Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 140 Piercing the Heart

Chapter 140 piercing the heart

"You? Since you said so, don't blame me for being rude."

"The underworld sword dance!" Jian Mingqiang was angered by Wang Yue. This time, he was really crazy. The spiritual power of his whole body broke through the shackles of Jian Mingqiang like the same waves of waves and emerged. In particular, Jian Mingqiang, who held the sword, was like a wave of waves, making Jian Mingqiang's whole body begin to bend and deform in the air.

With the sharp fluctuation of spiritual power, the original sword Mingqiang has now become the virtual shadow of more than 20 sword Mingqiang. Every sword has become a twisted sword light. This sword light is tortuous in the air, and the twisted ghosts are unpredictable. It will even become more and more irregular in a certain moment, which is almost unpredictable and unable to grasp the defensive trajectory.

"Hahaha, Wang Yue, you stinky boy, will definitely die this time." After saying that, Jian Mingqiang's figure immediately dodged in the void. After a virtual shadow disappeared, more than 20 figures holding the sword came to Wang Yue.

There is a hazy sword spirit between heaven and earth, which makes people unable to figure out the direction in the fog, and even has an illusion that makes people lost. It seems that there are many visible and invisible murders hidden in this countless sword spirit. Even in these killings, all kinds of killings are true or false, which is difficult to distinguish and inexperience.

"Wosh..." All kinds of hanging cold came from all directions, and the sword lights left purple-black traces in front of Wang Yue, giving Wang Yue a feeling of escaping from a group of fierce sharks. If Wang Yue's body method had not reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine, I'm afraid that in a moment, Wang Yue would have been killed to pieces.

However, Wang Yue still dodges back and forth in this sword spirit and walks freely, just like a floating cloud, making it impossible to plan the next trajectory. Although Jian Mingqiang's swordsmanship is good, Wang Yue's body method just restrains Jian Mingqiang's martial arts skills. For a while, Jian Mingqiang really couldn't do anything to Wang Yue!

"Sword spirit cage!" Jian Mingqiang looked at Wang Yue, who was almost free in front of him, and the murderous spirit in his heart became stronger and his hatred accumulated more and more. However, no matter how he manipulates the sword spirit, he can't get close to Wang Yue's body. In short, he can only see the flashing sword light, which is dazzling, but he can't see the effect for a long time.

At this time, Jian Mingqiang finally couldn't stand it and urged his spiritual power again, and the second killing move was also used. All the swords immediately split into two and began to form a powerful formation in mid-air. The sword light flashed, and this sword shuttled back and forth in the air, unconsciously circled Wang Yue in a fixed range, making Wang Yue's movement range smaller and smaller, and even a feeling of being approached to a desperate situation.

"Wang Yue, you little bastard. This was originally my set of combined martial arts skills, and every time I used it, it would consume a lot of my spiritual power and even hurt the root. Originally, I used these martial arts to deal with those half-step overlords, and even saved my life when I met the overlords of Tianren. But today you forced me to this extent, so don't blame me for being ruthless. Now even if you stab my sword into a hornet's nest, you should close your eyes.

"Better me!" Jian Mingqiang closed his hands, and the sword spirit immediately formed a huge array, completely fixing Wang Yue within a range. No matter where Wang Yue went, he would be strangled by these sword spirits in one direction and could not move. It can be said that these swords are completely condensed with the essence of martial arts and driven by the general trend. Jian Mingqiang only needs to move his own thinking a little, and these sword spirit will follow Jian Mingqiang's thinking, unlike Wang Yue's martial arts skills, which are very rigid and almost unchanged. This is the advantage of increasing momentum in martial arts.

"It's not good!" Wang Yue did not expect that he had been approached by the other party. Now these swords can operate freely even if they are not controlled by Jian Mingqiang. Relatively speaking, Jian Mingqiang has been ambushed in the nearby void, and may sometime use martial arts to kill himself again. At this moment, Wang Yue can be said to have fallen into an unprecedented death situation and facing great danger.

Suddenly, Wang Yue thought that he still had many life-saving items on his body that had not been used, and now it was the opportunity for these items to show his skills. So Wang Yue took out a treasure directly from his storage bag and threw it at the sword array of Jian Ming's strong subordinates.

"Glass flame!" Wang Yue shouted in his heart.

"Hula" the glazed flame is like a pink glazed fireball. After Wang Yue injected the spiritual power of the flame into his body, he immediately began to explode around with Wang Yue as the center. The fire splashed everywhere, and the pink flame directly hit the sword spirit that trapped Wang Yue. The sound of barbecue also came out one after another.

