rogue hero

Chapter 362 Find the central system

Ye Fei looked cautiously at the woman in the light curtain, and the other party had never appeared. It was probably to arrange to besiege the members of the Rose. The fat man said, "The specific content of the transaction!"

The woman said, "You leave by yourself, and I will let your companions go and ensure your safety!"

Ye Fei frowned and found two clues from the other party's words. One was that the other party should not be able to open the core to the outside channel, and the other was that she said the word "I", indicating that the other party had a lot of self-awareness!

"How can I trust you? What if we go out and you regret killing my companions?

The woman's voice at this time seemed to have a trace of emotion, "I'm not a human without integrity!" If you leave, I will guarantee your safety. Please choose whether to trade or not!"

The fat man touched his chin, "I need to take a break first!"

The woman said, "You can rest, but the range of action is not allowed to exceed ten meters." After saying that, one or two light curtains appeared on both sides of the passage, which happened to surround the crowd, and the woman's imaging light curtain was always in front of everyone, looking closely at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at the crowd without saying anything and sat down to adjust his breath. When the fat man reached his best state, a door of space appeared. Ye Fei motioned everyone to go in and turned his head to the woman, "We are leaving now. Please keep your promise!"

The woman looked at Ye Fei indifferently, "As long as you disappear in Norbert, our deal will be concluded!"

Ye Fei nodded, put his hands together, made a few strange fingerprints, and walked to the door of space. His figure suddenly disappeared, and then the door of space disappeared.

At this time, the two light curtains of the channel slowly converged, and the light curtain of the woman's image stayed in the channel for a while. The whole city made a strange sound, and all the robots slowly retreated around the core. At this time, the woman looked at the dark channel and sighed, "The transaction is complete." The curtain disappeared.

The fat man observed everything calmly, his mind was extremely ethereal, and he felt everything around his body. This is the secret method on the secret scroll of the Okamura family. The fat man did not know whether Emily would release the besieged members of the Rose, but at present, it is impossible to let Ye Fei give up the underwater world like this, if The other party can't make a conservative commitment, so even if they leave here, they can't guarantee everyone's safety.

Okamura is extremely sad to escape from a high-level planet. He is good at assassination. This hidden secret art is extremely profound, several levels more than the camouflage armor of the god of martial arts. Ye Fei is sure that this secret method can avoid the investigation of the scanning light screen. Sure enough, Emily did not find that Ye Fei is still in the "core" .

At this time, Ye Fei held his breath, and his blood flowed slowly. His heart beat every minute. The fat man quickly got up and ran in a direction, but did not make any sound. Ye Fei could maintain the secret method for only half an hour, which was his limit and he did not dare to waste any time.

The fat man chose a direction and ran all the way. The air blocked by the front made Ye Fei very sober. The extrusion and circulation of the air was mastered to the top. Ye Fei shook his body from time to time without making a sound of breaking the air. Along the way, Ye Fei became more and more nervous. He had been running like this for ten minutes, but he still didn't find a clear way out! The whole channel spirals, and I don't know how human beings who used to work and live here walk here.

The fat man knew that he was going around in a circle. The channel had always been curved. The fat man didn't know where he had run, but he couldn't stay down. His body began to become heavy. The fat man still did not give up and continued to run. After about ten minutes, the channel finally came out. Now exporting, the fat man slows down and imports and exports.

When the fat man came to the exit, he found himself entering a huge hemispherical hall. The hall was very spacious, about 500 square meters and more than ten meters high. There were spiral stairs on the walls, connecting many of the same exits behind Ye Fei, about 20.

The fat man saw the ground fence in front of him. Outside the fence was an open space, and a trace of light came out from below.

The fat man looked around and cautiously approached the fence. The fence was surrounded by a circle. Ye Fei leaned over and couldn't help but be shocked. It was a huge crater, and the molten slurry rolled, and several big bubbles appeared from time to time.

Although there is a melting slurry below, Ye Fei's place is not hot at all! What shocked the fat man more was that the molten pulp was actually excavated by manpower. The surrounding walls went straight to the bottom, and several lifts stayed under the wall and stopped working. Such mysterious facilities surprised the fat man. There were no other exits around the wall. Presumably those lifts were vehicles to enter the mysterious place!

What should I do? Ye Fei's head is big, just as Gagarb said, there is no energy here to provide internal facilities for operation! The fat man looked back at the other exits in the hall, and there was nothing like connecting to the central system! The most mysterious thing here is the molten slurry under your feet, and it is also the place where the central system is most likely to be found.

The fat man cursed and walked to the platform of a lift. In order not to let the central system find that the fat man did not dare to use the spirit of war and climbed bare hands. The elevator did not have rope traction. Ye Fei thought that this high-tech product should be driven up and down by mysterious energy! Fortunately, the walls around here are not smooth and without adhesion. The fat man gritted his teeth and carefully observed the strength points on the wall that could be climbed. Five minutes have passed, and the fat man has less than five minutes of hidden time left!

