Wu Rebellious Universe

133 Ink Lotus

Qiu Xiaomo was excited by Zi Menger and was quite embarrassed. He saw that Chu Nan and the two were from the Northern Qi Dynasty, so he learned their etiquette to show respect. But after listening to what Zi Menger said, he laughed at himself, "Miss is right. It's me who looks good."

With that, Qiu Xiaomo took out two jars of wine from the storage ring and said, "The benefactor..."

"My name is Lin Yun." Chu Nan said his name at this time.

"Brother Lin, this is the wine brewed by the clan, ice dragon roast, very strong."

"Is it? I'll try it." Zi Menger took an altar and had no image of a lady. She held it and sip it. As soon as the wine went into her throat, Zi Menger coughed and felt a fire burning in her body. "This wine... is so strong!"

"Miss, if you practice martial arts, it will be of a lot of help." Qiu Xiaomo said and handed another jar of wine to Chu Nan. Chu Nan was not pretentious. He took over the wine, looked up and took a big sip, and his face turned blood red. "Good wine, so strong, good wine!"

Chu Nan took another sip and handed over a piece of wolf meat, "Try my cooking."

"Good meat!"

"Good wine!"

The two of them said at the same time, looked at each other and laughed.

Zi Menger swallowed the nucleus of the fire-horned wolf and practiced it on one side, refining the medicinal power contained in the wine and the fire power in the animal nucleus.

Chu Nan and Qiu Xiaomo drank heavily, while the other two sighed with regret in their hearts, and their faces were full of heartache, "The ice dragon is burned in their clan, which is quite precious..."

After another sip, Chu Nan felt a trace of ice in the burning feeling in his body, and it was this trace of ice that made the wine more intense. He muttered, "Ice dragon burning, with fire in the ice, water and fire are not allowed, but they can contrast to each other's characteristics..."

"Brother Lin is very human, and ordinary people can't detect this situation."

Chu Nan has fewer children since he came out of Baijia Village before he met Situ Yixiao and Chen Xiaofeng. In Chu Nan's heart, these two people are friends. As for Qiu Xiaomo in front of him, he is sincere. When he talks about it, he is getting more and more speculative...

The two talked loudly, but they heard a loud purr in front of them. Looking up, the "gurgle" sound came from the belly of the iron bear. Chu Nan remembered that when he fled with his dream in his arms, he saw the iron bear eating barbecue, so he threw the leg meat of a fire-horned wolf over.

Tie Cangxiong Da Le rushed over, grabbed the barbecue, swallowed it in one bite, and then stared straight at the barbecue in Chu Nan's hand. Chu Nan said to himself, "Look, you helped me practice the third meridians. I'll give you this meat."

So, Chu Nan threw the rest of the barbecue to Tie Cangxiong.

Qiu Xiaomo said, "Brother Lin, you are the warrior I see with the greatest strength. You can beat the iron bear everywhere. Compared with you, the first warrior of the Huafang clan is not worth mentioning."

"I have some demons." Chu Nan said with a smile and asked, "Where is this place?"

"This is the abyss jungle, in which there are a lot of powerful monsters, quite fierce, and there are swamps, poisonous fog barriers..."

Listening to Qiu Xiaomo's introduction about Baiyuan Conglin, Chu Nan was speechless intuitively, "Is luck so good? Let God choose a direction, and then enter a mountain forest casually, it is such a fierce existence.

"Although the abyss jungle is very dangerous, there are many natural materials and treasures in it, as well as the cores of various Warcrafts, or internal elixirs. Whether it is alchemy or refinery, you can find a lot of precious materials here..."

Chu Nan knew that this sentence was true. Among other things, he fought with the iron bear, and the harvest was quite large. The third meridians, the ninth floor of the Mangshan Secret, are all things that can be encountered but not sought.

However, Chu Nan is also a little lucky. If he encounters not an iron bear, but a more fierce existence than an iron bear, his "suction" will not only have no effect, but also be seriously injured.

"Next time, you must use it carefully." Chu Nan warned himself in his heart.

Qiu Xiaomo said a lot, the cheerful smile on his face disappeared, his voice was cold, and he said sadly, "However, we are just outside the abyss jungle, and we won't meet such a large group of horned wolves and iron bears..."

Chu Nan's eyes were cold and he said bluntly, "Is it man-made?"

"It's just my suspicion."

Chu Nan did not continue to delve into this problem. He looked up and looked at the iron bear. The iron bear had already eaten the barbecue. Seeing the delicious food, he seemed to have forgotten the horror brought to it by Chu Nan, and slowly moved to the front. Chu Nan saw that it was funny, so he threw another piece of barbecue to it. The iron

"Brother Lin, what are you going to look for when you come to the abyss jungle?"

Before Chu Nan answered, Zi Menger recovered from her practice and said with a smile, "We are here to look for treasure." Then he took the barbecue handed over by Chu Nan and asked, "What about you?"

"I'm here to look for a medicine called Mo Lian Shuzi."

"Molian Shuzi? What is it? Why haven't I heard of it? Zi Meng'er is full of interest.

"The ink lotus flower is the fruit after the fruit of the ink lotus flower. The ink lotus flower is a very rare spiritual grass. The place where it grows is extremely bad. It generally grows in a swamp surrounded by miasma and poisonous fog. It also absorbs all kinds of toxins over the years, and all kinds of toxins absorbed by the ink Gather and merge to form an unknown new poison. Every ten years, the ink lotus flower seeds, and the new poison in its body is all gathered in the small ink lotus. The ink lotus seeds fell into the swamp, sprouted and grew again, growing into a new ink lotus flower, and then constantly absorbed the surrounding miasma toxins. Ten years later, they formed a new ink lotus seed. Every time it grows more, the higher the level of the ink lotus is; of course, the poison contained in the ink lotus is also more poisonous; in addition, the flowers, leaves, roots, etc. of the ink lotus are all elixir..."

"If you say so, isn't that poisonous grass? How can it be called Lingcao? Purple Dream is very puzzled.

"Poisonous grass and spiritual grass, it depends on how you use it." The sadness in Qiu Xiaomo's eyebrows is even stronger.

When Chu Nan heard that kind of poison, he thought to himself, "I don't know who is more poisonous than the poison of the thousand-year-old toad, and the poison of the mysterious fire blood python..."

While thinking about it, Zi Menger shouted, "Stupid bear, how dare you rob my barbecue?" Zi Menger's fear of the iron bear had already dispersed when Chunan beat the iron bear all over the ground to find his teeth.

The face of the iron bear made a very humane expression, that is: Poor!

Zi Menger couldn't help laughing, turned her eyes and said, "Stupid bear, if you want to eat meat, it's not impossible. As long as you do what I say, I'll give you a barbecue."

The iron bear nodded straight.

Qiu Xiaomo saw this picture and said to Chu Nan, "Brother Lin, it seems that this iron bear is following you."

"Eh?" Chu Nan was puzzled.

And Zi Menger said with a smile, "Stupid bear, if you stand on the ground and drag a horned wolf back, I'll give you a barbecue!"

With that, Zi Menger also shook the barbecue in her hand.

Chu Nan, Qiu Xiaomo, and Qiu Xiaomo's two men, as well as the iron bear, were stunned when they heard Zi Menger's request.