rogue hero

Chapter 11 Freshman Reporting

According to the plan given by Mr. Qu, the search team should have withdrawn all of them and successfully brought back their own bodies. From now on, fat people can use their identity as citizens of the Missouri Empire.

Ye Fei's funny and funny quickly conquered the woman. In a few days, except for the color of women's underwear, the fat man really couldn't know. Soon I got a rough idea of the details of my travel companion. I only said that I went to the Royal Military Academy of the Missouri Empire to report on my situation.

The woman's name is Heng Daomei is 18 years old, and the bald man's name is Gagabu. Both of them are orphans. They have been dependent on each other since childhood and are worthy of brother and sister. Because he killed a powerful local noble son and fled all the way here.

Heng Daomei did not mention Gagabu's martial arts, which also made Ye Fei more curious. Gargab was eccentric, and the three of them walked for several days without saying a few words. There is no good plan for the two of them for the future.

"Fat, I really envy you for being admitted to the Royal First Military Academy in Missi at such a young age. When we get there, we will find a place to settle down. We won't be wandering all day long. I'm exhausted." Heng mourns for the innocence of the United States.

After a few days of contact, Ye Fei felt that this stupid woman could be described as brainless with big breasts. I have never seen anyone who dares to cause trouble for his life. The most hateful thing is this bald man, who only listens to Heng Daomei's words. I have always had a cold attitude towards myself.

At the thought of the materials given to him by Qu Shuiqin, his head was big.

"It's just going to school." Ye Fei's face was full of helplessness.

"Oh, my God. That's a university with a long history! There are few schools in our Longteng Empire that can be compared with it!" The ugly woman continued to express her surprise.

For decades, the Longteng Empire has maintained a relatively peaceful and relaxed policy. It has maintained relatively stable diplomatic relations with the eastern Su'ai, the Empire of Missil and the Thunder Federation. Over the years, the exchange of economic, cultural and talent between several countries has also been maintained at a very stable level. Of course, these are only reflected on the surface. I don't know how many times there have been many open and dark battles.

Since that day inn, the fat man has not dared to look at Heng Daomei's face. Whenever the high chest teased the fat man's evil thoughts, he hated the woman.

"It's wrong to deceive a woman. She's not a woman!" The fat man comforted himself in his heart.

With his new identity, fat people can freely enter and exit the border alone, but along the way, there are not many women who can compete with Heng Daomei. In order to feast his eyes, the fat man finally took advantage of the money attack and successfully mixed the two in a caravan and successfully brought them into the territory of the Missouri Empire.

For this reason, Ye Fei really suffered a lot. After careful weighing it, I didn't regret the decision I made. Soon after entering the Missouri Empire, the three of them went their separate ways. From beginning to end, the fat man could not ask a word about Gagabu's martial arts from the ugly woman.

The empire has prepared for more than ten years for this plan, and Qu Shuiqin arranged a new identity for the fat man in the Missouri Empire.

When he arrived in the territory of the Missouri Empire, Ye Fei finally rest assured to use the urban transmission array. Ordinary people's income is not enough to use it once in two years. After paying a high fee, after several twists and turns, the fat man found that the money left in his pocket was barely enough for lunch.

The fat man reconfirmed his new identity in his mind. Ye Fei, his hometown is in Zbas City. His parents died. He has lived with his uncle's family since childhood. At the age of 19, he has just stepped into the fifth level of strength. My uncle is the president of the Zbas Martial Arts Association and has been admitted to the Royal Military Academy of Missil with excellent results

It's been a week since the day of registration. Ye Fei looked at the chubby face on the registration form and cursed in his heart: "It's a big loss to pick up an uncle for nothing!"

The city of Leskapi, the capital of the Missouri Empire. Following the guidance of passers-by, Ye Fei finally arrived at the gate of the Royal First Military Academy. The closed door and the paint spots falling from the wall seem to tell the long history of this university. This is a university that aims to cultivate military command talents.

In the confused eyes of the old doorman, the fat man welcomed his reception teacher.

"Are you the Ye Fei who is a week late?" The female teacher's words were not polite. The fat man doubted whether his arrival hindered the continuation of some office ambiguous stories.


"Come with me, I don't know what you think all day? Even reporting such a big thing can be delayed for several days. The female teacher led the way endlessly, and her huge buttocks shook regularly like a pendulum.

