Wu Rebellious Universe

059 Monster Boy

"The fourth style of the first day!"

In the face of two martial artists who are at least intermediate generals, Chu Nan chose to take action blaspENTly!

What is the boldness, what is the courage of the sky, and what is the courage to swallow the sky? They are all in this way to face the difficulties!

Looking at this desperate figure, Juqianchi and Lan Hongguang were also slightly stunned, but only slightly stunned. In their thinking, a boy without the fluctuation of vitality, although he had a real weapon-level sword in his hand, he was also a pearl secretly cast, which could not play its role at all.

What they need to beware of, what they need to pay attention to is still each other.

However, when they felt the pressure brought by the epee, their faces changed greatly. They used their own means to show their generals' cultivation, and practiced the earth power, which is famous for its defense power; Lan Hongguang's practiced extremely strong wooden power.


The epee collided with the two strands of earth and wood. The two strong generals retreated back, but Chu Nan flew backwards and fell to the ground, bleeding from the corners of his mouth. The earth's power and Mu Yuanli just collided with each other, and turned overturned in Chu Nan's body.

"The generals and the great martial arts masters are really extraordinary and powerful. If it hadn't been for the five masters who have trained for me once, my life would have been in danger in this battle!" Chu Nan read, endured the severe pain, seized the time to practice, and stood up with an epee.

Ju Qian Chi and Lan Hongguang were shocked, "This boy is weird. He was hit by two generals together, but he didn't die?"

"If you can hit the Yuanli, the blow just now will definitely make the two generals seriously injured, but the five elements of Yuanli are too different!" Although he thought so in his heart, Chu Nan rushed up again.

Ju Qian Chi and Lan Hongguang looked at each other and reached an agreement in an instant. Kill this strange boy first, and then talk about the magic weapon!

So, the two generals joined hands to kill again!

Chu Nan's murderous spirit came, and the heavy sword was cut horizontally. Seeing that he was about to fight with the two generals, Chu Nan suddenly soared into the air and fell in the middle of the group of great martial artists. The epee and fist immediately showed their power.

"If you want to take my life, I'll take your dog's life first!"

This scene was too sudden. Even if the elders used the Tuyuan shield with the cultivation of junior generals, they still failed to resist the attack of the epee. This group of great martial artists, who were still watching the play, were caught off guard, how could they stop it?

Immediately, several people didn't even have time to make a scream, and were strangled to flesh and blood by the epee. He was blown into blood fog by his fist, and many great martial artists were injured!

"Dare to kill me, boy, even if God wants to protect you, I will take your life!" The great martial artist roared loudly. The great martial artist is the backbone of the Hengyun Gang. Among the great martial artists who have just been killed, at least two of them can break through to become generals. In that case, the Hengyun Gang has two more points of strength, but now, these two points of power have been killed by a monster boy.

"Only if you kill me, don't you want me to kill you? How can it be so reasonable?" Chu Nan shouted, "God? I just want to be the one who is against the sky. Why do I need God to protect me? You have to take my life and show your means!"

"Okay, okay, it's arrogant enough. What are you still doing? Attack!"! Jue Qianchi drank a lot, and Lan Hongguang's mood was almost the same as Jue Qianchi. Who would have thought that such a monster had appeared in this Xiongluo City.

I heard the two masters shouting. The elders who fought hurriedly stopped and used their own means to kill Chu Nan. Suddenly, the strong earth power, the sharp gold and yuan force, the violent fire power, as well as the water power and the wood power were all displayed with all kinds of martial arts...

"Come on, have a good fight today!"

While splitting the heavy sword horizontally, he raged with the fist that can break the boulder. At the same time, he also put the power in his body, withstand the pain, and quenched it at the fastest speed. At the same time, he deliberately led the warriors to the opposite direction from Situ Yixiao. "In this way, It shouldn't be a problem."

Removing the concern in his heart, Chu Nan is even more calm. He wants to fight. He has to fight to quench his body. Only by practicing a hundred can he become steel, but he doesn't want to let himself be trained to death.

Therefore, Chu Nan rushed around in the crowd, preventing them from forming large-scale attacks, but just fought separately indiscriminately; suddenly, two people attacked in the oblique thorn, both of which were sharp Jin Yuanli. When Chu Nan saw that the two had different costumes, he was careful.


Chu Nan spit out a word, like an iron horse Jingo, with murderous intent. He jumped over, raised his fist and knocked down. At the same time, he changed his voice and shouted, "Lan Shan, how dare you kill my Hengyun gang brother, I'll fight with you!"

Close to Chu Nan, seeing Chu Nan openly framed the blame, he didn't react for a moment, but Chu Nan turned around at the first time, without defense, allowing the sword to cut the road on him, but raised the heavy sword and turned all the people around him into corpses!

The people inside knew that it was Chu Nan's trick, but the people outside didn't know that the two gangs had always had hatred, and it was impossible to work together. Hearing such a word again, a Hengyun gang immediately made a fire collapse fist and knocked off the head of a member of Lan Shan...

Then, the two gangs turned upside down. If you kill it, I will kill it. It's so lively.

And Chu Nan fought freely in the crowd and practiced his unique method at the same time!

When Jue Qianchi and Lan Hongguang saw this scene, they were furious, "Let's all stop it. Have you forgotten what you are here for? Hurry up and rob the treasure for me!"

Wake up the dreamer with a word, the infighting suddenly subsided, and the attack attacked Chunan again.

Chu Nan's face was solemn, but he was not panicked. His strong body was his most important capital. As long as they could not break his body, he would be safe and sound.

However, Chu Nan also found that in such a group battle, such a big move as "Open Heaven Eighteen Style" is not suitable, Jin Jue's "Open Sky" is not suitable, and Sanniang's "Cracked Earth" is also not suitable...

For a while, Chu Nan really couldn't think of a good way. Master Mo Dao only left the martial arts, but there was no suitable martial arts...

Thinking about it, Chu Nan suddenly had a scene in his head that the black-hearted Master of the Dark Lord of He asked him to skin, remove bones, and remove flesh and blood from the Warcraft. "This epee can solve the Warcraft, why can't it solve the people? These people want to take my life for their selfish desires. What's the difference between them and Warcraft?

At this point, Chu Nan took practical actions...

(P: Dragon language is very slow to write, and it is still continuing...)