Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 230 Epiphany

Chapter 230 Epiphany

"Brother Wang Yue, my sister is out." The underworld full moon was very simple and kind, and directly dragged the underworld moon and ran out of the room. The dark moon was ruddy and did not dare to resist. She was afraid of hurting the full moon, but she came out.

"Wang Yue, you're here!" The mysterious moon said with a smile.

"Hmm." Wang Yue nodded. Although Wang Yue and Ghost Xuanyue didn't say anything, the hearts of the two seemed to establish a connection between them, connecting their hearts. At this time, Li Delong quietly took away the ghost full moon, leaving only Wang Yue and the underworld Xuanyue sitting in the yard and recalling some past events.

In the morning, the portrait in the yard came to my face, and the birds kept singing happily. Life these days is a happy experience for Wang Yue and the mysterious moon.

However, no matter how beautiful the memories are, they will eventually face separation. After Wang Yue and the ghost Xuanyue exchanged each other's soul imprint, they separated from each other. Next, the place Wang Yue will go to is Shangqiu.

After King Yue did not stay in Shangqiu for a few days, returned the empty teeth to Li Tianling and gave them a lot of resources to prepare for the demon attack, Wang Yue left Shangqiu and returned to Luo Tianzong. As soon as he entered Luo Tianzong, he saw that Luo Ziheng was already waiting for him at the door. Wang Yue knew very well that Kaitian's ancestor must have looked for him.

So, Wang Yue followed Luo Ziheng to the depths of Luo Tiangong. There, in addition to Kaitian ancestor, there are other elders of Luo Tianzong. In addition to the warriors who travel in the divine realm, there are also several Taishang ancestors who rushed to the virtual realm.

"Wang Yue, you are here! You sit in that empty seat." Kaitian Laozu looked at Wang Yue and said with a smile.

"Yes." Wang Yue nodded. He looked around and didn't see Li Chao, which made him a little strange.

"I think many people will wonder why I called you here." Kaitian Laozu said with a smile.

"I have something to announce to you when I summon you. The first thing I just want to tell you is that three disciples in our Luo Tianzong have been promoted to Taishang Elder. This is a great happy event since Luo Tianzong came to Chuyun. The three elders are Wang Yue, Li Deguang and Luo Ziheng. Now these three disciples come to receive the reward of the sect. Kaitian Laozu said with great admiration.

"Disciple takes the order." After saying that, three disciples of Luo Tianzong came up from the stage.

After Kaitian ancestor sent them three tokens representing the ancestors on the stage, he gave them all the religious rewards. Many elders also stood up together to congratulate them. The whole scene can be said to be very Zhuangzong and majestic, showing the importance of the elders to the sect. After that, Wang Yue and others returned to listen to Kaitian Laozu's second thing.

"After saying good things, you have to say bad things." Kaitian Laozu said with a slightly sad expression.

"Actually, this matter has something to do with a disciple of Luo Tianzong. I won't say who he is for the time being. Let's talk about some rumors about him.

"It is said that millions of years ago, a soul demon was born between heaven and earth. This soul demon is abnormally physique and can absorb all the resentment between heaven and earth for his own use. Especially in the demon world, everywhere is full of killing, betrayal and distrust. He is growing faster and faster. Finally, one day, he formed his own demon sect, called Wanmo sect.

"In the demon world, sects are everywhere. Some small sects may be eradicated and replaced by other sects or warriors in less than a year. Therefore, no one in the demon world cares about the existence of the Demon Sect. However, with the passage of time, the development of Wanmo Sect has become bigger and bigger, even reaching an incalculable level. So Wanmo Sect established its own kingdom of Wanmo.

"The status of the Kingdom of Demons in the demon world is getting bigger and bigger, and has even occupied a small world, a middle world, and most of the last big world has the territory of the Demon Kingdom. At this time, the founder of the Kingdom of Demons, began to attack other big worlds. So his territory became bigger and bigger, and finally it reached an unstoppable level, even threatening the divine world's control of 3,000 worlds. Therefore, the divine world punished all demons. After about 100 years of war, Wan Mo and his people were directly beaten to hell by the divine world.

"But Wanmo will not give up at all. Almost every 100,000 years, it will break out once in a shorter time. Now it has come to a cycle for all demons to break through hell. But this time his method has never been done before.

"Speaking of this, let's talk about another invincible power in the divine world, the golden sword master. The golden sword man used to be just an ordinary god in the divine world and had no status. However, when he fought against all demons in the divine world, he participated in it and won many achievements. Without his appearance, I'm afraid that the war against demons will need to be delayed for decades or even more.

"Since that expedition, the senior officials of the divine world have paid attention to the golden sword master and let him take charge of the key to the gate of hell. However, he has become the target of the hell demon clan and has never stopped for millions of years.

