rogue hero

Chapter 23 Preparation for Escape 2

Early the next morning, the happy fat man led Samina around the city. There was a reason for Ye Fei's happiness. On the pretext that she had a space ring, the bitch forcibly kept more than half of the property for Lascus. The fat man's method of scraping the land was shocking, if he was not afraid of causing Samina's police. I feel that this despicable and shameless fat man can definitely wipe out the whole room.

Raskes sent the two servants away early in the morning. At dinner, the fat man cooked himself and made a yellow scale fish for Samina, which moved the little girl who was not deeply involved in the world.

It turned out that Ye Fei's experiment was successful, and Samina soon lay on the table and lost consciousness. If it hadn't been for Raskers staring aside, this bitch would have done something angry with others.

The fat man came to the study with Samina in his arms. The box prepared by Raskes is the kind used to hold magic magnets. It is two meters long and one and a half meters high. Usually, this kind of box is necessary for caravans, and many slave traders will also use this box to shuttle with various countries for dirty transactions.

The box has been modified in advance, and a dark grid has been placed at the bottom of the box. As long as it is not fat, it can be completely hidden in it. The inner wall of the corner of the dark grid is inlaid with a palm-sized ventilation array, which is enough to ensure Samina's smooth breathing.

The fat man was very satisfied with Raskes's preparation. The only thing that made him a little worried was whether the thin space would flatten Samina's crisp chest. Soon, the bitch gave up this idea that made her a little uneasy.

The fat man tries to pose for Samina. When you say goodbye to this fiery red long-haired beauty, there is something that can't be hidden.

Now it's time to get rid of the two annoying tails and close the box. The fat man refused Raskers's proposal and disappeared into the darkness alone in the middle of the night.

For these two enemies who hide in the corner and are trembling with the cold wind, the fat man is not soft at all. These people are just ordinary people responsible for peripheral surveillance. They have a little strength and will not be sent out to carry out this kind of stalking task.

A ghost-like figure appeared behind two people in an instant. Until the moment before they fell into a coma, they did not realize why a person suddenly appeared behind them.

When Su Cang woke up again, he found that his whole body was tied like a zongzi. The faint pain in his back of his head made him a little dizzy. He tried to open his eyes and look around, with rusty shovels and tools piled up on the ground. Obviously, this was a warehouse for debris.

"What's going on? Shouldn't I stay outside that small building with Curris? Why did you come here? What about Curris? Su Cang couldn't stand the doubts in his heart and looked around.

"Isn't this fat man Miss Samina's boyfriend? Why are you here?" Su Cang didn't realize that he was caught at all.

"Hey! Wake up?" The fat man smiled.

"What are you going to do? Where is this? Let go of me!" Su Cang seems to have some answers in her heart.

With a crisp sound, Su Cang felt that his whole left face suddenly swollen, and a hot pain went straight into the bottom of his heart.

"Ah..." A scream echoed in the empty room.

The fat man picked up Su Cang's collar: "Say it! Who else is following Samina!"

"What are you talking about! I don't understand..."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows, no nonsense, crackling, another crisp sound, crackling, crackling, after more than a dozen of the same crisp sounds in a row, Su Cang's whole body went straight down.

Pang... The fat man was very satisfied. In the end, he played a trill.

Bah, the fat man vomited fiercely and turned to another room.

Curris had a stinky sock in his mouth and was tied to a chair. Through the half-covered door, he could clearly see every move in the opposite room. With a loud slap, Curris' heart tightened and the muscles on his face twitched.

The slap when the fat man started work could only make him tremble all over. Before that, he had never thought that the most common corporal punishment of slap would be so horrible. This seemingly endless slap was the most painful punishment he could imagine.

Curris closed his eyes and couldn't bear to take a look. Thinking that it would be such a terrible humiliation to greet him next, the fear from the bottom of his heart quickly spread to his whole body.

Laskes was also stunned. The fat man was too fierce, but the simplest method got the best effect, but this loud slap was as continuous as the tide. A fishy smell came, and a yellow ** oozed from Couris's crotch.

Ye Fei looked at the yellow-faced man with a contemptuous face: "It's your turn, don't you say it?"

"I said...please don't hit me." There was already a trace of crying in Curry's voice.

"How many of you follow Samina?"

"It's just the two of us."

Pang, the fat man is not soft at all: "How many?"


