rogue hero

Chapter 468 New World 3

Through the forest belt outside Tadimu, a huge barrier composed of sky trees towering into the clouds. The trunks are thick, and the trunks are criscrossed and connected in many places. From a distance, it looks like mountains. There are many waterfalls in the canopy!

The sky tree itself contains huge energy, which can attract the seawater in the deep sea from the roots and provide nutrients for the whole body, which forms a landscape of trees and water with tree crowns.

"Nature's handwriting is different!" Ye Fei praised.

That's a good thing. The original origin did not set up corresponding functions, but these trees evolved by themselves under the conditions of free growth of all planets!

If human beings had not evolved faster, plants and monsters in space would have become mainstream creatures in the universe!

Crossing the mountains composed of sky trees, there are dense cities outside the continental shelf, which are countries established by human beings in countless centuries.

Ye Fei looked at the strange scene in front of him and was shocked to create such a world. Perhaps this is an unintentional idea of the origin, but the human beings living here are experiencing a different life.

As a flying carrier that can travel through the universe, its full picture is also amazing! The main structure made of alloy can offset the full blow of the 50-level master. The ordinary space carrier's main gun can't even hit a part. The defense is so strong that it is simply daunting!

The whole outside of Ruoport, eight gates open, constantly absorbing the origin energy of space and gathering energy into Ye Fei's split. Once Ye Fei fuses the split, the strength will be unimaginable. If all the origin energy of space is gathered together, the new world mentioned by Ye Fei will also be completed!

If Porter flew slowly and cast a large shadow on the only land of Tadi Temu, the senior management of Tadi Temu suddenly shook and came to contact him one after another to know what the foreign guests had on this day, and all the masters of the whole country also flew to Ruo Porter.

As Gagabu said, the human beings on the planet Taditmu are well aware of the gap between the two sides, and the national leadership quickly passively accepted Ye Fei's request. It took only one day to deal with the matter here, and the next step is to absorb the origin energy of Taditmu.

The deep sea is more than 10,000 meters away from the surface of the water. If Porter's external energy barrier resists the huge pressure, it can be seen that Porter's defense technology is very powerful.

Ye Fei passed through Ruopot's exit and stepped on the ground. Looking down, a huge canyon across the seabed appeared in front of him. Unlike what he imagined, the dark seabed was extremely bright, and the rocks under his feet were shining, like energy ore, which made Ruobo te's greedy Guy.

Berno stood next to Ye Fei. Compared with others, due to his lazy personality, Beckham's strength is far lower than that of others. Now he has only 60 levels of strength, and the power to fight against nature in this deep sea is somewhat powerless.

Ye Fei pinched a sword formula. Nine swordsmanship surrounded Beckham and quickly rotated it. After a while, a vacuum formed around Beckham. Although he could not breathe, food and air were no longer a necessity for masters above 50!

The fat man's voice came to Berno's ear through the sea, "Xiaobei, you have to work hard. Now even your daughter's strength is higher than you!"

Berno smiled indifferently, "Boss, isn't there still you? What's wrong with me?"

Ye Fei was stunned. He said this and smiled, "You are not kind!"

"What kind of boss has and what kind of subordinates, don't be modest!" Berno is as obscene as ever, but this performance makes Ye Fei very comfortable.

"You're a good flatterer!" Ye Fei smiled, greeted the crowd and walked to a cliff. At everyone's feet, different from the bright hazy of the seabed, the deep sea canyon in front of them is dark, revealing a dead silence.

Ye Fei frowned and asked, "Yuanyuan, are you really here? How can I have a bad feeling..."

Yuyuan came forward and looked a little puzzled, "There seems to be some changes here. It's not like this!"

Is the origin here awakened? Ye Fei looked stunned. It's not that he hasn't thought about this problem. Since the origin can be awakened once, it can be awakened a second time. According to the description of Yuanyuan and his eldest wife Liu Xuxianzi, it is very difficult to awaken the origin in sleep. There are only ten origins in the whole universe that really maintain the awakening state. With the help of Gabu , seal all the remaining nine successively, and after Ye Fei wakes up, absorbs all its origin energy and is trapped in eight reincarnation.

Although he did not find a way to eliminate these splits, Ye Fei also took tricks from it with his own skills, put all the origin splits into the newly created soul body, completely sealed the memories of these origin splits, and became ordinary human beings in the new world. Although he treats the symptoms but not the root causes, he can only use this at present. Law.

"Didn't the origin tell you the truth?" Ye Fei looked at his eldest wife Liu Xu Fairy.

But without waiting for Liu Xu to answer, Yuanyuan said, "There are indeed ten. Counting myself, there are no other splits that can awaken, but..."