The seemingly bloated body quickly climbed down. At this time, Ye Fei was highly nervous. Leaving the bottom of the fence, the hot air came towards him. Fortunately, he was holding his breath. Otherwise, the hot air was enough to hurt his respiratory organs. At this time, the fat man's skin was very dry and the burning sensation invaded. I don't know where. With perseverance, the fat man insisted on climbing down, extremely fast, like a fast-moving cockroach.

At this time, the fat man had come to the side of a lift, and his skin was burned by hot air several times. The fat man jumped and fell to the top of the elevator without hesitation. As soon as he stood firmly, the elevator suddenly fell. The fat man was shocked. The molten pulp was getting closer and closer to him, and the temperature in the air was getting hotter and hotter. The fat man had imagined that he fell into the molten pulp and died tragically. He couldn't help but feel numb, and he couldn't even maintain his hidden state. He was scared. You have to move.

The elevator suddenly fell, and the speed was very fast. The fat man bit the tip of his tongue and was refreshed. Now only the inside of the elevator was willing to ensure safety, but once the upper part of the elevator was opened and fell into the molten slurry, he would be watered with a miserable situation. The fat man thought he could find a way to get in the elevator, but It was this change that made Ye Fei realize that he still miscalculated.

The fat man released a Titan God of War from the space ring and quickly entered it. Whether he could survive or not depends on whether the Titan God of War can make contributions!

As soon as the fat man entered the Titan God of War, the elevator entered the molten pulp. A trace of molten slurry penetrated into the abdominal armor. The fat man quickly resisted with war gas, but the temperature of the molten mortar was too high, which burned the fat man's leg. The fat man resisted the severe pain and controlled the Titan God of War to grasp the surface of the elevator, because the elevator was accelerating sinking.

The leaking part of Titan God of War has been welded to death at high temperature, and no molten slurry has flowed in for a while. The external imaging array of Titan God of War seems to have been eroded by the external molten slurry and lost its function. Except for the internal lighting system, the fat man does not know what's going on outside.

The temperature around is getting higher and higher, and the structure of Titan God of War obviously cannot resist the erosion of the molten pulp. At this time, the fat man can only sit and wait to die. Time passed by minute by. Just as the fat man was disheartened, a slight noise stopped, and the fat man was extremely nervous. If the Titan God of War was still in the molten pulp. In the middle, he would undoubtedly die here. After a period of time, the fat man obviously felt that the temperature of the Titan God of War was decreasing. The fat man was overjoyed and judged that he was safe at this time and discussed with the people of the origin space.

At this time, the Titan God of War can no longer move. In the case that the fat man could not perceive the periphery, Si Xutong and Liu Xu could not use space magic to determine the transmission direction. The fat man had to save himself. The invisible war spirit was attached to his arm. The fat man attacked the head of the Titan God of War hard and opened the Titan God of War with just one blow. A fresh air surged in, and the fat man suddenly felt refreshed.

Ye Fei looked at it. This is a hall, and a wide exit connects a passage. The whole hall is extremely bright and the air is fresh!

The fat man was shocked and climbed out with difficulty. His legs had been glued to the body of the Titan God of War, which was caused by the molten slurry that had leaked in before. The fat man rolled down from the elevator to the ground, kept sucking the air conditioner, and tore off a huge piece of flesh from his left thigh. The fat man quickly repaired it.

Ye Fei lay on the ground gasping and escaped from death. He was very tired. The fat man rested for a while and opened his eyes to look at the top of his head. The molten pulp hovered on the hall, emitting a dazzling red light. The fat man got up in fear and ran towards the bright passage for fear that the molten pulp would fall from the top of his head.

The channel is very short, and a new exit is found in a blink of an eye. Ye Fei stepped out of the same bright hall. All the facilities are milky color, bright but not dazzling. In the center of the hall, a huge mechanical goes straight to the top of the hall, which is mechanically tower-shaped, and the bottom is round, and the top is sharp, and points are more than ten meters high. The bottom of the shed and tower-shaped machinery are complicated control platforms with buttons, and the center is a lens, which flows through green linear streamers from time to time.

A light curtain appeared in front of Ye Fei, with an ordinary appearance and an indifferent expression, "Damn human! You have to pay for your breach of contract!"

Ye Fei looked a little weak and smiled at the light curtain, "Emily, save it!" The fat man walked to the console and said, "Is this your body?"

"How dare you! Don't you care about your companions?" The woman looked very angry.

The fat man patted his chest, "I'm so scared!" Instead, he took a few deep breaths, "Male Gobi! For you! The fat man is nine dead!"