Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 004 The power of Mang Niu Jin Xiaocheng

Chapter 04 The Power of Mang Niu Jin Xiaocheng

He scolded Wang Hao in front of him. Wang Yue's original anger was relieved to a certain extent. When he really started, Wang Yue's mentality had slowly calmed down and devoted himself to the fight with Wang Hao.

No matter what, Wang Hao is also a six-fold tempered martial artist who has tempered his bones for more than ten years. He is much more powerful than Wang Yue, a "idiot" who has only triple quenched his tempering period and has not even his skin and fascia.

If Wang Yue, who has not yet got that strange memory, is absolutely impossible to be Wang Hao's opponent. The fact that he was severely taught by Wang Hao seven days ago and broke his ribs has proved everything.

However, Wang Yue, who inadvertently got that strange memory fragment, was suddenly enlightened from then, has been practicing the body by day and day to refine his body. He only slept for an hour or two every day, and the rest of the time was used to practice. In addition, Wang Yue's unremitting practice for more than ten years before made the body Extremely tough, the foundation is extremely strong. In just seven days, Wang Yue has reached the realm of three major perfections of the quenching period, which is only one step away from the four times of the quenching period!

Now Wang Yue is no longer the original dull and stupid stupid boy. Suddenly enlightened, his strength suddenly increased greatly, which made Wang Yue full of confidence, and at the same time breeds a trace of desire to fight with others!

It's like a child who suddenly got a toy and wants to show off to his friends immediately, or a student who always fails the exam and suddenly gets 100 points to let everyone know...

Now Wang Yue, because it is the first real fight with others, although he is a little nervous, he still has a strong confidence and belief that he will win.

"Old dog! Today, I will take you to let everyone know that I, Wang Yue, are no longer a born stupid fool! I, Wang Yue, are no worse than anyone!" Wang Yue thought to himself that the spiritual power in Dantian quickly operated, following the meridians of the heart method of Mang Niu Jin, and quickly gathered to his arms and fists. The blood vessels suddenly bulged high, and his originally thin arms suddenly expanded.

Mang Niu Jin Xiaocheng's powerful fist waved out fiercely!

"Do not measure yourself! Does the little bull dare to be arrogant in front of me? Today, I'll show you the power of high-level martial arts!" Wang Hao snorted disdainfully, and the bones all over his body suddenly made a crackling crisp sound. His right arm suddenly expanded, and his muscles were raised as high as iron pimples. A faint fiery red light lingered around his fists the size of a wine jar, roaring against Wang Yue's fist. Empty There is a faint hot breath in the air.

Rift Flame Fist! Although the yellow-level middle-level skill is not a high-level skill, it is much stronger than the recklessness of the big road! Moreover, Wang Hao has six-fold strength in the quenching period, and he is even more powerful and powerful!

"Bang!" With a sound, Wang Yue's fist and Wang Hao's fist collided with each other without fancy.

"Cock!" A crisp bone fracture sounded with a clear sound.

"Ah..." followed by a scream.

With a bang, a person's image fell fiercely on the stone road paved in front of the ancestral hall like a sack.

The maids and family who were originally cleaning in the ancestral hall had long been hiding in the corner of the small yard outside the ancestral hall, pointing to Wang Yue, who was fighting with Wang Hao, and their faces were full of disdain.

Wang Hao is a deacon in charge of the sacrifice and hygiene of the ancestral hall of the Wang family. Although it is nothing in the Wang family, his own strength has reached the sixfold state of the quenching period more than ten years ago. He is only one step away from breaking through to the sevenfold of the quenching period, condensing aura and transforming the true element.

This is also a very important reason why Wang Hao can become a deacon.

And what about Wang Yue?

For more than ten years, almost everyone has known that Wang Yue is a naturally stupid person. Even the most ordinary "Mang Niu Jin" is not good at cultivation, not to mention other martial arts. Moreover, Wang Yue's own strength is only three times of the quenching period. How can it be six times in the quenching period, and one foot has entered the quenching period. What about Wang Hao's opponent?

However, when they saw that the person whose arm was fractured and injured and regressed was not Wang Yue, who was three times in the quenching period, but Wang Hao, whose strength reached six times in the quenching period, a stunned expression suddenly appeared on the faces of these maids and householders. They opened their mouths, but they could not say a word, just like ducks pinched by the neck. Like a child.

How is this possible? The six-fold master of the quenching period was actually discounted by the triple waste of the quenching period?

This must be dazzling, right?

Several maids and familymen hurriedly closed their eyes, blinked fiercely, shook their heads, and opened their eyes wide again.

"Why did Deacon Wang Hao break his arm? Isn't this a dream?" Several maids looked at each other in con's eyes, and everyone's eyes were undisguised and extremely shocked.

At the same time, the most shocking thing is actually Wang Hao himself!

Wang Hao is 35 years old this year, and his strength has reached the sixfold of the quenching period for more than ten years, but he has not been able to break through to the sevenfold of the quenching period, so Wang Hao has been anxious for a long time.

