rogue hero

Chapter 98 Chasing

Wu Yuxun's footsteps slowed down slightly and listened attentively, but there was no sound. He asked in a condensed voice, "What about people?"

No wonder several people were surprised. Even with the nine-level strength, even if they had learned about Gagabu's alternative in advance, they were still puzzled by the mystery of this bald head. It was completely unimaginable that such a terrible speed could burst out with physical strength alone, not to mention that he was still carrying it on his shoulders. A living person of more than 200 catties.

This alone is enough to surprise the helpers invited by Burda and ask themselves, although it is not easy for them to reach that exaggerated speed, but it is not impossible for them, but it is difficult to maintain that speed with the same person.

Because a certain distance was opened from the beginning, and the war spirit released by itself could not cover the whole area of the dense forest at all. Therefore, after Ye Fei and Gabb got into the dense forest, everyone could only continue to determine the position of the two people with the bright light in the distance.

Gumisov! Sensory blessing!"

With a low shout, a soft magic instantly fell on the third congressman. Under the dark night sky, the already dazzling golden light became more dazzling, and the bright sun pattern on the war armor also seemed to shine in an instant.

The feeling of facial features became extremely clear in an instant, and everything nearby was under control.

"Hmm! Over there, chase!" Obviously, Burda, who was not the first time to cooperate with the spiritual mage, did not care too much about his changes, but a muffled hum, and the fierce light from the corners of his eyes was like a vicious wolf, and he was the first to run out.

The only murderer who killed himself was in front of him. It was absolutely impossible to let the other party slip out under his eyes and split a branch in the way in front of him. The speed under his feet soared again, and the whole person went forward with an extremely fierce momentum.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

The continuous sound of war explosions sounded around Ye Fei, deafening and the fat man was restless.

It has not yet broken through the strength of level 7 and can't reach the level of condensation of war spirit. In the face of the storm-like attack behind him, the fat man has no room to fight back. If it hadn't been for the bald body fluctuated like a ghost, he could avoid the attack behind him properly every time. Ye Fei would have been at this time. I don't know how many people have died back and forth.

Ye Fei's just dissipated war spirit had to condense again, and the earth and stone fragments splashed fiercely, knocking on his body and making a crackling sound, as if it were a rainstorm.

The fat man also changed into a rare serious look, and there were only five dazzling lights left in his sight. The seven-level magician had long been unable to keep up with the speed of several people and was left behind him far away. Although there were only five figures behind Gabb at this moment, there were four nine-level martial artists among these five people. A spiritual mage.

Ye Fei's head is running fast, and the woods here can delay a little time for the two people at most. As long as they get out of this forest, it is an open land. When they get there, there are no obstacles to cover the two people.

The fat man has to admit that the hands organized by the other party are very targeted. In the face of a master with a terrible speed, only martial artists above level 9 can compete with him head-on, and the magician's low-level instant magic can't do too much damage to him at all. More than delaying his speed, all of the high-level large-scale magic needs to be chanted for a long time. Perhaps, Gabe has ended the battle ahead of time without magic preparation.

However, this time it is different. The other party can take advantage of the blessing of spiritual magicians to make the nine-level warriors explode several times their combat effectiveness and strive to occupy an overwhelming advantage and solve the battle in one fell swoop.

Let Gagarb drag these people and run away first? No way! Although Gagabu is only a split of "dust", once this split disappears, it will take a long time to reconsolidate again. What should we do during this period? It is a delusion to avoid the pursuit of several nine-level strong people with his current strength.

Have you fought with them? Even if Gabu agrees, Ye Fei will not agree. Although his current strength is at the peak of level 6 and may break through to the level of level 7 at any time, compared with these four nine-level martial artists, it is not a level at all.

Even if the origin has completely transformed itself, even if it has acquired its own war spirit attributes in advance, these are not enough to change the current disadvantage. What's more, with the help of the nine-level spiritual mage, the already unbalanced heaven has tilted again.

"Go back in a circle! Run to the sentry card to Su Aiguo!" Ye Fei said firmly.

After thinking about it, the fat man still decided to run. The only place nearby can take advantage of the time to delay. The most ideal state is to use these sentries stationed at the border to create a little chaos, even if it can delay the people behind him.