Along the tree-groved path, the two came to a beautiful office. In the room sat a 50-year-old man, who was bowing his head and writing something.

"Mr. Sun, this is the last student in your class. He brought you here." After saying that, he turned around and twisted his buttocks and walked out.

The middle-aged man stopped writing and looked in front of him with great interest: "Why did you report at this time? It's been several days."

The fat man replied blankly, "Something happened at home and it took a few days."

In the middle, the man pulled out a piece of paper from the thick information on his desk: "Fill in this form."

According to the data, this fat man named Ye Fei has relatively good grades in this class of students. Although he attaches the most importance to the cultivation of command quality in this college, he can break through the level of five at the age of 19, and his own strength should not be underestimated. Many third-year students who are about to graduate do not have the strength to reach level 5.

What surprised Sun Chun most was that the fat man was transferred to the class he taught. In two months, it will be a competition with exchange students, and there is also a solution to the problem of candidates who have been trapped.

As a famous military academy in the northern continent, it exchanges a group of students with military academies of other countries every three years. This plays a positive and important role in the future development of institutions of higher learning.

There are only two first-year freshmen sent by the Longteng Empire this time. I heard that they are a pair of beautiful twin sisters. And a rare space magician. The strength itself is not weak, and both have reached the realm of a fourth-level magician. It is also excellent among his peers.

For this reason, the school has a headache. The strength of CET-4 is above average in the college, but only the first-year freshman named Ye Fei can overwhelm the other party. On his own territory, he will always compete for some face.

Looking at the scribbled handwriting on the form, Sun Chun pointed: "Turn right when you go out and go straight for 800 meters, a small red and white building. Take your registration form and ask the doorman to get the key. He will arrange it for you."

The fat man looked at the red and white building speechlessly: "Which bastard designed it! Get a bloody sanitary napkin and put it here.

Getting his own key from the doorman incomparably depressed, the fat man casually kicked open the door, and the door panel finally ended his glorious mission with a bang after squeaking twice.

"Bah, what a rag, so weak!" The fat man has a righteous face.

"Brother, that's pulling, not pushing. You have to reimburse whatever you put on the door like this!" The people in the room were stunned.

Ah? The fat man was very surprised. He looked at the door panel carefully and said calmly, "I don't even have a handle. Who knows if it's pulled."

There was a 17- or 18-year-old young man sitting at the table, who was reading while eating. Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, and the things in his hand were scattered on the ground.

As the two people who reported the latest, they were abandoned like an abandoned child in the room originally used to store sundries. The room was cleaned up, but the spider web hanging in the corner sold the original purpose of the room.

"Let me live in this shabby place!" The fat man muttered, and the fat bed creaked.

In the first college, the two live in a dormitory. The man who ate was the fat man's roommate Gomires. Briefly introducing himself, Gomires squatted down and sighed.

"Isn't it just a break-in! Just find someone to replace it!"

"...You don't know that the doorman won't care about your trivial matters. Seeing that this door is about to be smashed by you, you have to buy a new one tomorrow."

Gomires's family is not rich, which can be seen from the simple clothes. It takes at least dozens of silver coins to change the door, which is already his living expenses for a week.

Gomires is an ordinary child who doesn't have any fighting spirit or magic. In order to solve some burdens for the family, the greatest wish is to be admitted to a military school, and only here will all tuition fees be waived. And after graduation, you will have a good future waiting for you.

The fat man touched the spleated wallet and sighed. The last bit of money he donated to a small restaurant.

"I can't live this day..."

The fat man thought for a long time on the road and finally decided to sew the space ring on his underwear. Although he was a little sorry for the second brother, for the sake of his life, it was only safest to put it here.

"At worst, I won't change it in the next few years!" The fat man comforted himself.

After stability, Ye Fei finally has the opportunity to quietly improve his strength. I haven't practiced the Kowloon war spirit seriously for four months, which made the fat man a little panicked.

In Gomires's enviable eyes, Ye Frisbee sat **, and Kowloon's fighting spirit flowed slowly through every corner of his body. It seems that you can see the golden light in your body expanding every blood vessel, and the fat man enjoys this feeling.

A trace of light flowed through, and then the whole blood vessels seemed to become strong. The blood slowly slipped through it, hitting every vein, and the whole body was connected. One cycle, another, every time the golden light reaches a place, all the senses are mobilized, which can give him a deeper understanding of his body.

Carefully experience the huge energy contained in the golden light, and the fat man is a little proud.