Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 257 Wang Yue's Destiny Enemy

Chapter 257 Wang Yue's Destiny Enemy

"Are you also the inheritor of the supreme?" Although Wang Yue had thought that such a thing would happen before, when it really happened, it still made Wang Yue somewhat overwhelmed. After all, he has predicted such a thing many times, but in the end it is just a hypothesis.

"Of course, when the infinite man was hunted down by the divine world, he actually had a lot of ideas. After all, he can't put all his hopes on one inheritor. Only by planting more hope can his ideas last, and I am a warrior in another big world, which is 108,000 miles away from your world. But what we inherit is the same. It's just that you are in the hometown of the supreme. Feng Tianxing smiled and said.

"How many inheritors like us are there?" Wang Yue had some details in his heart, so he asked again.

"There are about seven or eight. But I'm curious about you, and other inheritors are not as talkative as I am. And we are all here for the treasures of the supremes. After finding the treasure, few people can really survive. I don't know who will be the real winner in the end!" Feng Tianxing said with a sigh.

"Since you don't know about the future, don't think about it. Let's think about how we can cross the underworld. Wang Yue also sighed and said.

After crossing several soul rivers, they came to the underworld Tianhe. The Tianhe River in the underworld can be said to be like a vast ocean. It's just that this vast ocean cannot be formed by the world's sea, but a real galaxy ocean. It can be said that in the mortal world, the size of a big world may not be as big as the Tianhe of the underworld.

In the Tianhe River in the underworld, the smell of death flows everywhere, and the death mythical beast is said to be born from the Tianhe River in the underworld. So there are rules of death everywhere here, and the soul is also a special product born here.

"The world is so small. Hahaha..." Just as Wang Yue was preparing to enter the Tianhe River in the underworld, another character suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yue. Wang Yue fixed his eyes and saw that it was Li Chao, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Li Chao, weren't you captured by the demons? Why are you still here? Have you soared to the divine world?" After seeing Li Chao, Wang Yue also asked curiously. Because he still can't see Li Chao's current strength.

"I was captured by the hell demons. It's ridiculous. I just cooperated with the hell demon clan to catch the golden sword. Now I have the body of the golden sword, and my strength is far beyond your imagination. Wang Yue's hatred between us can finally end. Li Chao asked with a sneer.

"Feng Tianxing, you go first. I have an old friend here, so I won't accompany you to cross the heavenly river in the underworld. Remember to wait for me over there, and I will definitely catch up with you from behind. Wang Yue looked at Feng Tianxing and said.

"Hmm. Then you can catch up with your friends." Feng Tianxing saw that Li Chao was full of murder, and suddenly got into the Tianhe of the underworld and disappeared.

"Wang Yue, since I know that you are the inheritor of the infinite, I have also trained in hell, and then went to the underworld to find more powerful power. Now my purpose is to wait for your arrival in this underworld river. It seems that I didn't wait for nothing today. I know you are just a god king, and I have reached the god emperor. I don't know how many times stronger than you. Calculate it, now is also the time for us to understand. Li Chao's whole body was shocked, and the rules of death waved back and forth around Li Chao like black ribbons. These black ribbons are constantly entangled together to form a large net.

"Death cage!" Li Chao grabbed the palm of his hand, and a cage with countless death rules directly opened his mouth and bit Wang Yue. Before this big mouth bit Wang Yue's body, Wang Yue's soul felt a sense of death. In this death, Wang Yue felt as if he were wrapped in the breath of death, and countless thoughts of death began to enter Wang Yue's mind. Wang Yue's eyes changed, and a black world appeared. Throughout the world, there are illusions of death everywhere. Wang Yue didn't know where he went and who he met. In short, his mind was full of the shadow of death. However, Wang Yue knew very well that this was definitely not an ordinary fantasy, but a soul attack.

"The heavenly soul flies!" Wang Yue raised his hand and punched the sky. This punch hit hard on the rules of death, and countless rules of death turned into black crows flying away from this direction, freeing up a space for Wang Yue. Wang Yuegang wanted to escape from here and was surrounded by a group of black crows. Wang Yue always felt uncomfortable in this cage of death, as if he was going to die.

Below these death rules are death signals. Death signals are formed into a line to form a death symbol in the air. This is an ancient text, blooming with the gorgeous colors of death in the endless space of the universe. The gray breath of death flowed out of this ancient text, like a dying man.

