rogue hero

Chapter 358 City of Machines--Robot

The machines outside the ice wall calmed down and seemed to be no longer hostile to Ye Fei and others. They focused on cleaning up the ice wall. Ye Fei's clothes were completely beaten by electric light, so he had to take out a set from the space ring and change them.

The hole left by Liu Xu on the light curtain allows one person to enter and exit, and everyone enters the interior of the underwater world city in turn.

As soon as they entered the city, they suddenly felt the difference from the outside. The air inside the city was slightly dry, and the breeze from nowhere made people feel refreshed. Everyone took a break and began to explore the interior of the city.

Standing on the street, the ground here is different from the outside. It is paved with materials similar to bluestone slabs, which is very comfortable to step on and gives people a sense of relaxation. Everyone moved forward slowly. In Ye Fei's two notebooks, the description of the interior of the city was very rare. The Wright Pirates did not enter the other side of the light curtain. This is a completely unknown world for Ye Fei and others.

The first house that came into everyone's eyes has only one floor. The house is very similar to the houses on the Canglang continent, with doors and windows. Outside the house is surrounded by a short fence, with blue grass and warm yellow flowers. As soon as Pang stepped forward to investigate. As soon as he arrived at the door, the door opened in response. Everyone was puzzled for a while. Suddenly, they heard a sound. Pang Yi did not dare to enter the room without authorization for fear of being a mechanism.

At this time, a head suddenly appeared behind the door, which turned out to be a woman!

The woman's appearance was very sweet. She hid behind the door and peeked at Fat One. Her soft hair scattered on one side of her head, and she seemed to be a little nervous.

Pang looked back at Ye Fei and said to the woman, "Hello, this lady! We strayed into your place. Please forgive us if there is any offense!"

The woman still looked at Pang Yi and didn't say anything, and then Gabe came forward, patted Pang and said, "She is not a human."

Everyone was shocked. Isn't it human? Is it a monster?

Gagabu saw that everyone was puzzled and said, "This is a humanoid machine, also known as a robot!" Turn your head and look at the "woman" "Which planet did you emigrate from?"

The female robot shook her head and was a little afraid of Gagarb.

Ye Fei also came forward and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid. We have no malice."

Female robots don't open their mouths and make their own voices, "Are you human beings?"

Everyone was surprised again. If, as Gagarb said, the other party is not human, but why can he speak?

The fat man is not nervous. He has previewed some homework from Gagarb. There are machines with high-level wisdom in the universe. Naturally, machines that can speak will not be particularly rare. He looks at the "woman" and nod his head with kindness.

The female robot smiled and flashed from behind the door. Only then did everyone see her whole picture. The female robot's face has the same facial skin as that of human beings, and she wears the home clothes worn by normal women, but the clothing style is different from that of the vicissitudes of the continent, and looks simple and generous. It's just that the limbs exposed in the air made everyone take a breath of cold air. The limbs of female robots are made of metal, and the shape is more like a skeleton. Without the cover of clothes, the appearance of female robots will be even more ugly.

The female robot walked out of the door, with the same smile on her face and a strange sound in her body. Then, the doors on both sides of the road opened, and all kinds of robots came out, including "male", "female", "children" and "large dogs" "Class", some houses actually walked out of the whole "family", and the robots came to the crowd one after another, looking a little eager.

These machines distanced themselves from Ye Fei and others and obviously wanted to show that they were not hostile. Gaab and the fat man looked at each other. The robots here had an expression and were very realistic. They couldn't help but suspect that the robots here had a high level of wisdom.

A male robot came forward, made a series of strange sounds to the female robot, and then turned back to make a sound to all the robots. Then, all the robots made a huge sound, and then the city made various sounds, which were very rhythmic.

The male robot walked to Ye Fei and others, stroked his chest with his right arm, saluted the crowd, and even uttered, " distinguished human gentlemen, welcome to Abbott, this is the city of machines!"

The crowd was shocked again, and Gargabu came forward and asked, "Which planet did you emigrate from?"

The male robot looked at Gagabu, " distinguished human, we are local residents. We were created by distinguished researchers and did not emigrate."

"Which planet is the researcher from?"

The male robot shook his head, "The distinguished researcher did not reveal it to us."

Gagabu looked at Ye Fei, and neither of them could feel his mind. At this time, more machines poured towards the crowd, the male robot retreated, and all the machines also gave way. A female robot came forward. The female robot had a very beautiful face, and body and figure were more anthropomorphic. The whole body was covered with human-like skin, but one right arm and shoulder were missing. The connection of the arm reveals a metal structure, and it is this place that lets everyone know her identity as a robot.

The one-armed female robot came forward and bowed to the crowd with a humble attitude. "Dear human gentlemen, I am the manager here, Qimei! Welcome to the City of Machines - Potter!"

