Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 264 Dead Dead God

Chapter264 Dead Dead God

Wang Yue appeared in front of the divine army in the image of the god king of divine punishment, and next to him stood the god of terror and the god of sin. The two gods are like the men of God's punishment. At the same time, all the hell demons have stopped attacking and begun to enter the small world created by the two gods in an orderly manner to flourish.

"This time, I subdued the army of hell demons with my supreme power. They are loyal to our divine court. In this way, the power of our divine court has increased a lot and reduced unnecessary casualties. So this is also a very good thing. Now it can be said that our divine world is safe. Next, I will take some elite troops to the gate of eternity to find eternal opportunities after the end of this era. Therefore, you are all lucky to choose the divine warriors I chose.

Because it is very dangerous to go to the Eternal Gate this time. So you are also lucky that there are no Shenwu people to choose. Now I'm starting to choose. With that, Wang Yue released Luo Ziheng, Fu Mingyi, Feng Tianxing, Demon Star and Jing Wushuang, the demigods he cultivated, from his own world. Let them use the life and death record he gave them to select suitable talents. These people must have a pure heart and free of impurities. Therefore, no matter how high or low the realm is, you should take it with you instead of choosing those powerful but dirty warriors.

These demigods were selected for a long time under Wang Yue's order, and finally selected tens of thousands of divine warriors from the trillions army. Although the number of people is very small and their strength is not very strong, Wang Yue is also very happy. Therefore, Wang Yue took away the Eternal Palace and left the infinite star domain.

The eternal palace is actually a big ship built by the infinite man to go to the eternal gate. It can be said that on such a big ship, countless people can be carried. Even the god can feel the eternal power in this big ship and how small he is.

"Wang Yue, I hurt you before, and I just want to test your strength. If you offend me more, don't be surprised." The horrible god sat on the boat and was also worried at the thought that he had dared to kill Wang Yue before. Who knows that Wang Yue just smiled faintly, as if this had not happened.

"Horror God. I was weak at that time, and your temptation for me was cultivated. So I want to thank you. You don't have to blame yourself for this. After all, the strong in the divine world are respected. If I had been killed at the beginning, I could only blame my weak strength and not blame others. Wang Yue said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, Wang Yue is indeed the leader of the future divine court. What he said is really extraordinary!" After listening to Wang Yue's words, the horrible god also laughed and immediately became much more relaxed. At this time, the Eternal Palace has flown through several star domains in cosmic space and came to the star domain of fate.

This star domain can be said to be a forbidden area in the universe. Even many gods are very shy and even horrible about this place. Few people under the god can walk in here and leave safely. Except for the supreme person, it is an exception. He was the first to enter here with the strength of the God King. After he came out, he was a powerful figure of the God King.

But now the universe is about to enter a new big explosion, and the world is coming to an end. The sleeping gods in the whole universe began to wake up and entered the star realm of fate one after another. After all, the door of eternity can only be found here, otherwise once the universe explodes, the whole universe will be destroyed. Not to mention that even the gods of several eras may not be spared, so only those who find the opportunity of fate here can survive.

It's just that in the star domain of fate, the most terrible thing is not the god here, but the element of fate. These fate elements will make some gods who seize the fate of other warriors and compensate for the fate and luck taken from other warriors. That is to say, let a person who owes a lot of debts suddenly pay off all his debts. If you can't change it clearly, use your life to pay off the debt. It can be said that such punishment is also very severe.

"Fate arrived as soon as the star domain arrived." Wang Yue stood in front of the eternal palace, looked at the beautiful scenery compiled by fate in front of him, and said happily. For him, this is the battlefield where he finally fulfilled the wishes of the infinite man.

"Bone Dragon..." At the whole time, suddenly a white bone warship came from where he didn't want to. Unexpectedly, all the white bone god king standing on top of the white bone warship, and even the white bone god emperor. Not only so many divine warriors with the strength of the White Bone God King also stood in the white bone warship. They seem to be coming for the eternal palace.

"The human warrior opposite, this is the star domain of fate. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, you don't know how to die." The demigod said very rudely. In his opinion, there are only three gods on Wang Yue's side, and the strength of the gods seems to be very weak. In contrast, there are four gods on their side, almost all of which are more than three or four eras. It can be said that they are powerful, and it is normal for Wang Yue to leave.

