Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 223 Bloody River

Chapter 223 Bloody River

"What! How could there be such a thing?" Wang Yue felt that he was stupid. He didn't expect that the Blood Demon Emperor could refine a martial artist into a small world. He has never thought of such a thing. For him, the emperor is a supreme existence. Since ancient times, no one has been able to break the shackles of the emperor, let alone refine the emperor into an independent small world. Such a magical power is undoubtedly a genius.

"Rumble..." Emperor Litian stood up from the ground and began to walk towards somewhere. Just after his appearance, countless demon warriors suddenly appeared behind him, and the number had reached tens of thousands, and even martial artists in the virtual world were among them. It's just that the warriors who rush to the virtual world have been rushing to the front, and almost no one dares to stop them.

"Boom!" At this time, the giant's body immediately stopped, and his big hands stretched out to support the whole sky. Countless blood is flowing in the sky, and the originally clear blue sky has also turned into a pale blue evil color.

"This is the cave of the Blood Demon Emperor. We rushed in and there may be some treasure. At that time, the Blood Demon Emperor must have a lot of peerless martial arts in it. The giant's mouth opened to reveal a huge passage. At this time, the warriors who saw this passage seemed to be crazy and poured in crazily into the passage.

"Dare to stop Tong Tong to die in front of me!" At this time, the demon warriors who rushed to the virtual world had taken the lead in coming to the entrance. Some demon warriors are very rational and do not act rashly, but there are still some warriors who can't help rushing in directly. You should know that this is the first time the blood demon emperor's treasure is opened. There must be thousands of treasures in it. If you don't go in, it will definitely be a loss. So just as they rushed in, many warriors began to have fierce collisions at the entrance of the cave, and even some warriors were directly killed by the more powerful warriors behind them. For a while, the blood flowed into a river.

"Go in and loot the treasure inside!" At this time, many demon warriors had already arrived at the entrance of the treasure of the Blood Demon Emperor and entered it directly without looking back. However, they felt something was wrong as soon as they entered. Because they did not enter the entrance of the treasure at all, but into the mouth of Emperor Litian.

"Creeching, poof..." "Ah, ah, I don't want to die..." With a crisp chewing sound, and many warriors' life-saving shouts, all the warriors who entered the mouth of the cave were bitten by the mouth of the Litian Emperor, and even several Venerable people who rushed to the virtual world could not escape. For a moment, there were bursts of heartbreaking shouts, howls, and even screams of unwillingness to die. But there are more demon warriors who have been crushed by the remaining body of the Litian Emperor before they can scream.

"I can't get in!" At this time, many demon warriors who still wanted to enter the cave stopped and stopped abruptly outside the mouth of the Litian Emperor. If it hadn't been for the sudden death of those warriors just now, they would have rushed into it as soon as possible. But now that the warrior in front of him is dead, the warrior behind him has to stop and think about it.

"Hahahaha, you poor people. I didn't expect you to dare to enter like this. I really think you are so timid. I can tell you that at least a few of the warriors who have entered my cave just now may get a lot of benefits. Not everyone will die here. Only those fast warriors can pass, and the slow will naturally be eliminated. Do you still have unrequited love to try? Just as all the warriors were indecisive, the voice of the Blood Demon Emperor came from the body of the Litian Emperor and said.

"What, will there be such a thing?" A warrior shouted outside.

"The eldest brother of our sect actually entered it. This is the evidence that our brother is alive!" Because the demon warriors are very strong, their survival signals are usually very obvious. Now they reflect their survival signal on the token of their brother's sect to protect the genius disciples, and the token is in them, and the location of this token is really in the cave of the Blood Demon Emperor, which proves that this cave can be passed.

"Fight, it's a big deal. If I can rush in, I'm afraid I will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future. Many warriors looked at the cave of the Blood Demon Emperor and suddenly rushed into the mouth of the Litian Emperor without calculating the consequences. At this time, they all used self-harm or the secret of longevity. In a moment, you can see countless rays of light shooting into the mouth of the Litian Emperor from other directions, and many warriors have entered it one after another. This time, it seems that more demon warriors have arrived in the cave of the Blood Demon Emperor, and an influence appeared on the body of the earth, telling the martial artists outside that this cave can completely enter it.

"The last time, only 5% of the warriors entered, but this time it was as high as 78%. It seems that the warriors who died are just rubbish. I'm not rubbish. I must be the first to rush in the next time the Litian Emperor opens his mouth. Many demon warriors are also eager to try.