All the robots are far away from Chimei and are very respectful to her. Ye Fei touched her chin. Is this female robot who claims to be a manager the mayor of this city? With doubts, Ye Fei introduced himself.

Qimei quickly knelt on her knees and her body sounded. She seemed to be a little afraid of Ye Fei. "I don't know if it's * Lord's visit, Qimei is frightened! Please forgive Qimei's neglect!" All the robots also knelt on the ground and made a loud noise.

Ye Fei was stunned. *'s name could scare the other party like this. Gabu said beside Ye Fei, "Most planets in the universe have * positions, but the size of power varies, but it is unmatched by ordinary people. I think the other party regards you as a big shot."

Ye Fei nodded and hurried forward to help Qimei.

Qimei knelt on the ground and retreated repeatedly, claiming that she did not dare, and did not look up at Ye Fei. The whole scene was extremely strange.

Ye Fei said, "Get up quickly. I'm not that terrible. You are the owners here. We're just here to visit!" As soon as the fat man finished speaking, he wanted to give himself a mouth and visit something? Taking this city is the truth. These robots are extremely afraid of their identity. Maybe they can serve them in the future!

Chimei remained motionless and lowered her head, "Mr. *, you are a nobleman. We can't stand in front of you!"

Ye Feixin said, what are the ideas of the robots here? That's strange! Then he said, "If you don't get up, how can you show us around the city?"

Qimei looked up at Ye Fei. The fat man smiled harmlessly and couldn't help but hesitate.

The fat man said, "Let everyone get up. We have come so far away, and we don't let you kneel down."

Qimei slowly got up, her own humming sounded, and other machines also stood up and maintained a unified and humble smile to everyone.

Chimei stood on the side of the road, and all the machines gave way to the spacious road. Chimei bowed her head and said, "Your Excellency, please come with me. I will introduce the city of machines to all the distinguished human gentlemen!"

Under the leadership of Chimei, everyone walked to the city.

Qimei looked a little excited. Standing beside Ye Fei, her face actually showed a blush, "The most expensive *adult..."

Ye Fei quickly stopped, "Qimei, don't come and go noblely. You can call me Ye Fei or a fat man!"

Qimei bowed again, "Yes, Mr. Ye Fei! This is the city of machines. The local residents are all robots. Our distinguished researchers have handed over the management of the city to us. As the manager of the city, Chimei is very honored to receive the most expensive existence like you!"

At this time, Gagarb came forward and looked calmly at Qimei, "Where are the human beings here?"

Chimei said, "In addition to Dr. Pengji, the distinguished researchers have left here through the wormhole and returned to their home planet, and we have been ordered to maintain the operation of Jopot."

Ye Fei looked at Gagarb with doubts in his eyes. Gagarb continued to ask, "Is Dr. Pengji still alive?"

Chimei shook her head, "The distinguished Dr. Pengji has passed away a long time ago, and now it is 'Emily' who controls Ruoport!"

"Who is Emily?" Ye Fei asked in surprise.

Chimei said, "Emily is Norbert's central system, which is responsible for handling all the things of Abbott!"

Gab Chimei answered to Ye Fei, "The central system is also a machine, but the central system generally has a strong ability to deduce and deal with corresponding things according to pre-settings. This is a high-tech product of other planets and exists to serve human beings. Its function is similar to that of the local administrator.

Ye Fei nodded and looked at Qimei, "Can you take us to see Emily?"

Qimei shook her head, "Emily has the highest level of authority. I can only feedback the information to her, and I can't make decisions without authorization!"

"So she already knows that we are here?" Ye Fei asked.

"Emily allows the distinguished * adults to visit the machine city, but does not give you high-level permissions. Your scope of action is inexhaustible!"

"What is the core?"

Qimei pointed to the building in the distance, which is the hemispherical building in the center of the city and said, "That's the core!"

Ye Fei touched his chin, looked at the building in the distance and thought for a while, then relieved his mind and calmly followed Qimei to visit Ruoport.

Under the communication of Chimei, all the machines returned to their rooms. The door was closed, and the road suddenly became empty, making everyone feel a little depressed. Along the way, Chimei pointed out several places for human rest and eating. Ye Fei couldn't help but to visit, but The food I got was a cup of paste. The color was milky white. The fat man took a look and felt a little drooling on the second brother. Suddenly, he felt a little nausea and couldn't drink it. Gagarb took a look and told Ye Fei that this kind of thing was called nutrient solution.

The fat man handed the whole cup of "second brother's saliva" to Berno. Beckham took it, smelled it, looked up and drank it. He couldn't help admiring the delicious food, and the fat man's stomach was colic!