"Oh, it turned out to be a white bone warrior. I didn't expect that history has passed so long, and I can still see the white bone warrior. It's really lucky for three lifetimes. You are the ruler of the whole universe in a few eras!" Wang Yue was the first to walk over and said to these white bone warriors with a smile.

"Hahaha, you are still quite smart. You know all these things very well. Well, since you make me so happy. I'll let you go with us. In this way, everyone can also take care of it. After hearing Wang Yue's words, a white bone god with five eras of strength stood up and said.

"This is the captain of our white-bone warship, Holy Valley God!" The demigod who just talked to Wang Yue said very respectfully.

"Thank you very much, Holy Valley God." Wang Yue waved his hand, and his eternal palace followed from behind. In this way, the white bone warship and the eternal palace entered the star realm of fate together.

In the star domain of fate, there are signs of fate everywhere, and even some weak gods have seen signs of how they died in it. Even some emperors saw the Big Bang. Here, even the gods have seen some confused future, and their moods are constantly fluctuating.

"Hahahaha, Holy Valley old man. How are you doing? How are you doing? Just as the white bone warship kept moving forward in the star domain of fate, a bigger warship suddenly appeared in front of them. On this warship stands a zombie god. The strength of one of the gods has reached five eras, and has even broken through six eras. Sixty-seven gods stood beside him, all of whom were zombie gods, very strong.

"Despicable old man, you haven't died, how can I die first! That's funny. Why, do you also come to the fate star domain to find the gate of eternity? The Holy Valley asked with a smile.

"Yes. The Big Bang is coming soon. I have lived five eras, and of course I want to live this era. It's just that your life seems to disappear soon. Otherwise, how can you still bring some useless human gods? You know, in the previous dozens or even hundreds of eras, human warriors were slaves and even food. Nowadays, human warriors are barely out in this era. Even so, human warriors are still useless. It's a shame that you have fallen into being with them. Why don't you let my men help you clean up the garbage and save a lot of inconvenience along the way. With that, the god of the dead corpse waved his hand, and the god of one or two eras rushed out and came directly to Wang Yue's eternal palace, trying to give Wang Yue something better.

"That's really unreasonable!" The horror god is the god of the hell demon clan, and he is the most grumpy, so as soon as he heard the provocation, he rushed out first to prepare to fight against the other party for 100 rounds.

"Corrose the spear and pierce the heaven and the earth, my heart will last forever, and the dead body will last forever!" A spear appeared in the hands of the White Bone God. After the spear appeared, he began to cast a spell on the spear. This spear became sharper and sharper, and could even pierce the power of heaven and earth, and stabbed directly towards the god of terror.

"Shield of terror. Infinite fear makes your heart feel fear and your life feel fear. You are bound to die!" The horror god immediately opened a powerful horror shield. However, the opponent's spear was extremely sharp. When the spear stabbed into the horror shield, he saw countless corrosion curses begin to explode. The whole shield of fear is in danger of breaking at all times. In this way, it is clear which is stronger and which is weaker. Wang Yue can feel that this zombie god is actually a god of four eras, while the horror god has only two eras. His strength can be said to be several times stronger than that of the god of terror, and it is natural to defeat the god of terror. But Wang Yue absolutely can't watch the horrible god be killed like this. Once the horror god dies, they will die next. So Wang Yue decided to take action by himself.

"Corrose the poisonous spear, corrupt your soul, corrupt your life, corrupt your rules, corrupt everything about you, go and kill the enemy." Just as the horror god was still struggling, the second spear of the zombie god had stabbed at the horror god. Just when the sin god thought that the horror god would be greatly hurt, suddenly Wang Yue stood in front of the horror god and blocked this attack for the horror god.

"Fantasy Sky Strike!" Wang Yue held a magic dagger in his hand and directly stabbed the corroded poisonous spear. The whole corroded poisonous spear directly stabbed into two halves, and finally fell into the cosmic space and disappeared without a trace.

"Horror God, you have just lost a lot in the battle with the divine court and need to rest. Let me fight for human beings now." Wang Yue said directly to the god of terror. How can the horror god not know that Wang Yue is giving him a step down? So the horrible god quickly returned to the eternal palace and waited for the good news from Wang Yue.

"Hahahaha, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. If I guess correctly, you should be the human god born in this era. You are so over your ability. Well, let me teach you a lesson and know how powerful the god who can live several eras is. Quack, eternal body!" The zombie god sacrificed a treasure from his own hands. There are eternal rules on this kind of thing. It can be said that only the gods who have passed a few eras can have such a thing. Even this kind of thing can become a weapon. And the horror god can only integrate these substances into the body, and his strength is very obvious at a glance.

