rogue hero

Chapter 461 Gagarb's self-exploding soul

It's not just a corona, but other living things are the same. People are not unable to move, but have a strange deterrent that suppresses them.

The crown clenched its teeth, and a huge firebird suddenly flew out behind it and galloped towards the origin.

The origin is clear in my heart. The structure of the ladder has been reconstructed. The huge firebird is surging, but the origin is unmoved, and a trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes, boom! Boom! Two bursts in a row, and two strange creatures appeared from inside the ladder.

The two strange creatures have no hands and feet, and look more like an earthworm magnified countless times. They have no facial features on the top of their heads, but they have a big mouth, no teeth in their mouth, and their mouth is directly connected to the body.

As soon as the two creatures appeared, they leaned their heads towards the fasting firebird, took a bite, and tore the firebird apart and swallowed them into their abdomen in a blink of an eye.

Origin sneered a few times, "No matter what move, it is useless in front of me!" Mian, don't you understand how naive your resistance is!"

The crown's expression is gloomy, and there are infinite shadows around him, depicting the attack plan he wants to make.

"Escape!" Under the order of the crown, he sprayed in one direction with all his strength. Looking around, his virtual shadow was faster than himself, and in the distance, the virtual shadow was divided into two, but it originated from the death of the corona in the ladder.

Mian shouted at his companion who stopped in front of him, "We can't die. She doesn't have that ability yet. Get out of here first!"

Only then did other organisms realize that the origin is just absorbing the energy of a star, and its strength is much different from themselves. If it is not for this changed wormhole, it is not a problem to seize the origin. The killed shadows in front of them are just an illusion caused by the origin!

Eight people work together to break a gap and rush out of this strange place before the ladder recovers quickly.

The look of the seven people behind the crown is still somewhat uncertain. They didn't think that the origin could repel themselves under the condition of poor strength! The crown looks at the endless wormhole. Outside the wormhole, the nebula is dense and spinning rapidly, involving all kinds of energy in space.

"You can't let the origin absorb energy again. You go to attack the periphery of the wormhole, and I will find a way to isolate the surrounding energy!" After saying that, the figure disappeared.

The seven people are not ambiguous, each using all their strength to attack the appearance of the wormhole. As soon as the seven living bodies took action, they were destroying the world. At this time, they fought with the origin with the determination to die. Suddenly, the energy was chaotic. For a moment, the whole wormhole was broken, and the ladder formed inside was also ** outside, as if it had lost its function and no longer interfered with everyone.

Origin grabbed Liu Xu's body and didn't care about the collapsing ladder. He chose a direction, and the figure disappeared in an instant.

The so-called ladder is the route connecting the wormholes of the whole universe. There is almost no hope for those people to find themselves again! The figure of the origin came out of a wormhole and couldn't help frowning.

"Gagabu!" Origin snorted coldly, "Dull, do you also want to stop me?"

Gagabu's strength has been greatly reduced, and the origin energy in his body is spreading to space. "Origin... Release Liu Xu and Ye Fei! They are no longer important!"

"Dust, you are evolving! Does the breath of the original power change you? Origin said calmly that he knew Gagarb, and he would not tell the crown his position.

Gagabu felt that the erosion of the universe was getting stronger and stronger. Just when he crossed the wormhole, his strength had fallen to level 36. For a while, he was afraid that he would become an ordinary person.

There are some surprises in the look of origin, approaching Gagarb. I didn't expect Ye Fei himself to be so magical that he could change you. I didn't pay attention to it before!"

Gagabu is getting weaker and weaker, and evolution may only happen on his own! As the first creature created by the origin, he is just a defective product... The power of origin in Gagabu's body is losing more and more, breaking and standing... Will it happen at this time? How sad it should be.

"Origin, let go of Ye Fei and Liu Xu!" Gagarb said his request again.

Origin came forward and stroked Gagarb's face, and his eyes were full of his mother's tenderness. "Dund, do you know that among the twelve children, in the end, my favorite is still you, but unfortunately you have to die!"

The origin shouted fiercely and inserted Gabo's chest with one hand.

Gagabu looked at each other in disbelief, "Mother, how did you take this step? As long as you restore a little strength, it is also possible to change the crown again.

Origin shook his head sadly, "Silly child, mother is tired, you can also have a rest!"

Gagabu smiled miserably and slowly closed his eyes, waiting for his death. Just an idea came back in my mind and suddenly opened my eyes, "Tell me, what's wrong with Heng Zhuomei?"

Origin raised his other hand and stroked Gagabu's long dark waist hair like a beloved. "That's not what I did."

"Did I really fall in love with her?" Gagarb opened his eyes and looked at the eternal starry sky in the universe. Suddenly, he felt that he was no longer so lonely. Perhaps in his infinite years, only the short decade or so were the happiest.

