Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 267 Eternal Treasure

267 Chapter Eternal Treasure

"This is indeed the palace of fate, giving people a feeling that they can never guess." After seeing this palace, the God of Creation suddenly had a sigh and said.

"Yes. The previous palace of fate is the same as your palace of heavens. However, after these years, the god of fate has constantly changed his palace with his own ability, so his palace now looks so magnificent that it makes people feel that he can't look directly at it. The Dragon God said with a smile.

"Okay, it's really a good place. If I can stay here for a long time, I must build a palace of creation. I don't know why the god of creation came up with such an idea. However, Wang Yue felt that there seemed to be a good feeling in it. Despite him, he couldn't find anything wrong in it. He had to follow the Dragon God to the door of the Palace of the God of Destiny.

"Dragon Messenger, did you come to see my God with the Lord of Creation and this young man?" Just as they came to the palace of fate, a young god went to the dragon god and asked.

"Yes. I have said hello to your God of Creation, and I hope you can show us the way. The Dragon God said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem." The young god nodded and took Wang Yue, the creator god, and the dragon god into the palace of fate together. In the palace of fate, they saw small worlds interpreting their own destiny in it. At first glance, the whole palace is like a world of flowers and plants, and every flower and plant is a small world. In these small worlds, the god of fate is constantly observing something.

"God of fate, I have brought your friend to see you." The dragon god said to the god of fate. When he finished saying this, the god of fate raised his head. At this time, the god of fate looked very intoxicated. However, when he saw the god of creation, he still looked very happy.

"God of fate, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Are you in the eternal kingdom of these eras?" The creator took a few steps and said in front of the creator.

"Ha ha, yes. I have been in the eternal kingdom for more than ten eras. Time can be said quickly here, but I still don't feel that my life expectancy has decreased. Instead, I feel that my life has been extended countless times and I have eternal life. The god of fate said lightly.

"Not only that, I can also study the direction of fate and the role of fate here. In this way, I can work in the world I created and let my eternal way continue. How about it? What are you going to do?" The god of fate looked at the god of creation and Wang Yue and asked.

"Since we are here, we naturally want to find our place to live here. So we found the eternal kingdom. Since it's fate to meet you here, it's really a trick. But we just came here, so we won't bother you. The God of Creation and the God of Destiny chatted for a while and were ready to leave.

"Oi, then I won't go far away." The god of fate seems to be very obsessed with the way of fate, so he no longer says anything to the god of creation, but focuses on his own small world.

"I know what you two mean. Of course, if you want to see the Lord of Destiny, you can come to see him at any time. Just before that, you must create your own small world, at least ten trees. In this way, you can contribute to the eternal kingdom and obtain the right of residence in the eternal kingdom. How about it? Is there any problem? The Dragon God King hardly gave the Creation God King and Wang Yue any chance to choose, and said directly.

"Yes. Let's go back and get ready." The God of Creation answered directly for Wang Yue.

"Ye, you two are really wise. But you can rest assured that you have all the resources you want in the eternal kingdom. It can be said that it is very easy for you to create an eternal kingdom. Now I will ask other gods to send you the resources. You just need to create ten small worlds. The Dragon God smiled and took Wang Yue and the God of Creation back to the palace of the heavens.

In the palaces of the heavens, Wang Yue sat alone in a closed space with the God of Creation and looked at each other for a long time. Finally, the God of Creation spoke first.

"Although I have experienced countless times, this eternal country has indeed made me see and heard of it. If the god of fate is not really there, I'm afraid I would think that this is just a trap. However, even if everything here is true. But I can't believe it here."

"In addition, I also got a lot of things from the eyes of the Eternal God. For example, helplessness, loneliness, and doubts, keep following their own tracks. Although he got eternal life here, he seems to have lost his life. Even I can't see any anger in the god of fate. There is only the trend of fate. The God of Creation said with great emotion.

"Not only that, I feel that many things in this world seem to have magic, which makes me feel deeply involved, and even gives me a feeling that it is going according to his plan. I don't know if you feel this way?" The god of creation looked at Wang Yue and asked with deep emotion.

