rogue hero

Chapter 273 dispatching troops to Phoenix 4

Soon, not only the girl was summoned, but also Xiaoliu came. Hearing a division commander's messenger say that the general would protect himself as a matchmaker, Xiaoliu had no reason not to be excited. Although those people from college hurt their self-esteem, listening to the messenger's description, Xiaoliu threw those hurtful words early. Nine clouds are out of the sky.

Haha! The general found a scene for himself. Xiao Liu's face was too big, and he followed the messenger to the position of General Ye Fei.

"General!" Xiao Liu looked at his general with a flattering face.

"This is the woman you like. She looks very ordinary!" Ye Fei sat on Sui's slender body and pointed to an ordinary-groom girl.

"Venvirtuous! I really like him!" Xiao Liu said sincerely, his face turned red and peeked at the woman.

The girl's face is also red.

"What do you think of my captain?" The fat man asked the girl.

"It's good!" The girl said without shyness.

"Six children! She has a good vision. She is a good girl. She speaks without delay and is generous! I heard from the ghost doctor that she still has some understanding in medicine!" The fat man smiled and was very happy. Unexpectedly, the two really loved each other.

Xiao Liu giggled.

"Malegobi! Who wants to break up this pair of mandarin ducks? Ye Fei asked loudly.

Xiao Liu pointed to the woman under Ye Fei, "She is one of the leaders!"

"And them!" Xiao Liu pointed to the crowd among the prisoners. With the support of the general, he was not afraid to make a big deal.

Xiao Liu turned around and peeked at his teacher Wu Dong Pei. The bald teacher clenched his fist in his right hand and raised a thumb, secretly admiring it.

"It's not easy to bully my captain! The woman stayed, and all the men were killed. It's really annoying!" Ye Fei said angrily.

Among the prisoners, there was silence to see the trend of the situation. General Ye Fei was already very kind, just to scare these young people.

"You can't do this! We didn't participate at all!"

"You can't kill us like this. We didn't violate any military rules at all!"


The prisoners began to riot, and all kinds of resistance sounded one after another.

Ye Fei sneered. These people only reacted when their lives were at stake.

"It did not violate any military rules, flirted during the march, affected the military appearance, and be killed according to the military rules! Don't you even know this basic knowledge? Or do you have any dependence to be fearless!" Ye Fei shouted loudly.

The scene suddenly calmed down. They wanted to say that the person they relied on was their senior, the fat man who was talking. Everyone was from the First Military Academy. In addition, the whole Longteng army treated themselves well because of Ye Fei's relationship. Everyone thought that Ye Fei and they were in the same group.

Ye Fei stood up from Sui's slender body and said, "You'd better see your situation clearly. The team marching ahead has found many magic bombs buried under the ground. If you really step on it, you will have to break your legs if you don't die! You should be glad that I didn't let you go to the front to explore the way!"

Everyone trembled and couldn't help but be a little scared.

"I was born in the First Military Academy as you. Have you forgotten what the college gave to you? I thought you had good military quality, and I have never imposed any tasks on you. First, let you retain some physical strength to deal with the battle between the two armies to protect yourself. Second, it depends on your young age and don't have much combat experience, so that you have the energy to observe and learn what the soldiers of the Fourth Army do in their daily life!"

"But the result made me very disappointed! Instead of being kind to yourself, you have become more and more influenced by the hearts of the four armies!"

"You!" Ye Fei pointed to Sui's slender clothes under his feet, "Look at you! Are you a street seller?

Sui Xian cried bitterly and was humiliated by Ye Fei. She couldn't hear the fat man's words, but she just shook her head blankly.

"Don't say that the seniors don't take care of you. Without you, the four armies have no impact at all!" Ye Fei said loudly.

Everyone's faces are pale, and Ye Fei is telling the truth. These days, the task of the four armies has not been turned by them at all. They are completely undertaken by the soldiers who are from prisoners. Which of these young faces is not the family's popular? If they can study at the First Military Academy, they are all clothes to reach out and open their mouths and worry-free. The students, coupled with the superior family environment, look down on the soldiers of the Fourth Army at all.

They think that their behavior is natural, and they are the most innocent.

"You!" The fat man pointed to a boy in the crowd, "What's your position in the Missouri Army!"

The boy stammered, "Team... captain."

"How many people in your team have survived?"

"Ten...16 people." The boy bowed his head and said that if it hadn't been for his wrong decision, the soldiers who followed him would not have been completely destroyed.

