Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 077 Cleaning the hall

Chapter 077 Cleaning the Hall

"For new disciples, the first thing to do is to get their own waist card. Then it is to find out where the places in the sect often go in the future. The next step is to go back to where I live to rest and practice on time every day. Wang Yue felt that everything would become very simple as long as it was said in Zhao Tianhui's mouth. Looking at the other elders of the outer door, all of them are middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, while Zhao Tianhui is only 234 years old. It can be seen that Zhao Tianhui is definitely a genius.

"Wang Yue, do you want to ask me what level I have reached now?" After Wang Yue got the token, Zhao Tianhui asked after reading Wang Yue's thoughts again.

"Yes. I think other elders are less cultivated than you, and they are older than you, so I dared to ask. Wang Yue also knew that it was impolite to suddenly ask others about their cultivation, but he did not feel a trace of emotional fluctuation from Zhao Tianhui. His mood is always as calm as the lake.

"My realm is the spiritual realm. I can't say the details. But you will gradually learn about these by yourself in the future. If you get the token here, you can find where you live. In the future, you just need to use your own money to eat in the canteen on time. After saying that, Zhao Tianhui left Wang Yue and didn't know where to go.

"It seems that my luck is not extremely bad." After Wang Yue took the token of Luo Tianzong's disciples, he was also extremely relaxed. However, when he walked to his residence in the sect, he was suddenly stopped by three disciples.

"Who are you and what are you looking for me for?" Wang Yue asked with a sneer when he saw that the three outer disciples who blocked his way seemed to have bad intentions.

"Oh, I really don't know whether to live or die. Don't you know that you have offended Brother Luo Zifeng? We are here to teach you a lesson for him." Although these three disciples are not very strong, they are all three-fold in the early stage of the extraordinary world, which is still more powerful than Wang Yue. That's why they dared to keep shouting in front of Wang Yue and wanted to teach Wang Yue a lesson.

"Luo Zifeng? Then why didn't he come by himself and find you three losers instead? Wang Yue looked at these three outer disciples coldly and was not interested at all. He directly wanted to pass by their side and leave here.

"You don't deserve Brother Luo Zifeng to do it at all. It's more than enough for the three of us. Brothers, get rid of him as soon as possible so that we can go out for a big meal. One of the disciples roared at the other two and rushed towards Wang Yue. Judging from the way he sprinted, he was as agile as a cheetah.

"Flying leopard stepping on the clouds?" Wang Yue didn't know why he recognized his name as soon as he saw this light footwork, and even vaguely predicted his next position, even the details.

"Hunhou!" Just as Wang Yue kept calculating, the first outer disciple drew an arc with his arm and hooked Wang Yue's face on one side. Before the hook arrived, the strong wind arrived first. Wang Yue felt that his face was a little numb by the strong wind, which showed that the arm of this outer disciple also had at least 30,000 pounds of strength.

"This posture contains at least three moves ambushed behind. No matter how I dodge, I can't escape his calculation. In this case, it's better to break his moves with strength. Wang Yue let his face on one side of his body, and his arms also collided with the hook of the outer disciple.

"Ah!" During the collision of the two arms, a scream was heard from the outer disciple, and his arm was broken alive. With a scream, the outer disciple was also directly knocked out by Wang Yue and fell to the ground and couldn't help moaning. This also made the other two disciples couldn't help stopping and didn't know what to do.

"Get out of the way. Do you also want to be like him?" Wang Yue looked at the two children who still didn't know how to be good in front of him and immediately shouted. The two disciples quickly flashed aside and made way for Wang Yue. Then after Wang Yue left, he carried away the injured outer disciple in dismay.

"Who is this person? With so much power, he had at least 50,000 to 60,000 pounds of power just now. I'm afraid that such power can't be compared with some outside disciples in the middle of the extraordinary world. After Wang Yue left, some outside disciples who had just started talked about it in the back.

"I don't know. It seems that there are some outside disciples this year. Let's go." After saying that, these lively disciples also dispersed.

"I didn't expect that the essence of martial arts is so powerful. The other party clearly has only 30,000 catties of strength, which is enough to compete with my strength of 40,000 to 50,000 catties. It seems that there are too many things to learn after entering the sect. Wang Yue entered his room and opened a package. In this package, there are some sect rules, some ordinary healing elixirs, and a basic skills of Luo Tianzong, Da Luo Qian's palm prints and other objects.

"Da Luo Qian's palm print, Luo Tianzong's entry-level skills, Xuan-level high-level skills..."

After experiencing some things just now, Wang Yue suddenly became more and more interested in the skills of this sect. After opening the seal of Daluo Qian's palm, Wang Yue was suddenly deeply attracted by the content inside.