There is a strong corrosive spiritual power in this glazed flame. This spiritual power does not have much effect in killing the enemy and winning the enemy, and it cannot cause any powerful damage to the human body at all. However, this spiritual power has a purpose, that is, it can corrode the spiritual power of almost all attributes, especially when it is trapped by the other party's martial arts skills and can't move. Using this treasure has a surprising effect.

"What do you want to escape? There is nothing so easy to do. If you enter my sword cage, don't think about escaping. Jian Mingqiang's voice sounded in all directions around Wang Yue, and it was impossible to judge the position of Jian Mingqiang at all. Wang Yue's rough calculation knew that this was Jian Mingqiang confusing himself and paving the way for his fatal blow. At the same time, Wang Yue also made a plan to break the fish and the net. It was best to take the opportunity to take out the sword cage and leave the underworld forest.

"The ghost poison sword pierces the heart!" Just as Wang Yue patiently waited for the glazed flame to break the sword formation, suddenly the sword formation tore a crack from a tricky angle, and a tall figure also appeared from that place. This person is Jian Mingqiang. As soon as the sword was strong, the whole person rotated at a high speed like a top. A person who was originally three meters high turned into a sharp sawtooth drill, and his whole body was extremely twisted. However, in this extremely twisted space, the aura of heaven and earth also rotated rapidly, and there was even a strong centriment force, which touched Wang Yue's heart, making Wang Yue's heart seem to have been pierced by this drill.

"Wh!" Jian Mingqiang tore open a gap in the sword array and stabbed Wang Yue's heart without hesitation. The speed is so fast that Wang Yue is defenseless. Almost in the blink of an eye, the sword in Jian Mingqiang's hand stabbed Wang Yue's heart. The sword pierced Wang Yue's body, and blood suddenly spewed out.

"Hahaha, my sword has a powerful effect of absorbing blood. Even if you have hundreds of millions of tons of blood, I can suck you into a mummified corpse and turn it into wood and black carbon in just a few breaths. In addition, my swordsmanship is even more fierce. One breath can rotate hundreds of times at a high speed. Even if you are in your hard body, you will be grounded into mud by my sword. Don't resist in vain."

Jian Mingqiang stabbed Wang Yue's body with a sword, and blood splashed everywhere. Jian Mingqiang was splashed on his body without realigniting that he still laughed. Because he knew that Wang Yue had been stabbed in the heart by his sword and died. This is also the first time in history that he has had such an enjoyable killing. Now he knows what difficulty is, especially killing this kind of proud son of heaven. The peerless wizard makes Jian Mingqiang have a great sense of joy in his heart and extremely happy in his heart.

He knows very well that the more geniuses like Wang Yue, the deeper his luck will be, and there are even many backgrounds that have not been used. If he grows up, he will definitely be a giant in the future. Once you kill such a talented disciple, you will not only get all his wealth, but also the luck of the other party. In this way, he will also have endless opportunities, and maybe the future cultivation trajectory will shift. Even a few years later, it is possible to reach the hegemony of heaven and man, and even enter the heaven and man realm.

"Hahaha!" Jian Mingqiang thought that he had become a half-step overlord and Jianming on an equal footing, so he no longer had to look at his face, and even had the opportunity to kill him and give him a breath of anger. Now the idea of killing Wang Yue is even more intense, and he even wants to directly take out Wang Yue's heart and stuff it into his mouth. It's comfortable to eat it!

"Dangdang!" Just as the sword of Jianmingqiang pierced Wang Yue's body and plunged into Wang Yue's heart, suddenly sparks burst out, and the rotation speed of the sword became slower and slower, even the speed of even dozens of breathing.

"Why does my sword seem to melt!" I don't know why the red flame burst out from the position of Wang Yue's heart and wrapped directly around Jian Mingqiang's arm...

"Bang!" Just as Wang Yue and Jian Mingqiang were fighting for life and death, the palm of the mysterious moon sitting in the boudoir trembled violently, and a cup of tea was also knocked to the ground. The pink delicate teacup was suddenly smashed by the underworld Xuanyue, and even picked up the teacup and put it on her palm. She didn't feel anything.

"Miss, your palm is injured. Don't do it again." Hearing the sound of something breaking in the room, the two maids quickly ran in from outside. In the mansion of the underworld, even the strength of only two maids is in the late stage of the extraordinary world. So as soon as the two girl came in, she helped the ghost moon aside, and the fragments of the teacup on the ground were quickly sorted out by the two maids. However, when they saw the long wound on the palm of the mysterious moon, they couldn't help kneeling on the ground and their faces turned pale, and they kept apologizing to the mysterious moon.

"What's going on? How can there be such a noisy sound in your room!" Just as the two girl kept kowtodding, a tall figure pushed the door and came in from the outside and saw the underworld Xuanyue sitting coldly **, looking out of the window without knowing what she was thinking.