Everyone looks at the source. In this regard, there is no more say than the origin itself. "There is another possibility, that is, it is man-made! Only Liu Xu and I know this method!"

Everyone turned their heads again and looked at the fairy Liu Xu. The eldest wife Liu Xu shook her head at the fat man. "This may be very small. The origin itself wants to get out of the planet. First of all, it is necessary to keep the awakening state. The awakening of the origin is not simple. The most important thing is to let the energy of the whole planet out of the planet from the interior of the planet, just like the vicissitudes of the continent. Like the sea of death!"

Ye Fei was stunned, "Is it done by the Bright Alliance again?"

Liu Xu Fairy shook her head, "This is just one step! When the origin energy of the planet is separated from the center of the earth, other origins in space will mobilize energy to maintain the existence of the planet for a period of time, and then adjust itself through the planet to form new energy to supply the survival of everything on the planet! During this period, the origin split will supply its own origin to the planet! People always die. Even human level 90 masters will die, and the origin energy in the body will enter the cosmic cycle. Therefore, the energy of the overall origin of the universe is conserved, and the energy consumed by other origins will also be slowly replenished. This process is just a kind of cosmic cycle, which is not surprising!"

Ye Fei and Gagarb have created their own small worlds, and they also believe in the explanation of Liu Xu, but what does this have to do with the awakening of origin?

Yuanyuan looked at the people's doubts and explained for Liu Xu Fairy, "Have you ever thought that if the energy in the planet can only maintain the existence of everything on the planet in a short period of time, and those masters in practice find that the planet's energy is thin, what will they do?"

Everyone doesn't understand that their cultivation has always been carried out by relying on the Rose Pirates plundering resources everywhere, and they have never paid attention to the problem of thin energy.

"Masters above level 50 have a very obvious feeling about the energy on the planet. Once the origin energy of the practice site is reduced, they must take action to find a place with plenty of energy, and the vicinity of the origin split is the place with the most abundant energy!"

Everyone was shocked, and as soon as they noticed something in their hearts, Gabu debited everyone's thinking, "The origin split has strong protection, and the breath of the origin split can't be noticed by ordinary people!" Even we living beings don't know where the origin energy is. How can they awaken the origin?

"If ordinary people and living beings can't do it, it doesn't mean that people in the alien world can't do it!" Yuanyuan's words shocked everyone, "There is a plan in the dark. I think the one in the alien world is too tampant!"

"Even if aliens can find it, how can they awaken the origin? The origin itself is difficult to awaken!" Gagarb is very persistent in his cognition.

"Yes, if you want to awaken the origin, it's not enough for someone to find it!" Liu Xu Fairy continued to explain, "Someone needs to sacrifice souls to temporarily replace the work of the origin, so as to awaken the origin. This process can't be done if it weren't for people with strong souls!"

"Liu Xu can do it!" Yuanyuan looked at the eldest sister among the girls, "However, other splits have always been secretly awakened, and Liu Xu has never participated in it!"

"Is it possible that new people from the alien world have come to space?" Ye Fei asked.

"It is very likely that after a hundred years of silence, our movements are too slow! Tai Shang Ming observed Qiu Hao, and he helped him. I think the origin split here is likely to leave!" Yuanyuan looked dark, and she understood Ye Fei's feeling. The origin energy here is thin, and the dark canyon has a feeling of devouring everything. If the origin is there, it will inevitably become an intractable place. How can it touch everyone's feelings?

Ye Fei said, "Yes or no, let's go and have a look first. If the origin is still there, it's best. If it's not there, we have to prepare for the worst!"

Everyone nodded, and dozens of lights and shadows flew down in the deep sea.

Yuanyuan led the way, and everyone almost didn't waste a little time to come to a mountain pass in the canyon. The people's feet are flat, and the surrounding rocks are seriously damaged. This pass is obviously man-made!

The female wolf squatted down, stroked the incision of the rock, and suddenly shouted to Ye Fei, "The energy in the rock has not dissipated. The man should have just left!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, Ye Fei and Gabb rushed forward first. When everyone came to their senses, they found that there was a short hole where they disappeared.

Ye Fei and Gabb behind him looked at each other. Where the two passed by, the bodies of several deep-sea giant eels sank into the hole. Looking at the freshness of the wound, it should have been just died.

Several defensive arrays along the road have long lost their glory and seem to have been forcibly broken. This defensive array can resist level 60 masters, and the strength of those who invade here is bound to be not low.

The two of them breathed, and a strong breath came from the distance. Ye Fei looked aween, "15! They are all 100-level masters!"