Wu Rebellious Universe

389 Kill

Cut Liuyu, Zhan Qiqing, these two martial arts skills, came from the sword beheading faction. That time, the sword beheading faction yu plotted the iron bear, and was finally killed by Chu Nan, and he got the "killing secret" in Chu Nan's current hand.

It took Chu Nan six hours to use Jiang Li's wooden core. After a painful journey of purgatory, Chu Nan is now refreshed and full of jing power, and Mu Yuanli already contains strong vitality.

Under the incomparable cultivation of Muyuanli, Chu Nan's body no longer shed blood, and the wound began to heal quickly. Most importantly, the Muyuanli in the body got a qualitative leap.

Although it can't catch up with the three lines of power of gold, fire and earth, it's not far away.

The five elements of power, what Chu Nan lacks now is the water power. As long as the water power is enough, Chu Nan can start his attempt.

"Cut the secret, cut the yuan, cut the sorrow..."

Chu Nan looked at the beheading secret and thought that after reading the whole article of the beheading secret, Chu Nan had to admire the ancestor who created the beheading secret. No wonder the status of the sword beheading school and the artifact school were between Bozhong.

It's enough to rely on this book!

Just a cursory look, Chu Nan felt the power of "The Killing Secret" and the kind of magic power.

If you can use the sword to this point, it is simply not a human but a god.

The power of Zhanyuan and jinyuan.com is roughly the same, but one is made with a sword, and the other is done with a magic weapon. The convenience, which is better or worse, can be known at a glance; this Zhanyuan martial arts skills are practiced to the highest depths, and can even block the communication between the king of martial arts If you can't gather the power, you don't need much time. Just a moment is enough to kill the other party.

Cut sorrow, which affects emotions, minds, and feelings.

The joy, anger, sorrow, thought, sadness, fear and shock in the seven emotions; the color, fragrance, taste, sound, touch and method in the six emotions; they can be used as sword skills, cut separately, cut joy, cut anger, cut incense, cut taste, etc...

And the white-haired old man's Zhan Liuyu on that day was a big move. Chu Nan once again recalled the reaction of "Zhan Liuyu" on that day, and his heart was slightly troubled. "Fortunately, that man has not fully mastered the 'Zhan Qiqing', otherwise, the person who died that day must be me

After the "Cutting Tips" came to the seven emotions and six yu, it was gone, but Chu Nan had an intuition that the "Cutting Secret" was incomplete, and later, "Since you can cut off the seven emotions and six yu, why can't you kill the divine thoughts, kill the soul, kill the soul..."

Chu Nan looked up at the ice cave and muttered, "Kill this ice island, kill it... What about this day?"

After a slight sigh, there is a long silence.

After the silence, Chu Nan immediately devoted himself to the iu practice of "The Secret of Beheading". He had to practice as soon as possible before he could find Shuiyuan Benjing. Otherwise, when others robbed Shuiyuan Benjing, everything he had done before would be in vain. Moreover, after finding Shuiyuan Benjing, he had to rush to Tian .

He took out a sword with only the top-quality magic from the storage ring. According to the "Cutting Tips", Chu Nan compared it according to his own situation.

The top-grade magic weapon is definitely a high-grade magic weapon for others, but for Chu Nan, this sword is too ordinary...

One day, two days, three days...

Time is like a white horse passing by.

On Bingyan Island, because of such a big thing, no one is blocked at the entrance, and there are more and more people on Bingyan Island. They searched back and forth from east to west, from west to north, over and over again, but they did not find a trace of Shuiyuan Benjing. What they saw was except The undulating icebergs are strange-shaped ice peaks, and all kinds of trees that live tenaciously on the icey island...

Searching for nothing on the ice, they began to dig three feet of ice. Some people even looked at the towering ice trees that thrived and thought that the reason why these trees could grow here and could still grow so tall must be nourished by vitality. They inferred that the water element crystal was under the ice tree...

Therefore, they destroyed piles of ice trees, dug down and dug again and again, dug tirelessly, dug Shuiyuan Benjing, and dug their yuwang and hope.

Some did not dig trees, but dug up places that look like ditches and canyons.

The empty ancestor was also anxiously looking for it on Bingyan Island, but instead of digging trees and ditches, he visited around to check the appearance of the glacier. While looking for Shuiyuan Benjing, he thought about the strange things that happened at the entrance a few days ago. He intuitively, it was done by his Lord, because the Lord said that he Destroyed the sky.

At the thought of this, the empty ancestor's body would tremble twice, "That's the middle-level martial arts king. I saw that I had to hide, but let the Lord disappear!"