There is definitely no hope to fight. If I have the strength of a small bald head, I may still be able to fight, but this probability is only five or five.

Gagabu is also quite helpless. If it is only him, he can completely let go of his fists and fight with the other party. However, now, it is different that perhaps only Ye Fei can completely absorb part of the annihilation energy and restore the whole universe to a state of balance. Anyone can have an accident, only he, You can't make a half-point difference pool.

With a soft hum, Jiabu rushed out of the woods with a few arrow steps. Out of here, walking a few kilometers ahead is officially entering the scope of Su Ai.

Far away, you can even see the faint light from the magic lamp in Suai's national sentry post.

"It's not good! They are going to rush over!" Gumisov, the spiritual mage who had previously added gain magic to Burda, judged the intention of the first two people at a glance and said impatiently.

Burda's face has become more and more gloomy. As far as he is concerned, if he rushes into the sphere of influence of other countries without permission, it means a provocation to the ruling regime of this country. Moreover, if he is generally exposed afterwards, he will suffer extremely serious consequences, not only discredited, but also a If it is not handled well, it may even become a diplomatic issue.

"Stop them! Be sure to stop them! Never let them go." At the same time, the pace under Bourda's feet became faster.

Burda didn't see it, and several people behind him looked at each other hesitantly.

Gumisov and Wu Yuxun's faces have become more and more solemn. Years of side-by-side fighting have already developed an unimaginable tacit understanding between the two people. With just one look, they can fully see each other's meaning.

They are not the madman of Burda. In order to avenge their son, they can be desperate. These two top masters belonging to the Pirole family must always take the interests of the family as the primary goal. They represent not only themselves, but also the face of the second congressman and the dignity of the Pirol family.

At first, the two helpers invited by Bourda were all suspicious of Bourda's caution. Although they didn't say anything, there was no idea in the minds of these people that they were just going through the motions. If it hadn't been for the Sisko family in exchange for the irresistible price. Why should the same nine-level warrior be dictated?

It is extremely difficult to survive such a dense search in the territory of the Thunder Federation, not to mention that for three months in a row, running to live in this high-intensity and high-pressure state is not only physically, but also mentally, a great test for people's willpower, even if everything is true like this. The speculation of the third congressman, even if it comes here, is still the end of a strong crossbow.

However, I never thought that since the alarm screams from the border sentry, these nine-level strong men have been in a state of being led by the nose. Because they can't figure out the strength of the other party, they did not choose the strategy of enveloping them. After initially seeing the speed of Gagabu, he completely erased this idea from his mind. There is no absolute speed advantage, and it is even more delusional to catch up with this bald head by detour.

Five nine-level masters can completely defeat a normally configured full infantry regiment on the front, but now there is no way to take two. The other party just takes advantage of the advantage of speed and left himself and others far behind.

In this way, a problem that has to be faced arises. Once the other party enters the territory of Su'ai, will you chase it or not?

It is natural to take people's money to eliminate disasters. However, Gu Misov and Wu Yuxun represent not only themselves, but also the Pirrole family behind them. Once they are recognized, they will inevitably bring trouble to the second congressman and not pursue them, although the two families have reached an agreement in advance. According to the agreement, no matter what the outcome of the matter is, Burda will give up a certain family property as an exchange condition. However, under the pursuit of five nine-level strong people, if the other party is still allowed to escape into Suai, if this matter spreads, it will undoubtedly become a point of ridicule.

Out of the woods, under the starry sky, the two blurred figures are getting closer and closer to the border, leaving little time for these people to choose.

"Member Burda..."

The fast-running third congressman suddenly heard his companion call his name.

"Hmm?" Looking back, the speed of the four assistants invited behind him was obviously slowing down, and a trace of uneasiness suddenly surged in Bourda's heart. He could vaguely guess what these nine-level strong men were going to say.

"There is Su Aiguo in front of us. When we get there, we can't catch up with him!" Gumisov whispered that although he attached great importance to his reputation, compared with the trouble that might be brought to the second congressman, Gumisov decided not to participate in the next thing.

They are the ones who solve trouble for the Pirol family, not the ones who make trouble.