rogue hero

Chapter 67 Tosley

Dascott also came out. When the old man saw Sina covering her face with extremely painfully and howling, his heart was like being cut off a piece of meat by a knife.

"Sina, Sina, what's wrong with you? Don't scare uncle! Sina!" The black fat man held the girl in his arms.

"Who are you? Get out of here! This is my home! You are not welcome, get out!" Dascott let out a hysteria roar.

In a panic, Heng Daomei hurriedly took gauze from another room, simply bandaged Xina, removed her blood-filled arm, and a three-inch-and-half-inch deep wound suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and her flesh and blood were blurred.

Heng Daomei was in tears and was in a hurry, and she didn't know how to do it.

Samina knew that she could not help in this battle. Instead, she would increase the burden on the fat man. She simply stood aside and only protected a few people behind her. The open magic shield barely enveloped several figures in it. Looking at the color, it was only three levels of strength at most.

When the man in red saw Gagabu coming down, he looked at the strong man with brown skin, and then said, "Is everyone here? Humph, well, let's solve it directly together to save us trouble!"

"Oh! Aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big?" The fat man let out a sneer. As long as Gabb can solve one smoothly, how can he and Eurasia Su accelerate for a while and get rid of the remaining one? This battle can be said to be a victory.

The man in red looked gloomy, but he smiled strangely: "Little fat man, I really underestimate you! Come on! Let me see what else you can do!"

The fat man's foot just now has made the seventh-level warrior angry and was forced into such an embarrassing situation by a sixth-level warrior. What face is there to muddle with? Although it is momentary carelessness, it does not allow the dignity of the seventh-level warrior to be trampled on like this. This little bastard dares to kick there! It's really a long life.

"Tothre, I'll give you the bald head!" As the man in red spoke, he slowly opened the space ring in his hand and took out a half-foot-long dagger from it.

"Tothre...Tothre?" Eurasia Sugasso muttered to himself, always feeling that the name was very familiar, and he couldn't remember where he had heard of it for a moment.

The fat man's eyelids jumped inexplicably. The style of the dagger is very ordinary, just like a few silver coins and daggers sold by street vendors. What surprised Ye Fei was the material for making this dagger.

Braunse silver is a rare metal material that can break the war spirit and magic shield at the same time. The weapon created with this Braunse silver is the treasure that every warrior dreams of. Without the protection of war spirit and magic, both the warrior and the magician are no different from a normal person.

It can directly affect the opponent's body in battle* damage, and you can imagine what this means.

"Hey, boy, as long as you hand over the space ring, I won't be difficult for you!" The man in red smiled gutterly and approached step by step.

"There are so many bullshit..." The fat man replied without hesitation.

"Hahahaha..." Tosley behind the man in red gave a bright laugh and looked at the fat man with great interest: "You are the first to dare to talk to Abat like this, little fat man, if you can survive for ten minutes, I will spare your life for him today. You want How about handing over your space ring in less than ten minutes?

"Tothley..." seemed to be very dissatisfied with his partner's dismantling the stage. The man called Abate turned around and stared at Tothley fiercely. It seemed that he did not dare to attack, and swallowed back halfway.

"Little Eurasia..." Ye Fei whispered.

But no one paid attention to him. He turned his head and found that Eurasian Sugasso was spontaneously stunned.

Without saying a word, the fat man raised his foot and looked at the middle-aged uncle's buttocks.

"Don't be stunned. It's probably difficult for me to deal with him!" The fat man whispered, "You have to help me!"

This sentence was just heard by the man in red.

Abat seemed to hear the funliest story in the world. The corners of his mouth were getting more and more obvious, and his cheeks twitched quickly. Finally, he couldn't help laughing loudly: "Tosley, do you hear it? He's looking for a helper! Haha..."

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Abart's face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and his eyes flashed with a frightening chill. He said viciously, "Then let me see what you two have!"

As soon as the words fell, a dark armor exploded all over his body again, and the explosive atmosphere of war was released in an instant. Braunse's silver dagger slipped a few laps in the palm of his hand, and suddenly turned into a strange spiritual snake and stabbed the fat man's chest.

Even a ten-level martial arts master dares not attack with such a weapon, let alone a six-level martial artist.

