rogue hero

Chapter 61 Past

When Ye Fei saw Solya again, it was already the next morning. The old lady seemed to be leisurely eating breakfast as if she had nothing to do. Eurasian Sugaso's craftsmanship was not very good. At least it was much worse than Qilan, but it was reluctantly better than old man Qu.

Solia seemed to be in a good mood, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. She reached out and handed Samina a piece of black mustard bread.

The fiery red curly-haired girl thanked, took the bread, and immediately filled everyone's cups with a little soy milk.

Eurasia Sugasso raised his eyelids and took a look, buried his head in the bowl and fought against last night's leftovers. As long as he is in this family, the leftovers will always belong to him alone.

The middle-aged uncle's tutor is very good. At least the old lady looked like this when she was by his side. When eating, he didn't even say a word. At the table, only a few people could be heard chewing food. The fat man kept scanning the old lady with his small eyes, and his eyes kept falling on the middle-aged uncle, and he didn't know what the hell he was thinking.

Solia finally couldn't stand the fat man's annoying eyes, took out the communication crystal from her arms and threw it on the table.

The oval communication crystal rolled a few times on the table and made a crisp sound, but the surface with a little light became dull. Needless to say, the energy inside was exhausted.

Eurasian Sugasso raised his head in surprise and asked, "Communication crystal? Where did it come from?" In his impression, this game should be a rare thing that can only be got in the army or some dignitaries.

The fat man glanced at him, put it away calmly, and said angrily, "I picked it up!"

The middle-aged uncle was stunned and then scolded angrily, "Picked it up? Tell me where it is? I'll pick it up and play!"

"Enough..." Solya patted the table and immediately made the two of them shrink their necks and buried their heads in a speechless position.

"Son, pack your bags these days. Fatty, come out with me!" The old lady stood up, picked up a piece of black mustard bread from the table, bit it in her mouth, and stepped out of the door with her hands behind her back.

Several people on the table were stunned. The fat man first reacted and quickly followed him. Only the middle-aged uncle was puzzled and muttered, "Pack your bags? Where are you going?"

Out of the door, the two walked to the place where the fat man contacted old Qu last night.

The purple gardeners all over the mountains still exude an intoxicating fragrance, but the two of them are not thinking about it and thinking about anything.

"Call me out and don't talk. What do you mean? Is it to retaliate for what I eavesdropped yesterday? Killing people?" The fat man was worried and secretly speculed about the old man's intentions.

After a long silence, Solya finally said, "When did you join the dark part?" There is an unquestionable conviction in the words.


It was like a sudden thunderbolt under the scorching sun in the clear sky, which hit the fat man's chest fiercely.

" do you know?" In addition to the memory of his previous life, this can almost be said to be the biggest secret in his heart. How could he not be shocked when he was suddenly exposed? Then he reacted and scolded an idiot secretly and wanted to slap himself fiercely. This fucking... Isn't this equivalent to admitting it?

The dark part is the most secret department in the Wuhuang Dynasty. Many people don't even know that there is such a department in the Wuhuang Dynasty. Nominally, Ye Fei is only a martial artist registered in the Wuhuang Dynasty, which is not surprising. 80% of the warriors in the Longteng Empire will take over. Unified leadership.

However, most of these people may not be able to enter the headquarters of the Wuhuang Dynasty once in their lifetime, because several unknown departments, including the dark department, are set up here.

I only heard Soria say, "Communication crystal, space ring, plus a Qu Shuiqin, if I still can't guess your identity, I will live in vain for so many years!"

Ye Fei's little head turned quickly and thought carefully. It would be a little far-fetched to connect his identity with the space ring and the communication crystal alone. It seems that the problem should still be on the old man.

But... in terms of the old man's personality, it is impossible for an outsider to know his true identity. Is the relationship between the two really good enough to be honest?

Because the identity of the dark part needs to be extremely confidential, even the closest people around him are not allowed to reveal any information. Ye Fei also learned the identity of old man Qu after officially joining the dark part. If it hadn't been for Missy's action plan, the old man Qu would have been responsible for it, and the fat man would have absolutely believed that the secret old man would have been hiding.

On the surface, the chief pharmacist of the royal family of Qushui Qinlongteng Empire is actually a member of the dark department, but on weekdays, the old man is mostly responsible for the work in the empire. Only when he is understaffed will he be transferred to various places to deal with some events.

