Wu Jun

Chapter 194 Yan Cangshan

Time goes by slowly, and the movement of the martial arts is getting bigger and bigger.

More and more people have been dispatched by the demon clan, and many sects have been defeated by the demon clan, and then they can only reluctantly join the demon clan.

But because of this, more and more clan forces have joined the Wanzong Society, because they know that there is no good fruit to join the demon clan.

Youyuanzong is becoming more and more lively, among which there are more and more powerful people, and the strength of Wanzonghui has been improving.

But the demon clan and Wanzonghui have not yet taken action. They seem to be accumulating strength and waiting for the real opportunity to come.

At that time, it was the most important battle.

Of course, Liu Xiao didn't know anything about these, but was immersed in practice and improved her strength.

This feeling seems to be very good, and Liu Xiao is reluctant to come out at all.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Liu Xiao retreated from his cultivation state. After so many days, Wanzong must have changed, and he was still practicing at that time, so now he went to the suzerain of Youyuan to ask about the situation.

When he came to the hall, Liu Xiao went straight in, among which the patriarch of Youyuan and other members of the Wanzong Society had already met here.

Liu Xiao was slightly shocked when she saw this. She looked at the crowd and asked, "What happened again?"

When the patriarch of Youyuan saw Liu Xiao coming, he smiled and immediately replied, "The king's mansion is about to open. We are discussing countermeasures."

Hearing this, Liu Xiao was slightly puzzled and asked again, "What is Junfu?"

"The king's mansion is an extremely secret cave, but it is created by a strong man who has the strength to reach the king's realm. I heard that there is the purest king's spirit in it, and only by absorbing this king's spirit can he break through the strongest realm, the king's realm." The suzerain of Youyuan replied.

Liu Xiao's heart moved. This king's mansion has such a great benefit. If he absorbs the king's spirit in it, he can break through the strongest realm.

"Then what are you worried about?" Liu Xiao asked.

Since they are discussing countermeasures, there must be something they are worried about.

The patriarch of Youyuan took a look at the others and then replied, "The king's mansion is opened, which is the most important thing in the Wutian mainland. Although it is very secretive, there will definitely be many people to compete for the monarchy. I am thinking that the demon clan will definitely come back."

Liu Xiao nodded slightly. Why didn't the demon clan come to such an important thing?

"So there will definitely be a bloody storm at that time. I wonder if Wanzong will go or not?" The patriarch of Youyuan said again.

Liu Xiao looked at the crowd. Most of the people who went to the king's mansion to compete for the king's spirit were strong men. If the people of Wanzong Association also went, they might be injured.

If it hurts your vitality, how can you fight against the demon clan?

"We should go." Liu Xiao said softly.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Liu Xiao. Why is that?

"If we don't go, we won't be able to fight against the demons at all in the future." Liu Xiao said again.

"What does this mean?" The patriarch of Youyuan looked at Liu Xiao and asked.

"If the demon clan gets the king's spirit, they may have a strong man in the realm. We are not the opponents of the demon clan at all, so we have to go." Liu Xiao looked at the crowd and whispered.

Hearing the words, everyone nodded. Liu Xiao was right. If they didn't organize the demon clan, maybe they would really get the only trace of royal spirit left on that day.

And that trace of monarchy is enough to destroy ten thousand clans.

"You're right. Let's go and have fun this time. Even if we can't get the king's spirit, we must not let the demon clan get it." The patriarch of Youyuan said softly.

The king's mansion will open. Although this matter is very hidden, it will inevitably be known by other sect forces in some ways, so many people will still compete for the king's spirit.

Of course, the opening of the palace is very hidden. No one knows where it will be opened, so someone needs to look around.

Wanzong will send some people to look around in the relatively hidden places in the martial arts. Only the news of Junfu will immediately return, which also reduces many troubles.

Liu Xiao soon began to practice in order to compete for the king's spirit. When he found that the speed of cultivation was not in line with the current situation, he applied to practice in the stone house. Although the speed was not as fast as Shengjuntan, it was also relatively fast.

Time passed quickly in this calm, and half a month had passed in a blink of an eye.

More and more people know the news of the opening of the Junfu, but these people are still relatively rational. They know that even if they go, they may not have this luck. Maybe they will lose their lives and wait quietly. As long as the Junfu opens and others rush to the Junfu, they can quietly sneak in.

Liu Xiao also stopped practicing. The opening of the palace was getting closer and closer, and Liu Xiao did not dare to practice more, so she came to Youyuan Sect and waited for the opening of the palace.

And at this time, in a very dark place, in a black hall.

Many men in black stood in the hall, surrounded by black gas.