"Ye�. This is what the supreme people felt when they came here. So he sneaked into the eternal treasure house of the eternal kingdom. He wants to find the secret of the eternal kingdom in it. As a result, he did not find what he wanted, but found an eternal iron. However, when he wanted to take away the eternal god iron, he was found by the dragon god of the eternal kingdom and began to hunt down. However, fortunately, the infinite man can be said to be super powerful. In the end, he was almost killed by a semi-eternal god of dozens of eras and narrowly escaped. Then he returned to the infinite star domain to create a magic dagger with this divine sticker. It's just that I still can't figure out what this magic dagger is for. However, I don't think the supreme person will definitely suffer a heavy damage and finally fall for a piece of magic iron. Wang Yue was also quite puzzled when he thought of the experience of the infinite man leaving the eternal kingdom.

"Ye�. What you said makes sense. Eternity does exist here, but it is different from ours. However, we can't act rashly now to avoid frightening snakes. Wait until they gradually trust us, and then explore the secrets of the eternal kingdom. With that, the God of Creation came outside and began to build his own eternal kingdom.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Dragon God to send all the materials Wang Yue needed to create a small world. They have also begun to prepare to create their own small world. But at this time, things changed again.

"You two have certain permissions in our eternal country, and your resources are endless. However, every god in our eternal kingdom must stay in his own palace, that is to say, you can live in neighboring palaces and walk around from time to time. But you are not allowed to live in a palace. If it weren't for the gods, you can be free from such restrictions. I don't know if you can understand what I mean?" The Dragon God said to Wang Yue and the Creation God.

"Yes. That's the decision." The God of Creation agreed for Wang Yue before he could speak. After the Dragon God left, the Creation God also said to Wang Yue with a little apologies.

"Just now, I just wanted to make them not be suspicious. So you don't need to worry too much." The God of Creation looked at Wang Yuehou and said faintly.

"Okay. The god of creation, you are responsible for the god of those warships, and I am responsible for the god king on my side. Wang Yue knew that if the eternal kingdom is real, it means that he has existed for at least hundreds of eras. The power of the god king and even the semi-eternal god is endless. If they fight hard, there is absolutely no benefit. So he accepted the advice of the creator god and prepared to do what the dragon god said.

"Now that we have come to the eternal kingdom in our dreams, we must follow the rules here. However, in the process of implementing the rules, don't act without authorization. If you have any problems, you must communicate with me first. If they want to control you, they must give you enough benefits. So no matter what conditions he uses to** you, you should treat it as poison. In this way, they will not succeed even if they have any conspiracy. With that, Wang Yue arranged these gods to the nearby palace so that he could see them at any time.

"I know, Wang Yue." These gods began to build their own small world according to Wang Yue's words. At this time, the Creator has also arranged everything and began to create his own small world in his palace.

Wang Yue's eternal way is the cycle of life and death, so he is also ready to build his own world according to this law. However, although Wang Yue has had some experience in creating the world before, those experiences are still very one-sided, and even the world created is very fragile. So this time, Wang Yue also learned from all the previous experience and began to make a new attempt.

In the face of countless resources, Wang Yue is worried about the waste of resources, because these resources are enough to maintain the consumption of a Tianlong continent. It can be said that there is no problem to maintain it for a thousand years. What's more, there are more resources that can be recycled on the parent body of the small world provided by the Eternal Kingdom, which is a huge wealth. This made Wang Yue have a feeling that the eternal kingdom seems to be helping them and forming his own way of immortality, not wanting to take anything from them.

However, this idea also flashed in Wang Yue's mind. Wang Yue's trust in the eternal kingdom is only at a very superficial level. After all, he trusts the most. Since the infinite people will be injured by the divine warriors of the eternal kingdom, it means that there must be something in the eternal kingdom that there is no light. Therefore, Wang Yue vowed to find out the things of the eternal kingdom. So Wang Yue began to enter the process of creating his own small world with this idea. However, he found that when his small world was just created, too many species of life would cause competition among many species. Some species were created by him, some species were created by him very weakly, and there are even some unbridled breeders without natural enemies. There are also some worthless species that still live in this small world. Wang Yue put this information into his brain and calculated it, and the result was that no matter how it multiplied, there would be no intelligent life. So Wang Yue immediately gave up the continued cultivation of the world. Wang Yue directly formed a huge natural disaster to completely eliminate the world, and then start again.

