Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 153 Fight against yourself

Chapter 153 Battle with yourself

I didn't expect that there was a blessed place for cultivation. Wang Yue practiced here, and his whole body had a sense of relaxation, especially listening to the slowly flowing river in his ear. The emotion in his heart also broke out like a flood, and more Zhenyuan power began to empty the spiritual power of the three cyclones in Wang Yue's body and began to condense. Then a trace of Zhenyuan's power independently formed the essence of martial arts under Wang Yue's perception. The essence of these martial arts finally entered the spiritual platform, forming a more solid, halo-wound entity. At the same time, the cyclone under the spiritual platform also showed signs of contraction, as if it had become an oval object bulging on the spiritual platform.

"Kkaka..." With the contraction of the cyclone in Wang Yue's body, a more solid cyclone was created, and the long-standing cyclone was completely replaced. This newly formed cyclone does not exist independently, but rests on the spiritual platform in Wang Yue's body. At the same time, the other three cyclones under the spiritual platform also began to transform one after another.

"Wow!" After Wang Yue digested the spiritual power in his body, his whole body seemed to have become much easier. The originally extremely disordered spiritual power fluctuation gradually calmed down, and the spiritual power slowly flowing in the meridians also became much more solid, which made Wang Yue's strength suddenly climb from the middle of the spiritual platform to the sixfold of the spiritual platform. As long as Wang Yue condenses a little more, he can reach the peak of the middle period of Guiyuan. At that time, the cyclone in his body will begin to contract completely, and the real white city will be an inverted trapezoid platform.

"Brother Wang Yue, I didn't expect your strength to improve a lot. Now we can go." Just after Wang Yue opened his eyes, Jing Wushuang reminded him very kindly.

"Hm, brother, I'm fine. But there is something I don't seem to understand. As he walked, Wang Yue asked.

"Ha ha, do you want to ask me why I haven't seen a spirit beast in this small world, right?" Jing Wushuang seemed to say with a smile after feeling Wang Yue's words.

"Hmm. Normally, the more spiritual power is, the more spiritual beasts will be, even more powerful than other places. However, there are only these trees full of aura and moisture, and no spiritual beasts have been seen. That's why I feel strange." Wang Yue asked strangely.

"Ha ha, in fact, this is just a small middle world. Everything here is just what you can imagine. So this small world actually exists and does not exist. After listening to Wang Yue's words, Jing Wushuang suddenly said something that made Wang Yue a little confused.

What does this mean? What does it mean to exist and not exist? Wang Yue asked doubtfully.

"The scenery in this small world is imagined by you. That is to say, what the small world you imagine looks like. What does this small world look like? This is existence. But if there is another person, the world he sees is different. So in his sight, your world does not exist. Do you understand?" Jing Wushuang said with a smile.

After hearing what Jing Wushuang said, Wang Yue nodded thoughtfully, and the two continued to walk into this small world.

is different from other small worlds full of disputes. This small world is particularly quiet. There is nothing Wang Yue is worried about. Instead, it also allows him to see many things in the past. For example, some friends he knew before, some battles he had experienced, and even battles of life and death. These scenes have benefited him a lot, and even many new experiences have emerged in his mind. This is Wang Yue's accumulation of experience.

When martial arts experience slowly accumulates, it can form fragments of the true meaning of martial arts, so as to understand the supreme martial arts realm and thus generate a general trend. This is what the hegemon of the original realm should know. Therefore, from the spiritual realm to the Guiyuan realm, martial artists should not only condense their own martial arts embryos, but also condense the fragments of the true meaning of martial arts. At that time, the aura in Wang Yue's body will form its own trajectory according to the attraction of the fragments of the true meaning of martial arts, become the power of Zhenyuan, become the essence of martial arts, and finally improve the fragments of the true meaning of martial arts little by little.

When the fragments of the true meaning of martial arts are completely repaired and become a true meaning of martial arts, plus the soul of martial arts, warriors can advance to heaven and people to communicate with heaven with the true meaning of martial arts. At that time, the martial artist really became a strong man in martial arts and a hegemonic figure on the mainland.

I didn't know how far I had gone, and a fiery red gate finally appeared in front of Wang Yue's eyes. This gate is not only extremely tall, but also extremely heavy. When Wang Yue entered the gate, a warrior exactly like Wang Yue came out of it. Except for his slightly blurred face, the warrior is almost exactly the same as Wang Yue.

"Wang Yue, what is in front of you now is you in the past. Only by defeating him can you pass the door of the folding fan test. Obviously, Jing Wushuang also saw the gate, disappeared in front of Wang Yue, and left Wang Yue's sight with his replicas.

