Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 262 Phantom God

Chapter 262 Phantom God

The ancient demigod handed over the elixir to Wang Yue and ignored Wang Yue, as if the ancient demigod did not attach importance to this elixir at all. However, Wang Yue could feel that although he did not look at him with his eyes, he indirectly sensed him with his soul power. It seemed that even his soul power and even emotional changes were not bad, which seemed to be closely related to some ancient skills he practiced.

"The disaster scene here has reached the first test area." Finally, the ancient demigod said to Wang Yue next to him.

When the ancient demigod said this, Wang Yue felt that the whole world began to change slowly. At first, he felt as if he were in a spring rain, but the rain was getting worse and bigger, and it seemed that the whole world was in a rainstorm. Immediately after the heavy rain in the sky, more and more heavy rain irrigated the whole world, and there were even flash floods.

Wow, the whole world's mountains are shaking, and rolling floods pour down from the peaks. The mountain peak was washed away, and the flood began to swim with sand, stones, trees, and even huge spirit beast fish. In an instant, the whole world began to be submerged.

"Gollum, Gollum..." Wang Yue felt that he began to drift in the flood as if he had become a mortal. He was helpless and couldn't catch anything at all, which was very sad. Wang Yue's body has reached a very painful level, almost dead.

But as soon as he turned around and saw that the ancient god beside him seemed to accept all this plainly, Wang Yue tried his best to calm himself down. But the more patient he is, the more he finds the pain he endures, and sometimes he even wants to swallow the elixir in his hand.

As soon as the feeling in the flood receded, Wang Yue felt that the scene around him began to change again. Suddenly, he felt that he had entered an extremely hot place. Here, Wang Yue felt that the whole world seemed to melt. There is a sea of fire-like world everywhere, and the flames are full of everything in Wang Yue's eyes, making Wang Yue's world red everywhere.

Hula la, flames spewed out from under the ground, like a volcanic eruption. A large number of flames began to rush into the sky, and the sky was full of red dyed red, and the smell of sulfur filled the whole world like poison gas. In this world, flames began to fall from the sky like rain and entered Wang Yue's body.

With the increasing heat, Wang Yue's body began to show some signs of collapse, and even Wang Yue had felt that a more violent test was coming soon. Gradually, the heavy rain of flames became heavier and bigger, and Wang Yue's body had been filled by the sea of fire. In this world, a large amount of flames are absorbed into his body as long as he inhales.

Wang Yue felt that his body would be melted, and his throat, internal organs, and even bone marrow would be scorched by the flames, and even turned into blood. The pain to the bone marrow no longer affects Wang Yue's spirit all the time, making him feel a feeling of years.

At this time, Wang Yue secretly observed the ancient demigod around him. He was still restless, as if he had no pain at all.

"How is that possible?" Wang Yue was completely surprised at this time. He never thought that he was also a demigod. He was so different from this ancient demigod, which made him feel a little incredible.

"Young, why don't you eat the elixir I gave you?" Just as Wang Yue was puzzled, the ancient demigod suddenly said to Wang Yue. When he said this, Wang Yue actually felt a feeling of dizziness, as if this ancient god attacked himself again.

"What, there are hundreds of martial arts laws? There are even natural laws among them. After seeing the background of this ancient demigod king, Wang Yue finally understood the reason. It turns out that they are also semi-gods, and the number of laws in the body of this ancient god is several times more than his. Naturally, his strength is much stronger than himself. It's just that these martial arts laws are messy, and it seems that he has not cultivated them himself. More martial arts laws should have been plundered by him. After thinking about this, Wang Yue was in a better mood.

But Wang Yue is not a fool. This ancient demigod is now obviously deliberately harming himself, and even thinks that he is a lost lamb and regards himself as a god warrior in the middle of the emperor. This is his biggest negligence. This oversight is destined to make him fail to the end.

Just after the scene of the sea of fire disappeared, the whole world took a 360-degree turn again. In a blink of an eye, the world, which was originally a sea of fire, instantly became a world of ice and snow. The whole world is full of a piercing chill. This piercing cold air blew from all directions like a cold current. The earth formed ice, and Wang Yue's body was frozen in it.

In the instantaneous transformation of ice and fire, Wang Yue felt that his body seemed to collapse, and every cell was in an extremely unstable state. At this time, Wang Yue's spirit began to appear in a coma. He felt as if there was a force urging him to swallow the elixir in his hand, and this power came from the ancient half-god king beside him, the Rizhao God Emperor.