You know, ordinary warriors in Tianlong mainland generally have a life expectancy of about 80 years. However, generally speaking, after the age of 40, people's qi, blood and spirit begin to decline. If they can't break through the six times of the quenching period before the age of 40, they basically don't want to break through the realm of more than seven times of the quenching period. There is hope.

And more than seven times during the quenching period, that is, the warriors in the late period, can really be regarded as a master in the family. They will receive strong support from the family and enjoy the glory and wealth that many people can't get. The treatment is not the same as that of warriors in the middle of the quenching period.

Wang Hao was already dead-hearted and just wanted to be an honest deacon managing the ancestral hall. However, suddenly one day, someone actually came to him and asked him to teach him a fierce lesson to rectify the lost former owner's son Wang Yue, and the reward was extremely high, promising that if Wang Hao could be completely disabled and even disabled. If Wang Yue is killed, he can provide Wang Hao with enough elixir to help him break through to the sevenfold of the quenching period.

This promise is so attractive to Wang Hao that even a trace of rejection is not popular!

Wang Yue, a natural fool who completely lost power in the Wang family, is only three times in the quenching period at the age of 15. He is not as good as many ten-year-old children in the Wang family who have just begun to practice martial arts. Wang Hao, who has six times in the quenching period, wants to beat him, is simply as easy as a palm.

Originally, Wang Hao was a little worried that other elders in the family would stand up for Wang Yue and scold Wang Hao for breaking Wang Yue's three ribs not long ago. However, seven days later, no one in the family asked about Wang Yue's beating, which made Wang Hao more relieved and bold.

Wang Hao also wanted to stink the reputation of Wang Yue's dead parents, move their cards out of the Wang family ancestral hall, and also drive Wang Yue, a fool, out of the Wang family, and then find an opportunity to get rid of Wang Yue, so that he can get the benefits promised by the big man behind him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hao only released a little rumor, which attracted Wang Yue to come to him. Wang Hao was full of joy and planned to take the opportunity to seriously hit Wang Yue again and let him die. However, he didn't expect that Wang Hao had just exerted 70% of his strength. Instead of breaking Wang Yue's arm, he was suddenly broke his arm by the thousand-pound force from Wang Yue's fist!

Just when he was punched by Wang Yue, Wang Hao felt like a real crazy reckless cow rushed to him! How can Wang Hao stand it?

How can the force of more than 1,000 catties be exerted during the triple quenching period? This is impossible! Not to mention Zhenyuan City, even the whole Chuyun Kingdom and even the Tianlong mainland rarely have martial arts that can burst out more than 1,000 pounds during the quenching period! Even if there is such a warrior, which one is not a famous genius? And Wang Yue is a recognized waste wood. How can he be compared with those peerless geniuses?

Rou is Wang Hao, whose strength has reached sixfold in the quenching period, but he can only burst out 1,500 pounds of strength.

How can Wang Hao think that although Wang Yue is only a triple strength in the quenching period, Wang Yue suddenly realized the essence of Mangniu's strength, and has cultivated themangniu strength to the realm of Xiaocheng. Moreover, when Wang Yue exerts Mangniu's strength, the meridians in his body are several times more than that of ordinary warriors. Of course, the force that broke out is much stronger than the reckless cow exerted by ordinary martial artists!

"You...impossible! Aren't you the triple strength of the quenching period? Also, how can the recklessness of the rotten street have such great strength? You're definitely not Wang Yue, you're a monster..." Wang Hao ignored being broken, revealing his white bones, his right arm, which was constantly bleeding out, stretched out his left hand, pointed to Wang Yue incredulously, and said in horror.

"Huh? Am I a monster? Monsters are also dedicated to punishing scum like you, scum!" Wang Yue said without any expression on his face. He strode to Wang Hao, who lay on the ground and his arms kept bleeding.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm just being ordered to act..." Wang Hao saw Wang Yue coming towards him with a murderous face and hurriedly shouted, with a frightened expression on his face, and his face was suddenly full of tears and runny nose. Wang Hao didn't pay attention to it at all. He suddenly lowered his head and kept kowtowed. His forehead was soon broken and the blood flowed.

Wang Yue was stunned and suddenly couldn't do anything about it. After all, Wang Hao is also a dozen years old. It's not easy to kowtow and admit his mistake regardless of shame. Moreover, Wang Yue is only the first time he has hurt people, and he is still a little unbearable.

"Go to hell!" At this time, Wang Hao was stunned when he saw that Wang Yue walked less than a meter beside him and did not do anything. The frightened expression on his face suddenly changed, and an extremely ferocious and crazy look appeared. His left hand clenched his fist and hit Wang Yue's lower abdomen.

The lower abdomen of people is the place where Dantian is, and it is also the most vulnerable place for people, and it is also the source of the power of martial arts! Once the lower abdomen is severely damaged and Dantian is damaged, this person will really be useless and can no longer practice martial arts.

This Wang Hao's realistic acting skills are so cruel!