Wu Rebellious Universe

103 great pain, great success


Rotate crazily!

Chu Nan's face was pale, and his body couldn't help trembling.

But he is really a demon, as the old man in purple said, because Chu Nan is still compressing.

Chu Nan compressed desperately, and the speed of rotation was more and more crazy.

The reason why Chu Nan plays so hard is that he feels that the spiral rotating force contains a huge power, which is unprecedentedly powerful, and the greater the power, the greater the gap can be and form a channel.

And the old man in purple was full of shock, because the spiral rotating power in Chu Nan's body actually produced a suction force, absorbing the power from the old man in purple faster. "I will have this trace of abnormality in my cultivation, so, if the cultivation is poor, such as the realm of the great martial arts, etc. That is, he absolutely can't resist the suction in his body, and even the generals will probably resist desperately; what does this mean? What does it mean to be able to absorb the power of others?

The old man in purple sighed, "Evil, full of evil!"

After scolding, the old man in purple also made up his mind not to forcibly control the speed of conveying Yuanli, but let the suction in Chu Nan's body inhale the Yuanli. "I'd like to see how evil you are."

Of course, the old man in purple is also on full alert, just in case, such a demon can't let anything happen to him!

At this moment, the situation of the two is like Chu Nan is a pump, with a high-powered engine in his body, while the old man in purple is a large reservoir, allowing Chu Nan to absorb it. Naturally, this situation occurs because the old man in purple does not stop it, if the old man in purple wants to control it. No one needs a little effort to close the whole reservoir, and Chu Nan can no longer absorb any power.

However, Chunan's pump only pumped water at this time, not letting it out!

Chu Nan absorbed it eagerly, and his body began to tremble violently and tremble with the acceleration of rotation speed; it was like the high-powered engine driving the shaking of the pump.


Chu Nan looked up to the sky and shouted loudly, and finally stopped compressing the element power!

Suddenly, this huge power, like ten thousand horses galloping, like a mountain and a sea, burst out of terrible power and went straight to the gap!


Chu Nan seemed to hear the roar from his body, so he spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his face was so pale that he fell directly to the ground and was unconscious.

Even if he is in a coma, Chu Nan's body is still trembling.

At the moment when Chu Nan released the Yuanli, the old man in purple felt that Chu Nan no longer absorbed the Yuanli.

In this process, Chu Nan didn't even know how much power Chu Nan had absorbed!

However, the old man in purple knows that although the power absorbed by Chu Nan is simply a drop in the ocean for him, for Chu Nan, it is a horrible amount!

In the words of the old man in purple, if the original power drawn by Chu Nan is attacked by the old man in purple, he can definitely split a mountain or hurt the strong man of the King of Wu.

Chu Nan fainted without warning. Even the old man in purple, who was fully guarded, was also caught off guard.

"Idiot, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me, nerd, wake up!" Zi Menger's eyes were moist, and she quickly shouted, "Grandpa, save the nerd, save him..."

The old man in purple quickly squatted down and looked at it. He felt that the power of terror was breaking out in Chu Nan's body. Of course, this horror was aimed at Chu Nan; for the old man in purple, it was simply a super pediatrician, which was not worth mentioning.

At this moment, the old man in purple did not dare to rush into Yuanli, afraid of ruining the boy's evil deeds and endangering his life.

However, the old man in purple is sure that this boy will not die!

"Don't worry, little Menger, your nerd is completely a demon. No demon can die easily. Wait, nothing will happen." The old man in purple came to a conclusion, and Lv Yangming and others took a breath.

Zi Menger was still worried and asked, "Grandpa, why does that nerd look so painful?"

"Pain?" The old man in purple chewed this word, looked at the scars on Chu Nan's body, and said, "Those who suffer great pain will be very successful!"

After saying that, the old man in purple raised his head, looked at Grandpa Han, and said with a wry smile, "Old man, you are too persistent. It doesn't matter. As long as you can use it for me, isn't it?"

Grandpa Han pointed to Chu Nan and said, "He may be able to give me the answer."

"Is it just him?" The old man in purple rolled his eyes, but he thought quietly, thinking of the strange things that happened to Chu Nan, he couldn't help saying, "This boy is too evil. Maybe he can really give you the answer."

The old man in purple no longer persuades them. When it comes to their realm, everyone has his own way. Besides, according to these days, the old man has been looking at it in a range not far from Chunan. Before solving the problem of "what the wind is and where does it come from", he will follow Chunan; the old man in purple is What's more, after all, this boy is a grudge against the elder. With the old man following him, he will never let the elder win and kill the boy.

On the No. 1 ring, Chen Zhan hit eight hammers in a row, exhausted!

Then, Li Hao, who blocked the eight hammers of Chen Zhan, with blood in the corners of his mouth and made a stunning blow, shooting Chen Zhan to the ground.

"I lost again." Chen Zhan muttered, not unconvinced, but felt sorry that he could not fight with that man in the ring again!

"If you practice your warhammer technique to the ninth hammer, it will be me who loses today!" Li Hao is not proud at all. Although he has great advantages in repairing the two attributes of gold and fire, Chen Zhan's achievements in native life are very profound and must not be underestimated.

"Unfortunately, I only practiced the eighth hammer, and I'm still one hammer away from defeating you!" Chen Zhan said this, but he was not discouraged. He jumped up and said to Li Hao, "I look forward to the next battle with you. Lin Yun is very strong!"

"I will prove with my strength that I am stronger than him!"

"I hope so!" After saying that, Chen Zhan smiled again, "However, I won't support you. I will support Lin Yun to defeat you, so that you will feel sorry for me!"

Li Hao also smiled, "I won't let you wish."

So far, Ling Xiao was beaten into a deep coma by Chu Nan, and the third place was undoubtedly Chen Zhan.

In the last battle, Li Hao vs. Chu Nan!

Who wins? Who is responsible?

Who can stand in the first position?

Who is the first disciple of the Artifact School under the age of 25?

(If you want to know the situation, let's listen to the next decomposition! Ha ha, relax, Longyu is desperately typing! The recommended ticket is still 105 votes short, more than 500, and the sixth update is scheduled! Vib power!)