Every time after thinking about it, the empty ancestor will be happy in his heart. Fortunately, he handed over his blood and followed the Lord. He is the Lord's person. "I want to find Shuiyuan Benjing quickly and make a great contribution. At that time, according to the Lord's temperament, he will never treat me badly."

As for the group of Tianyi's younger brothers looking for the disappeared Jiang Wuwang, the sad face is getting thicker and thicker, and his heart is getting more and more anxious and more panicked...

The body of Tianyi's brother Zi, who participated in the war that day, was blown into powder in the explosion; and Jiang Li's body was still in Chu Nan's food ring. How could they find it?

The news came back to Tianshan Mountain, and another person from Tianyi Sect came down the mountain. This person is a high-level martial arts king's cultivation, which is the highest cultivation of all sects to Bingyan Island. This move shows Tianyi Sect's determination to find out the man in the dark and then capture him back.

As the "culprit", Chu Nan was still splitting a sword in the ice cave and stabbed several swords. There was no gap between the sword and the sword, and it was like flowing water. The shadow of the sword filled the whole ice cave, as if it had become a world of swords!

Suddenly, the sword suddenly stopped. Chu Nan's face was solemn, and he said two words: "No!"

He frowned and thought for a while, and danced the sword again. When the sword shadow was amazing, Chu Nan stopped again, "This sword has a leak, and it can't completely kill the power..."

I thought about it again, danced the sword, and stopped...




"It's still not right!"


In this "wrong" after another, Chu Nan didn't even know how many swords he danced. Day and night, he waved his sword without stopping, sweating like raindrops. It was far from enough to describe it with the word "thousands".

Just looking at the original three-foot square ice hole, it made Chu Nan split it into seven feet square in iu's "Cut Tips". In such a scene, I'm afraid I have to wave the sword hundreds of thousands of times...

I didn't know the day and night in the ice cave. Finally, he waved his sword again. From the beginning to the end, Chu Nan did not stop again. He finished it like a natural way. Chu Nan's face smiled, "Seven days, and I finally practiced it!"

Chu Nan's understanding is good, otherwise he would not have understood the "triple cloud fire" so quickly, so as to transform new martial arts suitable for him; he would not have learned the martial arts such as "earth waves rolling" in the battle during the secret market auction, and used his moves to fight with him...

Chu Nan, who has such an understanding, spent seven days waving hundreds of thousands of swords to practice martial arts. Is it only "Zhanyuan" martial arts?

Of course, the answer is not.

During the practice, Chu Nan found the martial art of "Zhanyuan", which has some similarities with the "the second type of Chaofeng gangs" he created. To sum it up with four, it is "tight and impenetrable".

The two kinds of martial arts are different, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The second type of chaotic wind attack focuses on a wide range of attacks. Although the Zhanyuan martial arts cut off the original power, the attack power is insufficient, and another attack is needed.

Chu Nan wielded his sword hundreds of thousands of times without eating, drinking or sleeping in seven days. The result is to integrate the advantages of the two martial arts into one, and turn Zhanyuan and attack into one move.

That is to say, when using the "Zhanyuan" martial arts skill to separate the power around the absolute square, you are also attacking the opponent!

In this way, it is even more difficult to prevent!

After waving the fusion of martial arts several times, Chu Nan said, "This move is called Zhanyuan Kill!"

"Do you want to go out immediately, or?" Chu Nan thought about it for a while. He swallowed a handful of elixirs and said, "Shuiyuan Benjing, the spiritual source of heaven and earth, should not be so easy to find. If someone really finds it, it must be a bloody battle, and King Wu will also take action. Although my position is under the glacier, I can always feel a little Come on!"

After thinking about it, Chu Nan decided to practice another trick. It's better to have more things to protect himself.

Of course, Chu Nan was not so arrogant that he directly practiced such a big move as "Zhan Liuyu". The second move he chose to practice was "Zhanchou". The reason why he chose this was that he was particularly impressed when he saw the white-haired old man's display. He was very impressed. He realized that the practice time was a

Sword, wave again...

On Bingyan Island, those people are about to go crazy. They not only dig three feet of ice, but also dig three feet of ice; the flat area where ice trees originally grew, also dug a bottomless hole; those places that used to have ditches have become canyons...

However, there is still no shadow of Shuiyuan Benjing!

Some people began to doubt, "Is there any Shuiyuan Benjing on this ice island? Don't fake it!"

"It's impossible."

"We have been looking for it for so long. If there is, it's impossible that we can't find it!"

"What you said makes sense!"


Although everyone was suspicious and talked about it, no one left!

And on this day, a group of people began to look for the three cliffs of the glacier...

At the same time, the high-level martial arts king of Tianyi Sect came! D