In front of them, a young-looking man in black sat on a black high seat, quite hegemonic.

This man has a handsome face, white skin and looks thin. If he hadn't been surrounded by black gas and exuded strong and terrible pressure, he would be like a scholar.

He looked at the others and asked softly, "Is there any news from Junfu? I can't wait."

His voice is a little vicissitudes.

An old man in black immediately came out and replied, "Not yet, but soon." The words are very respectful.

The young man nodded, looked at them, and then outside, showing a chilling smile.

"It's finally time to wait for it."

In the Youyuan Sect, on a mountain peak, Liu Xiao sat in a stone house.

After these days of practice, his strength has been improved, and the golden light still has residual energy. When he absorbed all the energy, his strength has reached four stages of martial arts subversion.

It is only one step away from breaking through five stages of Wusheng.

Liu Xiao returned to her residence and walked to the hall. Yin Ling and others were already waiting here.

When they saw Liu Xiao coming, they all smiled. Yin Ling approached Liu Xiao, looked at him, and whispered, "I have good news for you."

Liu Xiao was slightly puzzled and asked, "What good news?"

"Ha ha, the location of the king's mansion has been known." Yinling smiled and said.

Hearing this, Liu Xiao's eyes seemed to have a light and asked again, "Where?"

Yin Ling looked at Liu Xiao, then looked at Ruoxi, and whispered, "I can tell you, but you must take Ruoxi and me together."

Liu Xiao was slightly stunned, looked at Tianlingnu and Liu Qinger, and said, "What about them?"

He has no objection to taking Yinling and Ruoxi together, but he just doesn't know what to do with Tianling Girl and Liu Qinger.

Tianlingnu and Liu Qinger came over. Tianlingnu looked at Liu Xiao and whispered, "The patriarch of Youyuan said that it would be very dangerous there. It's better to go fewer people. Qinger and I won't go, but you must take good care of Yinling and Ruoxi."

"Yes, you have to protect them." Liu Qinger also said softly.

Liu Xiao nodded slightly. So that's it, but even if they don't say anything, of course he will protect Yinling and Ruoxi from hurting them at all.

Yinling and Ruoxi looked at Liu Xiao's serious appearance at this time and couldn't help smiling, and their smile was very touching.

Liu Xiao looked at them and was intoxicated. This is really the most beautiful scenery.

In their conversation, the door suddenly opened and a figure came in.

The patriarch of Youyuan appeared in front of them, looked at Liu Xiao and others, and whispered, "We will go to Yancang Mountain tomorrow. Get ready first."

Hearing this, Liu Xiao was slightly puzzled and obviously didn't understand this Yan Cangshan.

"Yan Cangshan is the place where the king's mansion opens." Yinling whispered.

Liu Xiao understood and whispered, "Are there many people going this time?"

Of course, few people hope to go to Yancang Mountain, so it will be easier for him to compete for the king.

"It's a little too much, but you just need to focus on guarding against the demon clan, Tianding Sect and Fengming Sect." The patriarch of Youyuan said softly.

Liu Xiao was slightly stunned when she heard the two sects of Tianding Sect and Fengming Sect, and then understood that it seemed that the blood tripod returned to the two sects.

But he defeated them all. If he fought against their clan, there would be a fierce battle.

Liu Xiao nodded slightly. It seems that this competition for the emperor is indeed not smooth.

"But the most important thing is not Tianding Sect. What I'm most worried about is the demon clan." The patriarch of Youyuan took a look at several people and said again, "The demons will definitely do anything to get the king's spirit. If we can't stop them, maybe the whole continent will be ruled by the demons."

The words of the patriarch of Youyuan are full of seriousness, and Liu Xiao is getting more and more serious. This matter is indeed trivial.

If the king's spirit is obtained by the righteous strong man, there will be at most one of the strongest person. He can protect the whole continent, but if the king's spirit is obtained by the demon clan, the continent will become dark. "So, we must stop the demon clan this time. Even if we can't get the monarch's spirit, we must not let the demon clan get it." The patriarch of Youyuan said softly.

Liu Xiao nodded, and he knew the importance of doing so.

"I will definitely try my best to stop the demon clan." Liu Xiao said softly, and his words were full of firmness.

The patriarch of Youyuan nodded with satisfaction and then walked out.

Liu Xiao has a firm look in her eyes. This time, she fought with the demon clan!

At night, the night comes. Although it is cool, it is still a little lively in the abyss sect.

Many disciples of Youyuan Sect hope that Wanzong will stop the demon clan in Yancang Mountain, because only in this way can they be safe and this continent be safe.