good things in this secret place and feel some power. That's what really belongs to them. It can make them soar to the sky and march on the supreme road!

Killing with one finger, which made many other people around him embarrassed, but they were unwilling to fight with Shen Aotian, because no one could expect whether Shen Aotian had another hand. After all, he didn't even sacrifice the artifact!

The practitioners flattered, and Shen Aotian nodded. After a long time, they turned their attention to the stone carving on the cliff.

It was a road, left by a strong man who realized the Tao and carved it on the stone for the will of the practitioners of God.

"Brother Shen should pay attention to it in the future. This time, when the secret place opens, many old antiques have mixed in, and Wan Shuzong also has strong men. And, it is true that the treasures on you are not extremely valued by the gate party, but the small sect is regarded as the most precious treasure, and you must be vigilant!" Jian 17 reminded Shen Aotian.

"Thank you!" Shen Aotian replied that he was not timid about those strong people, but he could not offend him. If he really insulted the door, he had no choice but to kill him!

"This should be left by a strong god, which is extremely mysterious. Unfortunately, our level is too low to pay attention to its essence!"

"Yes, as long as we know one in a thousand, it's enough to take a step forward, but we don't have so much time to understand!"

"Alas! It's a pity that I can't bring out such treasures!"

The practitioners said one after another, but it is true that they can't understand it, but some of them understand it, so they sat on the ground one by one, stared at the stone carvings in front of them, and fell into deep thought!

"The strong god understands the sky with his body and heaven." Shen Aotian sat in the flowers, fragrant, making him feel calm. His eyes were shining brightly, staring at the stone carvings on the cliff, and falling into the enlightenment.

At this moment, the secret place of the strong man of the god was no longer mysterious in his eyes. Because he had realized the fantasy of the field, a mysterious Taoist rhyme swirled around his heart, making him enlightened one after another.

Explore Xia Kang's divine palace, reach the ancient emperor area, Yuxiao City helps Yuxiaomen kill the enemy, and Yuxiao's secret place to fight against other strong gods...

Shen Aotian grew up step by step and stepped on the corpses of the strong, quickly reaching the current level. However, his intention for Shinto is as low as before. Nowadays, he has come together in the secret land and obtained countless magic weapons, but except for the divine art of the god king, most of them has no mystery.

Three days later, Shen Aotian couldn't but stop his enlightenment. Due to the movement of the practitioner, the soul of the strong god appeared in the world!

In the past three days, Shen Aotian's heart kept realizing that his power has now all turned into grains, which is endless and dazzling, and in the mysterious gold tripod, all the power of ideas has been consumed and all refined and disappeared!

And at this moment, Shen Aotian has also reached the realm of ancient gods, but today's Shen Aotian is just a low-grade ancient god.

Dantian has no chaotic power, as long as a black whirlpool keeps changing, and a light keeps flashing, full of magic!