Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 017 Endless pressure

Chapter 17 Endless Pressure

Outside the frost forest, the Wang family's fixed hunting transit station, in the tree house.

"A bunch of waste! You can't even take good care of anyone! The young master has just recovered from his serious injury and is still very weak. What should he do if he is in danger when he encounters a spirit beast? What are you still doing? Why don't you send someone to look for me!" Wang Meng stood on a flat ground in the middle of the tree house with an angry face and cursed loudly at the hunting team members around him.

The warriors of the hunting team did not say a word, and everyone had a deep worry on their faces. Without waiting for Wang Meng's order, they hurriedly divided into several teams and headed for the depths of the frost forest.

"Why on earth did the young master leave without even leaving a word? What the hell happened? ...I hope nothing will happen to the young master..." Wang Meng frowned and said to himself, with the worry and anxiety on his face without any concealment or pretentiousness.

Now, in the eyes of Wang Meng and the warriors of the hunting team, Wang Yue, who can kill spirit beasts at a young age, is much more important than hunting and picking spiritual grass!

Even if the hunting team did not complete the hunting and picking tasks set by the family, even if they returned to the family would be punished and criticized, Wang Meng did not want to see Wang Yue suffer a little more injury.

After all, compared with the huge wealth, strong force is the guarantee that the family can be strong. And only with such a talented and beautiful son as Wang Yue can the Wang family develop better and become stronger and stronger.


At the bottom of the valley like a box, Wang Yue looked at the mountain wall as high as hundreds of kilometers high as a knife and axe, and was at a loss.

"So high, what should I do to get out of here? Am I going to starve to death here?" Wang Yue thought secretly, and his face was full of helplessness.

The mysterious ice aphid did not chase again, nothing strange happened in the pool, and no powerful spirit beasts appeared, which made Wang Yue's original heart slowly let go, and then he was in the mood to slowly take a good view of the environment around the pool.

This look doesn't matter. The fluke and excitement that had just escaped the pursuit of the mysterious ice aphidfly instantly seemed to have been splashed with cold water, making Wang Yue cool from head to toe.

If someone looks at the pool where Wang Yue is at this time from a high altitude, he will see that the high stone wall around him is like a huge washbasin, and the pool where Wang Yue is located is the water in the washbasin.

And Wang Yue in the pool, compared with the stone wall hundreds of meters high, is like an ant in the washbasin. How easy is it to climb out of the washbasin?

If Wang Yue's strength can reach the extraordinary world, and the spiritual power in his body can be transformed into the power of Zhenyuan, which can quickly transform the aura of heaven and earth into the power of Zhenyuan and live endlessly. Maybe he can also cut out stone holes for landing on this mirror-like smooth stone wall, so that he can climb out step by step.

However, Wang Yue is only five-fold strength in the quenching period. Although three cyclones have condensed in his body, the spiritual power contained in these cyclones, if he wanted to cut out a stone hole that could be found on the smooth but unusually hard stone wall like a mirror, I'm afraid that he didn't wait to cut out eighteen, and the spiritual power in his body would have been used up long ago.

"Guru, Guru..." Wang Yue's stomach suddenly made waves of noise.

Thinking that when he came from following Wang San to the depths of the frost forest, it was just in the morning, Wang Yue didn't have time to eat at all. It took him a few hours to get to the valley where the Xuanming ice anus was located. He was chased and escape all the way by the Xuanming ice anthem, which drained the only little physical strength and spiritual power left in Wang Yue's body. At this time When he relaxed, he suddenly felt very hungry.

"Wow, it's better to practice, get back to the best state as soon as possible, and then find a way to get out of here..." Wang Yue touched his spleen pocket and said helplessly.

Originally, Wang Yue left the tree house on the spur of his mind, and he didn't want to bring something to eat and drink.

Closing his eyes, Wang Yue quickly began to practice according to the skills of "Spinning Killing", quickly absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth to repair the injured meridians and quickly recover his physical strength and spiritual power.

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, it became dark. The forest was slowly and obviously quiet. A bright full moon slowly appeared in the night sky, and the pool where Wang Yue was located was covered with a layer of white light by the moonlight.

February 15, a full moon night.

At this time, when Wang Yue was still immersed in cultivation, the change suddenly appeared!

The pool shrouded by moonlight suddenly rolled up the rising water vapor, and huge bubbles gushed out on the water one by one, bursting, emitting more and more intense temperature and thick fog.