"The flesh and blood stick breaks the dust of the universe, witnesses the rise and fall of the universe, continues the eternal law, and breaks all hypocritical things. In the end, there is only rotten flesh and blood left in the whole universe. Die, idiot human!" The zombie god threw out the white bone in his hand. Countless eternal rules immediately turned into a series of corrosion rules and began to wrap around Wang Yue's body. Wang Yue can feel that this corrosion rule can absorb his own flesh and blood, absorb his soul, absorb all his martial arts laws, and turn himself into a rotten flesh and blood, and can't feel the value of survival at all. It can be seen how vicious this zombie god is.

But Wang Yue didn't care at all. There are also eternal rules in his hands, that is, the magic dagger. This dagger is made by the eternal iron that was severely damaged by the infinite people in the door of eternity. It is definitely much more powerful than this pool of flesh and blood. Moreover, he can give full play to his strength under Wang Yue's life-and-death recording skills, which is definitely a skillful weapon specially prepared by supreme people for Wang Yue.

"Eternal assassination!" Just when the zombie god thought he would definitely win, Wang Yue also took action. The replacement dagger in his hand turned into an eternal rule like a sword. Such an eternal rule does not bloom golden eternal light, but a pure white light like the heart of heaven and earth. The zombie god doesn't know what this is at all, so he is still self-righteous. However, when this pure white light shot directly through the body, even the eternal rules in flesh and blood were completely pierced, the zombie god reacted in front of him. But it's too late.

"Kka!" Wang Yue's eternal rules directly shoot through the body of the zombie god and absorb all the eternal rules in his body into Wang Yue's body. The zombie god has really become a pile of rotten blood this time * There is no value for survival at all. Directly turned into a pile of white ash and disappeared into the cosmic space, disappearing without a trace.

"And you zombies will disappear like him." A black and white Taiji picture appeared in Wang Yue's body, which directly digested everything of the White Bone God and turned it into an eternal rule in Wang Yue's body. It can be said that Wang Yue's strength has also increased to the level of four eras in an instant. However, he can feel that the most powerful of these zombies is the Dead God. So his key goal is still the dead god.

When Wang Yue took action against the dead god, the white bone god also began to move, and even the horror god and the sin god were ready to stop the pressure for Wang Yue. So for a while, the whole warship began to declare war. Not only did the god take action, but also the god emperor began to rush on the zombie warship one by one to fight with the god king above.

"Eternal assassination, burning eternity!" Just as Wang Yue fought with the zombie god, he got many eternal rules from his body. It can be seen that the god who has lived for several eras is very powerful and has a deep background. Wang Yue now immediately burned half of his eternal rules, immediately raised his strength to the limit of five eras, and launched a deadly assassination of the dead corpse god. This assassination actually carried an extremely powerful law of death. It can be said that life and death depend on each other, and there is almost no possibility for the dead god to escape. At this time, the corpse god king even felt that he was facing not an era god king, but a god king of six eras.

However, after all, the dead god is extremely powerful, and he can't give up so quickly. He immediately adjusted his state and thought that he was just confused by Wang Yue for a while. He also burned his eternal law at this time. He now wants to compete with Wang Yue.

"The rotten river can corrode any rule, any life. The universe is broken and the tide rises and falls. Only my rotten rules can last forever. Kill all my dissidents!" A long river of corrosion suddenly appeared in the hands of the dead god. In this long river, there is rotten blood, which is very foul, which makes people feel extremely painful, and even worse than death. Any beautiful thing in it will become corrupt by the way, and eternal things will be defiled when they enter. The dead god showed it, as if he had seen the result of his victory.

But in his proud eyes, he saw a pure white sword, piercing his rotten river, and the pure white light immediately washed all the rotten things and quickly became a purer eternal rule that was absorbed by Wang Yue. Finally, this white sword stabbed directly into the body of the dead god, making his life disappear quickly. At this time, the dead god had forgotten the pride just now, and even arrogant, which generated countless fears. He has even wanted to blow up his eternal rules and even rotten laws. But at this time, countless illusions began to appear in his mind.

In this illusion, his memory of not becoming a god began to rise like a human. When he became a human, he experienced many happy times and was very happy. He even felt that even if he became a god one day, he would not give up his current life. Gradually, he accepted the life of ordinary human beings and finally died in an ordinary life and became a god who died in fantasy.