Wu Rebellious Universe

021 hurt tears

Chu Nan's body can withstand the poisonous fire, but the few big leaves he used to cover important parts have long been ashes, and even his hair has been burned...

Looking at Chu Nan's face approaching quickly, his feverish blood-red eyes, and his red body, Nangong Lingyun's heart was even more pulled, and he began to twitch, and began to **!

Nangong Lingyun knows what kind of poison it is!

I know what kind of tragic fate will be waiting for her next!

Chu Nan's man's breath with a strong smell of blood went straight into Nangong Lingyun's nose!

Then, Chu Nan's naked body was also like the top of Mount Tai, pounced on her stiff body and threw her to the ground. The heavy gasp sounded in her ear. The already weak body was even more severely damaged under Chu Nan's arrogance!

All her intelligence and wisdom disappeared without a trace in the face of absolute power. Now she doesn't even have the power to raise her hand, resist, and slap Chunan in the face.

The only thing that can move is her helpless, sad and heartbroken eyes. Looking at her close at hand, she was suspicious, as if she couldn't see her face clearly, and another drop of crystal tears slid down from the corners of her eyes!

Chu Nan was scattered by the colorful **, and the snake bag in the belly of the blood python burned and lost all his mind. He rudely tore her purple clothes to pieces, and the pearl and white jade-like body instantly appeared under his body...

He has never experienced personnel, but at this moment, relying on men's instincts, Chu Nan is self-truent!

His hands kept wandering around Nangong Lingyun. At the same time, without any prelude or preparation, without pity and cherishing jade, he rudely held his head high...

The violent tearing made Nangong Lingyun shout immediately, but she bit her lips and endured it. Unlike ordinary women, or shouting, or indignant...

She had it, just calm and stubborn, just tears all over her cheeks and bit her lips to resist the pain, but she silently endured it under her pale face, but in the depths of the eyes that had never been closed, there were flames of hatred burning.

Nangong Lingyun's body and mind had long been numb. He let him gasp heavily and move crazily. The crystal tears at the corners of his eyes that witnessed this miserable picture quietly scratched the girl's face, rolled to the ground and smashed.

What is broken is not only the tears, but also the heart!

For a long time, the wind finally stopped raging, and the stormy waves also turned into calm!

After leaking, Chu Nan fainted to the ground and was unconscious!

And Nangong Lingyun, with the flame of hatred still burning in his eyes, endured the severe pain, struggled to get up and threw Chu Nan aside. The dragon teeth that killed the two generals who had killed Feng Yang and Huo Ming were grasped in his hand; he aimed at Chu Nan's chest and stabbed him without hesitation!

The dragon tooth, which can be called a magic weapon, easily pierced Chu Nan's strong body. Blood, like a cuckoo with sobbing blood, immediately bloomed in Chu Nan's chest...

As long as one more point is stabbed into it, Chu Nan's life will come to an end; Chu Nan's dream of becoming a peerless strong man will also die!

However, Nangong Lingyun's hand is stagnant and can no longer be stabbed!

Looking at the blood flower blooming on Chu Nan's chest, Nangong Lingyun remembered what he said, "With me, they can't catch you away." She remembered that he was obviously defeated by Huo Ming and Fengyang, but he still worked hard for her blood. She remembered the gentle smile he turned back to her, and When she was surrounded by a knife, she was panicked and sad, and she remembered the moment of joy when she saw him still live well...

I remember that this is not his intention, but the damn colorful ** happy!

I remember that if it hadn't been for him, she would have fallen into the hands of Wandumen, which will not only bring a disaster to the Nangong family, but she may have a more tragic end!

"Is this fate? Is this God's will? Is this a trick?"

Tears, like a sad "Tears of Hurt Flowers", pop up one note after another on Nangong Lingyun's cheeks!

Nangong Lingyun, who shed few tears, shed tears in order to the strange man who took away the most precious thing in her life and brought her endless humiliation. She let her tears run like the water of the dyke, as if she was going to pour all the tears of her life here at this moment.

After a long time, Nangong Lingyun wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, regained her firm face, stumbled to Huo Yang's side, and took off the storage ring in his hand.

The storage ring, with the death of the owner, has also become ownerless.

Nangong Lingyun easily entered a yuan force, took out all the antidote in the storage ring, searched for a long time, and finally found the antidote of Wuying Tianmasan!

After taking the antidote, half an hour later, the shadowless Tianma San in Nangong Lingyun's body was all removed, but she did not fully recover. When she walked, the ** place between her legs was full of pain!

Nangong Lingyun wanted to leave, but she didn't know why, her numb heart, but there was no wind and made a trace of waves. She turned her head and looked at the man who was still in a coma. She walked over, picked up the dragon's teeth again, and wrote a line on the ground: You saved my life, If we meet again, we will take your life!

Then, Nangong Lingyun got up and walked away, but took away the dragon teeth that looked crude and dripped with Chu Nan's blood. Nangong Lingyun did not know why she took away the dragon teeth. Anyway, it was definitely not because it was a magic weapon. Although the dragon teeth easily pierced the soft armor of the two people, this In the world, there are too many weapons that can pierce the soft armor of the body, and Nangong Lingyun has never thought of what kind of peerless magic weapon it will be...

Maybe it's just because this thing has something to do with him!

Nangong Lingyun has left, and Chu Nan is still in a coma.

In a coma, Chu Nan felt that he had a dream. He dreamed that he had become a beast and did something worse than a beast. He wanted to control all his movements. He wanted to take care of the crystal clear eyes instead of bringing her harm, but he couldn't control it, so he was very painful and painful...

When the moon fell and the moon rose at dawn, Chu Nan woke up from a coma. Inexplicably, there was a tear in the corner of his eyes!

Chu Nan looked around, saw the two corpses, saw the battlefield, and all the memories came to his mind again. He remembered that in the end, he rushed to her like a beast, to her crystal clear eyes...


Chu Nan roared, which was so sad, "How can I hurt her? I'd rather die than hurt her!" Chu Nan beat his chest, and the unhealed wound on his chest burst again, and the blood splashed!

The roar was hoarse, and his throat coughed up blood. Chu Nan knelt down on the ground, and then saw the line. After reading it, Chu Nan smiled, "I will find you, I will find you, I will find you, I will definitely find you, even if I die in your hands..."

The sound, in the mountains, echoes for a long time...