After another crisp sound, the fat man asked again, "How many?"

"It's just the two of us... Whoo-hoo... I'm telling the truth." Curris couldn't stop crying. He couldn't figure out why he had to be beaten when he answered honestly.

The fat man's face has not changed at all, and he doesn't feel that he has wronged the other party at all: "Oh, how often do you contact the above?"

"Five days."

The fat man rounded his arms and arched left and right.

"How many days?"

"Five days, woo-woo..."

"P" is another slap.

"a few days"

"Woo...five days"

The fat man beat Coulis righteously like a lesson to his son. He had to ask every question three or four times, and every time he was slapped in the face. In the end, Curry couldn't remember how many times he had been slapped. He couldn't wait to tell the color of his wife's underwear to the evil devil.

The fat man rubbed his numb hands and looked at Rascus, who was still in petrochemicals puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Raskes swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although he didn't hit his face, he could make his face numb with every slap. Looking at a good face like a cabbage ground arched by a pig, Raskes's hair suddenly rose all over his body, and a cool cold wind rushed to his forehead.

Ye Fei looked down at the two people who were already in a coma on the ground and casually said, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Raskes' eyebrows jumped and shook his head quickly. Now his greatest wish is to end the pain of these two people quickly. Every time he looks at it, it is a kind of torture for himself.

The fat man, a bitch, said unconsciously, "It's too cruel. Why don't you do it!"

Back in the study, the fat man began to make up for himself. Camouflage is a very complicated knowledge. By making some minor adjustments to his face, he can completely change a person's appearance. Many of the materials previously purchased in Les Pica City are prepared for this step.

The juice made from Huiling grass and crisp elixir makes the originally slender eyebrows feel a little thicker.

The solidification produced by mixing blood deer fat with Motuo sand grass is cushioned by Ye Fei at the gums of the jaw, which can make his round cheeks look more layered.

The juice dissolved from the purple gum block is also smoothly stuffed into the nose with the help of the mold. Although it will be a little difficult to breathe, it can make the fat man's originally collapsed nose bridge slightly straight.

The fat man's limbs are covered with the bile of the wave beast. After half an hour, those thick hairs will also disappear. As for the pores left, they will shrink after wiping with the feces of the Komodo ants, and a faint bronze color will be left on the skin.

After the external work, the only thing that bothers the two is the fat man's figure.

Raskes originally planned to use Tingmei lock fat cloth to close the fat body for the fat man. This is a favorite cloth of rich aristocratic women. The clothes made of this material have a perfect closing effect, but the fat man failed to resist the severe pain between the two strands in the end, which made Ruskes' plan to abort. .

In desperation, Raskes had to add a circle of "fat meat" to Ye Fei with the remaining materials. Now no matter which angle you look at it, this bitch seems to be more like a huge ostrich egg.

The bitch measured her chest with her hand. Inside her clothes, there was a thick layer of blood deer fat, and she asked uneasily, "Will it hurt Xiaomi... Mi?"

The fat man is quite satisfied with his new look. If he only relies on the changes on his face, it is easy to leak out. Now Ye Fei is absolutely confident that even if he throws himself in front of Gomires, he can definitely guarantee that he will not be recognized.

Sum, there was a knock outside the door. Raskers looked up at the magic wall clock and said faintly, "The person who picked you up is here!"

"Princechuk will fill the box with other goods, and follow his caravan to reach the Thunder Federation smoothly."

Two people lifted the box, and Ye Fei walked behind and asked, "Can you trust it?"

"I saved his life before. As long as you don't leak your feet, you should be safe along the way."

When I came to the door, an ordinary carriage was parked there, and there was an old man about 50 standing next to him. His left arm was broken, holding the reins with only one hand.

Seeing the two coming out, the old man hurried forward, put the box on the car, bowed respectfully, and said solemnly, "Lord Laskes, why did you come down in person? Tell me to do this little thing."

Laskes smiled kindly: "You have helped me a lot this time, and I don't have time to thank you!"

Princechuk became more and more reserved: "Your Excellency, if it hadn't been for your help, my life would have been handed over to the barren mountains. It's my honor to serve you."

Raskes raised his hand to help the somewhat reserved old man and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Don't mention the past. I'll trouble you this time."

The old man hurriedly agreed, and the fat man waved goodbye to Raskers and officially embarked on the journey of escape.