"The suzerain, we didn't take good care of the young lady and hurt the young lady. Please punish her." When the two maids saw that it was Ghost Youyuan who came in from the outside, they were even more scared to kneel on the ground and kowtow to the ghost Youyuan, for fear of being tortured by the other party.

"Two wastes, the two ladies can't take good care of their daily diet. What else do I need for you? Now let me send you to the underworld to taste the taste of life and death. Hahahaha!" The ghost long face was cold. He reached out and grabbed the two maids and was going to be executed. Unfortunately, his palm was stopped by the underworld Xuanyue before it fell.

"Father, this matter has nothing to do with them, but I was careless for a moment. What's more, they have served me for some years. If you kill them, I'm afraid there will be two other maids, and I won't get used to it! If I have another problem, you have to change my maid! So, leave them to me this time." At this moment, the mysterious moon's face is extremely indifferent, as if she has no feelings. The mysterious moon with Wang Yue is simply different, and she is simply not alone.

"Hmm. Since you said so, it's not easy for me to interfere in your affairs. After you two clean up everything, get out of here. If I can't even do this little thing well in the future, I will cut off your meat piece by piece and feed it to the dog!" The underworld shook his sleeves and directly flew out the two maids. The two maids flew directly backwards, and each of them vomited a large mouthful of blood to stop their bodies and barely fell to the ground. However, before the ghost left far away, they could only kneel on the ground and dare not move, like two dead dogs.

"My good daughter, are you still angry for me to deal with your sister's affairs! In fact, I did it for her good. Don't you even have your father's heart!" After the two maids flew out, the face suddenly took a 180-degree turn, sitting next to the dark moon as if coaxing a child, and said with a smile, without the cold eyes that had just been killing people.

"Father, your status can be said to be below a few people and above ten thousand people. I'm just a young daughter of yours. How can I disagree with what you deal with?" The mysterious moon did not care about the distant expression of the mysterious, but retreated to one side and bowed and said salutely.

"Daughter, why do you start to reject me like your sister! You know, if your sister hadn't dared to embarrass me face, make me unable to step down, and even stabbed Nangong Zhuoda, which almost made a huge rift in the relationship between the Ning Sect and the Nangong family, I would have imprisoned her.

"You and Tianyue are both my beloved daughters. How can I really want to hurt her! In fact, as long as your sister is willing to accept this marriage with the Nangong family, I can release her from the dungeon and even free her. Otherwise, you can talk about her for your father. Maybe it can make her change her mind!"

Youyuan can say that you can do your best to make your tone as gentle as possible and put on a fatherly posture. But no matter what he said, the mysterious moon is always like water, his face is like frost, and there is no big expression. This made the ghost's distant face cold again. Then, he suddenly stood up and his eyes became sharp.

"The moon. Let me ask you, do you also want to live with me like your sister? Did you also fall in love with me and a disciple of another sect?" The dark one step away, almost approaching the dark moon to a dead corner. However, the mysterious moon still stood in place obediently and was silent.

"Well, I know if you don't talk. It must be the young man named Wang Yue, who is the inner disciple of Luo Tianzong, right?" Netherworld is far away the old fox after all. Every word is said in the heart of Netherworld Xuanyue, like a sharp knife stabbing into the key part of Netherworld Xuanyue's heart.

"Father, are you talking about Wang Yue? He and I are just a few faces. At most, we are just an ordinary friend. Father, I think you think your position in my heart is too high. The mysterious moon sneered and said coldly.

"Oh? You and he are just ordinary friends. If you are just an ordinary friend, why did you visit her late tonight? Is there any secret between you that I can't know? The mysterious distant eyes were cold again, and a huge, monster-like shadow also stretched out dozens of minions from behind him. On those dozens of minions, countless souls are constantly entangled, hovering and roaring like ghosts, but they can't get super birth.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to be seen through by my father. Yes, I have something to ask him. But I just asked him to send a superstition to save my sister to Jing Wushuang. That's all. As for other things, I don't know. The underworld Xuanyue shook her sleeves and said coldly again, even feeling disgusted with the name Wang Yue.

"Well, you are really like your sister, the cooked duck has a hard mouth! But it doesn't matter. I was the same as you when I was young. But I'm here today to tell you. You can against anyone, but you can't against your father. Especially for your marriage, you must follow my arrangement and absolutely can't make a decision. Otherwise, your end will be the same as your sister. After saying that, the underworld shook his sleeves and left the boudoir of the underworld and walked far away.

"Uh..." Although she is her father, the pressure of the heavenly realm is not something that her little spiritual platform hegemon can resist, especially the pressure of the virtual shadow behind the deep darkness. Just a little bit is enough to crush the dark moon half to death. However, what Nether Xuanyue is most worried about now is not her own comfort, but Wang Yue's current situation.