After several world failures, Wang Yue gradually found some tricks. At this time, he wants to see how other gods are doing. Suddenly, he saw his small world and found that many young people had grown up, and his parents also showed signs of aging. This puzzled him.

He remembered that there should be no birth, old age, illness and death in the eternal kingdom. Why did his parents age? If his parents are just mortals, it is normal to live, old, sick and die. However, his parents are about to reach the god of the god king, and they will die so quickly. This made Wang Yue have a little doubt. He immediately left his palace and rushed to the palace of creation.

"Death King, are you looking for the God of Creation?" Wang Yue suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed to be very familiar. But he still can't figure out why.

"Yes. Please pass it on for me." Wang Yue stood in front of the door of the Creation Palace and said lightly.

"Mr. Death, please wait a moment. I'll go and talk to the God of Creation." After saying that, the dragon god walked into the palace. After a while, he came out and took Wang Yue in. As soon as he entered the palace, he saw that the god of creation was falling in love with the small world he had created, as if he was studying something. Even if Wang Yue came, he didn't have much reaction.

"I came to see you." Wang Yue quickly said with a secret method. At this time, the creator god saw that Wang Yue had already stood in front of him.

"Wang Yue, we haven't seen each other for a while. How is your little world created? As soon as the creator god mentioned this topic, his spirit became trembling. But Wang Yue became more confused. After all, the eyes of the God of Creation seem to be only interested in this, and the rest seem to have lost their meaning. For example, he and the God of Creation said that he wanted to beware of the eternal kingdom, but now the God of Creation has completely forgotten it.

"There are still some problems in my small world. I don't know..." Wang Yue talked about the small world with the creator god while looking at the small world of the creator god. He found that the situation in the small world of the King of Creation was better than that of him. However, there is not much difference in essence. Wang Yue chatted with the God of Creation for a while and then left. He found that the situation of the creator god is the same as the appearance of the creator god king when he saw the fate for the first time. For example, they were very helpless, lonely, doubtful, and kept following their own tracks. Although they have eternal life here, they all seem to have lost their lives. There is no even any anger in the god of fate and the god of creation. There is only the trend of fate and creation. These all surprised Wang Yue very much.

So Wang Yue decided to leave the Creation Palace and go to other palaces. So he came to the magic palace. He found that the strength of the magic star has improved at this moment, but his basic state is almost exactly the same as that of the God of Creation. Even the situation of Fu Mingyi, Luo Ziheng and Jing Wushuang is more serious than that of the God of Creation. Just as he was about to leave Jing Wushuang's palace, Jing Wushuang's words woke up a lot.

"When Wang Yue heard this sentence, I probably had been intoxicated and created my small world. However, I still created this organ. When you come, this information will be automatically told to you at a safe time. I hope these findings can give you some tips.

"Although the eternal kingdom provides us with so many resources, it makes us fall in love with one thing. Then destroy our nature by constantly creating a small world. Then they teach us the real thing. But at this time, we have become their puppet-like machinery. At that time, they can let us cultivate a small world for them infinitely and extract eternal energy and time from it to provide energy for the eternal kingdom. In fact, we are all in an eternal country to create value. Saying this, the sound disappeared. Wang Yue has walked out of the unparalleled palace.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many things in it." Wang Yue sighed and said. But it's not too late for him to know this. It's too late to let him give up these. At this time, Wang Yue thought of the advice given to him by the supreme man, which was patience. After he creates ten small worlds, he can get more initiative to find the biggest secret of the eternal kingdom in the eternal treasure house.

So Wang Yue returned to his palace of life and death. Start to create your own life in the palace of life and death.

With the passage of time and his thorough understanding of the cycle of life and death, his world was created one by one, even faster than the world created by the Creator King. However, life in these worlds seems to lack spirituality. They spend every day muddle of time, constantly dying in the cycle of life and death, and then a new life is born. It can be said that Wang Yue's ten small worlds have produced their own laws of life.

After ten small worlds were created, he thought that the god of the dragon clan sent another batch of world resources and materials to Wang Yue's life and death palace.