"The gods in the divine world have their own splits. They will exile their splits to various worlds for cultivation and feedback their experience to the ontology. So a martial artist around us is likely to be the split of a big man. It happens that Li Chao belongs to this category. He is the split of the golden sword.

"The last time the demon clan, the blood clan, and the scale armor clan united to rob our Luo Tianzong, one was to find the clue of a legend that had been circulating for a long time in the past. The other is that they want to take Li Chao away and make a key with his body to open the door of hell. Now that Li Chao has been captured by Wanmo, the door of hell will soon be opened. At that time, their Tianlong continent will bear the brunt of becoming the continent captured by the demon world. Kaitian Laozu frowned and said.

"I gathered all the elders this time to find a way to help Luo Tianzong in the crisis in this disaster. I don't know what the opinions of many elders have!" Kaitian's ancestor spoke out and played the role of throwing bricks to attract jade.

"I have a good idea. Our Luo Tianzong's Luo Tian Palace itself is a top-quality Taoist instrument. His big role is not used to live, but to rehearse the formation. If there is a great disaster in the future, arranging the disciples of all our sects in the Luotian Palace to stimulate the arrays can bring together the strength of our whole sect. In this way, we will get more vitality."

"Well, this proposal is very good. Do you have any other suggestions?" Kaitian Laozu asked with a smile.

"Ancestor, I also have a suggestion. Our Luo Tiangong was once infinitely close to the level of artifacts. If we can spend some resources and even invest heavily in the restoration of Luotian Palace, will our Luotian Palace restore its former glory?" Another elder stood up and said.

"Well, this suggestion is also very good. OK, do you have any other suggestions?" Although Kaitian's ancestor is a holy martial artist, he has never shown any dissatisfaction in listening to opinions. Even if this opinion is not very good, it is normal. He will listen carefully.

About two days and two nights later, Kaitian Laozu gathered all his opinions and figured out the key. Finally, he discussed these opinions separately, listed some of the best and implementable plans, selected the most implementable plans to be completed first, and then carried out those that were likely to be completed. Among them, the rehearsal array is one of them, as well as the restoration of Luo Tiangong, the cultivation of some ancient martial arts, and the cultivation of some arrays are the top priority. In the end, it happened to Wang Yue.

"Guys, now that Luo Tianzong's fate has come to this point, there is also a very key figure, and I want to talk to you. This character is Wang Yue. Please invite the elder Wang Yue to the hall. Kaitian Laozu said lightly.

"Disciples are here." Wang Yue, like a floating cloud in his seat, exploded directly and came to everyone almost in the blink of an eye. The whole process was dazzling even for those venerable people who rushed to the virtual world.

"What did you see?" Kaitian Laozu looked at the many elders below and said with a smile.

"Master, I saw the shadow of Jiuyan's magic formula." An elder stood up and said.

"Jiuyan Fantasy Heavenly Secret! This is a skill created by the master of the first suzerain. Later, Luo Tian, the first suzerain, created a thousand handprints. Since then, Luo Tianzong has become the most powerful skill on Tianlong Continent. Unfortunately, these two sets of skills have been lost now. I don't know how the elder Wang Yue learned it!" An elder Tais stood up and asked.

"Okay, don't be in such a hurry. Now let Elder Wang Yue explain it to us one by one." Kaitian Laozu paused and handed over the right to speak to Wang Yue. Although he is also the elder of Luo Tianzong, he has never seen Jiuyan's magic formula. In fact, he is also very curious.

"Disciples obey!" Wang Yue stood on the stage and began to talk about some of his own things.

From the time Wang Yue was born, his mother was struck by lightning. After that, he became mentally retarded at birth and even became a loser in the family and was laughed at by the disciples of all the family. His father went deep into the frost forest to find a solution and finally went home.

Since then, he has been bullied by some direct descendants in the family, and even almost removed his parents' cards from the ancestral temple. But at this moment, an earth-shaking change suddenly occurred in his mind. That is, a picture suddenly appeared in Wang Yue's mind. It is precisely because of the appearance of this picture that his comprehension ability has been improved a hundred times. From not being able to understand skills at all before, he has almost a very fast understanding of skills and martial arts. Ordinary skills and martial arts will double or even more in his hands.

So with this advantage, he has experienced many adventures and accumulated a lot of wealth. After that, he began to understand his martial arts and entered Luo Tianzong. Because of Li Chao's exclusion, he entered the worst place to clean the hall. He was not discouraged. Suddenly, a good place was found, which was the mansion of the first patriarch.

Under the guidance of Tian Feng, Wang Yue began to gradually understand the painting on the wall of the living room of the first patriarch's mansion. After that, Tai began to slowly come to the essence of Daluo Qian's palms. He began to grow up and gradually surpassed the young people of the same strength as himself to become a leader. So there was the first place in the outer disciple advancement competition.