Although this skill has some similarities with the spinning killing he learned before, after this skill, many dance essences that spinning killing do not have been described in this skill, and the spinning killing skill he saw is just a simple cultivation method. The difference is almost 18,000 miles.

This skill has a total of 18 types. The first 15 formulas are to condense spiritual power, and only the last three formulas can attack and hurt people. However, the power of these three styles is also enough to squeeze this skill into the mysterious high-level skills. It seems that the large sect is rich, and even the skills that have just entered the sect are mysterious high-level skills. However, at the back of this calligraphy, it is forbidden that any foreign disciple will pass on the skills to others, and the violator will be hunted down endlessly by the sect.

It seems that the sect's control of skills is also quite strict. However, this is also good, at least it can protect the sect's martial arts from external transmission and protect the interests of the disciples in the sect.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue carefully looked at this set of basic skills. In an hour, Wang Yue completely remembered the 18 formula in his heart and almost memorized it backwards. However, Wang Yue could not understand the essence of martial arts for a while, which made Wang Yue slightly feel some of the difficulties. However, Wang Yue still feels the convenience after entering the big gate, but at present, it is still the most important thing for him to rest his body.

After a night's sleep, Wang Yue did not delay his thirst for skills because of the time of sleep. Just after dawn, he chose a hidden place among the peaks outside Luo Tianzong who got up from ** and began to practice this set of skills.

Luo Tianzong is near the frost forest like Shangqiu, but Luo Tianzong is far closer to the core of the frost forest than Shangqiu. It is said that the seven or eight levels of spirit beasts can be seen in the depths of this forest. As for the second-order, the third-order spirit beasts are more like cow hair, which is definitely the best place for martial artists to practice.

It's just the mountain chosen by Wang Yue, which is a safe place that Luo Tianzong has opened up for a long time. In this safe area, you will never see any spirit beasts, even first-order spirit beasts will not encounter them.

In the introduction of the skill, it is written that the seal of Daluo Qian's palm is a skill created by the ancestors of Luo Tianzong. Although this set of skills is also a little outdated, it is still the most basic introductory skills of Luo Tianmen. Only after passing the test can this set of skills be able to practice other skills and martial arts, which is also the first test for the disciples who have just entered the sect.

The seal of Daluo's thousands of palms pays attention to the opening and closing, and each palm is full of a desire to control the whole world. There is nothing to show off about this first 15th style, but this 16th type of shadow enters the stream, the 17th style is large and horizontal, and the 18th type of thousand-handed shadows is very different.

It only took Wang Yue an hour to fully understand the first five styles of this set of skills. However, the more you understand this skill, the more difficult it becomes. By the time of the sixteenth ceremony, three days had passed unconsciously, and Wang Yue also understood the artistic conception contained in it.

However, even so, Wang Yue connected the first 15 types of the thousand palm prints and could still feel the condensation speed of the spiritual power between heaven and earth. Even when the spiritual power operated in his body for ten small Sundays, he found that the condensation speed of this set of skills to aura had begun. Beyond the rotation, this made Wang Yue a little overjoyed. It seems that this set of Xuan-level high-level skills is indeed extraordinary. If you master all of them, the speed of condensing aura of this set of skills may be more than twice as fast as that of rotary condensation.

After Wang Yue felt the power of this mysterious high-level, the practice of Daluo's palm prints also accelerated a lot. In particular, Wang Yue experienced the essence of martial arts contained in it.

In the martial arts, the so-called essence of martial arts is to understand the artistic conception of the founder of the martial arts when he created this set of martial arts and integrate them into his own practice. In this way, you can understand the most essential part of the skill. Therefore, the more advanced the skills, the more the essence of martial arts. Only in this way can it be regarded as a mysterious high-level skill.

Wang Yue stood on the mountain and felt the flow of countless turbulent gases. These airflows are mixed with water droplets suspended in the air to form a large area of fog in the valley. This large area of fog, dust and suspended matter combine to become clouds. Then when the clouds encounter the airflow, they will float with the wind. A constant intersection of clear streams turned into a whirlpool of gas. This whirlpool kept patting Wang Yue's body, making him understand the flow of his own shadows over and over again.

However, after 15 days, Wang Yue still did not get the true intention of Wan Ying to enter the stream. However, he had already eaten up the food stored in his storage bag, so he decided to go down the mountain to buy some food and then practice. After all, he is only in an extraordinary world now. He can't fill his stomach with the aura between heaven and earth like the spiritual platform, and he still needs to eat food.

Although Wang Yue still couldn't understand the essence of martial arts for a while, compared with when he first came, he was not the rookie who only knew a little about the essence of martial arts.

"Today is the time to assign tasks to the things hall. I don't know which hall our new disciples can be assigned to?" Just as Wang Yue walked down the mountain and entered the sect, he saw some other new disciples walking towards the Things Hall, where it seemed that many disciples were waiting for their future.

