Wu Rebellious Universe

148 Runaway, Kill Battle

The sound of chirping is sharper and sharper, which is shocking.

Chu Nan and others looked up and saw a dark area in the air. No, it should be a red piece!

It's all the same kind of bird. No one knows it. It's like an eagle, but the eagle is bigger. The feathers are red, the corners of the mouth are red, and the eyes, claws, etc. are all red. Moreover, such a large group of strange birds flap their wings and open their beaks. The The ball was generated out of thin air and attacked a group of people in Chunan at a very fast speed.

The most terrible thing is that the color of these fireballs is purple!

In a blink of an eye, those fist-sized fireballs enveloped Chu Nan and others. A large number of purple fireballs completely blocked their way back and forth.

Without hesitation, Chu Nan threw all the Molian Shuzi into the storage ring, put the mixed wrench finger on the thumb, input the element force, and popped out the aperture when the purple fireball burst in front of them.

"Did, what kind of strange bird is this?" Although the aperture blocked most of the fireballs from bursting, the remaining part was enough for Zi Menger to tremble.

"I don't know." Chu Nan replied casually and saw that the fiery red strange birds kept flapping their wings, and waves of purple fireballs rushed towards them in the air. Chu Nan looked around and said, "Run to the right together and run into the forest."

No one knows why these fiery strange birds attacked them, but Chu Nan understood that he still had some ideas in the face of the blood-striped giant crocodile and could fight with them. However, when he met this strange bird, the attack power was still so fierce that his only idea was to escape.

Had to escape, the fiery red monster bird attacked from the sky. Now Chu Nan can only jump into the air and can't fly in the air. All his attacks are almost useless to the fiery monster bird!

Although the mixed wrench finger can block the attack of these fiery red birds, how long can it withstand it?

The attack of the fiery red monster bird is continuous, and there is no tendency to stop at all.

The more fierce the attack is, the more power the mixed element wrench finger will need. When Chu Nan's power is consumed, it can only be slaughtered by strange birds.

Besides, Chu Nan did not dare to consume all the yuan stone. They have not yet come out of the poisonous fog swamp. With no mixed yuan wrench, the danger coefficient of Zi Menger and Qiu Xiaomo has been greatly increased.

So, I can only avoid these red birds and run into the woods.

Chu Nan and others ran fast, and the fiery red monster birds chased behind. They ran on the ground. Of course, they could not fly in the sky. Those fiery red monster birds not only attacked with purple fireballs, but also swooped down, with their sharp claws, to capture three people and one beast.

If Chu Nan hadn't had a mixed finger, these fiery red strange birds would have really succeed.

In the face of the wanton attack of the fiery red monster bird, the iron bear couldn't help but let out the roar of the beast, which stunned the fiery red monster bird.

But after being stunned, the fiery red bird chirped in unison again, which pierced the eardrum pain. Then, more fiery red bird swooped down and all aimed at the iron bear.

It seems that the iron bear's behavior just now was identified as provocation by the fiery red monster bird.

"Stupid bear, what are you roaring at? There is nothing to eat tonight." Zi Menger said angrily, this overwhelming attack had made Zi Menger's heart cold, thinking, "How can these monsters also have five or six levels? The fifth and sixth-level Warcraft is still in a group, which is really unimaginable..."

"Stupid bear, grab Xiaomo and run faster." Chu Nan also followed Zi Menger and shouted stupid bear. Now he is single-minded, one is running, and the other is providing power to resist the attack of the fiery red bird.

Another use, there is a question, "Can sound also attack?"

The reason for this question is that the sound of the red monster bird just now made Chu Nan feel pain, and Chu Nan's pain is quite **!

But the current situation does not allow Chu Nan to think deeply at all, so this idea flashed through Chu Nan's mind.

The woods are close in front of us, and the fiery red birds are still chasing, but the purple fireballs are getting denser and bigger.

Chu Nan sensed his power, and the consumption speed was getting faster and faster.

It was not until Chunan and others rushed into the woods that the group of red strange birds stopped and did not continue to follow up. Maybe they also knew that they could not give full play to their advantages in the woods.

"It's so close..." Zi Menger patted her chest, and Qiu Xiaomo breathed a sigh of relief, "These fiery red strange birds seem to have a grudge against us, as if they want to kill us."


The iron bear roared again, and his figure soared to the maximum in an instant.

"Stupid bear, what are you yelling at?" Zi Menger scolded reflexively, and then felt that something was wrong. Following the eyes of the iron bear, she turned around and saw a huge monster with two huge heads, with a head like a lion, but not like a lion. One head was golden yellow, and the other head was water blue...

"What level of Warcraft is this?" Purple Dreamer was stunned.

Chu Nan has stepped forward in one step. The level of the warcraft in front of him is definitely uncertain, which can make the iron bear feel a big threat. How can it go up to the seventh level?

"This tree must be the territory of these two-headed lions!" Chu Nan is sure.

At this moment, Chu Nan can only face the two-headed monster lion. If he wants to run, on its territory, the probability of running away is not high; and outside, those fiery red strange birds are still hovering. Chu Nan now understands that the fiery red strange birds did not catch in. Maybe they have long known that there is a terrible existence

The iron bear roared and stood in front.

The two-headed monster lion also began to roar, so he jumped up and rushed up. In two big mouths, he spit out something at the same time. A golden knife pierced the chest of the iron bear; the other was water, attacking the face of the iron bear.

At the same time, the sharp claws of the two-headed monster lion went straight into the eyes of the iron bear...

It was full of fierce moves and fierce moves. One by one, the two-headed monster lions focused all their attention on the iron bear. Obviously, they did not pay attention to the three people on one side.

The iron bear roared repeatedly, emitting unearthed yellow light all over his body. At the same time, he closed his eyes and patted the two-headed monster lions!

Chu Nan also moved.

The dragon's teeth were held in his hand, and his body rushed to the abdomen of the two-headed monster lion...