Every institution has such golden personnel, and Qu Shuiqin relies on decades of experience to cope with the work between these different departments.

The fat man can't understand. How could Solya know the identity of Qu Shuiqin?

seemed to see the fat man's doubts. Solya smiled faintly and said indifferently, "Don't think nonsense. I knew his identity 40 years ago. I have kept this secret for him for 40 years and have never mentioned it to anyone."


The second thunderstorm hit the tip of the fat man's heart again, 40 years...

The corners of the bitch's mouth twitched and scolded angrily: "Old bastard, I thought you were a decent man. It turns out that you are also a girl who cheated!"

Then I heard Solia whisper, "I didn't ask you to come out to say this. I need your help with something!"

"Hmm?" The fat man raised his eyebrows inexplicably.

Is the eighth-level magician looking for something to discuss with him?

Solia fixed her eyes on the third sun rising slowly on the horizon, with a trace of melancholy in her voice and said softly, "I want you to take little Eurasia to the Longteng Empire! Let that old bastard have a look."

"Oh?" The fat man suppressed the secret joy in his heart, but made a frank expression like a gentleman on his face, and pretended to be surprised and asked, "Why?"

Solia didn't seem to notice this. She still looked into the distance and pondered for a long time before saying, "Little Eurasia... is my son and his son!"


Although the fat man has guessed the general idea of the matter, when Solya said this sentence herself, it still made the fat man think for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out why these two people got together...

Can't resist the doubts in his heart, Ye Fei asked, "How could you two..."

Solia looked sad and pitiful, as if she was recalling something and silently.

When the fat man saw that she didn't say anything, he asked, "What? Don't you follow your uncle to meet the old man?"

The breeze messed up the corners of the old man's clothes. Solia was silent for a long time before she said in a resentful, aggrieved and sad voice: "I will never see him in my life..." After saying this, it seemed that her whole body was drained, and her whole body became depressed and lost her vitality, as if she was an old teenager in an instant. General.

"You..." Ye Fei didn't know how to say it, because he had already heard the determination in Soleya's words without any hesitation.

After a moment of silence, the fat man whispered, "This is unfair to you and the old man!"

"Fair..." Solya hung a wry smile on the corners of her mouth and muttered, "The world is not fair!"

The fat man sighed and asked softly, "How did you two know each other? How did you know his identity behind the scenes?"

A colorful butterfly fell on the old man's shoulder. Solya gently grabbed it, held it in the palm of her hand, and said slowly, "It's a long story..."

"I am the daughter of a bandit. I have been used to killing and robbery since I was a child."


"At the age of 22, in order to rob a caravan, we united with another group of people, but we were all fooled. The caravan was the bait sent by the army to completely eliminate our group of robbers."

"There are more than 100 people, and only a dozen people can finally escape. If my father and uncle hadn't rushed a bloody road for me, I wouldn't have stood here now." Soleya gently played with the wings of the colorful butterfly and said faintly, as if she were telling someone else's story.

"But what can escape change? The group of pursuers of the army bit behind like a mad dog. I escaped for two days and two nights, but I was still caught up!"

"At that time, not long after I stepped into the third level, the officer led by them was a fourth-level warrior. The bastard became lustful when he saw that I was beautiful. At this time, he appeared."

"Isn't it vulgar for heroes to save beauty?" Solya laughed and said, "But you don't understand what it feels like when a person is already desperate and suddenly someone reaches out and pulls you back from the edge of the cliff."

"What happened later?" Ye Fei quietly watched the butterfly flapping its wings and slowly moved his eyes to the old man's face.

"Later... he killed the officer and rescued me. By the time I went home again, it had turned into ruins... everyone... all died." The old man's eyes turned slightly red.

"Did the army do it?" The fat man frowned.

"It's not... the revenge of another group of people."

"Did the old man avenge you?"


Solia whispered, "What else can you do but escape after killing an officer and carrying so many lives? We ran and ran all the way, and then we came here..."

"Then why are you separated again?" Ye Fei asked puzzledly.

Solia slowly spread her hand and let the butterfly fly away. A drop of crystal clear light flashed in the corners of her eyes, and said with some chokingly, "Feelings are like this butterfly. It's not that you will be happy if you hold it in your hand!"