"I'm offended!" The replica seems to be more polite. After Wang Yue just stood firm, the replica jumped up from the spot like an eagle and punched Wang Yue. Originally, his ordinary body looked fragile, but in fact it contained a strong explosive power, which can be said to have reached the best state of Wang Yue's current strength.

"Bang!" The two fists collided in the air, forming a collision of spiritual power in the air. Suddenly, sparks splashed a large area of air were completely melted, and even the air became distorted to an unbearable level.

"The flames are blazing!" The replica first played a powerful martial arts skill. With this punch, a wave of flames also rolled up and began to pat Wang Yue's body. The places where the flames are buried are all fiery red scenes.

"The flames are blazing!" Wang Yue knew that now he could not retreat. Once he retreated, he would fall into a passive situation. Not only could he not defeat the other party, but he might also be killed by the other party here. Thinking of this, Wang Yue also punched, and countless flames bombarded his arm like a big river.

Two river-like flames collided in mid-air, forming a wave of flames in the air. All the flames where the tide splashed began to splash, unexpectedly causing the illusion that Wang Yue had just seen to collapse, showing the appearance of a rough cave.

"The sky collapsed!" Wang Yue took a direct step and bombarded his fist without hesitation. This punch concentrated all the strength in his body. Now Wang Yue should not only compare speed with this replica, but also compare strength and spiritual power with this replica. In short, he wants to go beyond this replica in everything and make him invisible.

"Bum!" The two fists bombarded each other, and the two khaki spiritual forces actually formed two air masks, making Wang Yue and the replica's fists hit one point. The collision of power made both of them blown up. However, the replica still stood up one step faster. His figure suddenly flashed, and a white cloud exploded, flashed to Wang Yue's side and punched Wang Yue directly.

Wang Yue's body rolled violently and could avoid this punch. The replica punched the ground and abruptly hit a big hole in the ground. The ground collapsed, the big hole was blown out, and cracks began to slowly appear.

"Flying sand!" However, after Wang Yue dodged this punch, his whole body rebounded from the ground, and one leg was barbed out like a sickle. It was cold, and a glacier was kicked out of Wang Yue's leg. The cold air froze the land, and even the sky and the ground became ice cubes and began to break.

"Kkakakaka..." The cold air suddenly wrapped the replica, and his body began to freeze into ice. The copy seems to have been sealed by Wang Yue. It can be seen that Wang Yue's move has exerted all his strength.

"Rebirth in the fire!" Just as Wang Yue was ready to punch the ice cubes to kill the replica in the ice cubes, the replica could display the flame knife method without a flame knife. Although there is no real knife in his hand, there is an object like a flame knife.

In the blink of an eye, the firelight splashed everywhere, and a large piece of ice was directly shattered by the replica, and the replica jumped out directly from inside, shooting at Wang Yue like a fire phoenix reborn in the fire. Because it is completely a replica composed of flame spiritual power, this replicator's mastery of fire attribute martial arts can be said to be amazing, and even Wang Yue is difficult to compare with him.

"It's really tricky!" Wang Yue suddenly thought of his ground fire, and he was also reborn. In his hand was a flaming knife with wings. The flaming knife trembled violently, and the bloody wings on it also stretched out, as if they had grown behind Wang Yue's back, making Wang Yue's speed and strength soar a little again, faintly surpassing the replica.

"Boom!" This time, the two's martial arts skills collided in mid-air again. Although the replica is a little more powerful than Wang Yue in martial arts and spiritual power, Wang Yue also stabilizes the replica in speed and strength. More importantly, the flame knife in Wang Yue's hand is not virtual energy, but more solid than the spiritual knife in the copy's hand. The two collided, and the advantages and disadvantages immediately appeared.

"Wo!" Wang Yue's knife directly cut off the flame knife in the hand of the replica and directly passed through the replica with the roaring wind. The replica was split in half by Wang Yue's flaming knife. However, this replica did not die, but counterattacked one step ahead of Wang Yue.

"What, how is this possible?" Wang Yue could see that a fire was also exposed on the body of the replica. His knife seems casual, but it contains an extremely mysterious truth. At the same time, the essence of martial arts turned into rings one by one, wrapping the flame knife and stabbing Wang Yue's body directly.

"Fly fire through the needle!" This is another martial art that Wang Yue likes. There is a strong murderous atmosphere in the martial arts, and the flames are splashed everywhere, and the sky seems to be covered with flames. When the ground fire burned, Wang Yue could feel that his whole body would be frozen by the east, and all his spiritual power would be absorbed by the local martial arts.

"It's not good. This copy obviously sorts out and absorbs many truths I have learned before me, and has become a more powerful existence than me. If I still keep the previous water products, I'm afraid it's me, not him, who died here today. Seeing the martial arts of the replica, Wang Yue finally felt a sense of great disaster. Only then did he know that this replica not only inherited his strength, but also had many experiences and memories. However, these inheritances were only until Wang Yue reached this export. If Wang Yue can understand something new, there may be hope of defeat into victory.