"Sensory blessing!"

Just as the fat man made a side dodge, Eurasia Sugaso's first magic also quietly fell on him.

Soft is like the first ray of sunlight rising in the morning, illuminating the earth. After the perfect integration of the middle-aged uncle's original spirit with the Kowloon war spirit, a new world seems to appear in front of the fat man's eyes.

You can see every thin silk on the snow-white fluff on the ground, every suspended dust in the air, every trembling on the twinkling blade, and the ferocious face behind the black light.

Everything is so clear and so bright, as if the whole world is under its control.

This mysterious and strange feeling is like lotion.. The moment of fusion is unforgettable for a long time.

You have me, and I have you...

Ye Fei could clearly see the chubby figure in Abat's pupils getting bigger and bigger.

The bitch quickly shuddered...

Gently on the side, Braunse's silver dagger almost scratched against his chest, and the war spirit armor that ordinary weapons could not shake was penetrated as if there was nothing.

Then, he clearly saw that in Abat's smiling eyes, the mocking look gradually disappeared, and an incredible expression gradually appeared.

"Bringing the spirit of war!"

The second spell of Eurasia Sugasso followed.


The war spirit armor covering the surface of the body seems to have swelled out of thin air, not only becoming stronger and stronger, but also the fine war spirit of war more closely arranged.

The little war spirit that had just been consumed also recovered in an instant and became full and energetic again.

Even if he doesn't have the origin, the fat man is now confident to accept Abat's full blow head-on, provided that... he doesn't need the dagger.

Abat turned around, gritted his teeth and looked at the fat man and Eurasian Sugasso, and said hatefully, "Healing mage! Little fat man, you can really surprise me!"

"Hey hey!" The man in red smiled gloomyly and twitched with the scar at the corner of his eyes: "But do you think such an extra waste can make you live?"

The fat man made a touching and pitiful look with tears in his eyes, just like a little girl who committed a nymphomaniac, and said an extremely delicately, "Uncle..., you are such a good man!"

Eurasia Sugaso fell to the ground with this disgusting goose bumps and almost fell to the ground with blood. He said in a cold voice, "Get out of here, I'll pull back my mental strength when you're **!"

Ye Fei was scared by a thrilling spirit and quickly made a look like a Taoist monk, calling Amitabha in his mouth, good, good!


He can't figure out why Ye Fei is still thinking about messing around in this situation? Do you really think you are a soft persimmon and pinch it as you want? When did a seven-level martial artist suffer such contempt and humiliation?

"Go to hell!" Abat roared in his anger.

Bronser's silver dagger flashed with a frightening cold light, just like the sharpest poisonous tooth of the poisonous snake, biting up again.

Tosley on the other side frowned slightly, and his companion's behavior made him hateful.

It is undoubtedly stupid to fight with a warrior protected by a healing mage. Even if Abbat exceeds the same level of two people, it will not be easy to win.

Tothre became more and more angry and scolded in his heart: "This idiot, can't you get rid of the healing mage first? How can this brain step into level 7? Do you still want me to take action to solve the two CET-6 little guys? Forget it! Let this arrogant guy suffer a little loss, or he will have no memory for the rest of his life!"

After several confrontations, Tothley has always felt that the fat man's cards have not been leaked. Can he still have reservations in the face of opponents beyond his own level? Although he also thinks this speculation is a little ridiculous, no matter how he looks at it, he feels that this fat man named Ye Fei is not trying his best. Is he hiding something?

Then, he shook his head with a wry smile and slowly moved his eyes from the living room to a few people far away. It is already very good for a six-level martial artist to hold on. In order to survive, as long as this fat man is not an idiot, there is no reason to keep it!

The woman with a bleeding face is Sina, right? Well... just take her back.


We have to get rid of the bald donkey in front of us first.

Tosley twisted his neck and put his hands on his chest, making a crackling sound.

A golden light slowly rose from his feet, and the shaking people could not open their eyes. As the golden light slowly moved up, a layer of war spirit armor, which was close to substance, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Tothre's staggered ten fingers suddenly separated, and two golden machetes with long arms burst out a dazzling glow in an instant.

He is an eighth-level martial artist!

"Come on! Gagarb! Let me see what you can do!"