The temperature of the pool also suddenly increased, as if someone had an endless fire at the bottom of the pool.

In this rising fog and boiling pool, a vast and tyrannical atmosphere appeared slowly but domineeringly, just like a barbarian beast in an ancient legend suddenly woke up, emitting endless horror and contempt!

"This...what's going on? What a powerful breath! ...Isn't this the powerful existence that even the mysterious ice dragonfly is afraid of?" Wang Yue suddenly woke up from practice, and his face was full of shock.

Just when Wang Yue was shocked, the rolling water vapor suddenly rose to a height of more than 100 meters, forming a hazy huge monster shadow, staring at the whole valley in the air. Then, a strong pressure that penetrated the deepest part of the human heart and soul spread out, covering the surrounding circles. Ten miles away!

At this time, Wang Yue seemed to have countless people beating gongs and drums in his mind. The loud noise almost broke Wang Yue's eardrums.

This is just the beginning!

Then, Wang Yue's mind seemed to be pierced with tens of millions of needles, chopped and stabbed by hundreds of people with swords, and seemed to be biting hundreds of millions of ants crazily...

The severe pain almost made Wang Yue almost resist the painful howl. Even so, Wang Yue's teeth bit his lips, bit his lips, and blood dripped down the corners of his mouth, which suppressed the painful moans.

However, this is not over. What makes Wang Yue feel most powerless is the deep fear unconsciously revealed in the bottom of his heart or in the depths of his soul!

It's like a rabbit facing a ferocious wolf, or a mouse facing a cat, the kind of natural, uncontrollable deep fear and despair hidden in the bone marrow and soul...

I'm afraid that the weak-willed person will collapse directly as soon as the pressure appears, lose any resistance, and can only be slaughtered by others.

At this time, Wang Yue's soul, although not suddenly crushed by the sudden strong pressure, was also dangerous. It's like wax fire in the wind, as if it will go out at any time, or a small fishing boat in the stormy waves is in danger of being killed at any time...

"What kind of existence is this monster? It's just a little pressure that almost broke my soul? Is it a seventh-order spiritual beast or an eighth-order holy beast? ...No! Whether it's a holy beast or something, I don't want to die, and I can't die!" Wang Yue shouted silently.

However, in the face of strong and irresistible pressure, there is only an unyielding will and can't be completely resisted at all. After a long time, the will is worn away, and then there is only one way to die.

"What should I do? What can we do to resist this powerful pressure?" Wang Yue was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do. A little blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.

Under this powerful pressure, Wang Yue's body was also greatly squeezed, and his heart was about to burst by pressure.

Just when Wang Yue was about to completely collapse and lose consciousness, the strange and familiar picture suddenly appeared in his mind again.

Hundreds of millions of destructive purple thunder, vague figures, plain but containing some kind of regular fists, came out with one blow, and thousands of thunders were annihilated!

In the dark, it is like pulling clouds and seeing fog. When the sun comes out in the east, a warm current suddenly shines on Wang Yue's soul.

With a "buzz", Wang Yue's soul seemed to have suddenly taken some great tonic and suddenly grew a lot. Originally, a little soul power like a candlelight, as if it would be blown out by the strong wind at any time. Now, Wang Yue's soul suddenly turned into a burning bonfire, even if it was a monster The soul pressure is like a strong wind, but it can't extinguish Wang Yue's soul bonfire.

Even the stronger the monster's pressure, the more vigorous the bonfire of Wang Yue's soul!

Time passed minute by, the moon slowly fell to the west, and the sky slowly brightened. In the east, a faint light became bigger and bigger, and the sun was about to rise.

With a muffled sound, over the boiling pool, the 100-meter huge monster shadow condensed by fog was like a huge bubble, bursting, turned into a wisp of smoke, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The vast and vast pressure also disappeared, as if nothing had ever happened, as if it was just a dream...

The pool, which was originally boiling and countless bubbles rolling, slowly calmed down, and everything returned to its previous appearance.

Wang Yue opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

"What the hell is this monster? Why did it suddenly appear? There is nothing else here except the pool. Is the monster hidden in the pool? Wang Yue thought for a moment and immediately looked into the depths of the pool.

As soon as he thought of it, Wang Yue cleaned up slightly, washed away the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, took a deep breath, jumped into the pool, and swam to the depths of the pool.