"Young man, eat the elixir in your hand quickly. This elixir has the effect of restoring the body. If you eat it, you can greatly block the illusion here, let you enter a deeper world to refine and get enough benefits. Rizhao Shenhuang looked at Wang Yue beside him, as if a competent teacher was seducing naughty children. However, Wang Yue is very clear that the purpose of Rizhao God Emperor is not to help him such a simple thing.

Judging from what the Rizhao God Emperor knows about this place, he should often go in and out of here, and even have an incomparable understanding of the situation here, and it is not the first time to kill a martial artist who enters the world of creation artifacts with himself. Otherwise, the martial arts laws in his body would not be so disorderly.

"Okay, senior." Wang Yue was cruel and stamped his feet, swallowed the elixir in his hand and turned it into an item in Wang Yue's belly. At this time, there were more and more smiles on the face of Rizhao Shenjun. He has seen that Wang Yue will immediately fall down.

"Well, how could this be..." After Wang Yue swallowed the elixir, his whole body seemed to be eaten by countless ants. All the martial arts laws in his body began to be controlled by some earthworm-like prohibitions and completely lost his motivation. As these prohibitions were controlled, Wang Yue's whole body began to slowly rot, deteriorate and become a puddle of mud.

"Gaga, young man, you met me today, which is your bad luck. If you walk by yourself, you can still have a way to live. However, you are also dead. In the future, if I become a god and create my own small world, will I definitely restore you, turn you into a mortal, and torture me for life. Rizhao said with a faint smile.

"All right. Young man, I should send you to Bliss. Rizhao God's Kingdom!" At this time, the Rizhao God Emperor suddenly moved. The fantasy that had trapped him, the hard ice, suddenly exploded and was completely destroyed by the Rizhao God Emperor. At this time, the sun shined on the god emperor, and countless lights radiated from his body, illuminating the originally light blue world. The Sunlight Emperor stretched out his hand, and countless lights began to gather into one, and an extremely powerful law of flame suddenly appeared on his fingers. Just above this light with only the thickness of fingers, countless national capitals, scenes, mountains and rivers are formed on it like scenes.

The light shot out, and almost only a bright light was seen into Wang Yue's body. Subsequently, Wang Yue's slowly decayed body was washed by this light and bloomed brilliantly. However, with the emergence of this light, Wang Yue's body became more and more transparent.

"Emperor Rizhao, you are so despicable. He actually used poison elixir to harm me and plotted against me. Even if I am a ghost, I won't let you go." Wang Yue stood still and kept struggling, but the law in his body still kept turning into a beam of light and being decomposed, allowing the sun to be slaughtered by the god emperor. Originally, Rizhao God Emperor could kill him at once, but in order to enjoy the pleasure of the whole process, Rizhao God Emperor extended the whole process.

"Young you, you are so naive. In the world of warriors, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. In the face of interests, even your closest people will betray you. In a word, the world of warriors is a world of the law of the jungle, and only the strong can always win. You'd better die obediently. Let me absorb the martial arts law!" Rizhao God Emperor suddenly opened his mouth, and Jinniu wanted to absorb Wang Yue's body.

But when absorbing, he always felt that the whole process was too smooth. After all, when he came into contact with Wang Yue, he could also feel that Wang Yue's soul was much stronger than that of ordinary warriors. Moreover, when he entered the fantasy world and suffered the pain of the demigod king's fantasy world, Wang Yue's mood seemed so calm. At that time, he only cared about how to calculate Wang Yue and ignored these. Just after he got it, when he could relax, Rizhao Emperor began to think about these problems, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, and even had a feeling of extreme fear. But it's too late.

In countless lights, the Rizhao Emperor actually saw a short golden dagger shot into his body from his mouth. There are countless ancient words engraved on this short dagger, and he doesn't even have any impression of him. This ancient text generally can only appear on the artifact of creation, which is said to be the content of the eternal law flowing from the gate of eternity.

"No!" Rizhao Emperor finally felt despair, and now he knows who the person standing opposite him is. He is the successor of the infinite, Wang Yue. And this dagger is a artifact.

"pull", the body of the Rizhao God Emperor has been pierced by the magic dagger, and then the fantasy dagger has turned into countless small daggers that directly cut off the martial arts law in the body of the Rizhao God emperor and become fragments, becoming an unconnected existence. In this way, although the Rizhao Emperor was not killed by him, he has also lost the power of resistance.