"That's another breakthrough!" Wang Yue suddenly came up with a better way.

The other party is obviously equal to his own strength and is completely imitated by himself. However, the other party is completely made of flames, and each punch has a large amount of fire attribute spiritual power, which is almost unmatched. Now Wang Yue not only uses the spiritual power of fire, but also needs to make the blood color spiritual power.

"Blood!" Wang Yue's momentum has risen steadily, and he has reached the strength of the hegemon in the middle of the original realm, which is directly higher than the current replica realm.

However, before Wang Yue could laugh, the other party's martial arts skills were ready to be completed. It's also bloodshed. However, Wang Yue burns blood spiritual power, while the other party burns fire spiritual power. At this time, the strength of the replica has also been upgraded to the same level as Wang Yue.

"Master, this amazing emperor is very powerful. It is said that he will be the power of the law of heaven and earth all night in the future. So all your previous information is also given to this copy, which naturally includes this method of leaping the level to kill the enemy. However, the other party did not really use the blood flow, but directly absorbed the spiritual power to improve the realm. It's just simulation. If the master really wants to defeat him, he needs to understand something new. Just when Wang Yue was a little careless, the ice ancestor suddenly reminded him.

"New things." Wang Yue was slightly distracted and saw the other party dragging the fiery red track directly, turning into a red light and rushing directly. Wang Yue, who completely surpassed the speed of the replica, punched Wang Yue.

"Yes, the spiritual core of the earth fire lizard beast!" This replica punched Wang Yue in the heart, making Wang Yue suddenly feel the beating of a powerful force. The flame on the fist of this replica was absorbed by part of the spiritual power in his body, and the power was reduced a little.

"Give me a suck!" Wang Yue suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. He directly grabbed the fist of the replica, and a fire penetrated out of his heart and directly melted the fist of the replica. Then, the flame suddenly sucked into it, and the whole replica's body suddenly seemed to shrink a lot. It was directly sucked into the spirit beast of the fire lizard and disappeared.

"You can die this time." Wang Yue saw that the size of the replica was only one-fifth of the original, and directly punched him. The replica was completely blown up and transmitted by the array.

However, as soon as he went out, he saw that Jing Wushuang had been waiting outside. It seemed that he had appeared for a while than Wang Yue.

"Brother Wang Yue, how do you feel? Have you made a breakthrough?" Jing Wushuang asked expectantly.

"It's okay. In fact, there is no breakthrough or anything. I just understand something that I haven't experienced before. Let's go." Wang Yue couldn't help hanging on his face when he thought of his embarrassed appearance just now. However, Jing Wushuang didn't seem to notice these at all and took Wang Yue into a whirlpool door.

"Master, this Jing Wushuang is really unfathomable. I feel that there seems to be a powerful soul in him. In addition, he knows more about this place than a core disciple of an ordinary sect. Even if an elder has instructed him before, it is impossible for him to know so much and be so well prepared. Just as Wang Yue and Jing Wushuang began to walk into the fourth whirlpool, the ice ancestor suddenly reminded him.

"It's the same. This time, Jing Wushuang's preparation was so rich that almost all the situations were guessed by him, and there was no omission at all. If I guess correctly, he must have been reincarnated as a great man. Then my big man has been here before, so he also knows it very well. Wang Yue also guessed.

"But who is he?" Wang Yue only had a little discussion with the ice ancestor in his heart, and then focused on what would happen next.

"Brother Wang Yue, this world is a miniature Tianlong continent, so he is a country of human warriors. It's just that there are only martial artists below the realm of heaven and man in this country. As for the warriors in the heavenly realm, there is almost no one. Even if there is, it is only a few. Only after the tenth small world will we see the warriors who transcend the realm of heaven and man.

After the two entered the whirlpool passage, they appeared in front of a huge city. This city is ten meters in size, and the high wall is dozens of meters high. The doorman guard at the gate is the hegemon of the spiritual platform, and several hegemons on the city wall are also majestic and powerful enough to deter every warrior entering the city.

"You two, wait. Didn't you see that you have to pay the entrance fee to enter the city!" Just as Wang Yue and Jing Wushuang were preparing to follow the flow of people into the city, a spiritual platform hegemon suddenly shouted to Wang Yue and Jing Wushuang.

"Oh? Then why did those people go in without paying the city entrance fee? Jing Wushuang pointed to the large number of convoys in front of him and asked strangely.

Those are the caravans of Tianbao Commercial Bank. Their people can enjoy privileges, but you can't. I advise you to pay the money obediently. Look, you are not poor. Don't you have a hundred taels of gold to enter the city!"