But it is such an ancient text, which instantly becomes the size of a planet. The planet fell from Wang Yue's head and pressed directly on Wang Yue's soul with the dirty thoughts of death, evil, etc., burdening him with an extremely huge burden. It really pressed Wang Yue in like a cage.

"Ha ha ha, Wang Yue. At the beginning, you were a descendant of the infinite, and the sect was particularly kind to you, and even the old man of Kaitian's ancestor would give you special preferential treatment. So I thought of the Hell Demons. After all, I'm just a split of the Golden Sword. Since he wants to use me to control him, why can't I use you to control him? So there must be one between us who is going to die. In the end, because of the existence of the hell demon clan, only he can die.

"And today, I have been waiting for you here for many years. You finally flew to the divine world. Although you are still as strong as ever, in comparison, I am much luckier than you. I got the real law of death. So today is the day for you to die." Li Chao's palm moved, and the death planet pressed down fiercely. Wang Yue's body was directly broken and turned into a mass of white gas. Countless martial arts rules exploded inside, causing a slight tremor on the dead planet.

"Ha ha ha, Jiuyan magic formula, is it really an ordinary skill? It can make you fake. But although you are very good, I think even so, you won't have too many splits. Nine have reached the limit. I'd like to see if you can still live after the nine splits die? Death search!" Li Chao, with one palm, turned into a large black river and began to wrap Wang Yue's body.

Sure enough, in the direction of the black river, a Wang Yue kept twisting his body and showed his real body. In the black river, Wang Yue's body began to slowly become polluted, black and dark.

"Puff!" Wang Yue's body once again turned into countless rules and exploded. The second Wang Yue's split is dead. Since Wang Yue integrated the skill, there is only one new skill left in Wang Yue's body. For the time being, Wang Yue has not named this skill. But today he has to give him a definition.

"No record!" Wang Yue suddenly thought of a name, which is also the secret of his skills.

The meaning of lifeless record is that there is no life and no death, just like the laws contained in the universe, it is an eternal road. When Wang Yue understood these, the whirlpool in his body began to rotate quickly, and new rules were also condensing, even forming something similar to the law.

"Life and death!" In the face of the endless breath of death, Wang Yue also punched. The pure white light on this punch is like a river. Countless creatures are living happily in this river, and even singing hymns. After all the dead souls and all the angry resentful spirits heard this hymn, life changed from the original gray to pure white and entered another world.

"Boom!" The pure white river is the power of life, joy, happiness, happiness and excitement. It collided with the death, despair and loneliness represented by the breath of death, which immediately caused a great shock in the whole universe. Even a soul river was blown into powder in the explosion.

"Death Breath!" Li Chao didn't expect Wang Yue to understand the law at a critical moment. After understanding the law, he is the emperor. After the soul is regular, it is the God. It's just that several eras have passed. Although many gods have gone to look for the door of eternity, few have really come out of the door of eternity. Therefore, the eternal warriors no longer exist. Death is still dominant in the whole world.

After Li Chao saw Wang Yue break his death planet with one punch, he just paused in place and appeared beside Wang Yue in an instant. His fist burst out of his fist like stars. Stars blinked, bombarded Wang Yue, and even formed a river of a dead planet in the universe. This river of death, like the breath of a giant god, is very regular, like Wang Yue's heartbeat, which is unpredictable.

"Papa..." After all, what is condensed in Wang Yue's body is only a virtual law, and he has not reached the level of advanced god emperor. Therefore, when Li Chao appeared beside him, Wang Yue only made a habitual resistance. Black rivers rushed into Wang Yue's body like a flood. Wang Yue's body was constantly changed by the impact of the black river, and all kinds of Wang Yue's death were constantly simulated in the river. It's just that in this river, these Wang Yue are not the real bodies of Wang Yue, but just the split of Wang Yue.

"Hahaha, Wang Yue, your current split has been killed by me. Next is your real body." Li Chao killed Wang Yue's nine splits with a face and finally waited for the final opportunity to kill Wang Yue. His palm kept turning, and black souls came out of a black whirlpool behind him. These black souls look like dogs and have a pair of black wings. Their noses are surprisingly big, a little bigger than their heads.

After these souls appeared, they immediately flew in groups in one direction. Suddenly, they seemed to find something and rushed up together. Needless to say, this must be the location of Wang Yue's real body.

"Life and death will not meet!" Wang Yue saw a large black soul rushing towards him. He opened his hands and a white whirlpool appeared in his hand. The breath of death in the whole whirlpool also swims like a small fish, while the other white place seems to be very close to the black place, but it can never meet.