"Burning the universe!" Wang Yue stretched out his palm, and countless flames extended from his palm, directly inhaling these martial arts laws into his body. Although he can't absorb these martial arts laws immediately, they can still be stored as a guarantee for future advanced gods.

"Fantasy God!" After Wang Yue absorbed these martial arts laws, he immediately said respectfully to a golden dagger in front of him.

"Yes, young people, there is really a future, worthy of being the chosen descendant of the infinite. I can endure such a long time in the fantasy. However, killing this divine emperor is only a momentary thing. What is really difficult is how to kill the divine punishment god.

"Although this guy was born millions of years ago, his origin is very mysterious. Even the horrible gods who have lived for several eras can't defeat him, and even unite with other gods to suppress him. So we must be careful when we take action against him. I don't guarantee that the God of Heaven has been able to vaguely predict the plan of the supreme man and is ready in advance. The phantom god said lightly.

"Well, senior. I know. So shall we proceed as planned?" Wang Yue asked.

"Yes. Now is the most fierce time for the battle between the divine court and the hell demons, so we have the greatest chance of killing the divine punishment. After killing him, we can dispatch the power of the divine court to explore the gate of eternity. Otherwise, it is difficult for us to gain a foothold in it alone. Even if the infinite man had the strength of 20 eras, he was severely damaged in it, so he was chased and killed by many gods and finally fell. Otherwise, with the strength of the infinite man, although it can't be said to be invincible in the universe, there are at least five gods who can defeat him. Even if they can kill the supreme, they must pay enough. This is also the reason why the god of the divine court is so at least.

"At the beginning, the infinite people were besieged by dozens of gods. They all wanted to know what the infinite people got from the Gate of Eternity and wanted to get a piece of it. Because they know that the strength of the infinite man must have entered the depths of the gate of eternity since he was seriously injured. Unfortunately, the infinite people were besieged by their gang of hooligans and finally suffered endless pursuits and fell. In the end, they didn't get anything. The phantom god said lightly.

"But they don't know that what the supreme people got at the beginning has been placed in the eternal palace, and that's me. I am the creation of the eternal law brought by the infinite man from the eternal palace, and I can also be said to be an eternal artifact. Speaking of this, the phantom god said with a little pride.

"So it is. I didn't expect that the divine warriors in the divine world, like the mortal warriors, are unreasonable and exist for profit. Wang Yue also said very sadly when he heard this.

"Ye�. That's why the supreme talent will find a solution to the problem. Finally, he found that the longer he lived, the more afraid he was of death. In the end, many people began to practice martial arts and became martial artists. Martial artists are born with superiority because they can live for a long time. But because of this, they can experience the lives of many generations. They also began to slowly slack off the lives of ordinary people, and even began to alienate their children.

Because in their minds, only themselves are the most important in the whole world, and only when they live can they have value. So they began to do more and more unscrupulously in order to be able to cultivate to a higher level, live longer, and get more power. Finally, some warriors broke through the limits of the human body and became strong in the divine world and even rushed to the virtual world. Slowly, he came to the holy martial artist, the holy emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and finally flew to the divine world and became the first divine warrior in the divine world. After that, more and more warriors flew to the divine world and established the divine court.

Although the divine warriors in the divine world live longer and are more powerful, they lack a core power and become more and more greedy and selfish. Although the divine court established order, it also became the biggest culprit to break the order. It's just that in the divine world, only a few gods can resist the divine court.

"In order to change this state, martial arts merchants began to look for the door of eternity, hoping to find something from it that can curb this situation. Therefore, the infinite man was the first to enter the door of eternity and got the eternal law from it and became the god in a hundred years. Finally, he began to unify the divine world, became the master of the divine court, and created the eternal palace.

After creating the eternal palace, he began to change the divine world and want to create a new world. So his actions violated the interests of some gods, and many gods began to cherish the infinite people. Knowing that the infinite people were severely damaged in the gate of eternity, these gods knew that their opportunity had come, so they united to kill the infinite people, which is the situation as today.

"In the final analysis, the infinite human heritage is too shallow and too conceited. He thought he was invincible, so he made irreparable decisions and made a big mistake. It is also the most regretful thing in the life of the supreme.

"But he has paved the way for you. So your future will definitely be better by the infinite, and I am the god cultivated by the infinite. It's mainly to assist you, a new world long ago!"