After that, he began to pursue a more crazy way of cultivation. Among them, it has also experienced many tests of death. Every time he can save danger and become auspicious, making his strength rise steadily. So there was a disaster in the sect. He wanted to protect the first suzerain's mansion, but when he came to the mansion, the painting suddenly changed into a paragraph of pictures and integrated into Wang Yue's mind, which made Wang Yue understand the nine-yan fantasy secret.

"Oh, so that's it. I didn't expect this son to be a dragon among people. An elder exclaimed.

"What, this son has been inherited by the first suzerain. It is said that the disciple who can practice the nine-yan magic formula is the leader of our Luo Tianzong. Listen to his orders in the sect..." An elder said inconceivably with his mouth wide open.

"It seems that our Luo Tianzong has finally survived in this Chuyun Kingdom." Another elder said excitedly with tears in his eyes.

In a word, in the Luotian Palace Hall, all kinds of discussions arose among the elders. It's not that these elders are too superficial, but that Jiuyan's magic formula is simply too important for Luo Tianzong, so they have to make so much discussion.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. The appearance of Jiuyan Fantasy Heavenly Secret in our Luo Tianzong is really worth celebrating. However, the first suzerain also said that when Jiuyan's magic formula appeared, it was the day when our Luo Tianzong disappeared. Although I'm not sure what he said means, I hope you can be fully prepared. As for Wang Yue, I want him to get more experience. In this way, he can really grow up and live up to the reputation of Jiuyan Fantasy Heavenly Secret as the first skill in the divine world. Kaitian Laozu's words immediately surprised Wang Yue.

Wang Yue also thought that Jiuyan's magic formula must be a powerful skill, but he never thought that Jiuyan's magic formula would be so powerful, far exceeding his expectations. However, these things are just a shock to him. Even if he practices the most powerful skills, if he doesn't have time, resources and luck, he is likely to died prematurely.

"Wang Yue, I will arrange for you to practice next. Until you become a holy warrior, I will let you return to Luo Tianzong to become the real leader of our Luo Tianzong. Would you like to?" Kaitian Laozu said.

"Of course I do." Wang Yue nodded. He is looking forward to becoming a strong man.

"Okay, tomorrow I will send you to many big worlds to complete various tasks. Unless you attack the demon clan or become a holy warrior, you will not let you come back. Kaitian Laozu said.

"Disciples understand!" Wang Yue nodded.

After that, Kaitian Laozu said a lot of things and assigned all the tasks to the end of this meeting. After many elders entered the small world where they rested in Luotian Palace, Luo Ziheng also took Wang Yue to the place where the ancestors of Kaitian rested.

"Wang Yue, I have something to tell you." Entering the small world of the ancestors, Wang Yue saw a vast ocean. There is nothing in the sea, only a clear blue sky overhead. In this small world, Wang Yue stands on a cloud and can see both the sky and the sound of the sea. Wang Yue knew that this should be the martial arts of Kaitian's ancestors. Is it to open up the world and enjoy loneliness alone?

"Disciple, I will definitely listen quietly." Wang Yue nodded and said.

"Ye." Kaitian's ancestor nodded with appreciation. He likes Wang Yue's calm personality very much. Unlike many geniuses, he doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth with a little achievement, as if the whole world is unique to him.

"Now there is a big disaster between heaven and earth. So you must grow up as the guardian of Luo Tianzong. Now let me pass on to you a memory entrusted to me by the first suzerain. In this way, you can better understand the magic formula of Jiuyan. Kaitian Laozu said lightly.

When Wang Yue nodded and agreed to Zhou, Kaitian Laozu gave a slight glance, and a beam of blue light slowly floated into Wang Yue's mind from his forehead into a small point. In an instant, Wang Yue felt that the sea under his feet seemed to suddenly begin to surge. The sea kept patting against each other, and the sound of waves was also rising one after another.

"When the heaven and earth first open, everything is chaotic, which is for the infinite; the intersection of yin and yang, the yin and yang two qi generate everything for Taiji; the Qing people rise to the sky, and the turbid ones sink to the earth, which are divided into east, south, west and north squares. Each side has a god guarded by the blue dragon in the east, the white tiger in the west, the south, the rosefinch in the north, and the Xuanwu in the north for the four elephants. ; Fuxi, a wise man, realized the mystery of the universe by the rise and fall of the sun and the moon..." Slowly, Wang Yue understood the meaning of nine.

Originally, the world was empty and chaotic, but first there were bastards, then yin and yang, and yin and yang produced everything. Nine is the ultimate of yin and yang. Therefore, many ordinary emperors will say that they are the supreme of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and they hope that their country can last for a long time.

"Rumble..." Wang Yue realized that the whirlpool in his body suddenly resonated, and even the whole Luotian Palace shook.