Now this circular picture suddenly covers the sky of the soul, like a big net, covering these souls in an instant. In an instant, more white dots appeared on this picture. The white dots disappeared and were replaced by black dots.

"Blow up!" Wang Yue threw out the picture in his hand, and countless souls flew out of it and flew to Li Chao like black bombs.

Li Chao did not refuse, and a black sphere appeared in his palm. Wang Yue can feel that this black sphere is the death planet thrown by Li Chao before, and this thing is the origin of Li Chao. With him, Li Chao can communicate with the underworld and get endless energy. If this black sphere is broken, Li Chao will lose most of his strength. At that time, Li Chao will lose his advantage.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue suddenly came up with a solution. So after he showed his martial arts, this person also flew to the ball thrown in Li Chao's hand with the picture. When he was about to approach the planet of death, he took out the heart of heaven and earth in his body. He took the heart of heaven and earth in his hand, poured enough power into the magic of Jiuyan, and threw it directly into the inside of the planet of death.

The heart of heaven and earth was originally the purest object between heaven and earth, and even the divine world was composed by him. Without the heart of heaven and earth, there will be no planet in the divine jade, let alone the energy that can be cultivated by the gods and martial arts, and the Jiuyan magic formula is the source of the heart of heaven and earth, which is the eternal way understood by the infinite people. Although the eternal way that Wang Yue realized was born on the nine-yan fantasy formula, it is much more fragile and not enough to support the heart of heaven and earth. If it is the effect of Jiuyan Fantasy, it will be very different.

As soon as the heart of the earth entered the death planet, the black death spirit of the whole death planet seemed to meet a natural enemy. It began to become chaotic and began to shrink sharply and be absorbed by the heart of heaven and earth. Throughout the time, Li Chao also seemed to feel the danger, and the breath of death on his body began to spread constantly.

"Is this the role of the heart of heaven and earth? Impossible, it should be the role of Jiuyan's magic formula and the heart of heaven and earth. Death Planet, come back!" Li Chao just seemed to be in charge of life and death, but now he feels the threat of death. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he would withdraw his death. But Wang Yue didn't give him a chance at all.

"Life and death reversal, life and death fight!" Wang Yue knows that this is a good opportunity to kill Li Chao. Although the heart of heaven and earth can confuse the breath of death in the dead planet in a short time, after all, the death planet communicates with the underworld, and the power of the heart of heaven and earth is limited. So he must kill Wang Yue in the whole incident as soon as possible. The reversal of life and death is a secret method to upgrade the realm obtained after Wang Yue modified the blood flow.

At this moment, the law in Wang Yue's body was instantly complete, and Wang Yue used the integrity of the law to form a huge attack power and fight with Li Chao. If Li Chao can't be killed by him, the next situation is likely to be reversed.

All of a sudden, Wang Yue's wings of the speed law became more staring and even became the law of space. Wang Yue's speed has also been improved to the extreme, and almost one-thousandth of breathing time came to Li Chao. He punched out and turned into two black and white laws. Black is the rule of death, while white is the rule of survival. After the two rules flew out of Wang Yue's palm, they gradually circled, forming a spiral, which suddenly pierced Li Chao's body and produced great destructive power.

Life and death are constantly entangled with each other, and there is also a huge friction between the two rules, gradually forming a new law, that is, the circular law. That's what happens between life and death.

"Kka..." Li Chao's body was stabbed out of a hole, and the law of life and death passed through it. In this process, the breath of death in Li Chao's body was completely washed away. In an instant, Li Chao's body was emptied and turned into an empty shell. Gradually, the breath of survival in Li Chao's body was also pulled away by the law of life and death. Li Chao finally turned into a dry body floating in space.

"Wang Yue, I have to admit that you are really good. It's a pity that you are still one step behind. You have nine splits and can die nine times. I only have one dot, and I can kill you ten times. King Kong Assassination!" Just when Wang Yue thought Li Chao was dead, a golden light suddenly flashed from Wang Yue's back. This golden light, like a long sword, stabbed Wang Yue's body. Previously, Wang Yue had used secrets to deal a fatal blow to Li Chao. But he didn't expect that Li Chao would also come out as a split. Therefore, at this time, Wang Yue can be said to have exhausted most of his power. It can be said that Wang Yue is already a dead man in Li Chao's calculation.