Wu Rebellious Universe

152 There is someone secretly

The five martial arts, all in the middle of the martial arts, surrounded the six people of Beichen Palace from all directions.

Kuna has the cultivation of senior martial arts, among the five disciples, two senior generals, two junior martial arts, and one intermediate martial arts.

On the surface, Beichen Palace is at a disadvantage.

But there was no fear on Ku's face. He stared at the five people and said awe-inspiringly, "Guys, are you going to do it with Beichen Palace? But think it over!"

"We have made it clear that we will not do the right thing with the treasure! No matter how powerful the Beichen Palace is, it can't control us. Besides, your Beichen Palace is on the boundary of the earth, and it is not the existence that covers the sky with one hand. Maybe on that day, the Valley of the wicked will replace you. A man in black turned his lips and sned at each other.

This man happened to talk about the pain of Beichen Palace. In those years, he returned without success in attacking the Valley of the villain. He has long been a disgrace to the Beichen Palace. The disciples of the Beichen Palace all want to be able to flatten the Valley of the Villain one day.

Ku Na's face also became ugly, and he shouted coldly, "Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

"Who lives and who dies, it's not certain?"

When the words fell, the fight rose again. The bitter machete was against the two martial arts; the three disciples were entangled with the remaining three; the two senior generals retreated to a long enough distance at the fastest speed, and then took out two bows and set up arrows on the string.

Both bows are burning flames.

"The fierce Yuanyang bow!" Qiu Xiaobai exclaimed gently and saw Chu Nan and Zi Menger staring at him. Qiu Xiaomo explained, "The Yanlie Yuanyang bow is a lower magic weapon. It needs to be stimulated by fire power. The rate of fire is extremely fast and powerful."

"What's the name of your bow? Is this fierce Yuanyang bow powerful?"

Hearing Zi Menger's question, Qiu Xiaomo said with a little pride, "My dry sky sunset bow is a top-quality magic weapon, more powerful than the Yanlie Yuanyang bow. It is the treasure of the Huafang clan, especially the fire sun arrow..."

Speaking of this, Qiu Xiaomo couldn't speak any further, showing a worried look. Chu Nan asked, "Xiao Mo, what's wrong?"

"Where is Uncle Aman? I didn't see the two of them. Did Uncle Man and others also fall into the poisonous fog swamp?

When Qiu Xiaomo said this, everyone remembered Qiu Xiaomo's two men, but they didn't know what to say. Qiu Xiaomo was about to go down immediately. Chu Nan grabbed him, "Are you going down and die?"

"But Uncle Aman..."

"Your father is still waiting for you to take the Molian Shuzi back to save his life."

Chu Nan drank so lightly that Qiu Xiaomo lay down again, but there was no smile on his face.

At this moment, there was a loud shout in the canyon: "March wheel chopping!"

The sound of the sound came from Ku Na. The machete in Ku's hand cut out a three-month light-shaped wheel. It exploded three times in a row and cut off the two opponents. There were two arrows immediately and went straight to the two martial arts kings. The two martial kings suddenly changed their faces and jumped up in the air.

At this moment, the two archers drank a word at the same time: "Explost!"

The two arrows suddenly exploded, and the two martial arts were injured again, so they continued to attack.

"Beichen Palace cooperates so well that the five martial arts are really not necessarily opponents." Chu Nan thought to himself and thought of the five masters in Liberty Town, "The five masters are also martial arts masters, but their strength is definitely much higher than theirs. I think the five masters are only a one-line difference from being promoted to the king of martial arts."

"Now sneak to the back and jump off the mountain. Will it alarm them?" Chu Nan thought, but still felt unsafe. "If there is anything that can attract their attention, it should be no problem."

Chu Nan looked at the Iron Bear and suddenly planned, "Let the Iron Bear roar and attract their attention. At the same time, he should be able to hide it by jumping off the peak."

"However, many people saw themselves with Iron Bear that day, and it is easy for others to think of me. Don't you chase me around in the future?" Chu Nan frowned. If he wants to get the treasure, he can't suffer endlessly. It's really difficult to do. The biggest problem is that he still doesn't know what the treasure is?

The battle in the canyon has reached a white-hot level, and Beichen Palace has slightly prevailed. The five martial arts have separated one person to deal with the two senior generals of archery...

"This is the abyss jungle, and there are many fierce beasts in the jungle..." When he read this, Chu Nan's heart suddenly lit up. "If you let the iron bear lead a group of warcrafts over, won't the problem be solved?"

"Did, what are you thinking about?"

"Meng'er, Xiaomo, you hide here. Don't go out. I have a way to grab the treasure back." Chu Nan said in a low voice, Zi Menger's face was full of surprise, and Qiu Xiaomo was still sad.

After saying that, Chu Nan was still worried, "Follow me."

Chu Nan took Zi Menger, Qiu Xiaomo and the Iron Bear away from this bush, went to a farther and more hidden place, and hid. Then Chu Nan told the Iron Bear, and the Iron Bear nodded.

"Remember to drive out other monsters, and you can hide immediately and quietly come back here to protect the safety of Meng'er. When I come back, you can eat as much barbecue as you want!"

Chu Nan told him that the iron bear went to drive away other warcrafts, and Chu Nan went around to the back and climbed to the top of the peak at the mouth of the cave.

Several people in the canyon didn't know that there were people in the dark. They made the idea of the hole, and the bitterness was still shouting: "If the five of you stop here, then today's thing should be regarded as if it has never happened; if you are obsessed, it's not so easy for you to get out of the

"Don't take Beichen Palace to oppress people. When were we afraid of your Beichen Palace?"

"OK, today I will take your blood and give it to Beichen Palace!"

As they were talking, Chu Nan had circled the back of the canyon and climbed up the peak.

However, as soon as he climbed a sudden boulder, Chu Nan's face changed greatly. In front of him, about 20 meters away, a man in black was also climbing up the mountain.

"It turns out that someone has the same idea as me. Who is this man in black? Is it all the way with the man in black in the poisonous mist swamp that day? Is there anyone who wants to be a fisherman in the dark? Many questions suddenly flashed in Chu Nan's mind. At the same time, he was more careful and put the mixed wrench finger on his hand, just in case.

At this time, the man in black was thinking in his heart: "A group of fools, the people in Beichen Palace are the stupidest. Let you fight. I will take away the treasure unconsciously, Jie Jie Jie..."

The man in black has climbed to the top of the mountain, but he did not jump down immediately, but was waiting for something.

Chu Nan is still more than 20 meters away from him.

At this moment, the roar of the beast came from the other side of the canyon. The man in black was happy and jumped straight down!