Wu Rebellious Universe

325 Tianhuo annihilation

When Chu Nan saw the eyes of the old man in Xuanyi and swept over Zi Menger, he was worried that the old man in Xuanyi would see something strange in a moment and wanted to catch Zi Menger as a threat, and he was just at the critical moment of the last step. He rushed to take action, which not only could not only make what he had The last step.

The consequences will be unimaginable.

Chu Nan figured out the psychology of the old man in Xuanyi. The old man in Xuanyi is a junior martial arts king, and Zi Menger is just a great martial artist. He is simply in the sky and one on the ground. He will definitely not take a hostage until he has to.

Because as long as the old man in Xuanyi restrains him, Meng'er can't escape even if he wants to escape.

Therefore, Chu Nan pretended that he couldn't hold on, and lured the old man in Xuanyi to kill him first, and then go to find Zi Menger's trouble.

Of course, Chu Nan's pain is real pain. Coupled with Meng'er's excellent cooperation, this play is quite realistic.

As expected, the old man in Xuanyi was tricked. He just left a trace of divine thought on Zi Menger to see if he had escaped. If she wanted to escape, she would catch her immediately, and if she didn't escape, she would clean up the boy who made him lose face first.

"Lin Yun, you are so ignorant. I won't let you die so easily. I will make you feel that death is coming step by step, slowly turning into ashes, so as to punish your disrespectful, disrespectful and unconvinced!"

Chu Nan was silent and said in his heart, "It's exactly what you want."

The old man in Xuanyi did not drive the magic weapon to attack, but burned it with the fire of silence. He also took out the elixir from the storage ring and swallowed it. Although he was already the cultivation of the king of martial arts and was able to communicate directly with the power of heaven and earth, he was only the first-level king of martial That requires abundant firepower.

Therefore, the old man in Xuanyi quickly recovered his strength by swallowing the elixir. After the old man in Xuanyi swallowed the elixir, the color of the word "Tian" composed of black fire was really thickened again. Correspondingly, the pain suffered by Chu Nan soared.

At this time, it has reached a critical moment, and the quenching is about to be completed. If you persist in the past, the sky will be high and the birds will fly; and if you stop, or take a step back, then it is not the sea and sky that greets him in the back, but the abyss!

Chu Nan clearly experienced that the fire of silence burned the golden bones step by step, burning tiny cells one after another into black. The flesh and blood in the body, some turned into ashes in the fire of silence, and some were reborn in the fire of silence...

The deeper you go inside, the harder it is to refine, and the more painful it will be.

However, Chu Nan was not afraid of the silent fire that poured into his body later, and also intercepted and stored those fire forces.

Blood and sweat flowed out again, and the body trembled more and more...

The old man in Xuanyi thought that Chu Nan could not hold on any longer, and said in an angry tone, "Not only do you have to die slowly, but I also let you die slowly in front of the person you love, making her heartbroken to death, so that your body and mind are tortured endlessly."


Chu Nan roared wildly, and the roar echoed in the whole underground stone house, and even on the earth, there was dust fog shaken by Chu Nan's roar.

"You can't stand it, can you? Do you want to submit to me now? Do you regret that you didn't promise me before? Unfortunately, you don't have a chance. I gave you two chances. You are not sure, so you can only destroy it now. The words of the old man in Xuanyi are getting more and more, because he was teased by Chu Nan before. Now he wants to tease him back, just like the cat catches the mouse and won't eat it immediately, but plays the mouse to death and eat it slowly.

However, the truth is not what the old man in Xuanyi thinks.

Chu Nan couldn't stand it anymore, but successfully completed the last step of refining. At the last moment, the pain reached the limit he could bear at present, so he let it out with a roar.

When the quenching of the silent fire was finally completed, the body finally felt comfortable, but the bones in his body were seven points golden and three points black...

The strange change of the bone attracted the attention of Chu Nan. He vaguely felt the color change of the bone because of it.

It's just that this is not the time to delve into it. Chu Nan has just finished refining and fought with pain, which consumed a lot of physical energy and willpower. Chu Nan should take this opportunity to make up for it, at least to restore the original strength to about 70%.

At this moment, Chu Nan is like a fish, and the "sky" fire that traps him is water.

If the fish is in the water, how can the water drown the fish?

In the same way, now the initial silence of the old man of Xuanyi has no effect on Chu Nan at all. The old man of Xuanyi knows nothing about this. He found out that Chu Nan was bleeding all over his body and thought that Chu Nan was not far from death.

The word "Tian" black fire is transformed from the original power of the old man in Xuanyi. Chu Nan is tirelessly absorbing the original power of the word "Tian", and the old man in Xuanyi swallowed another elixir.

Slowly, finally, the old man in Xuanyi realized that something was wrong; no matter how much force he used, the fierce fire of the word "heaven" became less and weaker, and lighter...

The old man in Xuanyi panicked, but did not show it, but he was already on guard. He swept it carefully with his mind and suddenly found that although Chu Nan's body was bleeding, the flesh under the blood was not damaged much.

"How is this possible? Generally, the martial arts have been burned to ashes for a long time. Even if Lin Yun is extraordinary, he will never maintain it so well under the burning of the silent fire... Does he have any powerful defensive weapons?

The old man in Xuanyi believed his own answer, because it is really unbelievable for a person who can throw away all the best spiritual weapons casually.

Chu Nan is indeed a defense magic weapon, and it is also an instrument level, but Chu Nan is useless at all. He just held his breath, and even restrained, and kept absorbing the power of fire.


At the moment when Chu Nan restrained, the old man in Xuanyi immediately found the abnormality, and the word "sky" was also shaky.

After a little time, the old man in Xuanyi said, "Lin Yun, what did you do?"

"What do you think?"

The old man in Xuanyi frowned, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart surged. He immediately stopped the "heacity of anger" and took out his magic weapon as quickly as possible, but it was a dark iron bar.

In the moment when the old man in Xuanyi stopped, the word "sky" suddenly annihilated.

The old man in Xuanyi is an expert in playing with fire. Naturally, he can see the word "heaven" black fire at a glance. The annihilation is abnormal. It doesn't seem to be extinguished, but it seems to be sucked into the body by that boy.

Impocedly, the old man in Xuanyi threw away his incredible idea and shouted harshly, "What the hell did you do?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Say it!"

"I just didn't tell you!" D