Although there were still many warriors who were bitten to death by the mouth of Emperor Litian at this time, the martial artists outside already knew that the cave was completely accessible, so their fear in their hearts was relieved a lot. For a while, the number of warriors who wanted to enter the cave increased again. However, after the number of people increased, the number of dead warriors increased to a certain number.

The longer it takes, the more these warriors understand a truth. That's why this cave is sometimes difficult for even warriors to pass through the virtual realm.

It turns out that the mouth of the Litian Emperor can be timed. When the first warrior passes through, time begins to count down. When the time reaches a certain level, the mouth of Emperor Litian will close on time. Although the speed of the warrior in the virtual world is very fast, he is lagging behind in entering the time and can't escape death. If the first warrior enters, even if the speed is a little slower, he has the most time and has a chance to pass.

After these were connected, the disciples of a large sect immediately gathered and surrounded the whole cave of the Blood Demon Emperor, preventing some other small sects, or even disciples of the sect, from entering. In this way, they enter more and more regularly, so the number of deaths is getting smaller and smaller. Until all the disciples of the big sect entered, there were only Wang Yue's group of warriors in the small sect.

"It's our turn, let's go!" Wang Yue saw that the time was just right, so he took the magic star to the outside of Litian Emperor's mouth to wait for the opportunity. But at this time, some warriors who cleared the field came towards Wang Yue. Wang Yue saw that the other party was just four warriors in the middle and later stages of the divine wandering world, and there was not even a half-step warrior who rushed to the virtual world, and there was no fear at all.

"You two human warriors had better roll aside for us. Otherwise, I will definitely kill you. I don't want us to say it again." One of the warriors at the peak of the later period of the Yuan Dynasty said fiercely to Wang Yue.

Is that right? In this case, let's go!" Wang Yue sneered and turned around and wanted to leave. However, when he turned around, he suddenly pulled out the flame knife from his pocket and stabbed it directly into the body of the demon warrior. Blood spewed out from the body of the demon warrior and was absorbed by the flame knife.

"Blood! Fire dragon drill!" Wang Yue's speed did not decrease in the middle, and he directly turned into a blood dragon and rushed over. Behind him is the magic star.

"Meteor burning!" The magic star also used secrets, and its strength was directly promoted to the edge of the virtual world. Both he and Wang Yue rushed to the edge of the mouth of the earth in a time. At this time, Emperor Litian opened his mouth and the two of them got in at the same time.

As soon as he entered it, he felt a strong smell of blood inside. Wang Yue immediately operated the blood demon method, and the bloody smell disappeared directly. Even the magic star received a lot of benefits from Wang Yue's side. However, other martial artists will not be able to reduce the impact of the strong smell of blood on themselves. For a while, the speed of more warriors slowed down.

flashed away, and Wang Yue felt that it had been a year since he passed through the mouth of the Litian Emperor. But in the past, he knew that this was not a year but less than a breath. As a result, more than 50% of the warriors died in it, and Wang Yue and Magic Star actually rushed into the safe passage.

"Go through this channel." Wang Yue naturally has a special feeling about this blood demon emperor cave because he has practiced the Blood Demon Dafa. After he entered the safe passage and saw countless spider king-like passages, he immediately picked out one from it and went in with the magic star. After many demon warriors came in, a new fight began.

"Whew..." Not long after Wang Yue walked into this passage, two blood demon warriors flew out from blood vessels like blood. Each of these blood demon warriors is the strength of the early stage of the divine journey. Although their realm is very low, every time they appear, they are a hard blow, leaving no way for themselves to live at all.

"Ah!" At this time, a warrior in front of him was directly penetrated by a blood demon warrior. The body of this warrior was completely eaten by the blood demon warrior. After killing the demon warrior, the strength of the blood demon warrior increased and soon integrated into the ground for ambush, ready to find the next opportunity.

Just after the first batch of demon warriors passed, several blood demon warriors have flown out from all directions from the walls of blood vessels as thick as blood vessels. Some of the blood demon warriors were killed by the demon warriors, and some of the demon warriors who killed grew up and returned to the depths of the cave for digestion. But more blood demon warriors still returned empty-handed. However, they did not leave immediately, but silently lurked, waiting for more warriors to pass by and kill them to gain a chance to grow up.

It can be said that here, it is either the death of the blood demon warrior or the death of the passing warrior. Therefore, once you enter the channel, even the warriors with poor relations will not have conflicts. Because here, no matter how their relationship is investigated, there are blood demon warriors who are more threatening to them who will unexpectedly kill them from many places. At this time, what they have to do is to keep themselves from being killed by these blood demon warriors.

"Wh..." By the time Wang Yue's group of warriors passed, the number of blood demon warriors had increased to hundreds. These blood demon warriors are all from other places and feel that the warriors have gathered one after another.