Wang Yue didn't know about this matter, but he didn't understand it until he read the rules of the sect. It turns out that the new disciples of Luo Tianzong need to complete the tasks assigned by the sect in addition to cultivation. This is also an assessment and exercise for new students. Among these things, there are six, namely, the spirit beast hall, the sundry hall, the cleaning hall, the cooking hall, the elixir hall, and the spiritual organ hall.

Among these six halls, the spiritual organ hall is the best place, followed by the elixir hall, the spirit beast hall, and the cleaning hall is the hardest hall and the most uncertain future. The task time of each hall is one year, and the task will be automatically released after one year. One year seems to be very short, but after a year, I'm afraid that the gap between new disciples will be widened, and some people will even become inner disciples in the first year. May I ask, when others practice skills, you are cleaning, so once you enter the cleaning hall, you have no time to practice the skills at all. Usually, only those who are punished for breaking the rules of the sect will enter the cleaning hall to practice. The so-called cleaning hall, as the name implies, is to reflect on the hall.

However, there are many people who can only be a disciple of the outer sect in their lifetime, so the disciples of the outer gate are just the cannon fodder and foundation of the sect. Only becoming an inner disciple is the beginning of the cultivation of the sect, but only a few dozen of the hundreds or even thousands of entry-level disciples can pass the examination every year, and the maximum is only more than 20 people a year.

"Luo Ziya, Danyaotang. Zhao Fugui, Spiritual Beast Hall..." In the long dragon of thousands of people, Wang Yue listened to the elders of the outer door reading their names one by one and assigning tasks. Among them, the people who read the spiritual beast hall, the elixir hall and the spiritual weapon hall all looked cheering and excited, and when they read the sundries hall, the cookery hall also shook their heads and left the thing hall. Along the way, Wang Yue never heard who was being divided into the cleaning hall. It took about two or three hours to line up here.

"Wang Yue, a new disciple of the sect, was assigned to... to clean the hall." This elder of the outside door is also quite strange. Judging from Wang Yue's name, this disciple should have some family background, and he is also a new disciple of the sect. How could he be assigned to the cleaning hall? Couldn't he offend some big man?

"This is your token, let's go. Here is also your duty schedule. Don't be lazy and slippery. An elder handed Wang Yue a token and a form, and sent Wang Yue away. It seemed that he was unwilling to say a word to Wang Yue. This made Wang Yue keep scolding the elder too snobbish in his heart.

"Cleaning the hall?" After Wang Yue left the Things Hall, he was also stupid. Even if you don't look at the door rules, you know what the cleaning hall is. After reading the door rules, he had a very clear understanding of cleaning the hall. It seems that he still underestimated the power of the Li family in the sect.

"It must be Li Rui who secretly interfered with me and let me come to the cleaning hall. But it doesn't matter. It's just that half of the practice time is spent on cleaning!" Wang Yue thought of this and clenched his fist fiercely. If Li Rui is in front of him now, he can't wait to directly turn Li Rui's eyes into panda eyes.

"Forget it, it's useless for me to be angry here. Now that this is the case, I should accept him. Moreover, this Daluo thousand palm prints are not so easy to practice. The essence of martial arts contained in it is too difficult to understand. Let's do it while cleaning and understand it. Wang Yue received his task and returned to his residence. After carefully washing, he rushed to the canteen to prepare for dinner.

"Isn't this the Wang Yue brothers?" Just as Wang Yue was about to enter the canteen, suddenly several disciples stopped Wang Yue's way. Wang Yue didn't know these people at all, and he didn't know where they came from. However, looking at the strength of the other party, it is just a heavy appearance in the early stage of the extraordinary world.

"How many of you know me? What can I do for you?" Although Wang Yue did not know these people, he also knew that since these people came to find him, they should have been instructed by some people. In Luo Tianzong, the only big man he offended was Li Rui's cousin. Then the intention of these people is very obvious, that is, to make a fool of themselves and destroy their prestige.

"Of course we know you. It's a shame that I was assigned to clean the hall as soon as I entered the sect. Even a nine-fold outer disciple in the quenching period is better than you. Hahahaha." This outer disciple laughed more unscrupulously, which suddenly added a trace of anger in Wang Yue's eyes. However, in the face of sect disciples who are many times weaker than him, he can still restrain himself.

" Shame, if you don't get out of here now, I will let you know what is more shameful." Wang Yue looked at several outside disciples like clowns in front of him and suddenly sneered. These people felt that their bodies seemed to be seen through by Wang Yue's eyes, and their whole body became creepy.

"Damn it, shamelessly, beat him." When these disciples saw that Wang Yue didn't take them seriously at all, they decided to rush up and completely knock Wang Yue down.