Wu Rebellious Universe

275 Piaoyun Mountain

Piaoyun Mountain, from west to east, stretches for hundreds of miles. The ancient trees on the mountain are towering in the sky. Looking down from the sky, it is like a big cloud falling on the ground. The highest main peak of Piaoyun Mountain is thousands of meters high, and the top of the peak is shrouded in fog, as if it

And the Piaoyun Gang is located on the Piaoyun Mountain. Although the aura of the Piaoyun Mountain is not as good as the continuous mountains of the artifact school, it is also relatively rich. Generally speaking, it will not let a robber gang occupy such a good place.

However, strangely, many third-rate sects or even second-class sects have no idea of fighting against Piaoyun Mountain.

The reason for such a situation is not because of strength.

In the past, there was also a second-rate fire spirit gate, which killed Piaoyun Mountain aggressively. When he was about to get it, he failed because of the sudden arrival of mysterious people.

Although this mysterious man is only one person, he is a strong man in the realm of the King of Wu. There is no way to defeat the Fire Spirit Gate, so he has to flee.

Not only that, the Fire Spirit Gate was also destroyed by the Piaoyun Gang.

Since then, there have been few people who have come up with the idea of Piaoyun Mountain, and they are all guessing who the mysterious man who helped Piaoyunshan is. They finally suspect that this strong martial arts king must be an elder of a certain sect; or an old monster of a certain family.

However, without real seeing and conclusive evidence, guessing can only be guessing.

However, today, Chu Nan stepped into Piaoyun Mountain with the twelve thieves of Yanshan Mountain.

At this moment, according to the conservative estimation of the Twelve Thieves of Yanshan Mountain, several 20 robbers have gathered; in addition, the mysterious strong martial arts king, the power of Piaoyun Mountain is very strong.

But Chu Nan still went. Chu Nan never regarded himself as a righteous person full of benevolence and righteousness. In order to eliminate all the injustice in the world, his purpose is to earn more yuan stone, at least on the surface.

As for Chu Nan, he still has a deeper purpose, which is not what others can know, not even Zi Menger.

Feng Meng, the master of the Piaoyun Gang, was sitting on the chair carved from white jade in the middle of the high place. There were more than a dozen people sitting on the left and right sides below. Feng Meng said, "Masters, how are you thinking?"

"Master Feng, things came too suddenly. Can you give me two days to think about it..."

Hearing this, Feng Meng stared coldly and said mercilessly, "Since Ningbang mainly thinks about it, let's take the 200 people of your gang down to Piaoyun Mountain to think about it."

"Master Feng, you have a lot..."

"No more nonsense, Laozi's floating cloud mountain has been living in vain for so many days, isn't it a lot? Since you don't want to be my master, why do I need a lot? Anyway, the Oolong Valley has been destroyed. If the black and white double evil do not meet the twelve thieves of Yanshan, as expected, they will fall to the Piaoyun Mountain..."

When Feng Meng said this, he snorted coldly, but Ning Tian trembled beside him, because he knew that it was like a cloud mountain at this time, which was no different from going to die. The black and white men would not leave a living person, "What should I do?"

And Feng Meng no longer paid attention to him and said to others, "I don't know how you are thinking? Is it to disband your original gang and join Piaoyun Mountain to worship me, or will he immediately leave Piaoyun Mountain and face the black and white double evil alone?

It turns out that these more than 20 people are all gangs who came to take refuge in Piaoyun Mountain. They really didn't expect to be so forced by Piaoyun Mountain, but it's true. If they don't become a person from Piaoyun Mountain, how can they provide you with asylum?

The power is tempting. Although they are only the masters of the third-rate gangs, it's better than letting others call them around. If they join Piaoyun Mountain, they are nothing, and they are likely to be used as cannon fodder by Piaoyun Mountain.

However, now it's life again. It's precarious.

These third-rate masters all gritted their teeth and were angry. "They are all black and white. If it weren't for them, how could I have fallen into this dilemma now? Black and white, damn it..."

And when they were scolding, Feng Meng also read in his heart: "Thanks to these black and white double evils, if they clean up more than 20 gangs, it will take a lot of effort and losses. But now, with just a few words, they can be cleaned up. As long as they enter the Piaoyun Mountain, they can' At that time, Piaoyun Mountain will no longer be a second-rate gang, but a first-class gang, and the powerful territory such as Wulong Valley will all belong to Piaoyun Mountain. At that time, you can start to complete the great cause..."

Feng Meng thought well, and he didn't pay attention to the black and white double evil in his heart. That's the bottom card in his heart. This bottom card is the mysterious martial king. No matter how powerful the black and white double evil is, it can't be the opponent of the king of martial arts.

"How are you thinking about it? I'll give you another three minutes. If you don't want to join Piaoyun Mountain, just leave quickly. Feng Meng made the last spy.

In three minutes, most of the gangs such as Ning Tian stayed, and only a few five gangs were unwilling to join Piaoyun Mountain.

Feng Meng said coldly, "Everyone has their own aspirations. In this case, the five masters, please go down the mountain!"

The five people are fierce and ready to go down the mountain immediately, so they don't want to be driven by others.

However, as soon as they took three steps, the robbers of the floating cloud gang shouted, "Master, the black and white double evil have reached the foot of the floating cloud mountain."


Everyone exclaimed, and the five people stopped their footsteps. Even Feng Meng was shocked. The black and white double came too fast.


"What else? Say it quickly!"

"There are also the twelve thieves in Yanshan, who are together with black and white."

"What?" Feng Meng shouted loudly and thought to himself, "Why are the twelve thieves in Yanshan mixed with black and white?"

Thinking like this, Feng Meng said disapprovingly, "It's just right. When it comes, it will destroy them all together." After saying that, Feng Meng glanced at the five people and said, "Five masters, why don't you leave?"

The five people were panicked and had not calmed down for a long time. Hearing that Feng Meng chased people, thinking that the black and white were at the foot of the mountain, they had to bow their heads and said, "Master Feng, I am willing to join Piaoyun Mountain..."

"Ap, I'll give you this opportunity. After that, we will be a family." Feng Meng didn't embarrass them any more, and said, "Let's go out and see if this black and white double evil has three heads and six arms."

On the mountain road, the twelve thieves of Yanshan opened the road in front of them, and Chu Nan and Zi Menger walked in the back pleasantly. D