"The devil swallows the world!" Wang Yue stabbed directly into the body of a blood demon warrior with one hand, and the flame knife in the other hand also cut down a blood demon warrior and sucked him into his body. Wang Yue has only now found that the blood demon spirit contained in the body of the blood demon warrior is several times stronger than those blood warriors. Only devouring the spiritual power of the two blood demon warriors, Wang Yue felt a trace of improvement in strength. Such a change is simply impossible at ordinary times.

You should know that after entering the divine world, the martial artist's body begins to develop in the direction of the fairy body. At this time, the martial arts practice speed is the slowest. I'm afraid that some martial artists can only die here even if they practice for hundreds of years. When it comes to the virtual world, you can truly break through the limitations of the mortal body and become a fairy body. When it comes to the holy martial arts, it is the fairy body, and the strength of the body can even be baptized by thunderstorm, reaching an incredible level. At that time, the power of the pure body alone could blow up the top spiritual weapon, even the half-way weapon.

"Master, although there are many blood demon warriors here, they are all of very low grades. I think there will definitely be more powerful blood warriors and even more wealth treasures in it. As long as we get some of them, we will develop. The ice ancestor was also extremely excited to see Wang Yue's strength improving so fast. Because he overdrawn some of his soul power speculations, he got a conclusion that made him extremely excited. That is, Wang Yue can get a lot of wealth here, and even he will benefit a lot.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you." Wang Yue nodded.

"Magic Star Brother. I know that a place should have great wealth. Come with me." Wang Yue drilled into a bloody passage that looked very desolate in a place with more dense intersections. Although the magic star was a little suspicious, it still followed.

"Master, this should be the place where the Blood Demon Emperor stores the elixir. I think he has refined so many warriors, and there will definitely be a lot of vicious elixir. As long as we get the blood elixir, we are not afraid to use the bloodless magic flow. At that time, we can upgrade the bloodshed. Gagaga..." The ice soul ancestor once had some festivals with the Blood Demon Emperor, and even sneaked into his cave. Naturally, he had some understanding of the Blood Demon Emperor. Otherwise, even if the emperor enters the cave of other emperors, he will not be able to please him. It can be seen that the original ice ancestor still had some scheming and talented intelligence.

"Hmm!" Wang Yue nodded and saw a cave drilled directly in. As soon as he got over, he saw a river of blood flowing slowly in front of him. The extremely strong smell of blood also kept filling out of the river of blood.

This blood is extremely wide, no different from ordinary rivers, several kilometers long and hundreds of meters wide. In the bloody river, countless bloody beasts keep jumping and rolling, and even fighting with each other, creating new changes.

"Hm?" Just as Wang Yue came here, he felt that his body seemed to have some kind of sensation, as if there was something in the bloody river. He could feel that there should be some treasure there. But this treasure made him indistinguishable.

"Wang Yue!" It was too late to see Wang Yue jump into the bloody river to stop it. He knows very well that there are countless undead grievances in this bloody river. Ordinary warriors, not to mention jumping into it, even if they are close, they will be infected by the resentment inside. Those who are slightly weak will lose their minds, jump into it, and become purulent and die in it. However, after this period of contact with Wang Yue, he knew that Wang Yue looked only in the early stage of the divine world, but he was extremely talented. He did not think that Wang Yue would be infected by these grievances so easily.

"Boom, boom, boom..." After Wang Yue entered the blood river, the blood demon method in his body actually worked crazily, giving him a refreshing feeling. At the same time, the power of the blood demon method is also constantly improving.

The first layer, the second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer, the fifth layer, the sixth layer, and the blood demon method stopped. At the same time, some strange tricks also emerged in Wang Yue's mind.

"The blood keeps bleeding!" A sea of blood!"

Wang Yue saw that the flame knife in his hand turned into a long needle and stabbed directly into the enemy's body. After being stabbed by this needle, a large area of dark black things suddenly flowed out from the bloody needle. These dark things entered the enemy's body and immediately destroyed his body, making his wounds never recoverable, and the blood flowed into a river.

The second move is even more powerful.

Wang Yue showed up, and the bloody beam of light rotated out of his body. Each pillar of light is like him. As long as it touches the enemy, the blood-colored pillar of light will become his appearance to fight against the enemy. Almost every bloody beam of light inherits Wang Yue's strength, and his martial arts skills are almost vivid, reaching more than 50% of Wang Yue's strength.

Of course, although these two martial arts are powerful, they are also very consuming. Each consumption is enough for an ordinary hegemon to advance directly to the realm of heaven and man.