The origin depicts the outline of Gagabu with his fingertips, "Good boy, sleep in peace, I will leave your soul, and maybe I will resurrect you at some point in the future and let you taste all the world..."

The wrist tightened, and the origin looked at Gagarb.

"Mother, human beings only live a lifetime. I'm no longer the dust without feelings! I also want to take good care of this life. Thank you for telling me the truth. I want to go back to see Zhuomei!" Gagarb's eyes burned with the desire to survive, and the power of origin absorbed by the origin actually stayed in Gagabu's body.

Puff! Gagarb's big hand clung to the wrist of the origin, pulled out the jade hand inserted in his chest in the shock of the other party, and Gagabu retreated to one side, and his expression became more and more wonderful. He wanted to live for himself in this life!

The origin's face changed repeatedly, and I couldn't help but get angry, "Dust! How dare you betray me!" The energy in space suddenly changed, and Gagab's strength rose rapidly.

In the Rose, the masters have already deployed to various regions and take everything they can. All the core members of Rose Island are heading for Ruoport. The smoke has a solemn face and controls all kinds of metals to carry out simple assembly around Rubot.

The bald Gagabra lives in Heng Zhuomei running forward.

Heng Zhuomei looked angry, "Gagabu, why did you stop me? The children on the island still want to settle down. I have to go quickly!"

Gagabu shook his head and hugged Heng Zhuomei fiercely.

Heng Zhuomei was stunned by Gabb. Even during the period when the two were together, Gabb was very formal and had never done such a thing to himself. Heng Zhuomei also knew that this bald Gabb was just his split, even if that happened... Heng Zhuomei blushed and stroked Jia Gabe's shoulder, "What are you doing..."

Well! The warm breath came to his face, and the people passing by were stunned. Gagabu was actually kissing Heng Zhuomei?!

Gagabu looked very enjoyable. "It feels good."

Heng Zhuomei couldn't wait to find a seam to get in. She was ashamed and suddenly felt a little blocked in her heart, "Gagabu..."

Before she finished speaking, Gagabu said to Heng Zhuomei, "Wait for me!" As soon as the words fell, Gabb disappeared in an instant.

The three organisms, Yan, Guan and Mo, were all over the island. Suddenly, they received the message of Ga Gabb in their minds. They suddenly looked shocked and had no words and continued to be busy. The three of them said that they were either happy or worried. Ga Gabb and Chen, this big brother made their own decision, and they could only do their best to complete Jia. Gabe's wish.

Guan Hemo's body is suspended on the periphery of the vicissitudes of the continent, resisting waves of energy attacks. In order to protect the planet belonging to Gagarb, they cannot allow any energy to impact this planet that is already on the verge of danger!

Bum! Jiajia was covered with blood and looked down. He gathered all the splits in the universe, and his strength had not yet recovered to half of the original.

"Dust, you disappoint me so much!" Origin looked angry and threw away the blood stains on his hands.

Gabu vomited two mouthfuls of blood, and his soul trembled violently in his body, "Ye Fei...and Liu Xu, hand it over... give it to me!"

Origin snorted angrily, "Do you know how important your evolution is to me? How dare you destroy your soul!" After saying that, the origin shouted delicately, and the majestic power of origin suddenly came out, and a big white hand grabbed Gabb's body.

Gagabu's eyes gradually darkened, "Ye..."

"Go to hell!" Origin shouted angrily, and Gagarb's body burst out, leaving only a small gray energy.

The origin vomited blood. Just a moment, Gagarb actually chose the soul to explode. The soul of the living body was unparalleled. Even the origin itself was unbearable, and his strength was suddenly greatly damaged.

The crown suddenly opened its eyes, and other creatures also felt dozens of planets disappear in an instant.

The origin escaped in front of their eyes! All living beings look tight.

The smoke in Ruoport darkened, "Dust..."

The origin can't believe that Chen actually hurt himself for those two people! If you want to restore your previous strength, you must find a planet with sufficient origin and energy, but what Gagarbu has just done, there are no planets nearby that can find. Even the wormholes he left through the universe have disappeared and been destroyed by Gagarbu. With his current situation, he wants to reshape the wormhole and change it into a ladder. It's even more difficult!

There is still a period of time to hide, and they can't catch up with them so quickly!

When the origin sees the gray energy in the distance, this will also be taken away. The origin will throw the breathless willow catkins into the origin space and explore the gray energy.

"I'm careless!" The origin is frightened, because when I touched the small gray energy, the mutant energy in my body suddenly burst out.

Grey mutant energy rushes out of the body, and various energies in the space converge.

Gagabu opened his eyes and didn't die? Looking at the scene in front of me, I couldn't help eating. A three-meter long gun crossed in front of me. The appearance of the long gun was very simple, and a golden dragon hovered on the barrel of the gun, shining brilliantly!