"Captain? I have such a high official position as soon as I left school! Do you know how long it takes for an ordinary soldier to be promoted to captain and how many tests of life and death it takes? Ye Fei roared.

"Have you ever thought about why the Missiri military sent you to the front line?"

Everyone is indifferent.

"A bunch of idiots! They want you to die!" Ye Fei drank

"You can't even understand this obvious thing, and you think you are really the backbone of the country? How many captains or above are there? I won't say, you should know! The Missiri military is confused. Are you also stupid? It doesn't matter if you are stupid, but what about your soldiers?"

"They are all soldiers who shed their blood for the country! Don't you feel guilty for dying like this for nothing?

The prisoners were silent. Of course, they knew the decision of the Empire of Missil, but they were also helpless and very unwilling. Because of their negligence, countless Missilian soldiers died in vain. They felt guilty in their hearts.

"Now you have returned to the battlefield!" Ye Fei continued, "If you are ambitious, you should let those fools in Missil see that you should not be abandoned. You are the pillars of the country!"

"Whose parents stayed in Phoenix!" Ye Fei asked loudly.

Most of the young faces raised their hands, including many prisoners like Yu Qing who were not from the First Military Academy, and many of them raised their hands, and worries flashed on their faces.

"I came back from Phoenix a few days ago. Do you want to know what's going on in Phoenix?" Ye Fei said.

A young prisoner shed tears, "Senger, we know what's wrong. Please tell us how it is in Phoenix?"

More students began to plead.

Ye Fei nodded. These people are still very concerned about their families, which shows that they are not useless dboys.

Ye Fei pretended to sneer and gave everyone a strong medicine, "How is Phoenix now? A bag of grain costs 30 gold coins! No matter how good your family conditions are, how long can you last? You should pray for the health of your father and brothers, because they are likely to work hard just to feed their families. You should also pray that your mother or sisters do not have a good face. Those powerful families are likely to use their bodies to make money!"

People were stunned. Thirty gold coins a bag of grain, no matter how good their family conditions were, they could not afford such a high price. Many people knelt on the ground and covered their faces, which was very painful. Their family was not as rich as it appeared. Do your parents and brothers and sisters live that kind of life? Everyone was speechless.

"I'm still in the mood to laugh! Have you ever thought about your family? What kind of life did they live in Phoenix? You cowardly!"

"No! We are not cowardly!" A prisoner shouted angrily, thinking about the life his parents might live, and he couldn't wait to fly to Phoenix.

"We don't want to! It's all forced by the empire!"

"Yes! It's all good deeds done by those big officials!"


Ye Fei smiled secretly and recognized at a glance that the speakers were Wu Dong Pei's people. Unexpectedly, this bald teacher was usually reckless. Now it seems that Lao Wu is still very intelligent. He knows that several eyeliners placed in the middle of this group of prisoners, which played an unexpected role at a critical moment.

The prisoners' resentment against the Missouri Empire rose. As long as they could control their hearts, these people would not bring unnecessary trouble to the Fourth Army.

"You are all from college and well-educated." Ye Fei's tone slowed down, "Compared with the soldiers of the four armies who have unique conditions, you are the proud of heaven, but in this war, you can only be regarded as the eagles that have not yet spread their wings. The ambition and strength of the Longteng Empire must also be measured in your hearts. When the Missiri Empire can last, you also have some plans in your hearts. Measure.

"Think about your parents and brothers and sisters, once all Missil has fallen, where will they go! Think about why the Longteng army treats you well! Don't you value your potential? If you perform well on the battlefield, your families will be properly settled, and you can also have a place in the Longteng Empire!"

The prisoners seemed to see hope. How could they not see the strength of the Longteng Empire, especially at the beginning of the Eastern Expedition, the offensive of the Longteng army was simply broken!

"Don't underestimate the soldiers of the four armies. Although they are prisoners, they are now qualified soldiers! Don't you know what happened in Donbucci? Who saved you Missilians?

"It's the four armies, which are the soldiers of the four armies who are silently carrying out tasks around you!" Ye Fei said loudly.

Everyone is speechless.

"Wedding tonight!" The fat man looked at the girl in Xiaoliu's face, "Whether you like it or not! Now I'm not qualified to bargain with me. I have the final say in the four armies!"

Xiaoliu looked at her beloved with a happy face. The girl was a little shy and not unhappy at all.